Oh well, I suppose the U.S. will always remain to daily gun shooting

Lie about what?
Your lie: “Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”

Do you know what “not once” means? It doesn’t matter if it’s the first post, the second post, or the 78th post. Your quote right there makes it a lie. Care to address that now?

You’re full of shit.
You’re a liar. How about you try addressing your lie now? Moving the goalposts isn’t going to work. The proof is right there. Your delicate ego refusing to admit it says a lot about you.
Shot for going to the wrong house, shot for pulling into the wrong driveway, shot for opening the wrong car door…

“It’s about a country with more guns than people, where whatever inspires the 30% of Americans, who are most likely to be men, who own firearms has converged in dangerous and deadly ways with whatever fear, frustration or paranoia leads someone to shoot at a stranger or a car that’s driving away.”

Unwarranted, baseless fear and frustration.
Dumbass your 30% is way to low
Ok, so credit card fraud. That can be a felony. Does that have anything to do with this guy shooting the girl?
I don’t know. Has credit card fraud gone up?
You’re an idiot for making this retarded argument.

Now who’s being pissy?
What would have been the point of specifying the kind of crime you’re referring to when asked? Oh I don’t know. Maybe to make your point clear from the beginning instead of throwing this little bitch-fit of yours after you dodged the direct question.

Bullshit. When you asked what are “these crimes” I was referring to, I said: “This very thread is about one of those crimes for Christ’s sake.”

I gave you at least one example, someone overreacting and shooting/killing people over minor disagreements.

Another similar incident happened just yesterday in Texas that ended in yet another mass shooting (one of the crimes I cited to candycorn as being on the increase).
A man killed five people from a neighbor family simply because they asked him to stop shooting his gun on his porch, keeping their baby awake.
Hey it’s your stupid argument. I asked you what theft has to do with the guy shooting the girl. You brought that up. When asked, you just said they’re both crimes. So is credit card fraud. What does that have to do with the guy shooting the girl?

Is theft on the rise? I believe it is. Therefore, there’s your connection.
So is credit card fraud. Is that connected to the guy shooting the girl or not? You’re having a really difficult time with this argument of yours.

I’m not the one who’s having a problem with my argument, you are.

You’ve been hounding me for days over pointless minutiae (But you didn’t say burglery! You didn’t say jaywalking! You didn’t say credit card fraud!), misconstrued my words and completely ignored my initial comments that clearly attributed the rise in crime in part to, not covid, but the anger over issues arising from covid.
So go with credit card fraud then.

No. You go ahead and chase that rat since you have that stink in your nose.
Right. Because I’m not an idiot who thinks that a guy shooting a little girl is somehow related to every other crime. You have yet to explain that one.
Your lie: “Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”

Do you know what “not once” means? It doesn’t matter if it’s the first post, the second post, or the 78th post. Your quote right there makes it a lie. Care to address that now?

Care to address why you claimed I said covid was the cause when I never did before this remark?

However you interpreted that post, I never meant that covid was the cause. Understand?

Why would I say the anger was due to disagreements over covid policies and then turn around and say covid was the cause and then deny I said that? It makes no sense

So no, I never meant that covid was the cause, regardless of the wording of that post.
You’re a liar. How about you try addressing your lie now? Moving the goalposts isn’t going to work. The proof is right there. Your delicate ego refusing to admit it says a lot about you.

I am not going to admit a lie over something that was, at worst, nothing more than a poor choice of words.

My first post on the matter was clear and my multiple clarifications thereafter were also clear that I meant the anger was over the policies.

But apparently you are incapable or unwilling to grasp context and gist.
Shot for going to the wrong house, shot for pulling into the wrong driveway, shot for opening the wrong car door…

“It’s about a country with more guns than people, where whatever inspires the 30% of Americans, who are most likely to be men, who own firearms has converged in dangerous and deadly ways with whatever fear, frustration or paranoia leads someone to shoot at a stranger or a car that’s driving away.”

Unwarranted, baseless fear and frustration.
Your examples are the statistical anomalies, when considering number of firearms total and the amount of shooting incidents that are of real criminal nature.
There is a significant number of women whom own firearms, and they are the fastest growing demographic;

Ladies of Lead — Firearms Training for Women Ages 14 & Up​

I don’t know. Has credit card fraud gone up?
Does it matter? If it has, is that related to the guy shooting the girl?

Now who’s being pissy?
You. I’m just responding in kind. You’re the one who started throwing the ad hominems.

Bullshit. When you asked what are “these crimes” I was referring to, I said: “This very thread is about one of those crimes for Christ’s sake.”

I gave you at least one example, someone overreacting and shooting/killing people over minor disagreements.

Another similar incident happened just yesterday in Texas that ended in yet another mass shooting (one of the crimes I cited to candycorn as being on the increase).
A man killed five people from a neighbor family simply because they asked him to stop shooting his gun on his porch, keeping their baby awake.
Which seems related to me. Theft and credit card fraud, not so much. Hence why, after failing to get an answer from you, I assumed you were talking about gun violence. I responded with what I figured you meant, only to have you go into this ridiculous theft argument. This has lead us to talking about credit card fraud and whether it’s related to the guy shooting the girl, something that you STILL won’t answer.

