Ohh boo hoo hoo we didn't get enough attention.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
There Was a Terror Attack in America This Week So Why Wasn t It in the News - Yahoo News

First the FBI has NOT even figured out who the target was nor the attackers , they have not declared that the attack was directed at the NAACP offices. Much less a terror attack.

But lets whine and complain cause we did not get enough coverage over an event that is not even known to be a terror attack. Dead French people? Who cares, after all whitey is racist and against all us black people.
Because it was a a hoax.......supposed bomb was placed against barber shop wall that shares same building and vehicle description was pulled off google maps ..which isnt real time.....
This is why the bomb that wasn't is likely the work of some black guy looking for news.
It was basically a glorified vandalism haha and they want it to be a bigger story than the worst terror attack in France in decades?

Those NAACP members have a 100x better chance being killed by a black thug in their own community than some idiot white redneck's makeshift explosive.

The mobs of blacks rioting in malls and committing violent crime is more a story.
It doesn't even rise to the level of vandalism since the damage was so slight.
It doesn't even rise to the level of vandalism since the damage was so slight.

Yet blacks are all over twitter begging to "make this big news".

They want to be oppressed so.badly; like they wish they could say they were around for the 1960s movements. Hipster white kids too. They so badly want that diversity badge of honor...that they marched with minorities.

Hey...the civil rights war is over. Minorities won...thankfully. Now modern hipsters and racist blacks need to realize that they have all the opportunities in the world. Cant blame whitey anymore.
There Was a Terror Attack in America This Week So Why Wasn t It in the News - Yahoo News

First the FBI has NOT even figured out who the target was nor the attackers , they have not declared that the attack was directed at the NAACP offices. Much less a terror attack.

But lets whine and complain cause we did not get enough coverage over an event that is not even known to be a terror attack. Dead French people? Who cares, after all whitey is racist and against all us black people.

Being that nothing but white people on this board have been belly aching and ass scratching over this event, it's obvious who is making it an issue.
Maybe some white people are mad that their attempted act of domestic terrorism hasen't resulted in more Klan and Nazi recruitment...who knows???

Btw...not to call the shower shoe an ignorant liar, but which news organization or civil rights group bemoaned that fact that this incident was overshadowed by the terrorist attacks in France...or is this simply more belly aching and ass scratching by the shower shoe???
How's it feel to be ignored, Negroes? Maybe after the riots following the non-story of Michael Thug Brown, people are fed up with your shit.
There Was a Terror Attack in America This Week So Why Wasn t It in the News - Yahoo News

First the FBI has NOT even figured out who the target was nor the attackers , they have not declared that the attack was directed at the NAACP offices. Much less a terror attack.

But lets whine and complain cause we did not get enough coverage over an event that is not even known to be a terror attack. Dead French people? Who cares, after all whitey is racist and against all us black people.

Being that nothing but white people on this board have been belly aching and ass scratching over this event, it's obvious who is making it an issue.
Maybe some white people are mad that their attempted act of domestic terrorism hasen't resulted in more Klan and Nazi recruitment...who knows???

Btw...not to call the shower shoe an ignorant liar, but which news organization or civil rights group bemoaned that fact that this incident was overshadowed by the terrorist attacks in France...or is this simply more belly aching and ass scratching by the shower shoe???
You did not bother to read the article did you, dumb ass.

Matt Ferner Become a fan [email protected]
  • Here Are Some Of The Major Attacks On The NAACP Since The Civil Rights Act
    Posted: 01/09/2015 2:23 pm EST Updated: 01/09/2015 6:59 pm EST

The homemade bomb that exploded outside of an NAACP chapter in Colorado this week brought back difficult memories of the long history of violence wrought against America's oldest civil rights organization.

"One hundred-plus years of attacks of various kinds has hardened us considerably," Julian Bond, who served as NAACP chairman from 1998 to 2010, told The Huffington Post. "We expect them and as far as we can, we prepare for them. But by its nature, one cannot prepare fully for terrorist attacks. By their nature they are surprises."

On Tuesday morning, a homemade explosive device was detonated against an exterior wall of a building that houses the NAACP Colorado Springs chapter and a local barbershop. There were no deaths or injuries from the explosion, and only minimal surface damage was done to the wall where the explosion occurred, but chapter president Henry Allen, Jr. said the blast was strong enough to knock objects off the wall. According to the FBI, the bomb was placed near a gasoline can that failed to burst during the explosion; had the gasoline can ignited, the results could have been much worse.

While the investigation is still ongoing, the FBI said this week that it could be an act of domestic terrorism. But during a Friday press conference Tom Ravenelle, special agent in charge of the FBI's Denver division, said that they would not speculate on the motive.

"We're not going to call it terrorism, we're not going to call it a hate crime, what it is is a bombing investigation," Ravenelle said, but clarified that law enforcement is not naive to what the NAACP represents to some extremists.

That's because since its inception in 1909, it has regularly faced murders of its members and attacks on its facilities, frequently at the hands of white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan. Then, as the civil rights movement began to take shape in America in the 1950s, violence against the NAACP reached new and tragic levels.

