Oh well, I suppose the U.S. will always remain to daily gun shooting

Between 1 million and 4 million times a year--the statistic is so pie-in-the-sky that they cannot narrow it down by 3 Million? So much for the pretense of this being a scientifically arrived at statistic.
So what if it was only 500000?

What if it was only one more time than the number of murders?

What if it was only one and YOU were that one?
When a gun is used in a suicide attempt, it is successful 80% of the time. The next most commonly used method of suicide in the US is suffocation including hanging one's self. It's successful about 50% of the time.

Meaning that absent of a gun, a person is more likely to try to hang themselves. And 30% of the time they will be less successful.
blah .. blah .. blah .. having the suicidal thoughts doesn't go away, and those with a failed attempt are 16-20% likely to attempt a second attempt. If someone wants to kill themselves .. taking away a gun isn't going to stop them.

You've got nothing but a moronic comment that you should walk back.
Common sense is moronic? Or not aligning that death is different ... because someone used a firearm?
Between 1 million and 4 million times a year--the statistic is so pie-in-the-sky that they cannot narrow it down by 3 Million? So much for the pretense of this being a scientifically arrived at statistic.
Even on the low end .. 1 million instances where the presence of a firearm thwarted a crime is very significant .. and not even having to use it in many instances.
In addition to the problem of 30,000 gun deaths a year, the problem where conservatives refuse to even address the issue, the problem where conservatives won’t consider solutions having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, and the problem where conservatives respond only with demagoguery and lies about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’
Most gun deaths are suicides

Suicide is not violence
Suicide is not a crime

Suicide is a choice that every single person on this planet has the absolute right to make or not.
Sure. A third of those are suicides--about 10,000 or so.

Did you know that when someone uses a gun to commit suicide, they are successful 8 out of 10 times? The next leading cause of successful suicide in the nation is suffocation including hanging. Hanging is successful 1/2 the time. You more closely limit the availability of guns, you end up with more people living. If you like that sort of thing.
actually it's more like54% that are suicides.

It was over 60% but there has been an uptick in suicides since COVID
What else doesn't go away is the father who leaves a widow and kids behind, the mother who leaves an infant child due to postpartum depression...the kids who kill themselves... The problems can be solved. Death is pretty much the period on the end of the sentence.

Wow. That was an incredibly idiotic statement.

Life isn;t fair, never has been never will be and besides all those things you just mentioned are the fault of the guy who offed himself not the fault of a gun
And 8 out of 10 times they use a gun, they are successful. Any other method is a coin flip's chance. Those are the facts...feel free to post another wall of text nobody has ever read though.
What does that have to do with the absolute right any person has to commit suicide if they so choose?
blah .. blah .. blah .. having the suicidal thoughts doesn't go away, and those with a failed attempt are 16-20% likely to attempt a second attempt.
So less than 1/5 of the time...they try a second attempt. 80% of the time they don't. Thanks for pointing that out.
If someone wants to kill themselves .. taking away a gun isn't going to stop them.
This is true. But 80% of the time--according to you--if they are not successful they don't try again.
Common sense is moronic? Or not aligning that death is different ... because someone used a firearm?
What you posted was ridiculous saying 30-40K deaths are not important.
So less than 1/5 of the time...they try a second attempt. 80% of the time they don't. Thanks for pointing that out.

This is true. But 80% of the time--according to you--if they are not successful they don't try again.
That hasn't solved the underlying problem .. those 80% still have mental illness, trauma and other internal problems which may, and probably do, lead to other catastrophic outcomes (like mass shooting).

What you posted was ridiculous saying 30-40K deaths are not important.
30-40K deaths obviously isn't important as you should be equally as eager to address COVID, drugs, alcohol and the whole host of other areas creating substantially MORE deaths. Not sure why that is difficult to digest. It just communicates that death isn't the reason for your outrage about firearms.
Why do people keep trying to rationalize gun ownership with gun grabbers?
They don't give an EFF what the Constitution says or what you think.
Therefore soon you will not.
And 8 out of 10 times they use a gun, they are successful. Any other method is a coin flip's chance. Those are the facts...feel free to post another wall of text nobody has ever read though.

Again....I know you are slow, but you have to explain the higher suicide rates of all those other countries
ay have increasedSure. I guess that’s a way to spin it when your own article disagrees with you.

