Oh DAMN~Senator Kamala Harris Not a Natural Born Citizen of USA to Constitutional Standards

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The bitch can't even FAKE IT.... No presidential run for this DemonRAT....Let's see her wiggle out of this!

Senator Kamala Harris’s staff has refused to answer any questions regarding the citizenship status of her parents when she was born. The normal path to becoming a naturalized U.S. Citizen takes five years. Kamala Harris was born in 1964. Her father emigrated from Jamaica to the USA in 1961. Her mother emigrated from India to the USA in 1960. Thus there was not sufficient time for either of Kamala’s parents to become naturalized U.S. Citizens. Kamala’s father eventually became a naturalized U.S. Citizen per his bio. It is not known at this time if Kamala’s mother ever became a naturalized U.S. Citizen. She moved to Canada with Kamala when Kamala was about seven years old. It is possible that Kamala’s mother might have naturalized at some point as a Canadian citizen. Kamala Harris’s mother is now deceased. As I said in the first sentence, Senator Harris is not being transparent on this issue and her office staff has refused to answer any questions on this subject. Given Kamala Harris’s year of birth, and her parents emigration years, she was born in the USA to two foreign nationals and thus inherited their respective birth nation’s citizenship when she was born, in addition to being a basic Citizen by being born in the USA to aliens legally domiciled here. Thus Senator Kamala Harris was born with citizenship and required allegiance at birth to three countries.

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A natural born citizen is someone who is born in America.

Kamala was born in California.

It doesn't matter where her parents are from or if they were citizens or legal residents when she was born.

Let me guess, you also don't believe Obama was born in Hawaii either.

Meanwhile people who spout stupid stuff like you did above are ignored.

The bitch can't even FAKE IT.... No presidential run for this DemonRAT....Let's see her wiggle out of this!

Senator Kamala Harris’s staff has refused to answer any questions regarding the citizenship status of her parents when she was born. The normal path to becoming a naturalized U.S. Citizen takes five years. Kamala Harris was born in 1964. Her father emigrated from Jamaica to the USA in 1961. Her mother emigrated from India to the USA in 1960. Thus there was not sufficient time for either of Kamala’s parents to become naturalized U.S. Citizens. Kamala’s father eventually became a naturalized U.S. Citizen per his bio. It is not known at this time if Kamala’s mother ever became a naturalized U.S. Citizen. She moved to Canada with Kamala when Kamala was about seven years old. It is possible that Kamala’s mother might have naturalized at some point as a Canadian citizen. Kamala Harris’s mother is now deceased. As I said in the first sentence, Senator Harris is not being transparent on this issue and her office staff has refused to answer any questions on this subject. Given Kamala Harris’s year of birth, and her parents emigration years, she was born in the USA to two foreign nationals and thus inherited their respective birth nation’s citizenship when she was born, in addition to being a basic Citizen by being born in the USA to aliens legally domiciled here. Thus Senator Kamala Harris was born with citizenship and required allegiance at birth to three countries.

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A natural born citizen is someone who is born in America.

Kamala was born in California.

It doesn't matter where her parents are from or if they were citizens or legal residents when she was born.

Let me guess, you also don't believe Obama was born in Hawaii either.

Meanwhile people who spout stupid stuff like you did above are ignored.
You are wrong. A natural born citizen of the USA is somebody who was born in the USA to parents who were citizens of the USA.

At least one must be a US citizen*.

Nope! Where did you get that silly idea? If that were true there would be no such thing as anchor babies!

Anchor babies are a product of an Executive order, their citizenship is nonexistent according to the Constitution.

Not true. Anyone born within the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, is a natural born citizen. So says the 14th amendment and the United States Code.
Ok, genius YOU find us a link to what a NB citizen is...not what YOU want it to be!

Read the 14 th Amendment and get back to me

She is a native born citizen
Natural born, come on, even You can't be this dense!

Yes, Oakland California is Natural Born

Trump is native to Jamaica
Yeah she from the O like me.

What's that famous for? "The Oakland Jack" is it? :uhh:
Whats Oakland famous for? Where do you want me to start? Music, Black Power, Sports, etc etc etc.
I repeat...Status as a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United StatesConstitution for holding the office of President or Vice President. This requirement was intended to protect the nation from foreign influence.

