Oh say can you see

Arrested for child endangerment
:auiqs.jpg: Oh the drama! The hysteria! The FUAX Outrage!

This was years ago
years ago

Gieszinger told police she had intended to give a haircut to a foreign exchange student in the class, who was also living at her home.

"She said that she had to do it for (the foreign exchange student) who had been acting like 'a ding dong,'" the report says. "She said that she was sorry that (the other student's) hair got cut, but that it was already done."

(re: Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., called VP Harris a 'bit of a ding-dong')

Gieszinger also denied that what she did was over the top, and told police she got tired of the "ridiculous behavior."

'She didn't hurt anybody': Family of Visalia teacher who cut student's hair speaks out

Elizabeth Erngren says her sister, 52-year old Margaret Gieszinger, has willingly checked herself into a hospital and is seeking a psychological evaluation.

Gieszinger was sent to jail and charged with six misdemeanors - including one for appearing to forcibly cut the hair of one of her high school students.
“Margaret Gieszinger, a 52-year-old chemistry teacher in California, was caught on camera forcibly cutting a student's hair and throwing it behind her while singing the national anthem.”

She obviously was just looking to patriotically collect a few chemistry samples!

Had I known, I would have loaned her my Oster 76, that thing can give your whole head a military-grade buzz-cut in under eleven seconds!
Yeah, I am. When it was actually interested in education, not indoctrination as it is now.

Admit it West, kids today with BAs still have less education than you had by the time you graduated high school. Not only were calculators verboten when you went to school, but today, they are REQUIRED. Can you imagine most students today working out high math with nothing more than a slide rule and a log or trig table on the back of the book?
It was said that her credentials have been suspended two times before this ever happened. My question is what was she guilty of doing before this time and is her husband aware of her even having such a track record already?

God bless you and him and the students always!!!


P.S. Does she have any idea at least of how awful her singing is?

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