Ohio Doctor says the vax turns you into a magnet. - license suspended.

The overwhelming majority do agree that if you are not compromised you should get the vax.

You know that is true.

However, you have the right to not do so.

However, private and public enterprise have the legal right to enforce their health standards on their employees.
Is the majority ever wrong? Yes. I don't believe that just because a majority agrees on something...that means something is right, wrong or safe.
I'll put it like this....If a group of nutritionists get together & commission a study on the health benefits of people eating their own shit, and after the study is finished..the study is peer-reviewed & the vast majority of nutritionists start recommending you eat one of your turds with toast @ breakfast time...are you going to just do it because a majority of nutritionists say eating your own shit is good for you? Or are you going to seek a second opinion?
This sounds suspiciously on the level of Jewish space lasers.

Sam can have his opinion, but that has no medical weight, none.
How long has she been practicing in the Columbus Ohio area? Did she ever kill any patients? Why did they wait until she criticized the Covid vaccine to give her the boot? Judging by Pennsylvania's support of the newly elected senator it seems like democrats kind of like the mentally impaired except when they criticize Covid vaccines.
Not all medical professionals agree on the science in this case.

Some of them realize that they need to keep their mouths shut if they want to keep their jobs.

This is why I quit pre-med.

No doctors these days are allowed to actually practice medicine.

This sounds suspiciously on the level of Jewish space lasers.

How long has she been practicing in the Columbus Ohio area? Did she ever kill any patients? Why did they wait until she criticized the Covid vaccine to give her the boot? Judging by Pennsylvania's support of the newly elected senator it seems like democrats kind of like the mentally impaired except when they criticize Covid vaccines.
Show the proof of the allegation of a link between criticism and termination.
You are seeking confirmation bias, not a second opinion. The overwhelming majority of second opinions would end up in you being advised to get vaxxed.
How would you know my motivation, are you a mindreader? That might be true, but why are you so against Doctors being able to have opinions that don't conform to the majority? And why do you have so much faith in alleged majority opinion?
I have no problem with a doctor having an opinion, but if he is in the very small minority, then I would seek another second opinion.
How would you know my motivation, are you a mindreader? That might be true, but why are you so against Doctors being able to have opinions that don't conform to the majority? And why do you have so much faith in alleged majority opinion?

Of course, they are all mind readers. They know everything there is to know in the universe.

Ohio Doctor says the vax turns you into a magnet. - license suspended.

My first time through college, majoring in Computer Science in the early 1980s, I did most of my coursework on a VAX.

I never experienced any magnetic-related oddities in connection with my use of that system; and as far as I know, neither did anyone else at my school.
There were people who died in pain and misery due to COVID that had refused to get a vaccine and blamed it on being around someone who was vaccinated, as if they somehow “caught” the vaccine.
I never once said those at the highest risk shouldn't take the experimental treatment. The whole argument is you folks trying to force that crap on healthy individuals who don't want it.

COLUMBUS, Ohio – At the height of one of the most significant mass vaccination campaigns in human history, a Cleveland-area physician publicly warned state lawmakers that COVID-19 shots “interface” with cell towers and make people who receive them magnetic.

She sounds like a troubled woman. She also claimed that the hospitals liquidized dead bodies and poured them into the water supply and that vaxxed folk could put spoons on their forehead and it wouldnt fall off.

I feel robbed. I am fully vaxxed and cant do any of that.

She has been suspended after a hearing she refused ro engage with. I havent heard these whacko theories before and I dont think actual Doctors should be spreading them.

She was asked in writing for the source of her crazy but refused to respond.

People like this give responsible anti vaxxers a bad name. They should not speak for this community.

nb I cant link to the update.referring to her suspension. But you can google it.
Sounds like someone with some mental issues that needs help. Hope she gets it

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