Oh SNAP! Hannity & Fox News Throw Down the Gauntlet. Gagged Bakers Tell All.

Will you commit to turning in ANY judge suppressing Christians' 1st Amendment civil rights?

  • Yes, a civil right is a civil right. There are no favorites.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • No, LGBTs have superior civil rights to Christians.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013

Exclusive Oregon bakery s fight for religious freedom On Air Videos Fox News

In a daring move all Americans should applaud, Hannity had an exclusive interview with the Oregon couple fined and then gagged by the Commissioner Brad Avakian of the Labor Board there. Or Allan McCullough, judge? Either or.

Yesterday — just in time for the Fourth of July holiday — Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian issued his long-awaited ruling against Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of the since-closed Sweet Cakes by Melissa. Finding them guilty of sexual orientation discrimination for refusing to bake a cake to celebrate a same-sex wedding, Avakian not only ordered the Kleins to pay $135,000 in “emotional damages” to the complaining lesbian couple, he also slapped a gag order on them, ordering them to “cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.” In other words, if the Kleins continue to proclaim their unwillingness to celebrate gay marriage in their business activities, they’re in likely violation of Avakian’s order. Oregon Slaps Christian Bakers With a Fine and Gag Order for Refusing to Help Celebrate Gay Wedding National Review Online

Citing a law in Oregon that punishes people for violating others' civil rights, Commissioner Avakian disallowed the bakers to exercise their 1st Amendment civil right! But it gets better (worse, I was being sarcastic). He then doubled down on suppressing their 1st Amendment civil right by gagging them from speaking about his abuse of their civil rights. :eek-52:

So....*giggle*....what does Sean Hannity do on Fox News? Gets an exclusive interview with them less than a week later and flips this Commissioner the middle finger.

Be prepared Commissioner Avakian. I'd brush up on your resume'. I have a feeling you might be needing it soon. Hannity was double-daring Mr. Avakian to do something about that gag order. Good for Hannity. He may actually be redeemed in my eyes at this point. Back when he was pimping for Cheney I used to want to shove that football he threw where the sun doesn't shine.

But this, this was an act of sublime courage and defense of all Americans, each and every one...including gay people. Imagine if you will a Christian marching into a gay billboard designer's shop and ordering a sign for a busy highway that reads: "Homosexuality is a sin unto God". And upon that gay designer's refusal on principle to print that sign, the Christian sues the gay guy for PA violations? And a court awarded the Christian $135K. And then the same court gagged the gay guy if he tried to speak out against that violation of his 1st Amendment right?

:bowdown: So hat's off to Hannity and the bakers Aaron and Melissa Klein! Your defiance of that gag order is a pristine and excellent display of American fight, tenacity and courage. Keep up the good work. Run that judge into the poorhouse instead. :eusa_clap: :eusa_dance:

For more information on the suprisingly easy process of turning in bad judges, refer to this thread: The Civil Rights Double-Edged Sword Time To Silence The Rogue Judge In Oregon Instead. Page 5 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
post #44

If you don't live in Oregon and you hear of a judgment that is similar in nature, here is a list by state of offices you can contact for easy forms to launch a judicial investigation. If you know of a Christian who has had their civil rights (1st Amendment) violated by a judge or commissioner, contact the judicial review board for your state IMMEDIATELY. The 9th Amendment to the US Constitution says that no new rights created or any that already exist may infringe upon another right granted elsewhere in the Constitution. That includes 1st Amendment rights to exercise faith. This includes politely declining to participate in ideologies than run contrary to the Christian faith, such as homosexuals taking away mother & father marriage from children.

A master link for mailing & phone info: State Commission on Judicial Conduct

Alabama: (whose government apparently hasn't heard of the internet yet)
Judicial Inquiry Commission
401 Adams Avenue
P.0. Box 303400
Montgomery, AL 36130-3400
Phone (334) 242-4089
Fax(334) 353-4043

Alaska: Alaska Judical Council Main Page

Arizona: News and Meetings

Arkansas: Judical Discipline and Disability Commission - Membership and Staff

California: Home - State of California Commission on Judicial Performance

Colorado: Commissions on Judicial Performace - Commissions on Judicial Performance

Connecticut: Judicial Review Council

Delaware: Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee

District of Columbia: Code of Judicial Conduct cjdt

Florida: Florida Code of Judicial Conduct for Judges and Judicial Officers

Georgia: Administrative Office of the Courts

Hawaii: Commission on Judicial Conduct

Idaho: Idaho Judicial Council

Illinois: Welcome to the Official Site of the Illinois Courts

Indiana: courts.IN.gov Judicial Administration

Iowa: Iowa Judicial Qualifications Commission JQC - Iowa Judicial Branch - Des Moines IA