Is theft on the rise? I believe it is. Therefore, there’s your connection.
If credit card fraud is on the rise, is that now connected to the guy shooting the girl? Still no straight answer out of you.
Care to address why you claimed I said covid was the cause when I never did beforethis remark?
“Before”. So do you admit that you your statement was wrong?

“Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”

I am not going to admit a lie over something that was, at worst, nothing more than a poor choice of words.
I already told you several posts ago, admit you lied or admit that you misspoke. These pathetic attempts to deflect or move the goal posts aren’t working. Did you lie or did you use a poor choice of words when you said the following? “Not once did I cite covid as a cause.” Which is it?

It’s blatantly clear that you‘re wrong here and it’s interesting to see how you respond when you know that you’re wrong. Rather than confess to this lie or mistake, you would rather try these lame tactics. How about you just cut the bullshit and try being honest?
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Trying to keep up with this back and forth makes my head hurt, but I will point out that there is no single definition of the word "crime." Usually it just means felonies and misdemeanors, but sometimes it can mean only felonies, and other times it can include infractions such as parking tickets.

The severity of jaywalking varies by state. Usually it is just an infraction punished with a fine, but sometimes it can be classified as a misdemeanor.

Nothing is simple.

As noted in the OP Thread above, and my signature line, the truth is out there. Those who change the topic and use emoticons haven't an ounce of truth and justice.

As noted in the OP Thread above, and my signature line, the truth is out there. Those who change the topic and use emoticons haven't an ounce of truth and justice.

The gun violence Archive lies..........

The problem is how Bryant and his 20 staffers define mass shootings. When most people hear the term “mass shooting,” they picture a crazed gunman stalking the halls of a school or a shopping mall, coldly and randomly executing innocent young victims. What does not come to mind are rival drug crews shooting it out in Chicago or Detroit, or a madman murdering his entire family, which no sane person would consider a mass shooting. The GVA makes no such distinction. If four people are wounded, the GVA labels it a mass shooting regardless of the circumstances, and the media and anti-gun politicians lap up the GVA’s inflated stats.
When I interviewed Bryant in July for our special report, I asked him if he actually believed that the average news consumer even considers domestic violence or gang warfare when they hear the term mass shooting. Bryant replied, “I don’t know. I know what we want to do is provide numbers and let the journalists, advocates and ‘congress critters’ look at the data, glean details and drill down on it.”
Unfortunately, today’s legacy journalists and anti-rights politicians are too lazy to do any drilling down. They prefer to cut and paste Bryan’s off-the-charts stats.
The bottom line: Bryant and his GVA know full well they’re supplying flawed data, which the media treats as gospel. I’m guessing Bryant and his anti-gun pals are laughing about it, too.

Fake News: CNN Reports Over 640 Mass Shootings in 2021 - The Truth About Guns

“We drill down to granularity of the street level, which is what the FBI doesn’t do,” he said.
According to their new report titled: “Active Shooter Incidents in the United States in 2020,” the FBI defines active shootings as:

  • Shootings in public places
  • Shootings occurring at more than one location
  • Shootings where the shooter’s actions were not the result of another criminal act
  • Shootings resulting in a mass killing
  • Shootings indicating apparent spontaneity by the shooter
  • Shootings where the shooter appeared to methodically search for potential victims
  • Shootings that appeared focused on injury to people, not buildings or objects
Shootings were excluded from the FBI’s list if they were the result of:
  • Self-defense
  • Gang violence
  • Drug violence
  • Contained residential or domestic disputes
  • Controlled barricade/hostage situations
  • Crossfire as a byproduct of another ongoing criminal act
  • An action that appeared not to have put other people in peril
By comparison, the Gun Violence Archive excludes nothing, even if the shooting is gang or drug related – the two main causes of most violence in the country today. Asked if he believed that the average news consumer even considers domestic violence or gang warfare when they hear the term mass shooting, Bryant said, “I don’t know. I know what we want to do is provide numbers and let the journalists, advocates and ‘congress critters’ look at the data, glean details and drill down on it.”
Does it matter? If it has, is that related to the guy shooting the girl?

Probably nothing. But then, credit card fraud is not a violent crime, which is mostly what I’m talking about.
You. I’m just responding in kind. You’re the one who started throwing the ad hominems.

Bitching about ad hominems and then committing ad hominems makes you look like a hypocrite.
Which seems related to me. Theft and credit card fraud, not so much. Hence why, after failing to get an answer from you, I assumed you were talking about gun violence. I responded with what I figured you meant, only to have you go into this ridiculous theft argument.

Wrong. I made no “theft argument”. You are the one who brought that up, not me.

Having said that, theft was certainly a concern but not the only one. Other concerns were that gang activity had gone up so there were more shootings and brawls and whatnot happening outside these businesses and in the surrounding areas, making it unsafe for employees.
This has lead us to talking about credit card fraud and whether it’s related to the guy shooting the girl, something that you STILL won’t answer.

