Oh well, I suppose the U.S. will always remain to daily gun shooting

This country is on edge and is precisely the reason so many were speculating about civil war. You do remember that, right?
For as long as I have been in political message boards, people have been talking about another civil war. You haven't noticed this?

You idiot. You keep harping on my saying covid when you know goddamn well I attributed it to much more than that.
"You idiot" There you go being pissy again. Sure, you attributed it to a lot of things and said that violence started growing exponentially in the last few years. Your link disagrees with you. No need to get pissy. I'm just telling you what your link says.
I'm sure there is...however it isn't germane to the conversation we're having about the US vs other first world nations with functioning governments

It is germane to the point of high gun crime.

Your approach to this topic seems to be contradictory. On the one hand you ask why the U.S. has so many homicides compared to other countries and when someone responds you then ask: So Americans are just more homicidal?

You point out that Americans are more homicidal and then disagree that Americans are more homicidal.
Not really. I see them as isolated incidents. Hell, in the 70's it was so bad in NYC that the citizens started their own patrol called the Guardian Angels. That was 40 years ago. What about the riots that plagued the late 1960's...

You guys keep saying: “We had crime before, didn’t we?”.

What you’re missing is that the mass shootings have increased in frequency and so have the smash and grabs.

Another thing, Xponential has pointed out that the 90s had a higher crime rate when I say crime is spiking. Problem with this is that it doesn’t comport with your argument that the availability of firearms is the problem.

We have probably millions more firearms now than we did then yet you and he insist crime isn’t any worse now while also saying guns are the problem.

This “Guns are the problem” tactic overlooks so many other factors and thus appears as a religious doctrine.

Great segue.

Again, there are knuckleheads in the inner cities in large cities in Europe. Somehow they are not committing mass murder on a weekly basis.

So are you admitting that mass shootings are on the rise?

Having said that, no other country in the world has the extensive ghetto, gang and drug culture that we have.

Yes, they have “knuckleheads” in in the U.K. but not nearly as many. And keep in mind that the U.K. has about 1/5th the population of the U.S. and their entire landmass would fit inside the state of Texas.
Not sure....if you want to do some research...here is the voluminous information from Wikipedia:

I’m not the one making the claim.

What is for sure is that they are not shooting up places or their rival gangs every day.

It’s not because they don’t have the guns to do it.
You seem to be getting really pissy.

If I am it’s because you’re willfully misconstruing what I said.
Sure, I'll read what you said again.

"No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

1) I blame covid for the increase in violent crime.
2) The country has gone through turbulence and upheaval due to covid.

What's the difference here between these two statements?

I’ve said like three fucking times already, I did not say covid caused the increase in crime.

I said it was the anxiety and resentment over the lockdowns and the anger, resentment and diviseness over the mask and vaccine mandates.

Conservatives were pissed at the government for the mandates, liberals were pissed at conservatives for not agreeing with the mandates and conservatives were pissed at liberals for using the whole thing as a moral cudgel.

All this came about while liberals and conservatives were still going at it over George Floyd and the justification or lack thereof for the violent riots.

For the most part, it all started during Trump’s campaign and his presidency. I’m sure there was tension before this but that’s what put the spark to the heat.
You're not blaming covid for the increase in violent crime, you're just saying that a lot of the problems we're facing are due to covid.

No, I’m not. What I said was that the period of covid was fraught with a lot of tension and that it was part of a relatively short span of a five or six year period that also saw riots and hatred of law enforcement and hatred of a duly elected president and those who voted for him.
Kinda looks like these statements are practically identical. I have no idea why you felt that this needed to be corrected and I'm not sure why you're getting so defensive about it. And for the record, you started with the personal insults, I believe.
Again, you’re harping about what I said about covid when you know I said much more than that.
So are you admitting that mass shootings are on the rise?
Admitting? Its been my position from day one.
Having said that, no other country in the world has the extensive ghetto, gang and drug culture that we have.
Other nations do have ghettos. Europe invented the ghetto.
Other nations do have gangs. Hell, I gave you a Wiki Link to the dozens and dozens of gangs in Europe.
Other nations do have drugs. Amsterdam has drug dispeneries as I recall.

They just don't have guns. Hence they don't have 30,000 gun deaths.
For as long as I have been in political message boards, people have been talking about another civil war. You haven't noticed this?
19 years ago on this board....

For as long as I have been in political message boards, people have been talking about another civil war. You haven't noticed this?

Did you notice it got more heated, came up more often and that the topic came up more often in media?
"You idiot" There you go being pissy again. Sure, you attributed it to a lot of things and said that violence started growing exponentially in the last few years. Your link disagrees with you. No need to get pissy. I'm just telling you what your link says.

No you’re not. You keep saying I said the increase in crime was because of covid and I said no such thing. This is why I’m “pissy.”

And you still haven’t acknowledged that businesses are closing up shop in cities all over the country because of the increased crime.

Whatever the stats might reveal, something is definitely going on. These businesses would not be leaving if everything was the same as it was.
I’ve said like three fucking times already, I did not say covid caused the increase in crime.

