Oh well, I suppose the U.S. will always remain to daily gun shooting

Because that’s the part that we’re not communicating well on.

Not for lack of clarification on my part.
That’s the part you got pissy about and asked me to re-read what you said and have since felt the need to correct me on.

"No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

Still looks like you’re blaming covid to me. “I’m not blaming Steve. I’m just saying that lots of bad things happened because of Steve.”

Incorrect. Not once did I cite covid as a cause. I said (for the 6th time now) that anger and tensions were heightened over issues associated with it - mask mandates, efficacy of masks, vaccine mandates and their efficacy, etc..

I also said the same about the presidential election and the riots yet you say nothing about these.

This is what I said in my first post where I mention these things:

“We had a divisive and controversial presidential election, some police shootings that sparked riots and a pandemic that divided us even more over mask mandates and vaccines while at the same time being forced to lockdown, all in the span of five or six years.”

As you can see, I did not claim covid caused the rise in crime and I clearly said the division was over masks and vaccines.
You didn’t say anything about a phase.


Just stop already. For whatever reason you keep trying to pin me to the mat over trivial shit and things I didn’t say.
You’re harping about covid when I said basically the same thing about the election and the riots and for the life of me I can’t figure out why.
What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

Because of the arguments over masks and vaccines.

You can be forgiven for interpreting what I said based on the wording. But I’ve explained six times now what I meant and you just keep hammering away at it.
Sure, I believe it did during the “stolen election” nonsense leading up to Jan 6.

Believe me, it started way before that.
Politicians pushed for lockdowns due to covid, correct?

They imposed the lockdowns because they thought it was necessary. Covid didn’t cause or make them do it. Understand the distinction here?
Theft. Not sure what that has to do with some guy shooting a girl because a ball rolled into his driveway.

Again, CRIME.
You mean after I directly asked you to clarify which kind of crimes and you didn’t say anything about theft or burglary?

I also didn’t say anything about credit card fraud. So?
“What exactly do you mean by “What exactly do you mean by ‘these crimes’?”?
This very thread is about one of those crimes for Christ’s sake.”

You know you could have just answered the direct question the first time.

You know, you could have just taken my word for it the first time when I explained why I did not mean covid caused the crime increase.
I didn’t know what kind of crime you were referring to. That’s kind of why I asked. I can’t read your mind.

Apparently you can’t read my posts either.
“What exactly do you mean by “What exactly do you mean by ‘these crimes’?”?
This very thread is about one of those crimes for Christ’s sake.”

I still don’t see the connection between that and shooting a little girl because her basketball rolled into his yard.

Again: CRIME.
Not for lack of clarification on my part.

Incorrect. Not once did I cite covid as a cause.
That’s not true at all. Maybe you should choose your words more carefully.

"No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

What does “due to“ mean in that context?
Believe me, it started way before that.
Right. Like your other claim that I’m supposed to believe that’s not supported by your own link?

They imposed the lockdowns because they thought it was necessary. Covid didn’t cause or make them do it. Understand the distinction here?
Sure. Still ultimately comes down to covid though. Think flow chart. Covid -> politicians taking action on covid -> mask mandates -> angry people -> increased crime. So covid -> increase in crime, like I said. We’ve been arguing about this minor detail for a while now. Do I need to just draw you a flow chart?

Again, CRIME.
That’s your explanation for what stores closing down has to do with a guy shooting this little girl? LoL

I also didn’t say anything about credit card fraud. So?
I also don’t know what credit card fraud would have to do with this guy shooting this girl lol.

You know, you could have just taken my word for it the first time when I explained why I did not mean covid caused the crime increase.
It still ultimately comes down to covid -> increase in crime.

Apparently you can’t read my posts either.
I can read just fine. I can read that you didn’t say anything about theft the first time I directly asked you.
Again: CRIME.

Still don’t see the connection between stores closing down and this guy shooting a little girl because a basketball rolled in. Is jaywalking connected to why this guy shot this girl? That’s a crime too.
That’s not true at all. Maybe you should choose your words more carefully.

