Oh well, I suppose the U.S. will always remain to daily gun shooting

Oooh...socialized medicine!

So all of the mass murderers that we "breed" are without resources, from poverty, with no prospects, no access to healthcare, etc... Right? Somehow the facts don't align with your latest excuse for why we have so many weekly bloodbaths. PS: How do they afford the guns and the ammo if they can't afford health insurance?

That much is true. So we should spend more on prisoner healthcare. Yeah...who is leading the charge in the House for that.

I guess Americans are just more homicidal than every other first world nation... None of your lame excuses are holding water.
The fact is the US has always had a higher murder rate than say the UK

But here are some actual facts.

The murder rate in the US in 1950 was about 5 per 100 000
The murder rate in the UK in 1950 was 1 per 100 000

The murder rate in the US in 2019 was 5 per 100 000
The murder rate in the UK in 2019 was 1 per 100 000

Now in these 70 years the US has had an "assault weapons ban for 10 years and has passed literally thousands of federal and state gun laws and more people than ever own guns and have obtained concealed carry permits

In the UK in the last 70 years they have implemented draconian gun laws and have outright banned entire classes of firearms

And yet the murder rates are what they were 70 years ago.

What can we deduce from this ?

Gun laws do not reduce the murder rate.
Shot for going to the wrong house, shot for pulling into the wrong driveway, shot for opening the wrong car door…

“It’s about a country with more guns than people, where whatever inspires the 30% of Americans, who are most likely to be men, who own firearms has converged in dangerous and deadly ways with whatever fear, frustration or paranoia leads someone to shoot at a stranger or a car that’s driving away.”

Unwarranted, baseless fear and frustration.
FEAR, ANGER, and PARANOIA.....it's been fed to the Right for decades.......and we are reaping the reward.
No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid...
Read what you said again, dumbass. That's basically blaming it on covid like I said. You're not blaming it on covid. You're just saying that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheavel due to covid. Lmao.

And your own link disagrees with you.

"Second, the speculative explanations commonly proposed must fit the timing of the recent violent crime increases. Conjectures revolving around the COVID-19 pandemic and pent-up frustrations, at least as usually formulated, do not seem to get it right."

So we can also agree, from your link, that the increase in violence had been happening well before covid, not just in the last few years. Like I fucking said. Great. Thanks for confirming.
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The fact is the US has always had a higher murder rate than say the UK

But here are some actual facts.

The murder rate in the US in 1950 was about 5 per 100 000
The murder rate in the UK in 1950 was 1 per 100 000

The murder rate in the US in 2019 was 5 per 100 000
The murder rate in the UK in 2019 was 1 per 100 000

Now in these 70 years the US has had an "assault weapons ban for 10 years and has passed literally thousands of federal and state gun laws and more people than ever own guns and have obtained concealed carry permits

In the UK in the last 70 years they have implemented draconian gun laws and have outright banned entire classes of firearms

And yet the murder rates are what they were 70 years ago.

What can we deduce from this ?

Gun laws do not reduce the murder rate.

The fact is the US has always had a higher murder rate than say the UK

But here are some actual facts.

The murder rate in the US in 1950 was about 5 per 100 000
The murder rate in the UK in 1950 was 1 per 100 000

The murder rate in the US in 2019 was 5 per 100 000
The murder rate in the UK in 2019 was 1 per 100 000

Now in these 70 years the US has had an "assault weapons ban for 10 years and has passed literally thousands of federal and state gun laws and more people than ever own guns and have obtained concealed carry permits

In the UK in the last 70 years they have implemented draconian gun laws and have outright banned entire classes of firearms

And yet the murder rates are what they were 70 years ago.

What can we deduce from this ?

Gun laws do not reduce the murder rate.

To add to this from pew....

Going from about 200 million guns in private hands to over 600 million guns, and over 22 million Americans who can legally carry guns in public...

They can't explain how this can happen with more guns......

The gun murder and gun suicide rates in the U.S. both remain below their peak levels. There were 6.2 gun murders per 100,000 people in 2020, below the rate of 7.2 recorded in 1974.

What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.
Mexico is a corrupt kleptocracy; not a first world nation.

