Oh DAMN~Senator Kamala Harris Not a Natural Born Citizen of USA to Constitutional Standards

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Ted Cruz was born in Alberta, Canada and cons defended his right to be president.
Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California.
Both Cruz parents were bonafide U.S. citizens at his time of birth, the mulatto Harris parents were NOT CITIZENS at her time of birth.....If you are too stupid to not understand this, NO ONE can help you!

You are just a racist asshole. THAT is your problem.
A natural born citizen is a citizen who became a citizen at birth. Being born within the United States while subject to United States jurisdiction is the only requirement.
Wrong, try looking intohisory and find out what the founding fathers considered NATURAL BORN!...I find it interesting that idiots REFUSE to do research, only spew their feelings of what should be!

On the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen”
From that HARVARD LAW JOURNAL that I have read hundreds of times, and Pat attention to the highlighted words...
And Congress has made equally clear from the time of the framing of the Constitution to the current day that, subject to certain residency requirements on the parents, someone born to a U.S. citizen parent generally becomes a U.S. citizen without regard to whether the birth takes place in Canada, the Canal Zone....

Apparently none of you brintrust KNOW what residency requirements mean of THE PARENTS!!!

What weight does a law journal carry? It is an opinion, so not a damn thing!

The 14th Amendment does not mention parents, does it? Why? Because slaves parents may or may not have been born here.
The 14 pertains basically to SLAVES, it would be up to SCOTUS, OR Congress to address this case, IMHO, of course...but with a majority Rep. House and Senate, I would think here goose is cooked if brought there!

It also applies to anchor babies of Mexicans who cross the border and drop a kid soon after. Why do you think they are called anchor babies, dumbass?
I was wrong, you are right. If she can prove she was born in the US, it's a done deal. See part "F" here:

8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth
The 14th Amend. Deals PRIMARILY with people born outside of the U.S.....calling someone Nationals does NOT define A NATURAL BORN citizen...check it out again.

A natural born citizen is a citizen who became a citizen at birth. Being born within the United States while subject to United States jurisdiction is the only requirement.
Wrong, try looking intohisory and find out what the founding fathers considered NATURAL BORN!...I find it interesting that idiots REFUSE to do research, only spew their feelings of what should be!

On the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen”
From that HARVARD LAW JOURNAL that I have read hundreds of times, and Pat attention to the highlighted words...
And Congress has made equally clear from the time of the framing of the Constitution to the current day that, subject to certain residency requirements on the parents, someone born to a U.S. citizen parent generally becomes a U.S. citizen without regard to whether the birth takes place in Canada, the Canal Zone....

Apparently none of you brintrust KNOW what residency requirements mean of THE PARENTS!!!

Residency requirements only apply for a natural born citizen who was born outside the jurisdiction the United States.
The w is next to e on a small android, I have big hands. Perhaps if you answered without calling people stupid, or moron you'd be responded to in a different manner....Now ask again where has that NATURAK BORN definition been settled....try to concentrate!

Natural born has been settled by United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12. Read it, dumb ass.
No it hasn't Wog! SCOTUS NEVER SETTLED IT and neither has Congress...the current cases with the Obomitoid, McLame, and Cruz were all thrown out of court, as the court is CHICKEN SHIT, and declared the people bringing suit had NO STANDING!...Now go ask a 5th grader if that isn't true!

If that is what you truly believe, then get off your ass, file a lawsuit and get it settled. There does not have to be a court case when there are laws on the books that are readily apparent to anyone with a room temp IQ. Oops! That;s right! You don't have standing either!
Admiral, you finally turned your ship around!

How so? I am still right and you are still an incredible dumbass who will not listen to what you are told. You would have likely failed my class.
My mistake, I thought I was dealing with a man of substance, instead I'm dealing with a lowly Seaman, not fit to scrub decks, basking in his own arrogance! So braintrust, the forefathers suspicion of anyone who's parents were not US citizens, means nothing to you...?
Natural born has been settled by United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12. Read it, dumb ass.
No it hasn't Wog! SCOTUS NEVER SETTLED IT and neither has Congress...the current cases with the Obomitoid, McLame, and Cruz were all thrown out of court, as the court is CHICKEN SHIT, and declared the people bringing suit had NO STANDING!...Now go ask a 5th grader if that isn't true!

