Oh nothing...just a cop running a motorcycle off the road for no reason

I may be wrong that acceptable....but you're still a dumbass and thats worse
and not only that, if the video clearly showed the cop running the biker over on purpose, Bucky would defend the cop.

I wouldn't defend the cop, but I wouldn't shed any tears over the loser either. What's happened to common sense in this country? "I'm going to pass that cop on the left, what could go wrong?"
The cop was in the middle lane then went left. As noted he did the same to the biker on the right at the beginning of the video.

Were they being jerks? Sure

Were they passing the police? Looks like it

Is the punishment for jerks and passing being hit with a police car?
The biker saw he was swerving and went ahead and tried to squeeze past him. Oh well. He fought the law and the law won. They write sappy songs about that particular stupidity.

I may be wrong that acceptable....but you're still a dumbass and thats worse
and not only that, if the video clearly showed the cop running the biker over on purpose, Bucky would defend the cop.
Gosh, what I see is a biker illegally crowding a cop car with his lights flashing.

Funny how a little perspective makes all the difference. There's the perspective of lunatics and criminals.

And then there's the perspective of reality, law and order.

Biker's lucky this cop didn't nab him:

And then giving him a ticket because its all about keeping the peace and fighting crime. It might SEEM as tho they are using the citizens to fill their state budgets but you sir are just being a big ol cynic....maybe even a cop hater
You are truly stupid. The cop was moving side to side to contain the asshats. You didn't see what transpired before, many gangs like this are terrorizing the roadways, wheelying by cops, etc. Cop car moving side to side means DO NOT PASS! The guy rode right up on his left and ran out of room, boohoo.

So they didnt do anything but they COULD"VE so a tap with the police car is warranted. Nice, didnt know that
That isn't even close to what I said.
It's exactly because of these kind of idiots I laugh at "Watch out for Motorcycles" bumper stickerss
They get the attention because they piss people off but they are a tiny percent of a percent. I've been riding for 43 years with about a quarter million miles in the saddle and these guys are not appreciated, they're more of a stunter type gang than motorcycle enthusiasts.
It's exactly because of these kind of idiots I laugh at "Watch out for Motorcycles" bumper stickerss
They get the attention because they piss people off but they are a tiny percent of a percent. I've been riding for 43 years with about a quarter million miles in the saddle and these guys are not appreciated, they're more of a stunter type gang than motorcycle enthusiasts.

Yep very true. Most riders are safe and responsible.
It's exactly because of these kind of idiots I laugh at "Watch out for Motorcycles" bumper stickerss
They get the attention because they piss people off but they are a tiny percent of a percent. I've been riding for 43 years with about a quarter million miles in the saddle and these guys are not appreciated, they're more of a stunter type gang than motorcycle enthusiasts.
I agree.
I know the sticker mostly refers to Harley riders.
They blend in with traffic, though, and dont draw my ire like these crotch rocket assholes.
Sometimes I just want to open my truck door on their ass
I may be wrong that acceptable....but you're still a dumbass and thats worse
and not only that, if the video clearly showed the cop running the biker over on purpose, Bucky would defend the cop.
Gosh, what I see is a biker illegally crowding a cop car with his lights flashing.

Funny how a little perspective makes all the difference. There's the perspective of lunatics and criminals.

And then there's the perspective of reality, law and order.

Biker's lucky this cop didn't nab him:

I see an idiot that can't read.
And then giving him a ticket because its all about keeping the peace and fighting crime. It might SEEM as tho they are using the citizens to fill their state budgets but you sir are just being a big ol cynic....maybe even a cop hater

Looks to me like the biker tried to make an illegal pass.

^ Moron.

Nope. Look at it frame by frame. The biker was behind the cop in the far left lane. The biker then tried to pass the cop on the left. There was not even a shoulder there to pass the cop so he lost control of his bike.

I watched it frame by frame.

Every time a biker tried to go around the cop, the cop swerved to hit them. Watch when he first starts swerving to keep ALL the bikers from passing him. Then, at 15 seconds, a guy in blue goes around to the right and you can see the cop gun his engine and race to the right lane and try to hit the guy in blue. He just barely misses hitting that guy, but the biker makes it past him.

