Ohio Joins The Attempt To Shit on The Constitution and Eliminate The Electoral College

Ohio joins effort to shit on Republicans winning elections by losing the popular vote

Nobody joined anything yet. It's just a small group of sore losers who understand they can't win by the rules any longer.
Its actually inching closer to the 270 needed to control the election

If the Democrats thought they could win all elections using our system, they wouldn't by crying about it today. The only reason they are worked up now is because they lost another election with the EC. Every time they lose a presidential election, they whine that we need to make changes so they don't lose the next time; every presidential election.
Rules can be changed

Just like the rules on selecting a Supreme Court Justice changed

Yeah, Harry Weed did a real number on you guys with that one.

Long cherished political norms have been abandoned. Trump respects very few of them. Republicans have denied a President the right to fill a Supreme Court vacancy, they have instituted the nuclear option on all Presidential appointments.

What is so cherished about the EC?
"In numerous cases, making MOST of that state's votes invalid entirely, including in 2016 both yours and mine?"

Then why the tears over your vote not being on the winning side?

See why I said learn to read? I've posted NOTHING about "my vote" and nothing there refers to any "winning sides". The word "mine" refers to my state, not my vote.

Maybe you should let the poster I was countering respond. If she has one.

Maybe you should be more specific, mine is a first person pronoun.

Maybe you need to learn to read. Roll tape.

making MOST of that state's votes invalid entirely, including in 2016 both yours and mine

"Your and my" what? State's votes.

Most of her state's votes, as well as most of my state's votes. Because in both her state and my state, and a dozen others, nobody won as much as 50% of the vote, therefore more than 50% were flushed down the toilet.

Again ---- it wasn't responding to you in the first place; Again, let HER respond to it if she has a response.
It would appear she does not. Ergo, TKO.

And the NPV would change that how?


Someone obviously isn 't too swift on the uptake, since he's been on my ignore list for literally months now and still hasn't figured it out. On the upside, the only way he could win an argument is if the other person isn't aware it's happening, so . . .

Yyyyeahh ummmmm.... I have nothing to "figure out". YOU do. And as already noted you have no response to the point.

Not to mention, (a) how the fuck would I know who's Ignore list I'm on, and (b) clearly you can read the post, since you just alluded to me, and so you confirm that you have no response.

So tell us again all about being "slow on the uptake" brighteyes.
Trump isn't popular, can't get the popular vote. Sad!

Leftists aren't popular outside of their own communes, can't figure out how to win without cheating. SAD!
Reality shows who is really cheating.

Two more arrests in alleged North Carolina election fraud, bringing total to 4

North Carolina GOP Chair Indicted On Wire Fraud, Bribery Charges

NC-9 still has taxation without representation since that electoral clusterfuck last November, and will remain Rep-free until they can hold a whole new election.
Trump isn't popular, can't get the popular vote. Sad!

Leftists aren't popular outside of their own communes, can't figure out how to win without cheating. SAD!
Reality shows who is really cheating.

Two more arrests in alleged North Carolina election fraud, bringing total to 4

North Carolina GOP Chair Indicted On Wire Fraud, Bribery Charges

NC-9 still has taxation without representation since that electoral clusterfuck last November, and will remain Rep-free until they can hold a whole new election.

Why hasn't the governor appointed a place holder?

See why I said learn to read? I've posted NOTHING about "my vote" and nothing there refers to any "winning sides". The word "mine" refers to my state, not my vote.

Maybe you should let the poster I was countering respond. If she has one.

Maybe you should be more specific, mine is a first person pronoun.

Maybe you need to learn to read. Roll tape.

making MOST of that state's votes invalid entirely, including in 2016 both yours and mine

"Your and my" what? State's votes.

Most of her state's votes, as well as most of my state's votes. Because in both her state and my state, and a dozen others, nobody won as much as 50% of the vote, therefore more than 50% were flushed down the toilet.

Again ---- it wasn't responding to you in the first place; Again, let HER respond to it if she has a response.
It would appear she does not. Ergo, TKO.

And the NPV would change that how?

Who said it does?

You're doing a bang-up job of not following somebody else's point. The poster I actually quoted ---- which again was not you ----- tried to sell this song and dance about the NPVIC suddenly "disenfranchising" voters in a given state, as if she's completely ignorant of the fact that MOST voters in her state are already disenfranchised by the current system. I set her straight on that, and as you see -- she has no response.

Exactly how would you chose to rectify that and keep the federal system?

Here's an example I've put forth several times, might as well keep running it.