She is a natural born citizen of the United States as far as I know.

The fact that you are so blinded by your hatred that you will lie or feign stupidity is very telling. I am not a fan of her politics by any stretch of the imagination, but I would not lie and make shit up about her just to prove that.
You know, I enjoy a child"s rants when debating,it makes you look like an ass, I didn't start calling you names, child until you opened your mouth. Noe, from all I can find on the net is that it has NEVER been decided what NB means...now child, give us some links to that COURT decision or interpretation of the 14 amendment... And you are supposed to be 57, seems one digit was added by mistake!

Noe? What does that mean?

I didn't call you names in that post. I said you were stupid, which you have proven without a doubt.

I guess that means you have given up.
The w is next to e on a small android, I have big hands. Perhaps if you answered without calling people stupid, or moron you'd be responded to in a different manner....Now ask again where has that NATURAK BORN definition been settled....try to concentrate!

Natural born has been settled by United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12. Read it, dumb ass.
No it hasn't Wog! SCOTUS NEVER SETTLED IT and neither has Congress...the current cases with the Obomitoid, McLame, and Cruz were all thrown out of court, as the court is CHICKEN SHIT, and declared the people bringing suit had NO STANDING!...Now go ask a 5th grader if that isn't true!
Yeah right. No way the GOP gets 36% of the Black vote. At best 8-10%
Most black people aren't dumb no Nubians, like you! They LIKE the extra money in their paycheck, and damn, look at how the black unemployment as dropped! The Manchurian Muslim cared more about his fellow Islamists than the black man!
If you think 36% of the Black population is stupid enough to vote for the GOP I going to guess someone paid you to pretend to be stupid. :laughing0301:
Why not, the mulatto did NOTHING for the black man in 8 years.....Give me 5 things he did besides giving the scum of the black community the opportunity to LOOT AND RIOT!!!
Why not? Because 95% of Black people know the GOP are some mouth breathing head lice carrying racists. Thats why.
Well, coming from one of the black thugs with low 2 digit IQ, I wouldn't expect less....Hey how about those 5 things the Obomanation has done for blacks....forget?
So you admit you were full of shit with the 36% claim? Thanks dummy.
The bitch can't even FAKE IT.... No presidential run for this DemonRAT....Let's see her wiggle out of this!

Senator Kamala Harris’s staff has refused to answer any questions regarding the citizenship status of her parents when she was born. The normal path to becoming a naturalized U.S. Citizen takes five years. Kamala Harris was born in 1964. Her father emigrated from Jamaica to the USA in 1961. Her mother emigrated from India to the USA in 1960. Thus there was not sufficient time for either of Kamala’s parents to become naturalized U.S. Citizens. Kamala’s father eventually became a naturalized U.S. Citizen per his bio. It is not known at this time if Kamala’s mother ever became a naturalized U.S. Citizen. She moved to Canada with Kamala when Kamala was about seven years old. It is possible that Kamala’s mother might have naturalized at some point as a Canadian citizen. Kamala Harris’s mother is now deceased. As I said in the first sentence, Senator Harris is not being transparent on this issue and her office staff has refused to answer any questions on this subject. Given Kamala Harris’s year of birth, and her parents emigration years, she was born in the USA to two foreign nationals and thus inherited their respective birth nation’s citizenship when she was born, in addition to being a basic Citizen by being born in the USA to aliens legally domiciled here. Thus Senator Kamala Harris was born with citizenship and required allegiance at birth to three countries.

(Excerpt) Read more at scribd.com ...

A natural born citizen is someone who is born in America.

Kamala was born in California.

It doesn't matter where her parents are from or if they were citizens or legal residents when she was born.

Let me guess, you also don't believe Obama was born in Hawaii either.

Meanwhile people who spout stupid stuff like you did above are ignored.

A natural born citizen is someone who is born in America.

Kamala was born in California.

It doesn't matter where her parents are from or if they were citizens or legal residents when she was born.

Let me guess, you also don't believe Obama was born in Hawaii either.

Meanwhile people who spout stupid stuff like you did above are ignored.
You are wrong. A natural born citizen of the USA is somebody who was born in the USA to parents who were citizens of the USA.

