Oh...just more public beheadings by Muslims as thousands cheer them on; Bring them to America.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
WATCH: ISIS Publicly Beheads 2 ‘Sorcerers’ in Sirte, Libya

In America....a large public gathering like this with music and loud speakers and large crowds cheering might be for a sports event, a holiday festival, a concert.

Not in Islamville. Nope. It's a huge festive beheading! Yep. Funny how when the heads are chopped off....the crowd cheers "God is great"???

Yes. Please...brings tens of thousands of these wonderful humans here to America.

Mr. President....if ISIS is "contained" as you say....why do refugees need to flee? They can stay or go back now, right? Afterall...ISIS is contained.
They are contained.

On Long Island. In San Bernardino. In Chicago. Isis is contained all over the place.
"Oh...just more public beheadings by Muslims as thousands cheer them on; Bring them to America."

No, just more ridiculous composition fallacies from bigots on the right.
Yeah, let's bring 10,000 of the sick bastards into our country and give them all welfare, food stamps, free health care, and you better not say anything negative about any of them or you'll face prosecution from our justice department. We can build them all a mosque as well and give them tax exempt status while they murder our citizens.

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