Oh Now The Left Tells Us They Just Hate Those Burning Korans...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
I'm sorry but once again i'm not buying the Left's feigned outrage. There is a story circulating in the MSM about a Church deciding to burn Korans on this year's 911 anniversary. I see that the Left is back up on their high horses preaching about how awful such acts are. This is pretty shocking when you realize that this is the same Left which routinely celebrates and even rewards those who drop Crucifixes in urine or defecate on Bibles. So why all this sudden outrage over burning some Korans? It just doesn't make any sense to me.

It is their right to burn Korans no? They have just as much right as those who urinate on Crucifixes and defecate on Bibles no? Personally i don't agree with this Church's decision to burn Korans but i don't agree with the Left defecating on Bibles either. The Left's feigned outrage over this really is the height of dishonesty & hypocrisy in my opinion. This is why i stand by my conclusion that Leftists really do have a weird & hateful obsession with denigrating Christians. They are not consistent or honest on issues like this.

What dat you say?
Yes i'm sure if this were a group burning Bibles,the Left would be the first ones rushing over here to defend their "right" to burn those Bibles. Just can't trust the Left on issues like this.
Yes i'm sure if this were a group burning Bibles,the Left would be the first ones rushing over here to defend their "right" to burn those Bibles. Just can't trust the Left on issues like this.

But they don't really want to burn Bibles or Korans. Eradicating religion would be their preference.:lol: (not all of them, of course- just the intellectually superior ones.;))
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I consider myself to be part of the 'left' and I sure as heck would never burn a Bible.. And I don't think I know a single lefty that would. Just to clarify.
I consider myself to be part of the 'left' and I sure as heck would never burn a Bible.. And I don't think I know a single lefty that would. Just to clarify.

You're young. Get out and meet your fellow lefties. You will be (hopefully unpleasantly) surprised at how enthusiastic they are to trash Christianity, the flag and anything else that represents what they view as 'mainstream America', and how hypocritically, they get very defensive about anyone wanting to trash their 'pet projects'.

While you're around, I'm disappointed to see that you have lowered yourself to the standard Alinski tactic of taking quotes out of context. Your sig is a pathetic attempt to misrepresent the actual views of Mr Beck. Shame on you for your lack of honesty, Little Lefty.
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I consider myself to be part of the 'left' and I sure as heck would never burn a Bible.. And I don't think I know a single lefty that would. Just to clarify.

You're young. Get out and meet your fellow lefties. You will be (hopefully unpleasantly) surprised at how enthusiastic they are to trash Christianity, the flag and anything else that represents what they view as 'mainstream America', and how hypocritically, they get very defensive about anyone wanting to trash their 'pet projects'.

I know plenty of lefties that are christians.. Which, IMO, was what Jesus was closer to. But that's a different subject.
If you think admitting to America's faults and wanting to talk about them, so we can improve, is 'trashing the flag', I guess I'm a flag trasher.
And Libs aren't the ones I see everyday bashing Unions.. Which represent the heart of 'mainstream America'.. That would be your side of the political spectrum.
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I consider myself to be part of the 'left' and I sure as heck would never burn a Bible.. And I don't think I know a single lefty that would. Just to clarify.

You're young. Get out and meet your fellow lefties. You will be (hopefully unpleasantly) surprised at how enthusiastic they are to trash Christianity, the flag and anything else that represents what they view as 'mainstream America', and how hypocritically, they get very defensive about anyone wanting to trash their 'pet projects'.

I know plenty of lefties that are christians.. Which, IMO, was what Jesus was closer to. But that's a different subject.
If you think admitting to America's faults and wanting to talk about them so we can improve is 'trashing the flag', I guess I'm a flag trasher.
And Libs aren't the ones I see everyday bashing Unions.. Which represent the heart of 'mainstream America'.. That would be your side of the political spectrum.

12% of Americans are Union. That ain't 'mainstream' honey.

And I have no issue with admitting to our faults - I have a problem with the left's attitude that everything we do is wrong and other countries (particularly those who are far less 'free' than we are) are so much better. You need to educate yourself on the views of the left.... if you're gonna be one of them, you should know what it is your part of.

And, please, stop using 'Jesus' as your 'banner' to hide behind. Jesus wanted us to be charitable to one another, to care for one another because it is the right thing to do. He wanted us to learn as individuals to do right by each other - not to have it forced on us by government. That crap you spout is the bullshit of the far left - it doesn't work. Because it's not based on fact.
i am against burning books of any kind. that simple....

i dont care if its a bible or the koran.....do not burn books

This. ^^^^

But if they really want to go out and spend their money on Korans to burn them for a publicity stunt, it's their money and their books. The people printing and selling them will be thanking them from the bottom of their checkbooks.