On Christmas night in 1951, Harry T. Moore, NAACP field secretary in Florida, and his wife, Harriette, were killed after a bomb that was placed under their bed exploded. The murder remains unsolved, but law enforcement later implicated four Klan members in the bombing.

More than a decade later, in 1963, Medgar Evers, who became the NAACP first field secretary in Mississippi, was targeted. Over the course of several weeks beginning in May, Evers survived a firebombing at his home and a vehicular assault in front of NAACP's Jackson office. But in June of that year, the day after President John F. Kennedy delivered his now-famous speech in support of civil rights, Evers was assassinated outside of his home.

Some of what the NAACP had been fighting for since its origins was achieved by the 1964 signing of the Civil Rights Act into law by President Lyndon Johnson. And while the violence that plagued the organization in the decades prior slowed, it still has carried on into present day.

"Working for the NAACP should not be hazardous, but it is, and we are ready for whatever comes," said Bond.

While not a comprehensive list, here's a look at just some of the major acts of terrorism that have been aimed at the NAACP since the Civil Rights Act became law. The Huffington Post prepared this list with the help of Julian Bond.

The NAACP Has Long Been A Target
August 1965
Weeks after urging a Mississippi school board to accept desegregation, George Metcalfe, NAACP leader in Mississippi, survives a car bomb that leaves him seriously injured. No one is arrested, but the crime is later linked to a local Klansman.
August 1966
The Milwaukee NAACP chapter is bombed, blowing out all the windows and tearing a door off of its hinges. No one is injured, as the office is empty at the time of the attack. Several Klan members are later arrested for the bombing. The Milwaukee office was bombed again a year later.
February 1967
Wharlest Jackson, Sr., an NAACP treasurer in Mississippi, is killed when a car bomb explodes in his truck as he drives home from work. His murder is never solved.
December 1975
An NAACP Boston chapter is firebombed. The attack is believed to be perpetrated by people opposed to school desegregation.
May 1981
Authorities arrest multiple people, including Klan leaders, intending to bomb the NAACP Baltimore headquarters.
Summer 1989
Shots are fired at the NAACP’s Baltimore headquarters.
August 1989
The NAACP Atlanta office receives a tear gas bomb in the mail, injuring multiple people.
December 1989
Robert E. Robinson, a Savannah, Georgia, NAACP attorney, is killed by a mail bomb. The mail-bomber is later arrested and sentenced to death.
December 1989
Mail bomb sent to Jacksonville, Florida, NAACP branch. No one is injured, as the bomb is detected and defused.
July 1993
The Tacoma, Washington, NAACP branch meeting hall is bombed, causing minor damage and no injuries. A white supremacist is later arrested for the bombing.
July 1993
Sacramento, California, NAACP chapter is firebombed. White supremacists are later investigated for the crime.
January 2011
The FBI thwarts a white supremacist’s plot to bomb an NAACP march for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in Spokane, Washington.
January 2015
A bomb explodes outside of a Colorado Springs NAACP chapter. There are no damages and no one is injured.

This story has been updated to include additional comment from the FBI.

CORRECTION: The Colorado Springs NAACP chapter bombing occurred in January 2015, not 2014, as an earlier version of the timeline read. The timeline has been updated to reflect the correct year.

There Was a Terror Attack in America This Week So Why Wasn t It in the News - Yahoo News

First the FBI has NOT even figured out who the target was nor the attackers , they have not declared that the attack was directed at the NAACP offices. Much less a terror attack.

But lets whine and complain cause we did not get enough coverage over an event that is not even known to be a terror attack. Dead French people? Who cares, after all whitey is racist and against all us black people.

Being that nothing but white people on this board have been belly aching and ass scratching over this event, it's obvious who is making it an issue.
Maybe some white people are mad that their attempted act of domestic terrorism hasen't resulted in more Klan and Nazi recruitment...who knows???

Btw...not to call the shower shoe an ignorant liar, but which news organization or civil rights group bemoaned that fact that this incident was overshadowed by the terrorist attacks in France...or is this simply more belly aching and ass scratching by the shower shoe???
You did not bother to read the article did you, dumb ass.

There Was a Terror Attack in America This Week So Why Wasn t It in the News - Yahoo News

First the FBI has NOT even figured out who the target was nor the attackers , they have not declared that the attack was directed at the NAACP offices. Much less a terror attack.

But lets whine and complain cause we did not get enough coverage over an event that is not even known to be a terror attack. Dead French people? Who cares, after all whitey is racist and against all us black people.

Being that nothing but white people on this board have been belly aching and ass scratching over this event, it's obvious who is making it an issue.
Maybe some white people are mad that their attempted act of domestic terrorism hasen't resulted in more Klan and Nazi recruitment...who knows???

Btw...not to call the shower shoe an ignorant liar, but which news organization or civil rights group bemoaned that fact that this incident was overshadowed by the terrorist attacks in France...or is this simply more belly aching and ass scratching by the shower shoe???
You did not bother to read the article did you, dumb ass.
Sure did shower shoe...it still doesn't address my questions.
But then again, you do have a habit of coming off as the whiny white guy...
I'd say the attack in France over shadowed it. But there is also the fact that Muslims acting badly is somehow scarier than probably white people acting badly.

