OH SHIT! Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5 Year Sentence

If these Clinton arguments weren't so sad they'd be hilarious. The cowards on the Right want to talk about Clinton, when the real news today is the fact that Trump's labor Secretary Alex Acosta abandoned a 53 page indictment of Jeffrey Epstein on child trafficking of minors for various sex acts. Do you Trump Toads have one ounce of decency? Do you not understand the real scandal here? Do you really give a shit? Of course not. This administration can do anything and you all don't care. The real scandal is the victims. Acosta washed his hands from any responsibility towards the victims. Who cares right? They were probably throw aways anyway. They can do anything and fuck you is how Trump voters look at everything now. They really suck;

It's either Clinton or Obama they are stuck in time no wonder there is no progress in their sad little life's. If any of their non heroes are found to have been involved then prosecute them otherwise move on and don't dwell on the past.

I have never seen so many Trump cowards since being on this board. The scandal is Alex Acosta and Chuck Rosenberg destroyed Acosta's news conference by rebuking everything Acosta said, while Acosta was trying to sugar coat his actions and decisions that cannot be defended. Morning Joe - Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, & Willie Geist

But, but, but it must be Clinton or any other dem they can find but they let their party slide on any charge.

Individuals who had official roles in the 2016 Trump campaigns in Kentucky and Oklahoma are currently in jail for crimes including child sex trafficking: Oklahoma campaign chair Ralph Shortey and Tim Nolan, a Trump delegate who has described himself as the chair of the Campbell County, Kentucky Trump 2016 campaign.

What's False
Tim Nolan was not the Kentucky campaign chair for Trump’s 2016 campaign.
How did people not voting get us into "this mess"?

Because those who would otherwise vote democratic or Independent didn't vote in high numbers in 2016. Which allowed trump to be elected.

All the illegals voting in CA offset any such effect, hun.
That's a lie. Prove it.

It's the truth. Motor Voter has known issues in which illegals were registered to vote. And then there is the fraud conducted through known vote harvesting.

And SRSLY, why are the Dems so passionate about letting illegals into the country: easy peasy lemon squeezy - to replace the middle class voters they have lost due to their inane policies.
Illegals are no more illegal than the countries the US invaded while taking over their governments, their resources, and their jobs. That is why we have a refugee crisis. Why are Trump voters so misinformed and stupid about this fact?A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis

You are a loon. But here's a thought! How about you try to illegally immigrate to Mexico...or Saudi Arabia...or North Korea...or China..or Australia...or Iran...or Russia...or Italy....and see how you are treated.
Because those who would otherwise vote democratic or Independent didn't vote in high numbers in 2016. Which allowed trump to be elected.

All the illegals voting in CA offset any such effect, hun.
That's a lie. Prove it.

It's the truth. Motor Voter has known issues in which illegals were registered to vote. And then there is the fraud conducted through known vote harvesting.

And SRSLY, why are the Dems so passionate about letting illegals into the country: easy peasy lemon squeezy - to replace the middle class voters they have lost due to their inane policies.
"It's the truth", is telling me you are a liar as I just said, while you proved nothing. Thanks for the heads up.

Condolences on your complete and utter ignorance of the world around you...but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.
All the illegals voting in CA offset any such effect, hun.
That's a lie. Prove it.

It's the truth. Motor Voter has known issues in which illegals were registered to vote. And then there is the fraud conducted through known vote harvesting.

And SRSLY, why are the Dems so passionate about letting illegals into the country: easy peasy lemon squeezy - to replace the middle class voters they have lost due to their inane policies.
"It's the truth", is telling me you are a liar as I just said, while you proved nothing. Thanks for the heads up.