I said it was the anxiety and resentment over the lockdowns and the anger, resentment and diviseness over the mask and vaccine mandates.
The anxiety and resentment over lockdowns was a result of covid, was it not? The mask and vaccine mandates were a result of covid, were they not?

Do we need a flowchart here? Covid happened. This caused lockdowns, vaccine mandates and masks. This caused anxiety and anger. Therefore, according to you, this caused an increase in crime. Is this not what you’re saying?
Did you notice it got more heated, came up more often and that the topic came up more often in media?
I noticed that it got more heated leading up to Jan 6. I think the civil war talk dropped back down to a regular level after that. Still comes up often just not as much.

No you’re not. You keep saying I said the increase in crime was because of covid and I said no such thing. This is why I’m “pissy.”
You’re getting defensive over what can be expressed with simple logic. If A causes B, and B causes C, then A causes C.

Covid caused covid lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, which caused people to become angry, which caused (according to you) an increase in violent crime.

And you still haven’t acknowledged that businesses are closing up shop in cities all over the country because of the increased crime.
I asked you from the very beginning what kind of crime you’re referring to. You got pissy about that as well.

“What exactly do you mean by “What exactly do you mean by ‘these crimes’?”?
This very thread is about one of those crimes for Christ’s sake.”

In case you forgot, the thread is covering a story where a guy shot a kid because a ball rolled into his yard or something.
Since you didn’t want to answer what kind of crimes we‘re talking about, I figured we were talking about gun violence. So I’ve refrained from commenting on businesses closing down because it doesn’t look related to guys shooting girls over stupid reasons. Just trying to keep the conversation focused on the kind of crime we’re referring to. You could have helped by responding ”burglary“ or “theft” when I asked.

Is burglary up? Probably. I think cities need to do a better job of cracking down on those people.
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Admitting? Its been my position from day one.

Other nations do have ghettos. Europe invented the ghetto.
Other nations do have gangs. Hell, I gave you a Wiki Link to the dozens and dozens of gangs in Europe.
Other nations do have drugs. Amsterdam has drug dispeneries as I recall.

They just don't have guns. Hence they don't have 30,000 gun deaths.
The vast majority of legal gun owners will never commit any crimes never mind murder.

Most murders are criminals killing other criminals so I find it tough to give too many fucks about that
Things must be going downhill fast in the UK. I wonder what exactly has the Brit so upset.

The older generations value our gun rights here in the United States. Many in the younger generations have been brainwashed by our liberal teachers. As the older generations die off we may see gun bans and confiscations.
Indeed, each of the last few generations gets a slightly more refined version of the Kool-Aid. They are trying to breed that eventual generation that will simply lie down and give away all their power to the government. Fortunately there seem to be rebounders within these generations who realize what is happening, and ally themselves with the older generations and realize they know what they're talking about.

I have an uncle who used to go on about our inevitable dystopian future back in the '80s. I would listen to his rants but would end up shrugging. Now almost 40 years later I know exactly what the old coot was talking about. I wish that it had sunk in earlier for both me and many of my peers.
Indeed, each of the last few generations gets a slightly more refined version of the Kool-Aid. They are trying to breed that eventual generation that will simply lie down and give away all their power to the government. Fortunately there seem to be rebounders within these generations who realize what is happening, and ally themselves with the older generations and realize they know what they're talking about.

I have an uncle who used to go on about our inevitable dystopian future back in the '80s. I would listen to his rants but would end up shrugging. Now almost 40 years later I know exactly what the old coot was talking about. I wish that it had sunk in earlier for both me and many of my peers.
Perhaps because of people like you there is still hope.
Admitting? Its been my position from day one.

Then why do you deny there’s an increase in crime?
Other nations do have ghettos. Europe invented the ghetto.

The word certainly comes from Europe (specifically, Italy) but it was co-opted by the U.S. to mean something different.

In Europe the word came to refer to certain areas of cities where Jews were confined in the years leading up to and into WWII. In the U.S. of course it came to refer to inner city black areas marked by crime and poverty.
Other nations do have gangs. Hell, I gave you a Wiki Link to the dozens and dozens of gangs in Europe.

Of course they have gangs. But the mere existence of gangs is not the pivotal distinction here; we have many more gangs, much more gang activity and much more gang violence.
Other nations do have drugs. Amsterdam has drug dispeneries as I recall.

Sure, for marijuana, which is legal there and is becoming legal here in more and more states.
They just don't have guns. Hence they don't have 30,000 gun deaths.

Of course they have guns.
Link: Little Girl, Parents Shot After Basketball Rolls Into Neighbor’s Yard: Report

How does one think that firearms can be in the hands of so many kooks?
I will not be guilt tripped into giving up my Constitutional right to bear arms anymore than I could probably convince people like yourself to give up free speech or voting because you are to stupid to exercises those rights.

I am surprised you would use the incident in your post. It was a Black man shooting a a white family and his comments as he was firing make it look like a hate crime.
Sure I see it.