My state has 15 electoral votes, conveniently an odd number. Instead of awarding all 15 to a candy who pulled 49% of the state's vote, those 15 could be allocated as 8 for Rump/7 for Clinton. Or alternately depending on the math, 7 Rump, 6 Clinton, 1 each for Johnson/Stein.

That would mean abandoning the WTA system, which would be nice but isn't going to happen for the same reason we got gangraped by the WTA system nationwide in the first place --- the mob mentality of "if our neighbor state is doing it then we have to do it too or else we'll get less attention, waaah".

The Constitution of course doesn't provide for a prohibition of WTA, as Madison wanted, hence this NPVIC project is about all we have to fend it off. And fend it off we must.
Trump isn't popular, can't get the popular vote. Sad!

Leftists aren't popular outside of their own communes, can't figure out how to win without cheating. SAD!
Reality shows who is really cheating.

Two more arrests in alleged North Carolina election fraud, bringing total to 4

North Carolina GOP Chair Indicted On Wire Fraud, Bribery Charges

NC-9 still has taxation without representation since that electoral clusterfuck last November, and will remain Rep-free until they can hold a whole new election.

Why hasn't the governor appointed a place holder?

I don't think state law allows for that.
Nobody joined anything yet. It's just a small group of sore losers who understand they can't win by the rules any longer.
Its actually inching closer to the 270 needed to control the election

If the Democrats thought they could win all elections using our system, they wouldn't by crying about it today. The only reason they are worked up now is because they lost another election with the EC. Every time they lose a presidential election, they whine that we need to make changes so they don't lose the next time; every presidential election.
Rules can be changed

Just like the rules on selecting a Supreme Court Justice changed

Yeah, Harry Weed did a real number on you guys with that one.

Long cherished political norms have been abandoned. Trump respects very few of them. Republicans have denied a President the right to fill a Supreme Court vacancy, they have instituted the nuclear option on all Presidential appointments.

What is so cherished about the EC?

That doesn't change the fact it was Reed who changed it; Republicans just used it.

To be honest, I was never crazy about a super majority in the Senate. I believe all bills should be voted on using a simple majority for everything outside of perhaps impeachment or amendment changes.

Why we want to keep the electoral college has been discussed thoroughly. It helps spread out the power of vote across the country instead of smaller concentrated areas where high populations live. Think of it like a handicap in sports games or golf.

It hasn't been a problem until Democrats lose an election. Then it becomes an issue for the left. When GW won his first election, we had to get rid of punch card ballots all across the country. When he won the reelection, we had to get rid of Diebold machines across the country. Now that Trump won, we need to get rid of the electoral collage across the country. In between presidential elections, Democrats have complained when losing citing Voter-Id, gerrymandering and voter purges.

Not once do I remember the theme of Democrats admitting they lost an election fair and square. It's always some nefarious thing the Republicans did to cheat them out of their win. If it's not Comey, it's Russian collusion. If it's not Russian collusion, it's the electoral college. If it's not the electoral college...................
Bullshit, it rewrites The Constitution giving all of Ohio’s Electoral Votes to Hillary Clinton even if President Trump Wins Ohio!

IF this were in place in 2016, then it not only stabs Ohio voters in the back, but everyone not living in New York City Chicago, Miami or Los Angelos has Zero Representation in National Elections for President.

It would Completely overturn The 2016 Election and have All The States Trump won 33 of them actually cast their votes for Clinton.

Wake the Hell Up People!

It’s a big Screw You to All The State’s Voters!

These people proposing this need to be hunted down and dragged through the streets then tarred and feathered and set on fire!

Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.


Read your own link Drama Llama. Nothing in it says anything about "ditching the Electoral College". It's actually entirely within the guidelines of the Constitution. Unless of course you can show the class where the COTUS dictates how the states "must" choose electors.

Rotsa ruck finding that Dumbass.
Unfair is my presidential vote has only counted one time in my life.
My city has not voted Republican since before I was born.

Why limit it to the states?

States only matter because of the electoral college.

You dipshits do realize this, don’t you?

No, the Electoral College exists BECAUSE states matter. The fact that our modern, uneducated-but-proudly-assuming-they're-informed populace has lost track of that fact or the reasons for it doesn't make it any less true.
I was talking about in terms of national elections, but really the only power states have these days thanks to the Democrats is in elections.
Its actually inching closer to the 270 needed to control the election

If the Democrats thought they could win all elections using our system, they wouldn't by crying about it today. The only reason they are worked up now is because they lost another election with the EC. Every time they lose a presidential election, they whine that we need to make changes so they don't lose the next time; every presidential election.
Rules can be changed

Just like the rules on selecting a Supreme Court Justice changed

Yeah, Harry Weed did a real number on you guys with that one.