Notice the difference in the coverage of France and the coverage of the white supremacist that killed all those Sikhs a couple of years ago.
From the article....

Frustrated by the lack of coverage, users shared information and collective outrage on social media, making #NAACPbombing the No. 1 trending topic on Twitter.

Actor Rashida Jones implored her followers to hold the media accountable. “PLEASE everybody, mainly national news outlets, CARE MORE ABOUT THIS,” she tweeted on Tuesday. “It’s barely getting coverage.”

Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewis, a veteran of the civil rights movement, also weighed in on the lack of coverage. “I am deeply troubled by the bombing in Colorado. It reminds me of another period,” he wrote. “These stories cannot be swept under the rug #NAACPBombing.”

“Social media has allowed marginalized communities to not only have a voice but find out information that has been traditionally ignored,” said Walid, who contrasted the dearth of coverage of the Colorado incident with the nonstop coverage of the massacre in Paris.

[Nearly] 40 people were killed in a terrorist attack in Yemen the same day as Paris, yet that didn’t get media attention,” Walid said. “The obvious difference was the victims [in Paris] were attacked in Europe, and the chief person targeted by the extremists was Caucasian.”

Walid said the media is silent because the lives of people of color aren’t seen to be as valuable as the lives of white Americans.

“In America its not terrorism if black people are the targets and white people are the suspects. Therefore its not newsworthy. #NAACPBombing,” tweeted Zellie Imani on Wednesday.
From the article....

Frustrated by the lack of coverage, users shared information and collective outrage on social media, making #NAACPbombing the No. 1 trending topic on Twitter.

Actor Rashida Jones implored her followers to hold the media accountable. “PLEASE everybody, mainly national news outlets, CARE MORE ABOUT THIS,” she tweeted on Tuesday. “It’s barely getting coverage.”

Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewis, a veteran of the civil rights movement, also weighed in on the lack of coverage. “I am deeply troubled by the bombing in Colorado. It reminds me of another period,” he wrote. “These stories cannot be swept under the rug #NAACPBombing.”

“Social media has allowed marginalized communities to not only have a voice but find out information that has been traditionally ignored,” said Walid, who contrasted the dearth of coverage of the Colorado incident with the nonstop coverage of the massacre in Paris.

[Nearly] 40 people were killed in a terrorist attack in Yemen the same day as Paris, yet that didn’t get media attention,” Walid said. “The obvious difference was the victims [in Paris] were attacked in Europe, and the chief person targeted by the extremists was Caucasian.”

Walid said the media is silent because the lives of people of color aren’t seen to be as valuable as the lives of white Americans.

“In America its not terrorism if black people are the targets and white people are the suspects. Therefore its not newsworthy. #NAACPBombing,” tweeted Zellie Imani on Wednesday.

So in addition to being the board's whiny white guy shower shoe...you can't read either???!!!

Let's replay for you, as usual you got lost in the mix.

Btw...not to call the shower shoe an ignorant liar, but which news organization or civil rights group bemoaned that fact that this incident was overshadowed by the terrorist attacks in France...or is this simply more belly aching and ass scratching by the shower shoe???


From the article....

Frustrated by the lack of coverage, users shared information and collective outrage on social media, making #NAACPbombing the No. 1 trending topic on Twitter.

Actor Rashida Jones implored her followers to hold the media accountable. “PLEASE everybody, mainly national news outlets, CARE MORE ABOUT THIS,” she tweeted on Tuesday. “It’s barely getting coverage.”

Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewis, a veteran of the civil rights movement, also weighed in on the lack of coverage. “I am deeply troubled by the bombing in Colorado. It reminds me of another period,” he wrote. “These stories cannot be swept under the rug #NAACPBombing.”

“Social media has allowed marginalized communities to not only have a voice but find out information that has been traditionally ignored,” said Walid, who contrasted the dearth of coverage of the Colorado incident with the nonstop coverage of the massacre in Paris.

[Nearly] 40 people were killed in a terrorist attack in Yemen the same day as Paris, yet that didn’t get media attention,” Walid said. “The obvious difference was the victims [in Paris] were attacked in Europe, and the chief person targeted by the extremists was Caucasian.”

Walid said the media is silent because the lives of people of color aren’t seen to be as valuable as the lives of white Americans.

“In America its not terrorism if black people are the targets and white people are the suspects. Therefore its not newsworthy. #NAACPBombing,” tweeted Zellie Imani on Wednesday.

So in addition to being the board's whiny white guy shower shoe...you can't read either???!!!

Let's replay for you, as usual you got lost in the mix.

Btw...not to call the shower shoe an ignorant liar, but which news organization or civil rights group bemoaned that fact that this incident was overshadowed by the terrorist attacks in France...or is this simply more belly aching and ass scratching by the shower shoe???


I guess you missed the quote from the Georgia law maker that is Civil Rights leader? Perhaps if you pulled your head out of your ass you might spot stuff like that. Never claimed the press said anything in fact the complaint is the press supposedly did not say enough even though the FBI HAS NOT DECLARED THIS A TERROR ATTACK.

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