Kansas: Kansas Judicial Branch - Appellate Clerk - Commission of Judicial Qualifications

Kentucky: Judicial Conduct Commission Judicial Conduct Commission

Louisiana: Louisiana.gov - Government

Maine: State of Maine Judicial Responsibility and Disability Committee

Maryland: http://www.courts.state.md.us/cjd/code.html

Massachusetts: Massachusetts Commission on Judicial Conduct

Michigan: Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission

Minnesota: Minnesota Board on Judicial Standards Complaints

Mississippi: Filing A Complaint

Missouri: Missouri Judicial Branch - MO.gov

Montana: Montana Supreme Court

Nebraska: Judicial Ethics Committee Nebraska Judicial Branch

Nevada: Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline

New Hampshire: NH Judicial Conduct Committee

New Jersey: New Jersey Courts

New Mexico: New Mexico Judicial Standards Commission

New York: State Commission on Judicial Conduct

North Carolina: Judicial Standards Commission

North Dakota: Judicial Conduct Commission

Ohio: Office of Disciplinary Counsel

Oklahoma: Lawyer Complaint Process

Oregon: CJFD Home - CJFD Home

Pennsylvania: Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania Committed to excellence and dedicated to the independence and integrity of the judiciary

Rhode Island: JudicialTenureandDiscipline

South Carolina: SC Judicial Department

South Dakota: Judicial Qualifications Commission

Tennessee: File a Complaint Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts

Texas: State Commission on Judicial Conduct - Home Page

Utah: Code of Judicial Conduct - Utah Judicial Conduct Commission

Vermont: https://www.vermontjudiciary.org/lc/masterpages/judicialconductboard.aspx

Washington: Filing a Complaint

West Virginia: Code of Judicial Conduct - West Virginia Judiciary

Wisconsin: Wisconsin Court System - Judicial Conduct Advisory Committee opinions

Wyoming: How to File a Complaint - Judicial Conduct and Ethics
Last edited:
So...You think the age of sexual consent should be, actually there isn't one in the Bible, can have sex with whoever ya want.

People should be stoned to death for working during the Sabbath?

Etc. cuz religion's just so groovy. Not at all fucked up.
I hope they got paid for the interview. Their bigotry cost them quite the hefty fee after all.
So...You think the age of sexual consent should be, actually there isn't one in the Bible, can have sex with whoever ya want.

People should be stoned to death for working during the Sabbath?

Etc. cuz religion's just so groovy. Not at all fucked up.
No, Christians don't follow the Old Testament. It's just a historical citation. They follow the teachings of the New Testament of Jesus. And besides, I'm not a Christian.

Jesus said : "ye who is without sin cast the first stone". Remember that Jesus came along to correct the old jewish law mistakes? No? Might want to brush up on a basic world religions course and get back to the conversation after.
So...You think the age of sexual consent should be, actually there isn't one in the Bible, can have sex with whoever ya want.

People should be stoned to death for working during the Sabbath?

Etc. cuz religion's just so groovy. Not at all fucked up.
No, Christians don't follow the Old Testament. It's just a historical citation. They follow the teachings of the New Testament of Jesus. And besides, I'm not a Christian.

If Christians ar eonly obligated to follow the NT, considering there aren't any laws in there, they're all in the OT, where is the modern Christian arguements of "it's in the Bible that you can't..." coming from?
Yet another ruling Sil doesn't fully understand or simply refuses to understand. Too funny.
Naw, Christians and liberty lovers everywhere came together and provided them with adequate funding to pay the fines.

BTW, Avakian was appointed by the judge that heard the case.


Ore. Silences Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbians
Avakian looks like the typical liberal asshole. I saw his FB page the other day, he was taking it up the chute but I suspect he enjoyed it
Seems to me Christians DO use the OT laws. Especially if it suits them.
There are different sects but all ultimately default to the New Testament if there is a question. The New Testament settles it. Read Jude 1 and Romans 1. Christians have to decline serving anything that condones or promotes homosexuality like a "gay wedding". Jude 1 though reminds to be compassionate to the individual homosexual and make a difference in their maladjustment. Just don't confuse that with promoting homosexuality itself as a "behavioral norm society approves of".