How many threads is that on this one now, 4? 5?
I'm sorry but once again i'm not buying the Left's feigned outrage. There is a story circulating in the MSM about a Church deciding to burn Korans on this year's 911 anniversary. I see that the Left is back up on their high horses preaching about how awful such acts are. This is pretty shocking when you realize that this is the same Left which routinely celebrates and even rewards those who drop Crucifixes in urine or defecate on Bibles. So why all this sudden outrage over burning some Korans? It just doesn't make any sense to me.

It is their right to burn Korans no? They have just as much right as those who urinate on Crucifixes and defecate on Bibles no? Personally i don't agree with this Church's decision to burn Korans but i don't agree with the Left defecating on Bibles either. The Left's feigned outrage over this really is the height of dishonesty & hypocrisy in my opinion. This is why i stand by my conclusion that Leftists really do have a weird & hateful obsession with denigrating Christians. They are not consistent or honest on issues like this.

It's an election year. You have to expect the loony left to be even more out there than usual. I think it's hormonal. It's like Bucks during the rutting season. They get all crazy.
You're young. Get out and meet your fellow lefties. You will be (hopefully unpleasantly) surprised at how enthusiastic they are to trash Christianity, the flag and anything else that represents what they view as 'mainstream America', and how hypocritically, they get very defensive about anyone wanting to trash their 'pet projects'.

I know plenty of lefties that are christians.. Which, IMO, was what Jesus was closer to. But that's a different subject.
If you think admitting to America's faults and wanting to talk about them so we can improve is 'trashing the flag', I guess I'm a flag trasher.
And Libs aren't the ones I see everyday bashing Unions.. Which represent the heart of 'mainstream America'.. That would be your side of the political spectrum.

12% of Americans are Union. That ain't 'mainstream' honey.

And I have no issue with admitting to our faults - I have a problem with the left's attitude that everything we do is wrong and other countries (particularly those who are far less 'free' than we are) are so much better. You need to educate yourself on the views of the left.... if you're gonna be one of them, you should know what it is your part of.

And, please, stop using 'Jesus' as your 'banner' to hide behind. Jesus wanted us to be charitable to one another, to care for one another because it is the right thing to do. He wanted us to learn as individuals to do right by each other - not to have it forced on us by government. That crap you spout is the bullshit of the far left - it doesn't work. Because it's not based on fact.

Do you have any facts to back up that claim? Or is it just more random bull crap you made up? Of course America gets things wrong that other nations have gotten right.. Admitting that doesn't mean you hate America, it just means your willing to give constructive criticism.. I think it's less patriotic to think America has gotten everything right, and no matter what we do, it's justified, than to point out our mistakes, and own up to them.

Oh, ok.. So Jesus would support lower taxes for the rich, while people die every day from lack of health insurance? I don't know what Jesus you serve.
You're young. Get out and meet your fellow lefties. You will be (hopefully unpleasantly) surprised at how enthusiastic they are to trash Christianity, the flag and anything else that represents what they view as 'mainstream America', and how hypocritically, they get very defensive about anyone wanting to trash their 'pet projects'.

Oh, please....... We have no problem with christianity and even stand up for the rights of christians when their rights are being violated. What we don't like is having christianity shoved down our throats, so any attempt to do so is met with criticism. Sounds reasonable doesn't it?
Burn Korans if you want. Just do not whine when someone burns bibles or pictures of Sarah Palin or Dale Earnheart.

THAT is my point.

Burning Korans or Bibles does not show tolerance for those different from you.
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I'm pretty sure the Left would not be showing this same feigned outrage if this were a group urinating on Crucifixes or burning Bibles. They would be piously defending their "right" to urinate on those Crucifixes and burning those Bibles instead. I never trust Leftists when they come out feigning outrage over these kinds of issues. There's just no consistency or honesty in their positions. They do seem to have an irrational hostility towards Christianity especially.
The Left's irrational hostility towards Christianity while embracing other religions like Islam really is pretty bizarre. It's especially bizarre because it's pretty clear that Christian teachings are far more tolerant & loving than Islamic teachings. Jesus Christ & Muhammad taught completely opposite philosophies. Jesus Christ preached peace & love while Muhammad preached hate & conquest. So the Left's hate for Christianity and affinity for Islam makes no sense in my opinion.
Yes i'm sure if this were a group burning Bibles,the Left would be the first ones rushing over here to defend their "right" to burn those Bibles. Just can't trust the Left on issues like this.

Do you have any issues with a group burning bibles?
Burn Korans if you want. Just do not whine when someone burns bibles or pictures of Sarah Palin or Dale Earnheart.

THAT is my point.

Burning Korans or Bibles does not show tolerance for those different from you.

LOL I figured the Earnheart reference would get a few.
His death was kinda the 9-11 for the south.

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