Maybe you should choose to accept my clarifications when you ask for clarification.
"No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

What does “due to“ mean in that context?
Where’s the rest of the quote where I also mentioned the election and riots?

Did you read the quote I shared from my first post?

Before I go any futher with this, I want to ask you a couple of questions. Assuming for the moment that crime has increased (I know you don’t agree but bear with me):

1.) Do you think covid caused a rise in crime?

2.) Do you think covid caused the heightened tensions between various groups (Democrats/Republicans, conservatives/liberals, etc.)?
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Oh Cornhole, you wallow in mud like a stupid pig.

View attachment 777927
A typical falsified and unsubstantiated NRA like proclamation - which is actually detrimental towards "normal" gun owners.

Gun related murders:
In 2021 LA alone registered 397 murders. The state of Georgia alone already registered 1741 murders
In 2021 Germany registered 257 murders, Poland 105, UK 162, Spain 303, Australia 241 - - USA to be number three is absolute bullocks.

And BTW, 189th out of 193 is actually 5th and not 3rd. - already demonstrates the nativity and stupidity of this poster-picture. (1) 193 (2) 192 (3) 191 (4) 190 (5) 189
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Maybe you should choose to accept my clarifications when you ask for clarification.

Where’s the rest of the quote where I also mentioned the election and riots?

Did you read the quote I shared from my first post?

Before I go any futher with this, I want to ask you a couple of questions. Assuming for the moment that crime has increased (I know you don’t agree but bear with me):

1.) Do you think covid caused a rise in crime?

2.) Do you think covid caused the heightened tensions between various groups (Democrats/Republicans, conservatives/liberals, etc.)?
So, when you said you didn’t cite covid as a cause, that was a lie.

"No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

Would you care to address your lie? I’m not interested in your obvious attempt to deflect from you being completely full of shit. Admit you lied or admit you misspoke. Then I’ll answer the rest of what you want to move to.
Right. Like your other claim that I’m supposed to believe that’s not supported by your own link?

Not necessarily. The author does qualify his remarks with: “Conjectures revolving around the COVID-19 pandemic and pent-up frustrations, at least as usually formulated, do not seem to get it right.”

But the author does say that crime spiked. Granted, this was in 2021 but I ran across an article this evening at Fox where the city of Miami is beefing up their police force and police training to combat the “surge in crime”.

Miami's simple solution to America's crime surge

Another article from March of this year from Dallas:

Dallas sees spike in homicides to start 2023, up 35% over last year

From Memphis yesterday:

Violent and property crime rates rise through first three months of 2023, crime commission says

“Crime is up across the board.”

We usually don’t get offical stats (FBI) for a given year until the following year but multiple cities across the U.S. are reporting increases in crime for the first quarter of 2023.
Sure. Still ultimately comes down to covid though. Think flow chart. Covid -> politicians taking action on covid -> mask mandates -> angry people -> increased crime. So covid -> increase in crime, like I said. We’ve been arguing about this minor detail for a while now. Do I need to just draw you a flow chart?

Why are you so fixated on what is - by your own admission - a minor detail?
That’s your explanation for what stores closing down has to do with a guy shooting this little girl? LoL

They’re both crimes, yes?
I also don’t know what credit card fraud would have to do with this guy shooting this girl lol.

Irrelevant. I said crime is up and the shooting in this case is a crime.
It still ultimately comes down to covid -> increase in crime.

No it doesn’t. It comes down to politicians imposing unpopular policies in a crisis situation.

They also made unpopular decisions during Trump’s presidency and during the riots. Hence the anger.
I can read just fine. I can read that you didn’t say anything about theft the first time I directly asked you.

Still don’t see the connection between stores closing down and this guy shooting a little girl because a basketball rolled in. Is jaywalking connected to why this guy shot this girl? That’s a crime too.