If that is what you truly believe, then get off your ass, file a lawsuit and get it settled. There does not have to be a court case when there are laws on the books that are readily apparent to anyone with a room temp IQ. Oops! That;s right! You don't have standing either!
Admiral, you finally turned your ship around!

How so? I am still right and you are still an incredible dumbass who will not listen to what you are told. You would have likely failed my class.
My mistake, I thought I was dealing with a man of substance, instead I'm dealing with a lowly Seaman, not fit to scrub decks, basking in his own arrogance! So braintrust, the forefathers suspicion of anyone who's parents were not US citizens, means nothing to you...?

Since they didn't write it into the Constitution, it does mean nothing to me.
Natural born has been settled by United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12. Read it, dumb ass.
No it hasn't Wog! SCOTUS NEVER SETTLED IT and neither has Congress...the current cases with the Obomitoid, McLame, and Cruz were all thrown out of court, as the court is CHICKEN SHIT, and declared the people bringing suit had NO STANDING!...Now go ask a 5th grader if that isn't true!

If that is what you truly believe, then get off your ass, file a lawsuit and get it settled. There does not have to be a court case when there are laws on the books that are readily apparent to anyone with a room temp IQ. Oops! That;s right! You don't have standing either!
Admiral, you finally turned your ship around!

How so? I am still right and you are still an incredible dumbass who will not listen to what you are told. You would have likely failed my class.
My mistake, I thought I was dealing with a man of substance, instead I'm dealing with a lowly Seaman, not fit to scrub decks, basking in his own arrogance! So braintrust, the forefathers suspicion of anyone who's parents were not US citizens, means nothing to you...?

Yes, I am arrogant when I know I am dealing with a racist asshole who does not want a "mulatto" in his Senate, much less the White House.

The Founding Fathers (not "forefathers") were overruled by the 14th Amendment. Read it learn, it, love it, embrace it.

We see your motivations.

Let's see how well you know your history, or can Google.

Why did Alexander Hamilton never serve as President or Vice President? He was Washington's right hand man.
There is no Constitutional requirement for a Senator to be born in the USA. As a matter of fact a senatorial candidate needs only to be a citizen for 9 years prior to running for office.
No it hasn't Wog! SCOTUS NEVER SETTLED IT and neither has Congress...the current cases with the Obomitoid, McLame, and Cruz were all thrown out of court, as the court is CHICKEN SHIT, and declared the people bringing suit had NO STANDING!...Now go ask a 5th grader if that isn't true!

If that is what you truly believe, then get off your ass, file a lawsuit and get it settled. There does not have to be a court case when there are laws on the books that are readily apparent to anyone with a room temp IQ. Oops! That;s right! You don't have standing either!
Admiral, you finally turned your ship around!

How so? I am still right and you are still an incredible dumbass who will not listen to what you are told. You would have likely failed my class.
My mistake, I thought I was dealing with a man of substance, instead I'm dealing with a lowly Seaman, not fit to scrub decks, basking in his own arrogance! So braintrust, the forefathers suspicion of anyone who's parents were not US citizens, means nothing to you...?

Yes, I am arrogant when I know I am dealing with a racist asshole who does not want a "mulatto" in his Senate, much less the White House.

The Founding Fathers (not "forefathers") were overruled by the 14th Amendment. Read it learn, it, love it, embrace it.

We see your motivations.

Let's see how well you know your history, or can Google.

Why did Alexander Hamilton never serve as President or Vice President? He was Washington's right hand man.
Your arrogance is only proceeded by your lack of intellect. Please call me a racist again, from you it is a badge of victory!

During the Philadelphia Convention, John Jay wrote a letter to George Washington to expound upon this:

“Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expresly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”[emphasis added]

The Philadelphia Convention Committee on Detail originally drafted a proposal that the President must be merely a resident and citizen for 21 years, but the committee purposefully changed “citizen” to “natural born citizen” without a written record explaining the change.

Many insist that “natural born citizen,” as it is used in the Constitution as a prerequisite for the office of the presidency, meant that the person was born to people who were born within the country to citizen parents. Commonly, their chief basis for this explanation is Emmerich de Vattel’s The Law of Nations. In an English translation of the work, the term was defined this way:

“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”
If that is what you truly believe, then get off your ass, file a lawsuit and get it settled. There does not have to be a court case when there are laws on the books that are readily apparent to anyone with a room temp IQ. Oops! That;s right! You don't have standing either!
Admiral, you finally turned your ship around!