The cop then moves back to the center lane and stays there. At 29 seconds, a biker passes him on the left. The proves the cop is plainly not in the left lane. Then at 43 seconds when another bike starts moving to pass him on the left, you see the cop move his car to the left to sideswipe the biker.

This was a fucking asshole who has a problem with bikers. It's obvious.
First frame of your video, his light bar is on, he proceeded down the road, in a manner to prevent traffic from passing him.

The bikers were right on his tail.

Dont' know where you're from, but the places I've been, there is a law against following an emergency vehicle too closely.

I'd like to find out WHY the cops light bar was flashing, and WHY the bikers felt it to be ok to chase him.
They were not chasing him. He was clearly obstructing them, and deliberately misusing his light bar to do so. Notice the siren wasn't on? He wasn't on an emergency call. He has a problem with bikers and was abusing his authority to prevent them the use of the road. And when they started going around him, he tried to hit them and finally succeeded.

The cop is a serious asshole.
The cop was in the middle lane then went left. As noted he did the same to the biker on the right at the beginning of the video.

Were they being jerks? Sure

Were they passing the police? Looks like it

Is the punishment for jerks and passing being hit with a police car?

Yes, if you see a cop car in front of you with its lights flashing and swerving left to right, that means if you try passing him you'll end up getting hit. How fucking stupid can you be?
When the blue bike passes the cop in the first 15 seconds, you don't see the cop pursue the biker after he tries to hit the biker.

That's a HUGE clue, boys and girls.

The cop was being a dick.
When the blue bike passes the cop in the first 15 seconds, you don't see the cop pursue the biker after he tries to hit the biker.

That's a HUGE clue, boys and girls.

The cop was being a dick.
If he wanted to plow over a bike he could have, it wouldn't be difficult with a car. Do you even know what lightbars going and swerving across the lanes means? Why would he use a siren? Go back to your coloring book and try not to break a crayon.
First frame of your video, his light bar is on, he proceeded down the road, in a manner to prevent traffic from passing him.

The bikers were right on his tail.

Dont' know where you're from, but the places I've been, there is a law against following an emergency vehicle too closely.

I'd like to find out WHY the cops light bar was flashing, and WHY the bikers felt it to be ok to chase him.
They were not chasing him. He was clearly obstructing them, and deliberately misusing his light bar to do so. Notice the siren wasn't on? He wasn't on an emergency call. He has a problem with bikers and was abusing his authority to prevent them the use of the road. And when they started going around him, he tried to hit them and finally succeeded.

The cop is a serious asshole.

First of all, I love how you watched a 2 minute long shitty video shot from 200 feet away from a moving motorcycle and pretend like that is some sort of proof of anything.

Second of all, cops often respond to calls with no sirens. The law in every jurisdiction in fact is clear about an emergency vehicles with lights flashing, you aren't to impede or interfere with them in anyway. The sirens aren't required.

Third, Google cops swerving and see that there are literally hundreds of links to show that police are using that tactic to slow traffic down you fucking fool. He wasn't deliberately trying to hit anyone, he was doing what the police are training him to do , swerving to slow down traffic. That moron on the motorcycle thought he could ignore the warning to slow down, and paid the price.

I really wish some of yall would be honest in forming your opinions on various topics.
Hard to believe there are so many flat out cop haters around.

There's really not that many....the ones there are are just vocal and relentless. They never grew out of their teenage hatred of authority. Grown folks....well....we just understand reality. And thats that as a society...cops are simply a necessity. Just like a military and fire department and sanitation systems.

The silent majority accepts and respects law enforcement. It's why the shit like BLM isn't gonna win anything.
When the blue bike passes the cop in the first 15 seconds, you don't see the cop pursue the biker after he tries to hit the biker.

That's a HUGE clue, boys and girls.

The cop was being a dick.
If he wanted to plow over a bike he could have, it wouldn't be difficult with a car. Do you even know what lightbars going and swerving across the lanes means? Why would he use a siren? Go back to your coloring book and try not to break a crayon.

We all agree he could've hit the other guy, the question is: is hitting someone with your car allowed by law?

Under some circumstances yes, under these circumstances...nope

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