Offshore wind farms could tame hurricanes before they reach land, study says

History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of men...

Exactly and even if this were possible, hypothetically, why do people assume it's necessarily a good thing to be fucking with the world's weather patterns.
History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of men...

Exactly and even if this were possible, hypothetically, why do people assume it's necessarily a good thing to be fucking with the world's weather patterns.
Really good question. Katrina may have been facilitated by the LA law that kept abandoned oil rigs intact to attract fish to the vegetation they ironized. With no drilling in shipping lanes hurricane channels may have been created for Galvaston and New Orleans.
William the Wie, are you on hallucinogens or are these schizophrenic hallucinations? Can I assume that the rest of you denier posters agree with this 'hypothesis'?
The AGW religion lives in a total fantasy world. They come up with all these idea's as if nothing had a cost attached to them. And we've been hearing about these ideas for 25 years and nothing on the landscape changes. Why? Because the idea's are fucking hairbrain which is supported by ALL the data.

These assholes think taxing people up the ying yang for their green energy schemes is going to be embraced by the public. And they say we are in need of medication.

Go check out the thread on the first page here, MORE PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING......there are about 4 billion links to show very clearly that there is a total disconnect with these people. We hear about the consensus science but meanwhile, for all the chest thumping by these meatheads, solar power contributes only 0.2% of Americas electricity needs. Germany this week is now saying FUCK YOU to green energy subsidies in a country where the AGW religion is famous. Cheesedick fantasyland dwellers cant make the connection that costs matter.:D:D:D:coffee:
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Stupid ass computer modeling. This is ludicrous.
The headline would be Katrina EATS offshore wind turbine farm..
Guy needs to have his credentials reviewed..

I share your doubts, Flacaltenn.

Lets just say that in order for this to be true we'd have build one hell of a lot of indestructible wind turbines.

Shit!~ we cannot even build dikes to protect out cities!
If the left gets their way...
The wind turbins get built for +/- 5 trillion dollars and all Republicans that opposed it are thrown into internment camps.

It's discover that the wind turbins are killing sea birds in unheard of numbers driving some species to extinction.

Lawsuits fly from animal protection groups.

+/- 5 trillion is spent removing the wind turbins.

The imprisoned Republicans are blamed because they caused the hurricanes to begin with and was an honest attempt at a solution.
Just thinking.......this may well be the stoopidest thread of the year to date on this forum. Its early in the year but gotta figure it will be in the top 5 by years end.

If this thread goes anywhere, it will become very telling what I refer to when I say "climate k00ks". Watch the posts........there will be some decidedly University of Mars standouts.

If there is a thread about this it might be the competition:
Physicist says building giant walls in U.S. may prevent tornadoes in 'tornado alley'
Rongjia Tao says 1,000-foot walls would weaken airflow

Read more: Physicist says building giant walls in U.S. may prevent tornadoes in 'tornado alley' | Oklahoma City - OKC -
William the Wie, are you on hallucinogens or are these schizophrenic hallucinations? Can I assume that the rest of you denier posters agree with this 'hypothesis'?

I for one TOTALLY agree with "the Wie" and William is usually ALWAYS there to add fresh perspective to issues on Global Warming. I look to him for issues that have yet to be published or explored by the narrowly focused climate specialists.
Stupid ass computer modeling. This is ludicrous.
The headline would be Katrina EATS offshore wind turbine farm..
Guy needs to have his credentials reviewed..

I share your doubts, Flacaltenn.

Lets just say that in order for this to be true we'd have build one hell of a lot of indestructible wind turbines.

Shit!~ we cannot even build dikes to protect out cities!

Pretty sure that to survive even Cat 2 winds, wind turbines have pitch adjustments that DECREASE the bite (and drag) against the wind. So their effective drag goes down as wind speeds increase. By the time you see 100mph winds, the effective drag would be about that of a couple palm trees.. But that doesn't stop a tenured professor from issuing press releases that overstate his work..