Condolences on your complete and utter ignorance of the world around you...but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection and Incredibly Dull ^^^
Look at all these Trump cowards going to Clinton with no evidence. We don't have evidence on Trump either. But ha, we will be finding more out about all of them I'm sure. My question is, what are you Trump Toads scared of? All you talk about is Clinton as if Trump was never present with Epstein at his child prostitution parties. But he was. It's documented. As your concern for Clinton maybe legit, why are you not concerned over Trump's behavior? It's documented that he went to the parties. And? All you can do is talk about Clinton? Really? What a bunch of pussies.

We have already been connecting the dots between Bill and Epstein way before Pres.Trump ever came into office. The politicians back then had helped Epstein from doing any hard time.


And when or if Trump is not implicated in this? Are you going to accept that?

You Hillary's supporters has already asked that question about would we accept whomever will win the election? But you guys didn't accepted that. You guy didn't even accepted when your man Mueller, about him not able to find any collusion charges on the President. We are getting tired of y'all not accepting things. All we want is to do, is to lock y'all up , in order to make this place a better place to live..

Don't ask stupid questions. 28 under age girls at a weekend party with Trump and Epstein, and you think nothing happened? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Dude, seek help.

Lmao! You're losing your shit. What evidence do you have the ladies were under age? You have none.
Stay salty, Demo Ped
If you flew the ‘Lolita Express’, the FBI wants to talk to you No one's losing anything. It's the Trump Train that is in panic mode.

Bwahahaha! Look at this panicked projection! He's on the brink...

This poor guy may just kill himself when Trump is reelected.
All the illegals voting in CA offset any such effect, hun.
That's a lie. Prove it.

It's the truth. Motor Voter has known issues in which illegals were registered to vote. And then there is the fraud conducted through known vote harvesting.

And SRSLY, why are the Dems so passionate about letting illegals into the country: easy peasy lemon squeezy - to replace the middle class voters they have lost due to their inane policies.
"It's the truth", is telling me you are a liar as I just said, while you proved nothing. Thanks for the heads up.

Condolences on your complete and utter ignorance of the world around you...but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.

Says the liar who claimed underage girls were at the Trump calendar girl party
Because those who would otherwise vote democratic or Independent didn't vote in high numbers in 2016. Which allowed trump to be elected.

All the illegals voting in CA offset any such effect, hun.
That's a lie. Prove it.

It's the truth. Motor Voter has known issues in which illegals were registered to vote. And then there is the fraud conducted through known vote harvesting.

And SRSLY, why are the Dems so passionate about letting illegals into the country: easy peasy lemon squeezy - to replace the middle class voters they have lost due to their inane policies.
Illegals are no more illegal than the countries the US invaded while taking over their governments, their resources, and their jobs. That is why we have a refugee crisis. Why are Trump voters so misinformed and stupid about this fact?A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis

You are a loon. But here's a thought! How about you try to illegally immigrate to Mexico...or Saudi Arabia...or North Korea...or China..or Australia...or Iran...or Russia...or Italy....and see how you are treated.
Your lack of honesty, and your inability to challenge facts on the ground, shows the rest of us what a real loser looks like. You call a Trump Toad out on his or her lies, they get caught. Call them out on the facts and they are nothing but ignorant Toads carrying water for an illegal president. How fuckin sick is that people?
That's a lie. Prove it.

It's the truth. Motor Voter has known issues in which illegals were registered to vote. And then there is the fraud conducted through known vote harvesting.

And SRSLY, why are the Dems so passionate about letting illegals into the country: easy peasy lemon squeezy - to replace the middle class voters they have lost due to their inane policies.
"It's the truth", is telling me you are a liar as I just said, while you proved nothing. Thanks for the heads up.

Condolences on your complete and utter ignorance of the world around you...but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.

Says the liar who claimed underage girls were at the Trump calendar girl party
That's not what I read; If you flew the ‘Lolita Express’, the FBI wants to talk to you

You don't really believe Trump and Epstein actually cared about that do you?
Alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein will agree to give up names of individuals who took part in the trafficking ring he ran

The names of the [mostly] men who [allegedly] offered money for sex. Older men? How much older than the girls? Or else they're fucking some woman closer to their own age, and then it's a younger woman or girl who appears in court to press charges.