At least one must be a US citizen*.

Nope! Where did you get that silly idea? If that were true there would be no such thing as anchor babies!

Anchor babies are a product of an Executive order, their citizenship is nonexistent according to the Constitution.

Not true. Anyone born within the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, is a natural born citizen. So says the 14th amendment and the United States Code.
Wrong! That is a native citizen, and the 14 has no standing in this case!
Most black people aren't dumb no Nubians, like you! They LIKE the extra money in their paycheck, and damn, look at how the black unemployment as dropped! The Manchurian Muslim cared more about his fellow Islamists than the black man!
If you think 36% of the Black population is stupid enough to vote for the GOP I going to guess someone paid you to pretend to be stupid. :laughing0301:
Why not, the mulatto did NOTHING for the black man in 8 years.....Give me 5 things he did besides giving the scum of the black community the opportunity to LOOT AND RIOT!!!
Why not? Because 95% of Black people know the GOP are some mouth breathing head lice carrying racists. Thats why.
Well, coming from one of the black thugs with low 2 digit IQ, I wouldn't expect less....Hey how about those 5 things the Obomanation has done for blacks....forget?
So you admit you were full of shit with the 36% claim? Thanks dummy.
You are are one dumb Wog!

Trump approval rating with blacks now at 36%, Rasmussen poll says
USA Today

Aug 16, 2018 · Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds. ... "Today's @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 36%," Rasmussen said in a tweet. ... And a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in June found Trump's approval rating among blacks at 14 percent
Read the 14 th Amendment and get back to me

She is a native born citizen
Natural born, come on, even You can't be this dense!

Yes, Oakland California is Natural Born

Trump is native to Jamaica
Yeah she from the O like me.

What's that famous for? "The Oakland Jack" is it? :uhh:
Whats Oakland famous for? Where do you want me to start? Music, Black Power, Sports, etc etc etc.

"The Oakland Jack"
At least one must be a US citizen*.

Nope! Where did you get that silly idea? If that were true there would be no such thing as anchor babies!

Anchor babies are a product of an Executive order, their citizenship is nonexistent according to the Constitution.

Which executive order would that be?

Unfortunately, you are wrong according to the current interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Have a nice day! :D

I was wrong, you are right. If she can prove she was born in the US, it's a done deal. See part "F" here:

8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth
The 14th Amend. Deals PRIMARILY with people born outside of the U.S.....calling someone Nationals does NOT define A NATURAL BORN citizen...check it out again.

A natural born citizen is a citizen who became a citizen at birth. Being born within the United States while subject to United States jurisdiction is the only requirement.
Natural born, come on, even You can't be this dense!

Yes, Oakland California is Natural Born

Trump is native to Jamaica
Yeah she from the O like me.

What's that famous for? "The Oakland Jack" is it? :uhh:
Whats Oakland famous for? Where do you want me to start? Music, Black Power, Sports, etc etc etc.

"The Oakland Jack"
I forgot about Jack London.
Nope! Where did you get that silly idea? If that were true there would be no such thing as anchor babies!

Anchor babies are a product of an Executive order, their citizenship is nonexistent according to the Constitution.

Which executive order would that be?

Unfortunately, you are wrong according to the current interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Have a nice day! :D

I was wrong, you are right. If she can prove she was born in the US, it's a done deal. See part "F" here:

8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth
The 14th Amend. Deals PRIMARILY with people born outside of the U.S.....calling someone Nationals does NOT define A NATURAL BORN citizen...check it out again.

A natural born citizen is a citizen who became a citizen at birth. Being born within the United States while subject to United States jurisdiction is the only requirement.
Wrong, try looking intohisory and find out what the founding fathers considered NATURAL BORN!...I find it interesting that idiots REFUSE to do research, only spew their feelings of what should be!
Anchor babies are a product of an Executive order, their citizenship is nonexistent according to the Constitution.

Which executive order would that be?

Unfortunately, you are wrong according to the current interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Have a nice day! :D

I was wrong, you are right. If she can prove she was born in the US, it's a done deal. See part "F" here:

8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth
The 14th Amend. Deals PRIMARILY with people born outside of the U.S.....calling someone Nationals does NOT define A NATURAL BORN citizen...check it out again.