So, sell the random gay guy a birthday cake, a suit; give him a job or a place to rent, no problem. That's compassionate and hoping he might come around to his senses. From a Christian point of view. But no way condone the joining of two men or two women sexually (implied in marriage) as an institution or a cultural value. Nuh-uh. No way.
Seems to me Christians DO use the OT laws. Especially if it suits them.
There are different sects but all ultimately default to the New Testament if there is a question. The New Testament settles it. Read Jude 1 and Romans 1. Christians have to decline serving anything that condones or promotes homosexuality like a "gay wedding". Jude 1 though reminds to be compassionate to the individual homosexual and make a difference in their maladjustment. Just don't confuse that with promoting homosexuality itself as a "behavioral norm society approves of".

17 p“Do not think that I have come to abolish qthe Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but rto fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, suntil heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 tTherefore whoever relaxes uone of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least vin the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great vin the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds wthat of the scribes and Pharisees, you xwill never enter the kingdom of heaven.
- Matthew 5 ESV

Not only does this establish the Law is still in effect, but it also illustartes even if you break the Law you go to Heaven. Gay or not.
Not according to Jude 1. Read it. Just being gay (having an affliction) doesn't keep you from heaven. It's malignant gays, those teaching others that being homosexual is a "good social value, one to be allowed and spread" are the ones, along with inert Christians allowing that, who will go to the pit forever. Read it carefully. Line by line. Don't skim.
Delta, what do you think about Christians being able to force gay billboard designers to print "Homosexuality is a sin unto God" under pain of $135k fine and a gag order if they fail?

Exclusive Oregon bakery s fight for religious freedom On Air Videos Fox News

In a daring move all Americans should applaud, Hannity had an exclusive interview with the Oregon couple fined and then gagged by the Commissioner Brad Avakian of the Labor Board there. Or Allan McCullough, judge? Either or.

Yesterday — just in time for the Fourth of July holiday — Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian issued his long-awaited ruling against Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of the since-closed Sweet Cakes by Melissa. Finding them guilty of sexual orientation discrimination for refusing to bake a cake to celebrate a same-sex wedding, Avakian not only ordered the Kleins to pay $135,000 in “emotional damages” to the complaining lesbian couple, he also slapped a gag order on them, ordering them to “cease and desist” from “publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.” In other words, if the Kleins continue to proclaim their unwillingness to celebrate gay marriage in their business activities, they’re in likely violation of Avakian’s order. Oregon Slaps Christian Bakers With a Fine and Gag Order for Refusing to Help Celebrate Gay Wedding National Review Online

Citing a law in Oregon that punishes people for violating others' civil rights, Commissioner Avakian disallowed the bakers to exercise their 1st Amendment civil right! But it gets better (worse, I was being sarcastic). He then doubled down on suppressing their 1st Amendment civil right by gagging them from speaking about his abuse of their civil rights. :eek-52:

So....*giggle*....what does Sean Hannity do on Fox News? Gets an exclusive interview with them less than a week later and flips this Commissioner the middle finger.

Be prepared Commissioner Avakian. I'd brush up on your resume'. I have a feeling you might be needing it soon. Hannity was double-daring Mr. Avakian to do something about that gag order. Good for Hannity. He may actually be redeemed in my eyes at this point. Back when he was pimping for Cheney I used to want to shove that football he threw where the sun doesn't shine.

But this, this was an act of sublime courage and defense of all Americans, each and every one...including gay people. Imagine if you will a Christian marching into a gay billboard designer's shop and ordering a sign for a busy highway that reads: "Homosexuality is a sin unto God". And upon that gay designer's refusal on principle to print that sign, the Christian sues the gay guy for PA violations? And a court awarded the Christian $135K. And then the same court gagged the gay guy if he tried to speak out against that violation of his 1st Amendment right?

:bowdown: So hat's off to Hannity and the bakers Aaron and Melissa Klein! Your defiance of that gag order is a pristine and excellent display of American fight, tenacity and courage. Keep up the good work. Run that judge into the poorhouse instead. :eusa_clap: :eusa_dance:

For more information on the suprisingly easy process of turning in bad judges, refer to this thread: The Civil Rights Double-Edged Sword Time To Silence The Rogue Judge In Oregon Instead. Page 5 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
post #44

If you don't live in Oregon and you hear of a judgment that is similar in nature, here is a list by state of offices you can contact for easy forms to launch a judicial investigation. If you know of a Christian who has had their civil rights (1st Amendment) violated by a judge or commissioner, contact the judicial review board for your state IMMEDIATELY. The 9th Amendment to the US Constitution says that no new rights created or any that already exist may infringe upon another right granted elsewhere in the Constitution. That includes 1st Amendment rights to exercise faith. This includes politely declining to participate in ideologies than run contrary to the Christian faith, such as homosexuals taking away mother & father marriage from children.