Long cherished political norms have been abandoned. Trump respects very few of them. Republicans have denied a President the right to fill a Supreme Court vacancy, they have instituted the nuclear option on all Presidential appointments.

What is so cherished about the EC?

That doesn't change the fact it was Reed who changed it; Republicans just used it.

To be honest, I was never crazy about a super majority in the Senate. I believe all bills should be voted on using a simple majority for everything outside of perhaps impeachment or amendment changes.

Why we want to keep the electoral college has been discussed thoroughly. It helps spread out the power of vote across the country instead of smaller concentrated areas where high populations live. Think of it like a handicap in sports games or golf.

It hasn't been a problem until Democrats lose an election. Then it becomes an issue for the left. When GW won his first election, we had to get rid of punch card ballots all across the country. When he won the reelection, we had to get rid of Diebold machines across the country. Now that Trump won, we need to get rid of the electoral collage across the country. In between presidential elections, Democrats have complained when losing citing Voter-Id, gerrymandering and voter purges.

Not once do I remember the theme of Democrats admitting they lost an election fair and square. It's always some nefarious thing the Republicans did to cheat them out of their win. If it's not Comey, it's Russian collusion. If it's not Russian collusion, it's the electoral college. If it's not the electoral college...................
There are no traditions in our political system anymore......all that matters is who wins

Electoral College is one of those sacred cows
Gerrymandering is next
The blue areas are big city people and the red areas are rural folk. Try eating a Gucci handbag rather than Cornbread.
The blue areas support the red areas

Always have
Without the red areas the blue areas would have no power, resources and food... dumbass
Blue areas control the wealth

Red areas would still be using lanterns if not for the subsidies from blue areas
Na, not really
That obviously is not true, who owns the mineral rights and the land you fucking retard

Those in the cities own those rights
They also subsidize all the infrastructure in rural America

They wouldn’t have electricity without those subsidies
People in the city’s don’t own mineral rights you fucking retard
The blue areas support the red areas

Always have
Without the red areas the blue areas would have no power, resources and food... dumbass
Blue areas control the wealth

Red areas would still be using lanterns if not for the subsidies from blue areas
Na, not really
That obviously is not true, who owns the mineral rights and the land you fucking retard

Those in the cities own those rights
They also subsidize all the infrastructure in rural America

They wouldn’t have electricity without those subsidies
People in the city’s don’t own mineral rights you fucking retard
Of course they do

Where do you think the money is?
Without the red areas the blue areas would have no power, resources and food... dumbass
Blue areas control the wealth

Red areas would still be using lanterns if not for the subsidies from blue areas
Na, not really
That obviously is not true, who owns the mineral rights and the land you fucking retard

Those in the cities own those rights
They also subsidize all the infrastructure in rural America

They wouldn’t have electricity without those subsidies
People in the city’s don’t own mineral rights you fucking retard
Of course they do

Where do you think the money is?
Prove people in the cities own the mineral rights...
If the Democrats thought they could win all elections using our system, they wouldn't by crying about it today. The only reason they are worked up now is because they lost another election with the EC. Every time they lose a presidential election, they whine that we need to make changes so they don't lose the next time; every presidential election.
Rules can be changed

Just like the rules on selecting a Supreme Court Justice changed

Yeah, Harry Weed did a real number on you guys with that one.

Long cherished political norms have been abandoned. Trump respects very few of them. Republicans have denied a President the right to fill a Supreme Court vacancy, they have instituted the nuclear option on all Presidential appointments.

What is so cherished about the EC?

That doesn't change the fact it was Reed who changed it; Republicans just used it.

To be honest, I was never crazy about a super majority in the Senate. I believe all bills should be voted on using a simple majority for everything outside of perhaps impeachment or amendment changes.

Why we want to keep the electoral college has been discussed thoroughly. It helps spread out the power of vote across the country instead of smaller concentrated areas where high populations live. Think of it like a handicap in sports games or golf.

It hasn't been a problem until Democrats lose an election. Then it becomes an issue for the left. When GW won his first election, we had to get rid of punch card ballots all across the country. When he won the reelection, we had to get rid of Diebold machines across the country. Now that Trump won, we need to get rid of the electoral collage across the country. In between presidential elections, Democrats have complained when losing citing Voter-Id, gerrymandering and voter purges.

