Ohio Doctor says the vax turns you into a magnet. - license suspended.

^^^ What you say there reminds me of the film named Ernest Goes To Jail. In that film, Ernest has four different moments where everything metal is stuck to him. :D :D :D

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I miss the man who gave us that movie character. :( :( :(
COLUMBUS, Ohio – At the height of one of the most significant mass vaccination campaigns in human history, a Cleveland-area physician publicly warned state lawmakers that COVID-19 shots “interface” with cell towers and make people who receive them magnetic.
She sounds like a troubled woman. She also claimed that the hospitals liquidized dead bodies and poured them into the water supply and that vaxxed folk could put spoons on their forehead and it wouldnt fall off.
I feel robbed. I am fully vaxxed and cant do any of that.
She has been suspended after a hearing she refused ro engage with. I havent heard these whacko theories before and I dont think actual Doctors should be spreading them.
She was asked in writing for the source of her crazy but refused to respond.
People like this give responsible anti vaxxers a bad name. They should not speak for this community.
nb I cant link to the update.referring to her suspension. But you can google it.

I have had no long covid effect at all, that with all the doses and the infection.

Neither have I, and I never allowed any of that dangerous experimental mRNA shit to be injected into me.

I'll take my chances with the latest mutations of the same diseases that my body has had many times before, throughout my entire life, and fully recovered from, before I'll take a risk on unproven experimental drugs; especially giving the growing body of empirical evidence that these drugs are unsafe.
thehawk is a stupid bird. The vax greatly lessens the violence of the infection, particularly in older and endangered individuals.

Once thought to greatly lessen the chance of infection has, unfortunately, not been the fact.

So thehawk is saying, "I will walk around naked instead of body armor when I am being shot at." Sheer stupidity.

Well I’m not an 80 year old, so Coof couldn’t kill me.

It also does not lessen the effects of WuFlu. I know folks that got the shot and infected, it kicked their ass until they got a real treatment, like monoclonal antibody treatment, then their symptoms went away immediately and they got over it quick.

I know several people that had terrible adverse reactions to the shot. One nearly died from ITP and had to have a full blood transfusion to survive. Another had a Bell’s Palsy attack. Another blood clots in lungs and legs that could had easily been fatal.

But you know what’s best for everyone else. We should all ignore these ”conspiracy theories” and just do what the television tells us, because they never lie. It’s not like every news program wasn’t funded by Pfizer advertisements for two years.

Anyway, good luck with your experimental trial.




Glad to hear you aren't experiencing complications, I sincerely mean that.

I believe the same about the jabs. I believe you gambled with your life. Hopefully they gave you placebo jabs.
Unfortunately it is not as clear , as first thought , that around one third of doses were placebos . The jury remains "out" on that matter .However, it does look certain that they used different concentrations of poison and that this was a test run by and across the main producers and will be seen as the final nail in the coffin and label all participants as mass murderers .
Glad to hear you aren't experiencing complications, I sincerely mean that.

I believe the same about the jabs. I believe you gambled with your life. Hopefully they gave you placebo jabs.
People who don't believe in science and the professionals are left to their own devices, which, most of the time, more than not, can be useless or worse.
Even if these Vax nazis did attract sharp heavy objects, they'd tell you with their last dying breath, it is safe and effective.
There were people who died in pain and misery due to COVID that had refused to get a vaccine and blamed it on being around someone who was vaccinated, as if they somehow “caught” the vaccine.
Where can we see these magnetised people ?
Are they in the room now ?
Tenpenny did not say the shots turned you into a magnet, she said some people who had taken the shot displayed certain magnetic properties at the injection site, which was a true and accurate statement. Back at that time, there were hundreds or thousands of selfie type pictures and videos showing exactly that.

With the luxury of hindsight, we know 3 years later that there were significant differences between batches of the serum, and that partly explains why some folks showed magnetic properties at the injection site, and some did not.
So can vaccine acceptors.
If a vaccine “acceptor” gets vaccinated because it substantially reduces their risk of dying from COVID, there’s nothing illogical about it.

If a vaccine “acceptor” gets vaccinated because they think magnetizing their body might be useful, then they’re very illogical. Somehow that doesn’t seem to be an issue.
Not all medical professionals agree on the science in this case.
The overwhelming majority do agree that if you are not compromised you should get the vax.

You know that is true.

However, you have the right to not do so.

However, private and public enterprise have the legal right to enforce their health standards on their employees.
Some lively debate here. A lot about the magnetism thing.
Nobody has mentioned the liquidized people thing yet. Who were these people ?
Did they exist ?
Or was she making up another anti vax "truth" ?

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