Oh say can you see

Well there it is........It was taught in my public school too.

I'm well aware what was taught in my area public schools. Unfortunately for you I wasn't there.

Try again. Hint... I'm Catholic. Think hard Whiny Winnie
I'm well aware what was taught in my area public schools. Unfortunately for you I wasn't there.

Try again. Hint... I'm Catholic. Think hard Whiny Winnie
Nice try.....

You should have said..... It was taught in my the public school too.

An educated person should have known how to properly structure a sentence.
Nice try.....

You should have said..... It was taught in my the public school too.

An educated person should have known how to properly structure a sentence.

Give it a rest. You have no idea where I was educated and seriously doubt your claims of your education. You're fckn stupid, Whiny Winnie

Now prove your claim or go whack off or something and leave me alone ya silly old twatwaffle
Give it a rest. You have no idea where I was educated and seriously doubt your claims of your education. You're fckn stupid, Whiny Winnie

Now prove your claim or go whack off or something and leave me alone ya silly old twatwaffle
Already did.

BTW, pretty nasty dirty mouth for a "Catholic"
Thanks for pointing out how fucked up California is.

Wonder who’s to blame?
Funny is that the student is no child, and he's laughing and a part of the haircut sketch
teacher hair cut.jpg

“Margaret Gieszinger, a 52-year-old chemistry teacher in California, was caught on camera forcibly cutting a student's hair and throwing it behind her while singing the national anthem.”

She then proceeded to chase students with scissors.

too funny

and the student was in (and laughing), on it before he realized the teacher was losing it and was becoming as fruity as a Magatoid at a rally



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