Not once do I remember the theme of Democrats admitting they lost an election fair and square. It's always some nefarious thing the Republicans did to cheat them out of their win. If it's not Comey, it's Russian collusion. If it's not Russian collusion, it's the electoral college. If it's not the electoral college...................
There are no traditions in our political system anymore......all that matters is who wins

Electoral College is one of those sacred cows
Gerrymandering is next

Yes, it is one of those scared cows because we've been using that system since the founding. Gerrymandering is used on both sides when applicable. But again, the only time Democrats have problems with it is when they believe it prevented their win.
Maybe you should be more specific, mine is a first person pronoun.

Maybe you need to learn to read. Roll tape.

making MOST of that state's votes invalid entirely, including in 2016 both yours and mine

"Your and my" what? State's votes.

Most of her state's votes, as well as most of my state's votes. Because in both her state and my state, and a dozen others, nobody won as much as 50% of the vote, therefore more than 50% were flushed down the toilet.

Again ---- it wasn't responding to you in the first place; Again, let HER respond to it if she has a response.
It would appear she does not. Ergo, TKO.

And the NPV would change that how?

Who said it does?

You're doing a bang-up job of not following somebody else's point. The poster I actually quoted ---- which again was not you ----- tried to sell this song and dance about the NPVIC suddenly "disenfranchising" voters in a given state, as if she's completely ignorant of the fact that MOST voters in her state are already disenfranchised by the current system. I set her straight on that, and as you see -- she has no response.

Exactly how would you chose to rectify that and keep the federal system?

Here's an example I've put forth several times, might as well keep running it.

My state has 15 electoral votes, conveniently an odd number. Instead of awarding all 15 to a candy who pulled 49% of the state's vote, those 15 could be allocated as 8 for Rump/7 for Clinton. Or alternately depending on the math, 7 Rump, 6 Clinton, 1 each for Johnson/Stein.

That would mean abandoning the WTA system, which would be nice but isn't going to happen for the same reason we got gangraped by the WTA system nationwide in the first place --- the mob mentality of "if our neighbor state is doing it then we have to do it too or else we'll get less attention, waaah".

The Constitution of course doesn't provide for a prohibition of WTA, as Madison wanted, hence this NPVIC project is about all we have to fend it off. And fend it off we must.

Not true if you state offers a referendum process, you could start an initiative to go to proportional allocations. Of course both parties will fight it. But give it a shot and bring it to the voters.

Trump isn't popular, can't get the popular vote. Sad!

Leftists aren't popular outside of their own communes, can't figure out how to win without cheating. SAD!
Reality shows who is really cheating.

Two more arrests in alleged North Carolina election fraud, bringing total to 4

North Carolina GOP Chair Indicted On Wire Fraud, Bribery Charges

NC-9 still has taxation without representation since that electoral clusterfuck last November, and will remain Rep-free until they can hold a whole new election.

Why hasn't the governor appointed a place holder?

I don't think state law allows for that.

Weird, hugh?

Maybe you need to learn to read. Roll tape.

"Your and my" what? State's votes.

Most of her state's votes, as well as most of my state's votes. Because in both her state and my state, and a dozen others, nobody won as much as 50% of the vote, therefore more than 50% were flushed down the toilet.

Again ---- it wasn't responding to you in the first place; Again, let HER respond to it if she has a response.
It would appear she does not. Ergo, TKO.

And the NPV would change that how?

Who said it does?

You're doing a bang-up job of not following somebody else's point. The poster I actually quoted ---- which again was not you ----- tried to sell this song and dance about the NPVIC suddenly "disenfranchising" voters in a given state, as if she's completely ignorant of the fact that MOST voters in her state are already disenfranchised by the current system. I set her straight on that, and as you see -- she has no response.

Exactly how would you chose to rectify that and keep the federal system?

Here's an example I've put forth several times, might as well keep running it.

My state has 15 electoral votes, conveniently an odd number. Instead of awarding all 15 to a candy who pulled 49% of the state's vote, those 15 could be allocated as 8 for Rump/7 for Clinton. Or alternately depending on the math, 7 Rump, 6 Clinton, 1 each for Johnson/Stein.

That would mean abandoning the WTA system, which would be nice but isn't going to happen for the same reason we got gangraped by the WTA system nationwide in the first place --- the mob mentality of "if our neighbor state is doing it then we have to do it too or else we'll get less attention, waaah".