Not really. The article does agree with me on the issue of the riots and defund the police initiatives. Which, as you probably already conveniently forgot, is the one I said probably had more to do with the increase in crime than either the tussling over pandemic policies or Trump’s election.
The timing is why the author says it doesn’t get it right.

“The increases in violent crime in general and homicide in particular began in 2014, well before the events associated with two of the three explanations.”

At the end of this same paragraph the author states:

“But the timing does not work unless one focuses only violent crime increases from the middle of 2020 perhaps through 2022. For most of that interval, UCR data are not yet available and are not included in the two figures.
Because you called me a dumbass and said I need to read what you said here again. If you want me to focus on this minor detail of yours, and get pissy about it, fine by me. Let’s look at it then.

So is jaywalking. What does jaywalking have to do with the guy shooting the little girl?

Absolutely nothing since jaywalking is a misdemeanor, not a crime.
If you know this, what’s your point? If you don’t know this then you’re a fucking idiot.
So is jaywalking. How is theft relevant to shooting the girl but jaywalking isn’t? Maybe now you’re starting to see how weak your argument is.

It’s not, as one is a crime snd the other is not.
“Again, CRIME.”

Uh huh. And they made those unpopular decisions because of covid. Simple cause and effect.

Like I said, they also made unpopular decisions regarding Trump, the cop shootings and subsequent riots. Hence, the anger.

That has been my point all along: six years of non-stop anger, acrimony and resentment over various contentious issues.

This period fundamentally changed the mood of the country and it is manifesting in many ways.
And maybe you should have just answered “theft” the first time I asked you what kind of crime you’re referring to.

What would have been the point? If I had you would have simply bitched about some other crime I didn’t mention.

I am not going to try to think of and list all the possible crimes that may have gone up at this time just to feed your troll fetish.
You tell me. It’s your bizarre argument that theft is somehow related to the little girl getting shot. Because “Again, CRIME.”

They are both crimes, are they not?
Jaywalking is also a crime, so is that related to the girl getting shot?

As I pointed out above, jaywalking is a misdemeanor.
You know, because “Again, CRIME.” I’ve said from the beginning that I don’t see the connection.

Of course you don’t.
Sure thing.

“No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid, riots and the pandemic and that tensions were high.”

Does the rest of the quote somehow mean that you didn’t lie?

Lie about what?
Oh I see. So now it’s about your first comments. Well here is what you said:

Yes, it IS about my first comments since my first post that mentioned covid, the election and the riots is the one you responded to.

Me: “We had a divisive and controversial presidential election, some police shootings that sparked riots and a pandemic that divided us even more over mask mandates and vaccines while at the same time being forced to lockdown, all in the span of five or six years.”

Your response: “What makes you think that this has anything to do with the election, covid, or mask mandates?”

As you can see, my first post that mentions covid, the election and the riots did not say these things were the cause and you did not accuse me of saying they were the cause because I obviously did not. You only asked what they had to do with the rise in crime.

“Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”

Would you care to address your lie now? Or would you prefer to do that after you’re done carrying those goalposts?

I didn’t move the goalposts, you did. My first post in that vein made it clear I was talking about the anger over issues arising from these events, not the events themselves.

You’re full of shit.
Absolutely nothing since jaywalking is a misdemeanor, not a crime.
If you know this, what’s your point? If you don’t know this then you’re a fucking idiot.
Ok, so credit card fraud. That can be a felony. Does that have anything to do with this guy shooting the girl? You’re an idiot for making this retarded argument.

What would have been the point? If I had you would have simply bitched about some other crime I didn’t mention.
What would have been the point of specifying the kind of crime you’re referring to when asked? Oh I don’t know. Maybe to make your point clear from the beginning instead of throwing this little bitch-fit of yours after you dodged the direct question.
I am not going to try to think of and list all the possible crimes that may have gone up at this time just to feed your troll fetish.
Hey it’s your stupid argument. I asked you what theft has to do with the guy shooting the girl. You brought that up. When asked, you just said they’re both crimes. So is credit card fraud. What does that have to do with the guy shooting the girl?

They are both crimes, are they not?
So is credit card fraud. Is that connected to the guy shooting the girl or not? You’re having a really difficult time with this argument of yours.

As I pointed out above, jaywalking is a misdemeanor.
So go with credit card fraud then.

Of course you don’t.
Right. Because I’m not an idiot who thinks that a guy shooting a little girl is somehow related to every other crime. You have yet to explain that one.

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