A master link for mailing & phone info: State Commission on Judicial Conduct

Alabama: (whose government apparently hasn't heard of the internet yet)
Judicial Inquiry Commission
401 Adams Avenue
P.0. Box 303400
Montgomery, AL 36130-3400
Phone (334) 242-4089
Fax(334) 353-4043

Alaska: Alaska Judical Council Main Page

Arizona: News and Meetings

Arkansas: Judical Discipline and Disability Commission - Membership and Staff

California: Home - State of California Commission on Judicial Performance

Colorado: Commissions on Judicial Performace - Commissions on Judicial Performance

Connecticut: Judicial Review Council

Delaware: Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee

District of Columbia: Code of Judicial Conduct cjdt

Florida: Florida Code of Judicial Conduct for Judges and Judicial Officers

Georgia: Administrative Office of the Courts

Hawaii: Commission on Judicial Conduct

Idaho: Idaho Judicial Council

Illinois: Welcome to the Official Site of the Illinois Courts

Indiana: courts.IN.gov Judicial Administration

Iowa: Iowa Judicial Qualifications Commission JQC - Iowa Judicial Branch - Des Moines IA

Kansas: Kansas Judicial Branch - Appellate Clerk - Commission of Judicial Qualifications

Kentucky: Judicial Conduct Commission Judicial Conduct Commission

Louisiana: Louisiana.gov - Government

Maine: State of Maine Judicial Responsibility and Disability Committee

Maryland: http://www.courts.state.md.us/cjd/code.html

Massachusetts: Massachusetts Commission on Judicial Conduct

Michigan: Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission

Minnesota: Minnesota Board on Judicial Standards Complaints

Mississippi: Filing A Complaint

Missouri: Missouri Judicial Branch - MO.gov

Montana: Montana Supreme Court

Nebraska: Judicial Ethics Committee Nebraska Judicial Branch

Nevada: Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline

New Hampshire: NH Judicial Conduct Committee

New Jersey: New Jersey Courts

New Mexico: New Mexico Judicial Standards Commission

New York: State Commission on Judicial Conduct

North Carolina: Judicial Standards Commission

North Dakota: Judicial Conduct Commission

Ohio: Office of Disciplinary Counsel

Oklahoma: Lawyer Complaint Process

Oregon: CJFD Home - CJFD Home

Pennsylvania: Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania Committed to excellence and dedicated to the independence and integrity of the judiciary

Rhode Island: JudicialTenureandDiscipline

South Carolina: SC Judicial Department

South Dakota: Judicial Qualifications Commission

Tennessee: File a Complaint Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts

Texas: State Commission on Judicial Conduct - Home Page

Utah: Code of Judicial Conduct - Utah Judicial Conduct Commission

Vermont: https://www.vermontjudiciary.org/lc/masterpages/judicialconductboard.aspx

Washington: Filing a Complaint

West Virginia: Code of Judicial Conduct - West Virginia Judiciary

Wisconsin: Wisconsin Court System - Judicial Conduct Advisory Committee opinions

Wyoming: How to File a Complaint - Judicial Conduct and Ethics

Actually since the couple is no longer in business they can say what ever they want because whatever they say will have no effect on PAs.

Read the order in that context:

“publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”
So...You think the age of sexual consent should be, actually there isn't one in the Bible, can have sex with whoever ya want.

People should be stoned to death for working during the Sabbath?

Etc. cuz religion's just so groovy. Not at all fucked up.
No, Christians don't follow the Old Testament. It's just a historical citation. They follow the teachings of the New Testament of Jesus. And besides, I'm not a Christian.

Jesus said : "ye who is without sin cast the first stone". Remember that Jesus came along to correct the old jewish law mistakes? No? Might want to brush up on a basic world religions course and get back to the conversation after.

You're not a Christian? Bullshit! I went to your home site you posted in your "Silhouette is leaving USMB" thread a couple months ago. You call yourself a 'Rouge Christian' and your site is riddled with crosses and mentions of Jude 1. Why lie about it Sil? I don't care that you are Christian but to claim otherwise is a lie. The only person you are fooling is yourself.


Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with Proverbs 12:22
22 Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord,
but those who act faithfully are his delight.

- Proverbs 12 ESV

So homosexual male sexual acts are an abomination. But so is lying. Hmm, interesting...:)

Did you know you can just type in a biblical verse on google? :)

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