How so? I am still right and you are still an incredible dumbass who will not listen to what you are told. You would have likely failed my class.
My mistake, I thought I was dealing with a man of substance, instead I'm dealing with a lowly Seaman, not fit to scrub decks, basking in his own arrogance! So braintrust, the forefathers suspicion of anyone who's parents were not US citizens, means nothing to you...?

Yes, I am arrogant when I know I am dealing with a racist asshole who does not want a "mulatto" in his Senate, much less the White House.

The Founding Fathers (not "forefathers") were overruled by the 14th Amendment. Read it learn, it, love it, embrace it.

We see your motivations.

Let's see how well you know your history, or can Google.

Why did Alexander Hamilton never serve as President or Vice President? He was Washington's right hand man.
Your arrogance is only proceeded by your lack of intellect. Please call me a racist again, from you it is a badge of victory!

During the Philadelphia Convention, John Jay wrote a letter to George Washington to expound upon this:

“Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expresly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”[emphasis added]

The Philadelphia Convention Committee on Detail originally drafted a proposal that the President must be merely a resident and citizen for 21 years, but the committee purposefully changed “citizen” to “natural born citizen” without a written record explaining the change.

Many insist that “natural born citizen,” as it is used in the Constitution as a prerequisite for the office of the presidency, meant that the person was born to people who were born within the country to citizen parents. Commonly, their chief basis for this explanation is Emmerich de Vattel’s The Law of Nations. In an English translation of the work, the term was defined this way:

“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”

For about the 10th time you have been told, none of those are laws. Look at the 14th Amendment. You obviously have not or decided to just lie about what it says.

Yes, you are a racist asshole, as we can all see. You called her a "mulatto", which is offensive to anyone with an IQ that doesn't qualify as trainable, mentally handicapped.
Admiral, you finally turned your ship around!

How so? I am still right and you are still an incredible dumbass who will not listen to what you are told. You would have likely failed my class.
My mistake, I thought I was dealing with a man of substance, instead I'm dealing with a lowly Seaman, not fit to scrub decks, basking in his own arrogance! So braintrust, the forefathers suspicion of anyone who's parents were not US citizens, means nothing to you...?

Yes, I am arrogant when I know I am dealing with a racist asshole who does not want a "mulatto" in his Senate, much less the White House.

The Founding Fathers (not "forefathers") were overruled by the 14th Amendment. Read it learn, it, love it, embrace it.

We see your motivations.

Let's see how well you know your history, or can Google.

Why did Alexander Hamilton never serve as President or Vice President? He was Washington's right hand man.
Your arrogance is only proceeded by your lack of intellect. Please call me a racist again, from you it is a badge of victory!

During the Philadelphia Convention, John Jay wrote a letter to George Washington to expound upon this:

“Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expresly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”[emphasis added]

The Philadelphia Convention Committee on Detail originally drafted a proposal that the President must be merely a resident and citizen for 21 years, but the committee purposefully changed “citizen” to “natural born citizen” without a written record explaining the change.

Many insist that “natural born citizen,” as it is used in the Constitution as a prerequisite for the office of the presidency, meant that the person was born to people who were born within the country to citizen parents. Commonly, their chief basis for this explanation is Emmerich de Vattel’s The Law of Nations. In an English translation of the work, the term was defined this way:

“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”

For about the 10th time you have been told, none of those are laws. Look at the 14th Amendment. You obviously have not or decided to just lie about what it says.

Yes, you are a racist asshole, as we can all see. You called her a "mulatto", which is offensive to anyone with an IQ that doesn't qualify as trainable, mentally handicapped.
You fucking dirtbag jackass, the 14 amendment doesn't come into play here, no matter how much you try to convince you amobemic sized brain! The matter has NEVER BEEN SETTLED, and you trying to convince yourself is another inadequacy you possess! NO ONE wants to touch the subject, all too chicken shit to take a stand. now dimwit the forefathers who wrote the Constitution made it clear what they meant, NOTHING has changed it, no AMENDMENT, NO COURT, and certainly NO CONGRESS. SO SCUMBAG, you like to call names, well pukeface, you got it....and I deliberately use mulatto to get under the skin of mother fucking liberals that PRETEND to be conservatives...perhaps you should change your name TO DEEP STATE, or better yet SUBVERSIVE. Now dickhead, you want to keep it up, as I sure am willing to, or have a discussion, or debate as such....up to you fagot!
Ted Cruz was born in Alberta, Canada and cons defended his right to be president.
Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California.
Both Cruz parents were bonafide U.S. citizens at his time of birth, the mulatto Harris parents were NOT CITIZENS at her time of birth.....If you are too stupid to not understand this, NO ONE can help you!

