Oh Boy-

There are some interesting statistics pictured in the article-

Trump is already having them.
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It was the new administration that held that rally.



These are the troops which occupied the DC area during Trump are they not?


The new administration is the one who demanded them to be rallied. However I realize how scary the horned furry man was to the new administration and because of that a unarmed female protester had to be executed because the new administration almost died.



Without even reading your link I will tell you it was wrong. Folks who claim Trump wasn't "popular" have dust for brains. He was the most popular president ever, all one needs do is LOOK at the scope and intensity of his following still to today! People who were against Trump have less than dust. Either that or pure protective GREED.

For all of his personal faults, Trump was the one thing no other president was and what America needed the most: Trump was a president OF THE PEOPLE instead of another bureaucrat of the state: EVERY charge, every complaint, every impeachment was for Trump KEEPING HIS INAUGURAL PLEDGE: that government exists for its OWN BENEFIT while the average person languishes. Trump was tearing that apart, breaking down centralized power, putting the reigns back in the hands of and for the benefit of average people.

If Trump were still president, GameStop never would have been stopped. Trump was a very powerful, successful man who uniquely wanted to open that opportunity to more people and the very rich and powerful absolutely HATED THAT. Trump had that rare vision of knowing that the more people who were truly autonomously successful and wealthy in America LIKE HIM, the STRONGER it became.

Democrats tell you they WANT you to succeed to a degree, but-- -- -- THROUGH THEM.

EVERY effort to stop Trump was to PROTECT centralized BIG GOVERNMENT for the elite as a matter of control, and when all these schmoes get on here railing on the evils of Trump, they are really an idiot's deluxe for they are in effect defending and championing shooting THEMSELVES in their own face. Taking self-actualizing power out of THEIR own hands and placing it back in the control of the Power Elite.
I agree with your assessment as far as popularity goes- but, he stocked his cabinet with Neocons- that doesn't bode well for the average joe- unless he is employed in the MIC- and popularity can be swayed by rhetoric. Not that I disagree with his turning the tables on the media or Democrats.
But, rhetoric is just a fancy word for bullshit- war, of any kind, is immoral as an initiation of force- the Trade War, was stupid. It doesn't hurt China. It hurts average joe- proclaiming he recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capitol did what? And by what authority did he make that proclamation?
It will be no better or worse under Biden- he is a puppet whose "mate" (VP) is married to who?

Y'all (both sides) really would be better served if you stopped looking through the prism of D and R politics- and remember one of the wisest things George Washington said- trade with all ally with none along side not letting Party's supplant intellect- it has- and it's pathetic to observe it -

I can't believe, well, yeah I can- you people refuse to read- beats all I ever saw
You people (on both sides) act as though you're informed - bias doesn't allow all information to be a part of an equation- I understand, and live with frustration- at BOTH sides, as neither wants Liberty, unless it's their side granting it- well, grants and privileges can be rescinded, (by the other guy)- there are so many federal laws (never mind state and local) that they can't even be counted. Laws, no matter their intent, restrict Liberty. Period.
Trump, nor any other POTUS has the authority to tell citizens who they can or can't trade with, or what they can ingest or what commode they can have or what light bulbs they can use- and neither do congress critters. As a matter of fact, I refer to the District of Criminals for a reason. It is. Not only do they rob you of the fruit of your labor (and one side wants to let you keep more, while the other side wants to take more) as though it's your allowance from mom and dad- it ain't. It is YOURS- or is it?

No. I'm not advocating for consensus- or even agreement. But, the more knowledge you have the more ammunition you have. Period. Yet every one of you acts as though you have all the answers about everything there is to have answers to- and you don't even ask all the questions! It's the other sides fault! For what? For stopping you from gaining information, i.e., knowledge? SMH-
I agree with your assessment as far as popularity goes- but, he stocked his cabinet with Neocons- that doesn't bode well for the average joe- unless he is employed in the MIC- and popularity can be swayed by rhetoric. Not that I disagree with his turning the tables on the media or Democrats.
But, rhetoric is just a fancy word for bullshit- war, of any kind, is immoral as an initiation of force- the Trade War, was stupid. It doesn't hurt China. It hurts average joe- proclaiming he recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capitol did what? And by what authority did he make that proclamation?
It will be no better or worse under Biden- he is a puppet whose "mate" (VP) is married to who?

Y'all (both sides) really would be better served if you stopped looking through the prism of D and R politics- and remember one of the wisest things George Washington said- trade with all ally with none along side not letting Party's supplant intellect- it has- and it's pathetic to observe it -

It's pretty obvious that Trump was not accepted as a establishment political hack like most Democrats and Republicans.

He'll have my vote if he runs again.

Now excuse me while I go buy some Gamestop stock and other stock that they shorted on hedge funds.


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