Oh well, I suppose the U.S. will always remain to daily gun shooting

Okay, let’s recap, shall we? In post #28 , Page 2 (my first response to you) I said:

“We had a divisive and controversial presidential election, some police shootings that sparked riots and a pandemic that divided us even more over mask mandates and vaccines while at the same time being forced to lockdown, all in the span of five or six years.”

Your response, Post #94, Page 5:

“What makes you think that this has anything to do with the election, covid, or mask mandates?”
Later, you said in Post #169, Page 9:
“I asked you for data showing that this kind of crime started increasing in the last few years, presumably due to covid or mask mandates, or whatever the hell you were trying to blame this on.

Right there is where you started getting it wrong; accusing me of blaming covid, which I did not.

Then you doubled down in Post #208, Page 11:

“You blamed this on covid.”

If anyone lied, you did right here. I never blamed it on covid before this accusation from you.

In response to your false accusation that I blamed it on covid, THIS is when I said in Post #214, Page 11:

“No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid, riots and the pandemic and that tensions were high.”

You falsely accused me twice of blaming it on covid before I even made this statement and this statement was in direct response to your second false accusation.

Later, I asked two questions in Post #285, Page 15, based on the assumption that crime had gone up to make a point:

“1.) Do you think covid caused a rise in crime?

2.) Do you think covid caused the heightened tensions between various groups (Democrats/Republicans, conservatives/liberals, etc.)?”

You of course refused to answer, which didn’t surprise me. But then you took two questions that were directed at you to somehow mean I was saying covid caused the increase in crime. Your response to the questions was in Post #288, Page 15:

“So, when you said you didn’t cite covid as a cause, that was a lie.”

I then responded to this in Post #291, Page 15:

“Just answer the questions. The point of asking the questions will be made clear if and when you do.”

Even after I made it clear I wanted to make a point, you of course still didn’t answer the questions (again, no surprise) but instead, for some reason that escapes me, went right on believing I said covid caused the rise in crime.
Wow. All of this blah, blah, blah to try to weasel out of your lie. It’s not working. I don’t need a recap. I know what you said. I only need two statements of yours to show that you lied:

(1) "No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

(2) “Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”

First you need to understand, when I say “poor choice of words”, I’m referring to the “…due to covid…” remark. But as I showed above, this was in response to your false accusation that I blamed it on covid.
I stand by my comment that I never blamed it on covid.
(1) "No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

Nothing in your ridiculous word salad refutes what you said right here.
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Not sure, you need to ask a constitutional rights - supreme judge - since the constitution only states that the people have the right to bear arms. (to serve in a militia - respectively as soldiers) - and not to walk around with it in public places - and therefore pose a possible public danger.

Yeah...not what the 2nd Amendment states...but keep lying....
A typical deflection try - and a bad move actually.

If guns would be as strictly regulated by efficient laws, such as the topic abortion - 90% and more would have to surrender their guns, or wouldn't be able to purchase one.
BTW, I am a gun owner - and I am absolutely convinced and in favor that guns need to be kept at home or at the shooting range, and should not be allowed to be carried in public - neither concealed nor open.

Feel free to ask any person doing his duty as an urban police or county sheriff department officer.

The following poll was done during Trump's tenure:

They have asked police.......

Having a Brother and a nephew in law enforcement and several friends...they all support concealed carry for civilians....

More than 91 percent of respondents support the concealed carry of firearms by civilians who have not been convicted of a felony and/or not been deemed psychologically/medically incapable.
A full 86 percent feel that casualties would have been reduced or avoided in recent tragedies like Newtown and Aurora if a legally-armed citizen was present (casualties reduced: 80 percent; avoided altogether: 60 percent).
Police Gun Control Survey: Are legally-armed citizens the best solution to gun violence?

National Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Surveys on Concealed Handgun Reciprocity and other issues

National Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Surveys on Concealed Handgun Reciprocity and other issues - Crime Prevention Research Center

Concealed carry reciprocity: Support

29th annual Survey..... 88.62%

Can armed citizens help lower violent crime activity: Support

A typical deflection try - and a bad move actually.

If guns would be as strictly regulated by efficient laws, such as the topic abortion - 90% and more would have to surrender their guns, or wouldn't be able to purchase one.
BTW, I am a gun owner - and I am absolutely convinced and in favor that guns need to be kept at home or at the shooting range, and should not be allowed to be carried in public - neither concealed nor open.

Feel free to ask any person doing his duty as an urban police or county sheriff department officer.