No he wasn't. In fact he didn't become a naturalized citizen of the United States until 2005 when he renounced is Canadian citizenship. In fact at the time of his son's birth in 1970, cruz only had citizenship to Cuba.

You seriously need to do some research before you spout off lies that are extremely easy to refute.

So using your definition cruz isn't a natural born citizen because his dad wasn't a citizen of the United States when his son was born in Canada.

Rafael Cruz - Wikipedia

This is from his encyclopedia page:

After Cruz graduated from the University of Texas in 1961, he was granted political asylum in the United States following the expiration of his student visa.[1] Rafael Cruz earned Canadian citizenship in 1973[36] and in 2005 he renounced his Canadian citizenship to become a naturalized U.S. citizen, nine years before his son Ted renounced his Canadian citizenship. Cruz now retains only Cuban and American citizenships.[4][22][37][38] Eleanor and Rafael Cruz divorced in 1997.[1][32][39]
How so? I am still right and you are still an incredible dumbass who will not listen to what you are told. You would have likely failed my class.
My mistake, I thought I was dealing with a man of substance, instead I'm dealing with a lowly Seaman, not fit to scrub decks, basking in his own arrogance! So braintrust, the forefathers suspicion of anyone who's parents were not US citizens, means nothing to you...?

Yes, I am arrogant when I know I am dealing with a racist asshole who does not want a "mulatto" in his Senate, much less the White House.

The Founding Fathers (not "forefathers") were overruled by the 14th Amendment. Read it learn, it, love it, embrace it.

We see your motivations.

Let's see how well you know your history, or can Google.

Why did Alexander Hamilton never serve as President or Vice President? He was Washington's right hand man.
Your arrogance is only proceeded by your lack of intellect. Please call me a racist again, from you it is a badge of victory!

During the Philadelphia Convention, John Jay wrote a letter to George Washington to expound upon this:

“Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expresly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”[emphasis added]

The Philadelphia Convention Committee on Detail originally drafted a proposal that the President must be merely a resident and citizen for 21 years, but the committee purposefully changed “citizen” to “natural born citizen” without a written record explaining the change.

Many insist that “natural born citizen,” as it is used in the Constitution as a prerequisite for the office of the presidency, meant that the person was born to people who were born within the country to citizen parents. Commonly, their chief basis for this explanation is Emmerich de Vattel’s The Law of Nations. In an English translation of the work, the term was defined this way:

“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”

For about the 10th time you have been told, none of those are laws. Look at the 14th Amendment. You obviously have not or decided to just lie about what it says.

Yes, you are a racist asshole, as we can all see. You called her a "mulatto", which is offensive to anyone with an IQ that doesn't qualify as trainable, mentally handicapped.
You fucking dirtbag jackass, the 14 amendment doesn't come into play here, no matter how much you try to convince you amobemic sized brain! The matter has NEVER BEEN SETTLED, and you trying to convince yourself is another inadequacy you possess! NO ONE wants to touch the subject, all too chicken shit to take a stand. now dimwit the forefathers who wrote the Constitution made it clear what they meant, NOTHING has changed it, no AMENDMENT, NO COURT, and certainly NO CONGRESS. SO SCUMBAG, you like to call names, well pukeface, you got it....and I deliberately use mulatto to get under the skin of mother fucking liberals that PRETEND to be conservatives...perhaps you should change your name TO DEEP STATE, or better yet SUBVERSIVE. Now dickhead, you want to keep it up, as I sure am willing to, or have a discussion, or debate as such....up to you fagot!

The 14 Amendment was evaluated in United States v. Wong Kim Ark

United States v. Wong Kim Ark

Read it and weep. Wong Kim Ark and Kamala Harris were both born to non-U.S. citizen parents, and Wong was confirmed by the case to be a US citizen in accordance with the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. That means she is also.

We await your next uneducated replay.
No, it hasn't! But keep your dreams!