In other words, there’s something festering there, wouldn’t you say? I mean, if there wasn’t something wrong there, they might be a first world nation, yes?
The nature of the crime has changed? We've had senseless shootings for 50 years at least. The UT shootings, The McDonalds in San Isidro (sp?), Columbine....

You don’t see the rash of smash and grab robberies as a relatively new thing? You don’t see the mobs of kids roaming around, terrorizing people as a new thing?

Criminals are getting more and more brazen. They’re walking into the stores in gangs, grabbing armfuls of merchandise and waltzing out the door.

Do you seriously not see this happening?
As guns have proliferated, gun culture has proliferated, as hate groups of all types have proliferated...surprise surprise...the number of shootings has proliferated. In the US. Somehow nowhere else.

Guess who’s committing the majority of the gun crime? If you guessed so called “hate groups” or “gun culture”, the answer is BZZZ!!

The majority of gun crime is committed by inner city gangs and hoodlums.

You people are always blaming “gun culture” yet gun culture is not who is committing these crimes.
But lets continue to blame the nebulous "festering" beneath the surface.... Anything except the 2nd Amendment which is the only major difference between hate groups here and hate groups there.

Who are these “hate groups”? What’s more, what compels them to hate? Is it the guns?
Read what you said again, dumbass. That's basically blaming it on covid like I said. You're not blaming it on covid. You're just saying that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheavel due to covid. Lmao.

Wrong again dumbass. YOU read what I said again; I said the country went through a turbulent period with the divisive presidential election, the covid lockdowns and the furthering of the divide over the masks and vaccines, and the cop shootings that sparked riots and even more division.

This country is on edge and is precisely the reason so many were speculating about civil war. You do remember that, right?
And your own link disagrees with you.

"Second, the speculative explanations commonly proposed must fit the timing of the recent violent crime increases. Conjectures revolving around the COVID-19 pandemic and pent-up frustrations, at least as usually formulated, do not seem to get it right."

So we can also agree, from your link, that the increase in violence had been happening well before covid, not just in the last few years. Like I fucking said. Great. Thanks for confirming.

You idiot. You keep harping on my saying covid when you know goddamn well I attributed it to much more than that.
In other words, there’s something festering there, wouldn’t you say? I mean, if there wasn’t something wrong there, they might be a first world nation, yes?
I'm sure there is...however it isn't germane to the conversation we're having about the US vs other first world nations with functioning governments
You don’t see the rash of smash and grab robberies as a relatively new thing? You don’t see the mobs of kids roaming around, terrorizing people as a new thing?
Not really. I see them as isolated incidents. Hell, in the 70's it was so bad in NYC that the citizens started their own patrol called the Guardian Angels. That was 40 years ago. What about the riots that plagued the late 1960's...

Criminals are getting more and more brazen. They’re walking into the stores in gangs, grabbing armfuls of merchandise and waltzing out the door.

Do you seriously not see this happening?

Guess who’s committing the majority of the gun crime? If you guessed so called “hate groups” or “gun culture”, the answer is BZZZ!!

The majority of gun crime is committed by inner city gangs and hoodlums.

You people are always blaming “gun culture” yet gun culture is not who is committing these crimes.
Great segue.

Again, there are knuckleheads in the inner cities in large cities in Europe. Somehow they are not committing mass murder on a weekly basis.
Who are these “hate groups”? What’s more, what compels them to hate? Is it the guns?
Not sure....if you want to do some research...here is the voluminous information from Wikipedia:

What is for sure is that they are not shooting up places or their rival gangs every day.
Wrong again dumbass. YOU read what I said again;
You seem to be getting really pissy. Sure, I'll read what you said again.

"No, dumbass, I did NOT blame it on covid. What I said was that the country went through a lot of turbulence and upheaval due to covid..."

1) I blame covid for the increase in violent crime.
2) The country has gone through turbulence and upheaval due to covid.

What's the difference here between these two statements? You're not blaming covid for the increase in violent crime, you're just saying that a lot of the problems we're facing are due to covid. Kinda looks like these statements are practically identical. I have no idea why you felt that this needed to be corrected and I'm not sure why you're getting so defensive about it. And for the record, you started with the personal insults, I believe.

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