Oh Shut Up. Enough Already, Just Shut Up Snowflakes

Do you really want to burn the flag they fight, bleed, and die for?

i noticed you like to make things up... i guess it's cuz you have no argument.

I didn't make anything up. Freedom isn't free. Visit your nearest VA to see the price of it.

Do you think those boys give their all to have you sell them out for a Communistic ideal? I think not.

They do/did it for America and Americans. Here you are wanting to throw them under the bus in the name of tolerance.

Sorry, that's unacceptable to me.
I'm very suspicious about the liberals' "love" for the Muslims. What's in it for them? The Muslims certainly wouldn't help advance THEIR causes, that is FOR SURE. ROFL.

Does anyone actually buy the story that they "care so much" about these people that they don't even know who live in an entirely different part of the world? Lol. That they are such loving and caring humans? Not buying it for a second. You'd have to be a moron to buy that load of garbage. So . . . what is it? :dunno:
There is no right that people from anywhere under any circumstances can immigrate to the United States. There is no right in the constitution that gives illegal trespassers constitutional rights either.
you can't persecute an entire group of people for the actions of a small percentage of extremists.

that's unconstitutional. plus inhumane and unChristian to boot.
If the president issued a decree ordering that all Muslims who are legal citizens of the US and who have done nothing wrong be rounded up and deported, then I would agree that this is a BIG problem and is unconstitutional. Declaring a temporary travel ban is NOT unconstitutional and is within the jurisdiction of the federal government, to protect the American people and to defend American interests.
Nobody has enslaved the Scots since William Wallace.

They only became a part of the United Kingdom when they allowed their King James VI to also become England's King James I.

Just thought I would throw that in.
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It is not inhumane. You persecute all "right wingers". Stop acting as if you are some bleeding heart. I've read plenty of your posts to know better.

link to one example. if you can. :doubt: i'm a conservative.

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