Pardon me, I thought I was conversing with an intelligent person. My mistake.
No it hasn't Wog! SCOTUS NEVER SETTLED IT and neither has Congress...the current cases with the Obomitoid, McLame, and Cruz were all thrown out of court, as the court is CHICKEN SHIT, and declared the people bringing suit had NO STANDING!...Now go ask a 5th grader if that isn't true!

I don't need to ask a 5th grader, I have you and your abject ignorance. Contrary to your idiotic concept, American law exists, whether the courts have acted on it, or not acted on it.

The 14th amendment, Section 1, states that all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction of are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. There are no other citizens.

Section 5, say the Congress shall have the power, by appropriate legislation the provisions of this article.

Congress has done so in U.S. code, Title 8, Chapter 12. That is the law of the land, and not a single judge was involved.
This Purge dude cant read or he is playing stupid.
So I see I was right, a militant black DemonRAT, that has a 50 point IQ and getting smaller.OK militant, give me what a Natural born citizen is, AND what a Native born citizen is...damn, I gave him too hard a question!
Well you got the Black and militant right. The other stuff you got from your personal stats.

Why should I give you anything when you have proved you dont have the intellect to read simple sentences?
Honestly, this has all been my entertainment for tonight, just reading what you and the other misfits write. The jabbing back and forth, watching you fools go deeper into TDS is, as the cartoon says....
You honestly think your boy Drumpf is going to save you from being a retard that cant read the 14th amendment? :laughing0301:
Ted Cruz was born in Alberta, Canada and cons defended his right to be president.
Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California.
Both Cruz parents were bonafide U.S. citizens at his time of birth, the mulatto Harris parents were NOT CITIZENS at her time of birth.....If you are too stupid to not understand this, NO ONE can help you!

No he wasn't. In fact he didn't become a naturalized citizen of the United States until 2005 when he renounced is Canadian citizenship. In fact at the time of his son's birth in 1970, cruz only had citizenship to Cuba.

You seriously need to do some research before you spout off lies that are extremely easy to refute.

So using your definition cruz isn't a natural born citizen because his dad wasn't a citizen of the United States when his son was born in Canada.

Rafael Cruz - Wikipedia

This is from his encyclopedia page:

After Cruz graduated from the University of Texas in 1961, he was granted political asylum in the United States following the expiration of his student visa.[1] Rafael Cruz earned Canadian citizenship in 1973[36] and in 2005 he renounced his Canadian citizenship to become a naturalized U.S. citizen, nine years before his son Ted renounced his Canadian citizenship. Cruz now retains only Cuban and American citizenships.[4][22][37][38] Eleanor and Rafael Cruz divorced in 1997.[1][32][39]
I stand corrected thank you, I had forgotten that!
My mistake, I thought I was dealing with a man of substance, instead I'm dealing with a lowly Seaman, not fit to scrub decks, basking in his own arrogance! So braintrust, the forefathers suspicion of anyone who's parents were not US citizens, means nothing to you...?

Yes, I am arrogant when I know I am dealing with a racist asshole who does not want a "mulatto" in his Senate, much less the White House.

The Founding Fathers (not "forefathers") were overruled by the 14th Amendment. Read it learn, it, love it, embrace it.

We see your motivations.

Let's see how well you know your history, or can Google.

Why did Alexander Hamilton never serve as President or Vice President? He was Washington's right hand man.
Your arrogance is only proceeded by your lack of intellect. Please call me a racist again, from you it is a badge of victory!

During the Philadelphia Convention, John Jay wrote a letter to George Washington to expound upon this:

“Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expresly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”[emphasis added]

The Philadelphia Convention Committee on Detail originally drafted a proposal that the President must be merely a resident and citizen for 21 years, but the committee purposefully changed “citizen” to “natural born citizen” without a written record explaining the change.

Many insist that “natural born citizen,” as it is used in the Constitution as a prerequisite for the office of the presidency, meant that the person was born to people who were born within the country to citizen parents. Commonly, their chief basis for this explanation is Emmerich de Vattel’s The Law of Nations. In an English translation of the work, the term was defined this way:

“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”

For about the 10th time you have been told, none of those are laws. Look at the 14th Amendment. You obviously have not or decided to just lie about what it says.