Epstein allegedly sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes in Manhattan, New York, and Palm Beach, Florida, among other locations.

Frankly, I don't have that much sympathy for runaway juvenile delinquent girls who are basically having a wild party in some rich dude's mansion, and the sex is probably overrated.

And where are the boys? Those sex offender guys go for the young boys, too.

There is a certain age 4 or 5 or so, when kids naturally “lose their innocence” — that is, become aware of (or ashamed of) their bodies, learn to dress themselves — and normally do not allow others to touch them or take advantage of them with ill intentions.

It sounds like a wild party, out of control, and some of those teenagers (13-17) are getting old enough to take responsibility for some of their own actions.

Plenty of marijuana, drugs and alcohol, too, I assume. People had a great time and they all want to get together again. Disgusting.
It's the truth. Motor Voter has known issues in which illegals were registered to vote. And then there is the fraud conducted through known vote harvesting.

And SRSLY, why are the Dems so passionate about letting illegals into the country: easy peasy lemon squeezy - to replace the middle class voters they have lost due to their inane policies.
"It's the truth", is telling me you are a liar as I just said, while you proved nothing. Thanks for the heads up.

Condolences on your complete and utter ignorance of the world around you...but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.

Says the liar who claimed underage girls were at the Trump calendar girl party
That's not what I read; If you flew the ‘Lolita Express’, the FBI wants to talk to you

You don't really believe Trump and Epstein actually cared about that do you?

Save it, you're bawling about liars and are one. Deflection won't work
"It's the truth", is telling me you are a liar as I just said, while you proved nothing. Thanks for the heads up.

Condolences on your complete and utter ignorance of the world around you...but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.

Says the liar who claimed underage girls were at the Trump calendar girl party
That's not what I read; If you flew the ‘Lolita Express’, the FBI wants to talk to you

You don't really believe Trump and Epstein actually cared about that do you?

Save it, you're bawling about liars and are one. Deflection won't work

His deflection is completely ineffective, but it's all he's got in addition to insulting people.
Condolences on your complete and utter ignorance of the world around you...but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.

Says the liar who claimed underage girls were at the Trump calendar girl party
That's not what I read; If you flew the ‘Lolita Express’, the FBI wants to talk to you

You don't really believe Trump and Epstein actually cared about that do you?

Save it, you're bawling about liars and are one. Deflection won't work

His deflection is completely ineffective, but it's all he's got in addition to insulting people.

He's easy to shellac
That's a lie. Prove it.

It's the truth. Motor Voter has known issues in which illegals were registered to vote. And then there is the fraud conducted through known vote harvesting.

And SRSLY, why are the Dems so passionate about letting illegals into the country: easy peasy lemon squeezy - to replace the middle class voters they have lost due to their inane policies.
"It's the truth", is telling me you are a liar as I just said, while you proved nothing. Thanks for the heads up.

Condolences on your complete and utter ignorance of the world around you...but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection and Incredibly Dull ^^^
Exposing the lies of the Right and getting stomped by the facts has been dull as hell for years, because it's been so damn easy to do. These Trump cultists lack any skills for debate, information, or the truth. They're friggin losers.
"It's the truth", is telling me you are a liar as I just said, while you proved nothing. Thanks for the heads up.

Condolences on your complete and utter ignorance of the world around you...but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.

Says the liar who claimed underage girls were at the Trump calendar girl party
That's not what I read; If you flew the ‘Lolita Express’, the FBI wants to talk to you

You don't really believe Trump and Epstein actually cared about that do you?

Save it, you're bawling about liars and are one. Deflection won't work
You know, when you open up the box and all you see are ignoramuses, liars, cheats, cowards, and idiots, the one question I had to ask and answer for my self; where did this box full of deplorables come from? Ah yes, they come straight off the Trump train. What a sad, miserable, pitiful, bunch.
It's the truth. Motor Voter has known issues in which illegals were registered to vote. And then there is the fraud conducted through known vote harvesting.