Nothing “led” us to talking about credit card fraud. You brought it up and you only did so because you were being willfully obtuse.
If credit card fraud is on the rise, is that now connected to the guy shooting the girl? Still no straight answer out of you.

Again, probably not.

“Before”. So do you admit that you your statement was wrong?

“Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”

Okay, let’s recap, shall we? In post #28 , Page 2 (my first response to you) I said:

“We had a divisive and controversial presidential election, some police shootings that sparked riots and a pandemic that divided us even more over mask mandates and vaccines while at the same time being forced to lockdown, all in the span of five or six years.”

Your response, Post #94, Page 5:

“What makes you think that this has anything to do with the election, covid, or mask mandates?”
Later, you said in Post #169, Page 9:
“I asked you for data showing that this kind of crime started increasing in the last few years, presumably due to covid or mask mandates, or whatever the hell you were trying to blame this on.

Right there is where you started getting it wrong; accusing me of blaming covid, which I did not.

Then you doubled down in Post #208, Page 11:

“You blamed this on covid.”

If anyone lied, you did right here. I never blamed it on covid before this accusation from you.

In response to your false accusation that I blamed it on covid, THIS is when I said in Post #214, Page 11:

“No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid, riots and the pandemic and that tensions were high.”

You falsely accused me twice of blaming it on covid before I even made this statement and this statement was in direct response to your second false accusation.

Later, I asked two questions in Post #285, Page 15, based on the assumption that crime had gone up to make a point:

“1.) Do you think covid caused a rise in crime?

2.) Do you think covid caused the heightened tensions between various groups (Democrats/Republicans, conservatives/liberals, etc.)?”

You of course refused to answer, which didn’t surprise me. But then you took two questions that were directed at you to somehow mean I was saying covid caused the increase in crime. Your response to the questions was in Post #288, Page 15:

“So, when you said you didn’t cite covid as a cause, that was a lie.”

I then responded to this in Post #291, Page 15:

“Just answer the questions. The point of asking the questions will be made clear if and when you do.”

Even after I made it clear I wanted to make a point, you of course still didn’t answer the questions (again, no surprise) but instead, for some reason that escapes me, went right on believing I said covid caused the rise in crime.
I already told you several posts ago, admit you lied or admit that you misspoke. These pathetic attempts to deflect or move the goal posts aren’t working. Did you lie or did you use a poor choice of words when you said the following? “Not once did I cite covid as a cause.” Which is it?

First you need to understand, when I say “poor choice of words”, I’m referring to the “…due to covid…” remark. But as I showed above, this was in response to your false accusation that I blamed it on covid.
I stand by my comment that I never blamed it on covid.

For whatever reason you have been trying to convince me that I blamed it on covid.

The fact is covid did not cause the lockdowns or mandates. Covid was the reason used for the lockdowns and mandates but was not the cause.

I understand this concept but apparently you do not. You don’t understand much of anything and this is why your debate style is so heavy handed and why, when you can’t get the response you so arrogantly think you deserve, you assume dishonesty and subterfuge.
It’s blatantly clear that you‘re wrong here and it’s interesting to see how you respond when you know that you’re wrong.

What exactly am I wrong about? I never claimed I was right about anything other than that crime is on the rise. You disputed this of course as is your wont, but then I gave you links to three articles from three different cities citing rises in crime.
Rather than confess to this lie or mistake, you would rather try these lame tactics. How about you just cut the bullshit and try being honest?

How about you do the same and admit you lied about me blaming covid?
960,000+ abortion deaths per year should take precedence. If you really care about numbers of deaths.
A typical deflection try - and a bad move actually.

If guns would be as strictly regulated by efficient laws, such as the topic abortion - 90% and more would have to surrender their guns, or wouldn't be able to purchase one.
BTW, I am a gun owner - and I am absolutely convinced and in favor that guns need to be kept at home or at the shooting range, and should not be allowed to be carried in public - neither concealed nor open.

Feel free to ask any person doing his duty as an urban police or county sheriff department officer.

The following poll was done during Trump's tenure:
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If guns would be as strictly regulated by efficient laws, such as the topic abortion - 90% and more would have to surrender their guns, or wouldn't be able to purchase one.
BTW, I am a gun owner - and I am absolutely convinced and in favor that guns need to be kept at home or at the shooting range, and should not be allowed to be carried in public - neither concealed nor open.
Too bad for the Constitution - right?
Not sure, you need to ask a constitutional rights - supreme judge - since the constitution only states that the people have the right to bear arms. (to serve in a militia -
The USSC discarded this argument 2 decades ago.
- and not to walk around with it in public places - and therefore pose a possible public danger.
The USSC discarded this argument in June of last year.

So, again:
Too bad for the Constitution - right?
Probably nothing. But then, credit card fraud is not a violent crime, which is mostly what I’m talking about.
So we agree that credit card fraud is probably not linked to the guy shooting the little girl. Just because something is a crime does not mean it is connected to this particular tragedy. Therefore, your “Again, CRIME.” reasoning doesn’t work, like I’ve said from the beginning.
Again, probably not.
So your “Again, CRIME.” argument doesn’t work, like I said from the beginning. Jesus Christ.

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