Yes, you are a racist asshole, as we can all see. You called her a "mulatto", which is offensive to anyone with an IQ that doesn't qualify as trainable, mentally handicapped.
You fucking dirtbag jackass, the 14 amendment doesn't come into play here, no matter how much you try to convince you amobemic sized brain! The matter has NEVER BEEN SETTLED, and you trying to convince yourself is another inadequacy you possess! NO ONE wants to touch the subject, all too chicken shit to take a stand. now dimwit the forefathers who wrote the Constitution made it clear what they meant, NOTHING has changed it, no AMENDMENT, NO COURT, and certainly NO CONGRESS. SO SCUMBAG, you like to call names, well pukeface, you got it....and I deliberately use mulatto to get under the skin of mother fucking liberals that PRETEND to be conservatives...perhaps you should change your name TO DEEP STATE, or better yet SUBVERSIVE. Now dickhead, you want to keep it up, as I sure am willing to, or have a discussion, or debate as such....up to you fagot!

The 14 Amendment was evaluated in United States v. Wong Kim Ark

United States v. Wong Kim Ark

Read it and weep. Wong Kim Ark and Kamala Harris were both born to non-U.S. citizen parents, and Wong was confirmed by the case to be a US citizen in accordance with the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. That means she is also.

We await your next uneducated replay.
Yes, idiot and we are talking about qualifications to be president, NOT JUST A PLAIN AMERICAN CITIZEN!...CAN THAT PENETRATE your pea sized brain!
Pardon me, I thought I was conversing with an intelligent person. My mistake.
I don't need to ask a 5th grader, I have you and your abject ignorance. Contrary to your idiotic concept, American law exists, whether the courts have acted on it, or not acted on it.

The 14th amendment, Section 1, states that all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction of are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. There are no other citizens.

Section 5, say the Congress shall have the power, by appropriate legislation the provisions of this article.

Congress has done so in U.S. code, Title 8, Chapter 12. That is the law of the land, and not a single judge was involved.
This Purge dude cant read or he is playing stupid.
So I see I was right, a militant black DemonRAT, that has a 50 point IQ and getting smaller.OK militant, give me what a Natural born citizen is, AND what a Native born citizen is...damn, I gave him too hard a question!
Well you got the Black and militant right. The other stuff you got from your personal stats.

Why should I give you anything when you have proved you dont have the intellect to read simple sentences?
Honestly, this has all been my entertainment for tonight, just reading what you and the other misfits write. The jabbing back and forth, watching you fools go deeper into TDS is, as the cartoon says....
You honestly think your boy Drumpf is going to save you from being a retard that cant read the 14th amendment? :laughing0301:
Well, we see you can read but not comprehend, you taking lessons from the Seaman above?
Yes, I am arrogant when I know I am dealing with a racist asshole who does not want a "mulatto" in his Senate, much less the White House.

The Founding Fathers (not "forefathers") were overruled by the 14th Amendment. Read it learn, it, love it, embrace it.

We see your motivations.

Let's see how well you know your history, or can Google.

Why did Alexander Hamilton never serve as President or Vice President? He was Washington's right hand man.
Your arrogance is only proceeded by your lack of intellect. Please call me a racist again, from you it is a badge of victory!

During the Philadelphia Convention, John Jay wrote a letter to George Washington to expound upon this:

“Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expresly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”[emphasis added]

The Philadelphia Convention Committee on Detail originally drafted a proposal that the President must be merely a resident and citizen for 21 years, but the committee purposefully changed “citizen” to “natural born citizen” without a written record explaining the change.

Many insist that “natural born citizen,” as it is used in the Constitution as a prerequisite for the office of the presidency, meant that the person was born to people who were born within the country to citizen parents. Commonly, their chief basis for this explanation is Emmerich de Vattel’s The Law of Nations. In an English translation of the work, the term was defined this way:

“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”

For about the 10th time you have been told, none of those are laws. Look at the 14th Amendment. You obviously have not or decided to just lie about what it says.

Yes, you are a racist asshole, as we can all see. You called her a "mulatto", which is offensive to anyone with an IQ that doesn't qualify as trainable, mentally handicapped.
You fucking dirtbag jackass, the 14 amendment doesn't come into play here, no matter how much you try to convince you amobemic sized brain! The matter has NEVER BEEN SETTLED, and you trying to convince yourself is another inadequacy you possess! NO ONE wants to touch the subject, all too chicken shit to take a stand. now dimwit the forefathers who wrote the Constitution made it clear what they meant, NOTHING has changed it, no AMENDMENT, NO COURT, and certainly NO CONGRESS. SO SCUMBAG, you like to call names, well pukeface, you got it....and I deliberately use mulatto to get under the skin of mother fucking liberals that PRETEND to be conservatives...perhaps you should change your name TO DEEP STATE, or better yet SUBVERSIVE. Now dickhead, you want to keep it up, as I sure am willing to, or have a discussion, or debate as such....up to you fagot!