And SRSLY, why are the Dems so passionate about letting illegals into the country: easy peasy lemon squeezy - to replace the middle class voters they have lost due to their inane policies.
"It's the truth", is telling me you are a liar as I just said, while you proved nothing. Thanks for the heads up.

Condolences on your complete and utter ignorance of the world around you...but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection and Incredibly Dull ^^^
Exposing the lies of the Right and getting stomped by the facts has been dull as hell for years, because it's been so damn easy to do. These Trump cultists lack any skills for debate, information, or the truth. They're friggin losers.

You are repetitive and boring...and clearly just attention whoring. So, I will cease to feed your trolling. Toodles!
Condolences on your complete and utter ignorance of the world around you...but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.

Says the liar who claimed underage girls were at the Trump calendar girl party
That's not what I read; If you flew the ‘Lolita Express’, the FBI wants to talk to you

You don't really believe Trump and Epstein actually cared about that do you?

Save it, you're bawling about liars and are one. Deflection won't work
You know, when you open up the box and all you see are ignoramuses, liars, cheats, cowards, and idiots, the one question I had to ask and answer for my self; where did this box full of deplorables come from? Ah yes, they come straight off the Trump train. What a sad, miserable, pitiful, bunch.

You still lied and got caught. Deal with it asshole
"It's the truth", is telling me you are a liar as I just said, while you proved nothing. Thanks for the heads up.

Condolences on your complete and utter ignorance of the world around you...but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection and Incredibly Dull ^^^
Exposing the lies of the Right and getting stomped by the facts has been dull as hell for years, because it's been so damn easy to do. These Trump cultists lack any skills for debate, information, or the truth. They're friggin losers.

You are repetitive and boring...and clearly just attention whoring. So, I will cease to feed your trolling. Toodles!
You lost! You couldn't back up your lies about the illegals voting. You're a quitter because you know you have to quit. What are you going to say or produce to back up your lies? Nothing! Get lost loser. Nothing worse than a loser and a quitter, because they have to cowardly haul ass away from the truth.
And you get zero for getting caught as a bald faced liar. There isn't an ounce of honesty on this Trump train. What a bunch of total losers.

Says the liar who claimed underage girls were at the Trump calendar girl party
That's not what I read; If you flew the ‘Lolita Express’, the FBI wants to talk to you

You don't really believe Trump and Epstein actually cared about that do you?

Save it, you're bawling about liars and are one. Deflection won't work
You know, when you open up the box and all you see are ignoramuses, liars, cheats, cowards, and idiots, the one question I had to ask and answer for my self; where did this box full of deplorables come from? Ah yes, they come straight off the Trump train. What a sad, miserable, pitiful, bunch.

You still lied and got caught. Deal with it asshole
No! You have not proven any such thing. It was reported there were underage girls at that party, and you have not produced a counter argument to the contrary. You are a liar and a loser. And if you run from this argument without proving me wrong, you are also a coward for not backing up what you say. Both of you are quitters and losers when the truth spits in your faces. Get lost.
Blow Job looking for a place to not be extradited from?...ROTFLMFAO!!!!!

The Epoch Times ^ | July 9, 2019 Updated: July 9, 2019 | By Bowen Xiao

Alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein will agree to give up names of individuals who took part in the trafficking ring he ran—in exchange for a substantially lower sentence.

A two-count indictment unsealed by federal prosecutors on July 8 charged the 66-year-old billionaire financier with sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. Epstein allegedly sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes in Manhattan, New York, and Palm Beach, Florida, among other locations.

The charges carry with them a maximum sentence of 45 years in jail. At Epstein’s age, the charges are tantamount to “a life sentence” Geoffrey Berman, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said at a press conference.