The Constitution of course doesn't provide for a prohibition of WTA, as Madison wanted, hence this NPVIC project is about all we have to fend it off. And fend it off we must.

Not true if you state offers a referendum process, you could start an initiative to go to proportional allocations. Of course both parties will fight it. But give it a shot and bring it to the voters.

Yeah ---- forty-eight times. Rotsa ruck wit dat.

From strictly a psychology standpoint the infection of WTA demonstrates one of the pitfalls of mob mentality. It puts you in a hole you can't get out of. That's why this NPVIC thingy exists --- and why it's designed to only go into effect when it directs 270 EVs.

Is that an ideal solution? Hardly. But it's about all we have to wipe out this infection, short of banning WTA altogether, which would require a Constitutional Amendment as Madison advocated. That would finally return the Electoral College back to its intended operation and deflate most of the argument for abolishing the EC because it would finally work as intended, it would quit disenfranchising millions, it would bring in many more millions who don't bother now because what's the point, and it would put to death these artificial and divisive bullshit concepts of "red states" and "blue states". Votes would actually matter. Everywhere.

90% of the criticism of the Electoral College doesn't stem from the Electoral College idea itself --- it stems from the WTA infection.
Rules can be changed

Just like the rules on selecting a Supreme Court Justice changed

Yeah, Harry Weed did a real number on you guys with that one.

Long cherished political norms have been abandoned. Trump respects very few of them. Republicans have denied a President the right to fill a Supreme Court vacancy, they have instituted the nuclear option on all Presidential appointments.

What is so cherished about the EC?

That doesn't change the fact it was Reed who changed it; Republicans just used it.

To be honest, I was never crazy about a super majority in the Senate. I believe all bills should be voted on using a simple majority for everything outside of perhaps impeachment or amendment changes.

Why we want to keep the electoral college has been discussed thoroughly. It helps spread out the power of vote across the country instead of smaller concentrated areas where high populations live. Think of it like a handicap in sports games or golf.

It hasn't been a problem until Democrats lose an election. Then it becomes an issue for the left. When GW won his first election, we had to get rid of punch card ballots all across the country. When he won the reelection, we had to get rid of Diebold machines across the country. Now that Trump won, we need to get rid of the electoral collage across the country. In between presidential elections, Democrats have complained when losing citing Voter-Id, gerrymandering and voter purges.

Not once do I remember the theme of Democrats admitting they lost an election fair and square. It's always some nefarious thing the Republicans did to cheat them out of their win. If it's not Comey, it's Russian collusion. If it's not Russian collusion, it's the electoral college. If it's not the electoral college...................
There are no traditions in our political system anymore......all that matters is who wins

Electoral College is one of those sacred cows
Gerrymandering is next

Yes, it is one of those scared cows because we've been using that system since the founding. Gerrymandering is used on both sides when applicable. But again, the only time Democrats have problems with it is when they believe it prevented their win.
Both need to be abolished

A few more states signing on and we would have a popular vote. Need SCOTUS to stand up against gerrymandering.
Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.
Of course Dems would support screwing over the results of an election and the will of the people. They are saying that if a candidate wins a state, the electoral vote will be changed to the exact opposite outcome based on how other people in other states vote. Tyranny at its finest.

But look at it this way, if the Trumpublicans win the popular vote, think of the bragging rights to the landslide victory in the EC the Trumpublicans would have. Faux's Anchor's would have on-air orgasms.
The blue areas support the red areas

Always have
Without the red areas the blue areas would have no power, resources and food... dumbass
Blue areas control the wealth

Red areas would still be using lanterns if not for the subsidies from blue areas
Na, not really
That obviously is not true, who owns the mineral rights and the land you fucking retard

Those in the cities own those rights
They also subsidize all the infrastructure in rural America

They wouldn’t have electricity without those subsidies
People in the city’s don’t own mineral rights you fucking retard

Last time I checked, mineral rights are owned by whomever owns the land the minerals are on.
Without the red areas the blue areas would have no power, resources and food... dumbass
Blue areas control the wealth

Red areas would still be using lanterns if not for the subsidies from blue areas
Na, not really
That obviously is not true, who owns the mineral rights and the land you fucking retard

Those in the cities own those rights
They also subsidize all the infrastructure in rural America

They wouldn’t have electricity without those subsidies
People in the city’s don’t own mineral rights you fucking retard

Last time I checked, mineral rights are owned by whomever owns the land the minerals are on.
Thé person who owns the rights do not have to live on the land

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