We could float 50,000 barges out in front of a hurricane with potted palms on them and get about the same amount of protection.. I've gotta go back into academia. I'm thinking too hard in the corporate world..
More than 150 vehicles take to Hwy. 402 for mass rally against wind turbines
Anti-wind activists take over 402 | The London Free Press

Looks as if the AGW propaganda has not reached these people.

Actually, the anger comes from being lied to.. Folks were told that it's NOBLE to have wind turbines located directly on your farm or in your subdivision. And the owners got away with many outrageously BAD location decisions. People LEARNED of the noise, the shadowing, and the enviro impacts. And now they are angry, BECAUSE they kept in the dark and lied to.
If any of you want a blast from the past to put the modern argument in perspective "The L-5 Society" archives are available online. The basic idea they were pushing was using Lunar and captured asteroid resources to build solar plants in orbit and beam the energy to Earth. The environmentalists went ape over the idea.

And as to the walls to prevent tornadoes there are several debates, articles and books on the Great Wall of China's often multiple iterations and whether the wall caused the climate change that required new wall sections to be built or not.
If any of you want a blast from the past to put the modern argument in perspective "The L-5 Society" archives are available online. The basic idea they were pushing was using Lunar and captured asteroid resources to build solar plants in orbit and beam the energy to Earth. The environmentalists went ape over the idea.

And as to the walls to prevent tornadoes there are several debates, articles and books on the Great Wall of China's often multiple iterations and whether the wall caused the climate change that required new wall sections to be built or not.

That was not the "basic idea" of the L5 society. The L5 Society was based on the work of Gerard K O'Neill and his graduate students when they did a study for NASA about building large habitats positioned at the LaGrange points (L5 being the most energetically favorable). The colonies would have been built with lunar regolith mined and launched to L5 by nuclear powered linear motors. The idea of orbiting power stations beaming their output to Earth was well down the line and has been explored by dozens of different groups and individuals.
You almost gotta laugh. On one hand they claim that windmills do not disturb the normal west to east prevailing winds and then they tell us that they can change the flow of hurricanes. God help us when the environmental wackos try to justify the cost and maintenance and environmental impact on endangered migratory species by trying to convince their low information minions that they can tame freaking hurricanes. The ironic thing is that a series of windmills probably disrupts the million year old normal cyclic flow of prevailing winds but the likely scenario when a hurricane hits a windmills farm is shrapnel fans littering a hundred miles.
I haven't seen ANYONE suggesting such a thing. Aside from the ridiculous cost, the turbines have to be in the path of the hurricane. It would be cheaper to build walls to the stratosphere.

I don't know why this thread exists. It was novel, but of course the deniers seem obligated to use it to try to make mainstream science look sufficiently stupid that their opinions might have some counter meaning.
The poster is hardly a "denier", he is a true believer. That having been said it opens up an interesting point. If the "scientists" believe that an off-shore windmill farm can influence the direction of powerful storms what are existing windmill farms doing to the normal west to east prevailing winds? Can it be that the windmills are disrupting the high and low pressure variables in the atmosphere that channel wind flow and windmill farms are causing the drought situation in the people's republik of California? Scientists have long ignored the tragic killing of migratory birds and endangered species in the monstrosities so the radical left doesn't have to defend it.
You almost gotta laugh. On one hand they claim that windmills do not disturb the normal west to east prevailing winds and then they tell us that they can change the flow of hurricanes. God help us when the environmental wackos try to justify the cost and maintenance and environmental impact on endangered migratory species by trying to convince their low information minions that they can tame freaking hurricanes. The ironic thing is that a series of windmills probably disrupts the million year old normal cyclic flow of prevailing winds but the likely scenario when a hurricane hits a windmills farm is shrapnel fans littering a hundred miles.
Actually I talked with an engineer about selling wind turbines to big box stores a few years back. Those you can actually use under Florida's hurricane code but louver control and anchoring are expensive problems even with tax credits. Windmills are out but there are horizontal turbines much like those on a jet engine that can stand up to hurricanes but disintegrate under bird strikes and by compressing the air that passes through creates higher air temperature and therefore lower air pressure that can and will attract hurricanes.

Putting one or more of those babies on big box stores actually was a back up plan but I figured the legal liability would be insane even if it could pass code so I passed on the deal.

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