Often, thought not often enough here, commenters post some interesting information


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
From a comments section:

Iā€™d say RFK Jr. is a worthy successor. I wrote him in for President. His (primarily anti-vaxx, or, preferably, pro-informed consent) website Childrenā€™s Health Defense, is publishing a lot of truth these days. Some among Unz commenters may disagree with his strong environmentalist positions, but I think more background info about the converging ecological catastrophes we all face, sooner rather than later, will open many eyes and minds.
If you still think that our current childhood vaccine schedule is ā€œsafe and effective,ā€ check this out:
Join Me in Supporting Dr. Paul Thomas, A Hero Defending Childrenā€™s Health ā€¢ Children's Health Defense

The link

Join Me in Supporting Dr. Paul Thomas, A Hero Defending Childrenā€™s Health

Dr. Thomas is leading the battle to practice ethical health care and evidence-based medicine, honor informed consent and stand up against medical coercion at every level. Please join me in supporting his efforts.

That has only a minimal connection to the article though- which is pretty interesting itself

Remember the Kennedys!
A message from a Frenchman with Irish music

I admit it: I like the Kennedys. Actually, I love the Kennedys. Religiously. I think they deserve a heroic cult. ā€œThe hero in the Greek religious sense,ā€ according to Lewis Farnell, ā€œis a person whose virtue, influence, or personality was so powerful in his lifetime or through the peculiar circumstances of his death that his spirit after death is regarded as of supernatural power, claiming to be reverenced and propitiated.ā€[1] In short, a hero is a worshipped dead. Heroes are half-gods because they embody more than their individual souls. In other words, religious fervor for heroes is what gives a soul to the city.

So, now commenters have a choice about who to attack-
Someone should be looking to take his license to practice away. Sounds like a Dr Scott Atlas.
Anti-vaxxers are dangerous.

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