The following poll was done during Trump's tenure:

Yeah....you morons keep citing polls given to people who have no clue what you are asking them.........they also have no understanding of the history of gun control around the world and the 200 million people murdered by their governments.....

How about you ask them real questions, with actual information about your goal to ban and confiscate the guns they need to protect themselves and their families.....?
The USSC discarded this argument 2 decades ago.

The USSC discarded this argument in June of last year.

So, again:
Too bad for the Constitution - right?
The constitution can be changed, respectively amended - maybe not today, but maybe tomorrow - too bad right?
So we agree that credit card fraud is probably not linked to the guy shooting the little girl. Just because something is a crime does not mean it is connected to this particular tragedy. Therefore, your “Again, CRIME.” reasoning doesn’t work, like I’ve said from the beginning.

So your “Again, CRIME.” argument doesn’t work, like I said from the beginning. Jesus Christ.
What’s the connection? Crime.

You’re looking for other connections I never made.
Wow. All of this blah, blah, blah to try to weasel out of your lie. It’s not working. I don’t need a recap. I know what you said. I only need two statements of yours to show that you lied:

(1) "No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

(2) “Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”

(1) "No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

Nothing in your ridiculous word salad refutes what you said right here.

You didn’t read any of that, did you? The sequence of posts clearly show that:

1.) I said in my very first post to you that I attributed it to the tensions over the mandates, not covid.

2.) You chose to ignore this and falsely accused me twice of blaming it on covid anyway.

3.) Both of those statements were made AFTER you already falsely accused me twice of blaming it on covid and the first one was made in direct response to one of these false accusations.

4.) I made it clear numerous times after your false accusations what I meant. Instead of just accepting my explanation or even reviewing my first post that I referred you to several times, you persisted with the false accusation anyway.

If it’s true that I lied then it’s also true you accused me without cause of blaming it on covid long before I ever “lied”.

I did not lie and if you think I’ll confess to a lie after your insistence on pushing your own lie after several explanations, that ain’t happening.

You’re full of shit.
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What’s the connection? Crime.

You’re looking for other connections I never made.
Great. We agree that shooting this little girl and theft are both crimes. We also agree that shooting children and credit card fraud are also crimes. What’s your point then? What does theft have to do with the guy shooting the girl, other than them both being crimes? Why did you insist we talk about this? Are we just listing off random crimes that have nothing to do with the guy shooting the girl other than being crimes? Because that sounds fun.
You didn’t read any of that, did you? The sequence of posts clearly show that:

1.) I said in my very first post to you that I attributed it to the tensions over the mandates, not covid.

2.) You chose to ignore this and falsely accused me twice of blaming it on covid anyway.

3.) Both of those statements were made AFTER you already falsely accused me twice of blaming it on covid and the first one was made in direct response to one of these false accusations.

4.) I made it clear numerous times after your false accusations what I meant. Instead of just accepting my explanation or even reviewing my first post that I referred you to several times, you persisted with the false accusation anyway.

If it’s true that I lied then it’s also true you accused me without cause of blaming it on covid long before I ever “lied”.

I did not lie and if you think I’ll confess to a lie after your insistence on pushing your own lie after several explanations, that ain’t happening.

You’re full of shit.
Sure I read it. It was a bunch of word salad bullshit that did absolutely nothing to refute the simple fact that you clearly contradicted yourself in these two statements:

(1) "No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

(2) “Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”

I don’t need a back-story recap or your super helpful commentary. You contradicted yourself right here. Period.

You’re clearly the one full of shit.
Great. We agree that shooting this little girl and theft are both crimes. We also agree that shooting children and credit card fraud are also crimes. What’s your point then?

That crime is up. What else?
What does theft have to do with the guy shooting the girl, other than them both being crimes? Why did you insist we talk about this?

You responded to me first. I insisted nothing.
Are we just listing off random crimes that have nothing to do with the guy shooting the girl other than being crimes? Because that sounds fun.

If that’s what you wanna do, knock yourself out.
Sure I read it. It was a bunch of word salad bullshit that did absolutely nothing to refute the simple fact that you clearly contradicted yourself in these two statements:

(1) "No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

(2) “Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”

I don’t need a back-story recap or your super helpful commentary. You contradicted yourself right here. Period.