A natural born citizen is a citizen who became a citizen at birth. Being born within the United States while subject to United States jurisdiction is the only requirement.
Wrong, try looking intohisory and find out what the founding fathers considered NATURAL BORN!...I find it interesting that idiots REFUSE to do research, only spew their feelings of what should be!
So now youre going to double down on your stupidity after the requirements have already been posted?
The bitch can't even FAKE IT.... No presidential run for this DemonRAT....Let's see her wiggle out of this!

Senator Kamala Harris’s staff has refused to answer any questions regarding the citizenship status of her parents when she was born. The normal path to becoming a naturalized U.S. Citizen takes five years. Kamala Harris was born in 1964. Her father emigrated from Jamaica to the USA in 1961. Her mother emigrated from India to the USA in 1960. Thus there was not sufficient time for either of Kamala’s parents to become naturalized U.S. Citizens. Kamala’s father eventually became a naturalized U.S. Citizen per his bio. It is not known at this time if Kamala’s mother ever became a naturalized U.S. Citizen. She moved to Canada with Kamala when Kamala was about seven years old. It is possible that Kamala’s mother might have naturalized at some point as a Canadian citizen. Kamala Harris’s mother is now deceased. As I said in the first sentence, Senator Harris is not being transparent on this issue and her office staff has refused to answer any questions on this subject. Given Kamala Harris’s year of birth, and her parents emigration years, she was born in the USA to two foreign nationals and thus inherited their respective birth nation’s citizenship when she was born, in addition to being a basic Citizen by being born in the USA to aliens legally domiciled here. Thus Senator Kamala Harris was born with citizenship and required allegiance at birth to three countries.

(Excerpt) Read more at scribd.com ...

A natural born citizen is someone who is born in America.

Kamala was born in California.

It doesn't matter where her parents are from or if they were citizens or legal residents when she was born.

Let me guess, you also don't believe Obama was born in Hawaii either.

Meanwhile people who spout stupid stuff like you did above are ignored.
You are wrong. A natural born citizen of the USA is somebody who was born in the USA to parents who were citizens of the USA.
Which executive order would that be?

Unfortunately, you are wrong according to the current interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Have a nice day! :D

I was wrong, you are right. If she can prove she was born in the US, it's a done deal. See part "F" here:

8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth
The 14th Amend. Deals PRIMARILY with people born outside of the U.S.....calling someone Nationals does NOT define A NATURAL BORN citizen...check it out again.

A natural born citizen is a citizen who became a citizen at birth. Being born within the United States while subject to United States jurisdiction is the only requirement.
Wrong, try looking intohisory and find out what the founding fathers considered NATURAL BORN!...I find it interesting that idiots REFUSE to do research, only spew their feelings of what should be!
So now youre going to double down on your stupidity after the requirements have already been posted?
You can't even give me the difference between NATURAL and NATIVE BORN....With each post you are losing an IQ point....soon, you won't be able to type!
Ted Cruz was born in Alberta, Canada and cons defended his right to be president.
Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California.
I was wrong, you are right. If she can prove she was born in the US, it's a done deal. See part "F" here:

8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth
The 14th Amend. Deals PRIMARILY with people born outside of the U.S.....calling someone Nationals does NOT define A NATURAL BORN citizen...check it out again.

A natural born citizen is a citizen who became a citizen at birth. Being born within the United States while subject to United States jurisdiction is the only requirement.
Wrong, try looking intohisory and find out what the founding fathers considered NATURAL BORN!...I find it interesting that idiots REFUSE to do research, only spew their feelings of what should be!
So now youre going to double down on your stupidity after the requirements have already been posted?
You can't even give me the difference between NATURAL and NATIVE BORN....With each post you are losing an IQ point....soon, you won't be able to type!
Why would I give you a difference when she was born in Oakland CA? Personally I could give a shit about the difference since she was born in Oakland.
Ted Cruz was born in Alberta, Canada and cons defended his right to be president.
Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California.
Both Cruz parents were bonafide U.S. citizens at his time of birth, the mulatto Harris parents were NOT CITIZENS at her time of birth.....If you are too stupid to not understand this, NO ONE can help you!
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