Details of the offer were first reported by broadcast channel One America News Network (OANN).

“Epstein’s lawyer has already made a proffer to SDNY,” OANN host Jack Posobiec said in a July 8 Twitter post.

“Epstein will agree to cooperate with the investigation, including giving up the names of individuals that paid for activities with underage girls in exchange for a maximum sentence not to exceed 5 years,” he continued.

SCOOP: Epstein’s lawyer has already made a proffer to SDNY. Epstein will agree to cooperate with the investigation, including giving up the names of individuals that paid for activities with underage girls in exchange for a maximum sentence not to exceed 5 years – @OANN

— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) July 8, 2019

EXCLUSIVE: Epstein Lawyers Extend Plea Agreement Offer in Exchange for Five-Year-Sentence – @OANN pic.twitter.com/3NROGtBH5d

— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) July 8, 2019

The 14-page unsealed indictment didn’t name any of the “employees and associates” who facilitated Epstein’s conduct by contacting and scheduling the victim’s sexual encounters with him.

Between 2002 and 2005, Epstein “enticed and recruited” minor girls in New York and Florida to engage in sex acts, after which he would pay the victims hundreds of dollars in cash, court records stated.

Epstein has connections to numerous high-profile people, including former President Bill Clinton, the UK’s Prince Andrew, actor Kevin Spacey, and director Woody Allen. Clinton flew on Epstein’s jet, infamously dubbed the “Lolita Express,” at least 26 times, according to records obtained by Fox News in 2016.

A July 8 statement from Clinton’s press secretary, Angel Ureña, said Clinton only “took a total of four trips” on the jet. The statement also said Clinton “knows nothing about the terrible crimes” Epstein allegedly committed and that he had “not spoken to Epstein in well over a decade.”

At an appearance in a Manhattan federal court on July 8, Epstein pleaded not guilty to the charges. A federal judge ordered him to remain in jail until a subsequent bail hearing scheduled for July 11.

At the press conference, Berman confirmed previous reports that said Epstein was arrested at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey on July 6, after his private plane had landed from France.

Berman also said his office wasn’t bound by the previous plea deal in which Epstein was sentenced to 13 months in prison in 2008; he said that deal only binds the Southern District of Florida. The previous deal is currently being challenged in a Florida federal court.

Bill Sweeney, assistant director-in-charge of the FBI’s New York field office, said at the press conference that children who are victims are still traumatized by abuse long after it occurs.

“I stand among many who make it our mission to put predators behind bars where they belong. Regardless of the predator’s power, wealth, or perceived connections,” Sweeney said.

Follow Bowen on Twitter: @BowenXiao3
You do realize dOnald tRump has referred to him as a close friend and attended many parties at his various homes, right?
He also banned him from his resort after hitting on minors. Ole Bill Clinton rode on his private plane with minors, ditching his security detail.
Why didn't he report him to the Police?
because then girls aren't wealthy, and thus not really people to tRump, and epstien is.
Huh? Hahaha hahaha reread that , you exonerated trump
Says the liar who claimed underage girls were at the Trump calendar girl party
That's not what I read; If you flew the ‘Lolita Express’, the FBI wants to talk to you

You don't really believe Trump and Epstein actually cared about that do you?

Save it, you're bawling about liars and are one. Deflection won't work
You know, when you open up the box and all you see are ignoramuses, liars, cheats, cowards, and idiots, the one question I had to ask and answer for my self; where did this box full of deplorables come from? Ah yes, they come straight off the Trump train. What a sad, miserable, pitiful, bunch.

You still lied and got caught. Deal with it asshole
No! You have not proven any such thing. It was reported there were underage girls at that party, and you have not produced a counter argument to the contrary. You are a liar and a loser. And if you run from this argument without proving me wrong, you are also a coward for not backing up what you say. Both of you are quitters and losers when the truth spits in your faces. Get lost.
Prove it

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