You’re clearly the one full of shit.
You accused me of blaming it on covid BEFORE this you fucking moron.
That crime is up. What else?
Neat. Still don’t see the connection between that and the guy shooting the girl other than them both being crimes. An increase in credit card fraud also wouldn’t have much to do with the guy shooting the girl.
You responded to me first. I insisted nothing.
You threw a hissy-fit when I didn’t address the store closures that you wanted to discuss. I didn’t see the relevance. The same way I don’t see the relevance between credit card fraud and shooting little girls.

If that’s what you wanna do, knock yourself out.
Apparently that’s what you want to do considering that you brought up crimes that have nothing to do with the guy shooting the girl.
You accused me of blaming it on covid BEFORE this you fucking moron.
Someone’s getting pissy again. Your hissy-fit doesn’t refute the fact that you contradicted yourself.

(1) "No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

(2) “Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”
Neat. Still don’t see the connection between that and the guy shooting the girl other than them both being crimes. An increase in credit card fraud also wouldn’t have much to do with the guy shooting the girl.

You threw a hissy-fit when I didn’t address the store closures that you wanted to discuss. I didn’t see the relevance. The same way I don’t see the relevance between credit card fraud and shooting little girls.

Apparently that’s what you want to do considering that you brought up crimes that have nothing to do with the guy shooting the girl.
What was it you said to me? Oh yeah: Blah blah blah.

I really don’t give a shit anymore.
Someone’s getting pissy again. Your hissy-fit doesn’t refute the fact that you contradicted yourself.

(1) "No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

(2) “Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”
Are you a troll? I know I alluded to it a couple of times but I’m beginning to think you are.

Anyway, no matter how many times you repeat this, it won’t change the fact that if anyone lied, you lied first.
Are you a troll? I know I alluded to it a couple of times but I’m beginning to think you are.

Anyway, no matter how many times you repeat this, it won’t change the fact that if anyone lied, you lied first.
You trying to explain my lie:


Me showing that you contradicted yourself:

(1) "No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

(2) “Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”

I figured you would acknowledge that you misspoke and we’d be able to move past it by now. But apparently your delicate ego won’t allow you to admit it when you made a mistake, even when it’s right there and it’s completely obvious. Says a lot about you arguing against something even when you know you’re wrong, at least you should be able to see that those two statements contradict each other.
I think that’s gonna be it for me. I don’t see this going anywhere productive. You can have the last word.

Have a good day.
I told you that I don’t see the relevance. You threw the hissy-fit because I wasn’t addressing it. Now I’ve addressed it. Happy now? Probably not.
Again, you responded to me first and you were the one doing the insisting at the beginning; Insisting I explain how covid caused the rise in crime when I said no such thing;

Continuing to insist I blamed covid even after several explanations;

Insisting I list the types of crimes I was referring to even after I cited the one in the OP and even after citing various crimes to candycorn: mass shootings, violent road rage incidents, smash-and-grab robberies, shooting and mobbing people over trivial disagreements (the recent shooting in Texas), brazen shoplifting, etc.

The rise in crime was my point from the beginning and is the reason I cited businesses leaving. In spite of this, you kept insisting I spoon feed you some other obscure connection between the types of crimes.

You were correct that there was no relevance but this was only true because you were looking through the wrong end of the microscope. The relevance was in the increase of various types of crimes.

You trying to explain my lie:

View attachment 781527
Me explaining your lie: “You blamed it on covid.”

I never blamed it on covid before this accusation but you accused me anyway. Twice.
Me showing that you contradicted yourself:

(1) "No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

(2) “Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”

Yeah, after you said I blamed it on covid when I did not.
I figured you would acknowledge that you misspoke and we’d be able to move past it by now.

I figured you would acknowledge you either misread or ignored my first post where I did not blame it on covid but rather, in part, due to the anger over the policies arising from it, and we’d be able to move past it by now.

Everything -and I mean EVERYTHING - that transpired in this discussion stems from your refusal in the beginning to even attempt to understand where I was coming from in my first post and your insistence I said something I did not.

The comment you keep quoting was in direct response to your second false accusation that I blamed it on covid.
But apparently your delicate ego won’t allow you to admit it when you made a mistake, even when it’s right there and it’s completely obvious.

And your mistake? What about that?
Says a lot about you arguing against something even when you know you’re wrong,

What did I argue against and where was I wrong?

I’ve asked you already what I was wrong about and you didn’t answer.
at least you should be able to see that those two statements contradict each other.

At least you should be able to see the contradiction between what you accused me of and what I actually said.
I think that’s gonna be it for me. I don’t see this going anywhere productive. You can have the last word.

Yeah, persistently misconstruing your opponent’s words rarely is productive.

Have a good day.


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