The 14 Amendment was evaluated in United States v. Wong Kim Ark

United States v. Wong Kim Ark

Read it and weep. Wong Kim Ark and Kamala Harris were both born to non-U.S. citizen parents, and Wong was confirmed by the case to be a US citizen in accordance with the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. That means she is also.

We await your next uneducated replay.
Yes, idiot and we are talking about qualifications to be president, NOT JUST A PLAIN AMERICAN CITIZEN!...CAN THAT PENETRATE your pea sized brain!

Being born in the United States is a natural born citizen because anyone else that is a US citizen that was born elsewhere is naturalized. Do you not know the meanings of words?
This Purge dude cant read or he is playing stupid.
So I see I was right, a militant black DemonRAT, that has a 50 point IQ and getting smaller.OK militant, give me what a Natural born citizen is, AND what a Native born citizen is...damn, I gave him too hard a question!
Well you got the Black and militant right. The other stuff you got from your personal stats.

Why should I give you anything when you have proved you dont have the intellect to read simple sentences?
Honestly, this has all been my entertainment for tonight, just reading what you and the other misfits write. The jabbing back and forth, watching you fools go deeper into TDS is, as the cartoon says....
You honestly think your boy Drumpf is going to save you from being a retard that cant read the 14th amendment? :laughing0301:
Well, we see you can read but not comprehend, you taking lessons from the Seaman above?

So tell us what is so confusing to you about this clause in the the 14th amendment. :laugh:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
Your arrogance is only proceeded by your lack of intellect. Please call me a racist again, from you it is a badge of victory!

During the Philadelphia Convention, John Jay wrote a letter to George Washington to expound upon this:

“Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expresly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”[emphasis added]

The Philadelphia Convention Committee on Detail originally drafted a proposal that the President must be merely a resident and citizen for 21 years, but the committee purposefully changed “citizen” to “natural born citizen” without a written record explaining the change.

Many insist that “natural born citizen,” as it is used in the Constitution as a prerequisite for the office of the presidency, meant that the person was born to people who were born within the country to citizen parents. Commonly, their chief basis for this explanation is Emmerich de Vattel’s The Law of Nations. In an English translation of the work, the term was defined this way:

“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”

For about the 10th time you have been told, none of those are laws. Look at the 14th Amendment. You obviously have not or decided to just lie about what it says.

Yes, you are a racist asshole, as we can all see. You called her a "mulatto", which is offensive to anyone with an IQ that doesn't qualify as trainable, mentally handicapped.
You fucking dirtbag jackass, the 14 amendment doesn't come into play here, no matter how much you try to convince you amobemic sized brain! The matter has NEVER BEEN SETTLED, and you trying to convince yourself is another inadequacy you possess! NO ONE wants to touch the subject, all too chicken shit to take a stand. now dimwit the forefathers who wrote the Constitution made it clear what they meant, NOTHING has changed it, no AMENDMENT, NO COURT, and certainly NO CONGRESS. SO SCUMBAG, you like to call names, well pukeface, you got it....and I deliberately use mulatto to get under the skin of mother fucking liberals that PRETEND to be conservatives...perhaps you should change your name TO DEEP STATE, or better yet SUBVERSIVE. Now dickhead, you want to keep it up, as I sure am willing to, or have a discussion, or debate as such....up to you fagot!

The 14 Amendment was evaluated in United States v. Wong Kim Ark

United States v. Wong Kim Ark

Read it and weep. Wong Kim Ark and Kamala Harris were both born to non-U.S. citizen parents, and Wong was confirmed by the case to be a US citizen in accordance with the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. That means she is also.

We await your next uneducated replay.
Yes, idiot and we are talking about qualifications to be president, NOT JUST A PLAIN AMERICAN CITIZEN!...CAN THAT PENETRATE your pea sized brain!

Being born in the United States is a natural born citizen because anyone else that is a US citizen that was born elsewhere is naturalized. Do you not know the meanings of words?
Do YOU know the meaning of words?

Definition of native-born. : belonging to or associated with a particular place (as a country) by birth therein. a native-bornAmerican......

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