I don’t know, is it?
So, when you said you didn’t cite covid as a cause, that was a lie.

Just answer the questions. The point of asking the questions will be made clear if and when you do.
"No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

Would you care to address your lie?

Would you care to include the rest of the quote?
I’m not interested in your obvious attempt to deflect from you being completely full of shit. Admit you lied or admit you misspoke. Then I’ll answer the rest of what you want to move to.

Admit you’re cherrypicking quotes and wholly ignoring my first comments which did not say covid was the cause of the crime increase.
Not necessarily. The author does qualify his remarks with: “Conjectures revolving around the COVID-19 pandemic and pent-up frustrations, at least as usually formulated, do not seem to get it right.”
Sure. I guess that’s a way to spin it when your own article disagrees with you.

But the author does say that crime spiked. Granted, this was in 2021 but I ran across an article this evening at Fox where the city of Miami is beefing up their police force and police training to combat the “surge in crime”.
The timing is why the author says it doesn’t get it right.

“The increases in violent crime in general and homicide in particular began in 2014, well before the events associated with two of the three explanations.”

Why are you so fixated on what is - by your own admission - a minor detail?
Because you called me a dumbass and said I need to read what you said here again. If you want me to focus on this minor detail of yours, and get pissy about it, fine by me. Let’s look at it then.

They’re both crimes, yes?
So is jaywalking. What does jaywalking have to do with the guy shooting the little girl?

Irrelevant. I said crime is up and the shooting in this case is a crime.
So is jaywalking. How is theft relevant to shooting the girl but jaywalking isn’t? Maybe now you’re starting to see how weak your argument is.

“Again, CRIME.”

No it doesn’t. It comes down to politicians imposing unpopular policies in a crisis situation.

They also made unpopular decisions during Trump’s presidency and during the riots. Hence the anger.

Uh huh. And they made those unpopular decisions because of covid. Simple cause and effect.

And maybe you should have just answered “theft” the first time I asked you what kind of crime you’re referring to.

I don’t know, is it?
You tell me. It’s your bizarre argument that theft is somehow related to the little girl getting shot. Because “Again, CRIME.” Jaywalking is also a crime, so is that related to the girl getting shot? You know, because “Again, CRIME.” I’ve said from the beginning that I don’t see the connection.
Would you care to include the rest of the quote?
Sure thing.

“No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid, riots and the pandemic and that tensions were high.”

Does the rest of the quote somehow mean that you didn’t lie?

Admit you’re cherrypicking quotes and wholly ignoring my first comments which did not say covid was the cause of the crime increase.
Oh I see. So now it’s about your first comments. Well here is what you said:

“Not once did I cite covid as a cause.”

Would you care to address your lie now? Or would you prefer to do that after you’re done carrying those goalposts?
Firearms have remained pretty much the same for the last 100+ years (e.g. semi automatic, large capacity magazine, fully automatic, optics, etc.).. If firearms haven't changed, what has?
Lax gun laws allowing people without training to buy guns or the ability to ignore laws all together by going to a gun show. You still need a license to become a hair stylist but not to buy a gun. Its a crazy system and the weekly bloodbaths are a result.

Now impress us all and tell us that hair stylists don't need a licenses either! Because that will, undoubtedly, solve the gun death issue that only seems to vex us among other first world nations.
What's the problem you think needs to be solved?
In addition to the problem of 30,000 gun deaths a year, the problem where conservatives refuse to even address the issue, the problem where conservatives won’t consider solutions having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, and the problem where conservatives respond only with demagoguery and lies about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’
Lax gun laws allowing people without training to buy guns or the ability to ignore laws all together by going to a gun show. You still need a license to become a hair stylist but not to buy a gun. Its a crazy system and the weekly bloodbaths are a result.

Now impress us all and tell us that hair stylists don't need a licenses either! Because that will, undoubtedly, solve the gun death issue that only seems to vex us among other first world nations.
What lax guns laws specifically and what laws are ignored "all together" at gun shows?

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