They have the same cultural influences in Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada. But they don't have the massacres.

Are you arguing they don't have the same movies, books, video games, television, etc...?
When, you wake up and understand mass killings don't only happen in America, then we can be in a dialogue that you'll lose.

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When you can itemize the shootings in other nations...its a sure sign that they have it figured out and its a sure sign that we refuse to adopt stances that work.

Try itemizing the shootings here on a daily basis...you'd run out of bandwidth.
When you can itemize the shootings in other nations...its a sure sign that they have it figured out and its a sure sign that we refuse to adopt stances that work.

Try itemizing the shootings here on a daily basis...you'd run out of bandwidth.
Then you'd have to include all the black on black shootings and their other crimes every week throughout America.

1. Detroit -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 20.0
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 50
Mayor: Michael Edward Duggan, Democrat
2. Memphis, Tennessee -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.5
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 51
Mayor: Jim Strickland, Democrat
3. Birmingham, Alabama -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.3
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 52
Mayor: Randall Woodfin, Democrat
Baltimore -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.5
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 54
Mayor: Jack Young, Democrat
5. Flint, Michigan -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.3
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 55
Mayor: Sheldon Neely, Democrat
6. St. Louis -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.2
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 55
Mayor: Lyda Krewson, Democrat
7. Danville, Illinois == Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.0
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 55
Mayor: Ricky Williams Jr. (nonpartisan election)
8. Saginaw, Michigan -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.7
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 60
Mayor: Floyd Kloc (nonpartisan election)
9. Wilmington, Delaware -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.3
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 61
Mayor: Mike Purzycki, Democrat
10. Camden, New Jersey -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.2
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 62
Mayor: Francisco Moran, Democrat
11. Pine Bluff, Arkansas -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.0
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 62
Mayor: Shirley Washington, Democrat
12. Kansas City, Missouri -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.9
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 63
Mayor: Quinton Lucas, Democrat
13. San Bernardino, California -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.3
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 65
Mayor: John Valdivia, Democrat
14. Alexandria, Louisiana -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.6
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 68
Mayor: Jeffrey Hall, Democrat
15. Little Rock, Arkansas -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.6
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 68
Mayor: Frank Scott Jr., Democrat
16. Cleveland -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.5
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 69
Mayor: Frank Jackson, Democrat
17. Milwaukee -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.3
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 70
Mayor: Tom Barrett, Democrat
18. Stockton, California -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.2
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 70
Mayor: Michael Tubbs, Democrat
19. Monroe, Louisiana -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.1
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 71
Mayor: James Earl Mayo, Democrat
20. Chester, Pennsylvania -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.0
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 71
Mayor: Thaddeus Kirkland, Democrat
Then you'd have to include all the black on black shootings and their other crimes every week throughout America.

1. Detroit -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 20.0
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 50
Mayor: Michael Edward Duggan, Democrat
2. Memphis, Tennessee -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.5
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 51
Mayor: Jim Strickland, Democrat
3. Birmingham, Alabama -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.3
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 52
Mayor: Randall Woodfin, Democrat
Baltimore -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.5
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 54
Mayor: Jack Young, Democrat
5. Flint, Michigan -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.3
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 55
Mayor: Sheldon Neely, Democrat
6. St. Louis -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.2
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 55
Mayor: Lyda Krewson, Democrat
7. Danville, Illinois == Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.0
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 55
Mayor: Ricky Williams Jr. (nonpartisan election)
8. Saginaw, Michigan -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.7
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 60
Mayor: Floyd Kloc (nonpartisan election)
9. Wilmington, Delaware -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.3
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 61
Mayor: Mike Purzycki, Democrat
10. Camden, New Jersey -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.2
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 62
Mayor: Francisco Moran, Democrat
11. Pine Bluff, Arkansas -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.0
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 62
Mayor: Shirley Washington, Democrat
12. Kansas City, Missouri -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.9
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 63
Mayor: Quinton Lucas, Democrat
13. San Bernardino, California -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.3
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 65
Mayor: John Valdivia, Democrat
14. Alexandria, Louisiana -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.6
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 68
Mayor: Jeffrey Hall, Democrat
15. Little Rock, Arkansas -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.6
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 68
Mayor: Frank Scott Jr., Democrat
16. Cleveland -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.5
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 69
Mayor: Frank Jackson, Democrat
17. Milwaukee -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.3
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 70
Mayor: Tom Barrett, Democrat
18. Stockton, California -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.2
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 70
Mayor: Michael Tubbs, Democrat
19. Monroe, Louisiana -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.1
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 71
Mayor: James Earl Mayo, Democrat
20. Chester, Pennsylvania -- Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.0
Odds of being a victim: 1 in 71
Mayor: Thaddeus Kirkland, Democrat
I bet you guys would be happier if there were no black people, right? I'm glad someone on the right finally played the race card... Kudos.

Ghost of a Rider was pulling a muscle trying not to say it. I felt sorry for him.

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