Ohio Man Shoots His Neighbor Because He Thought He Was A Democrat

And how about the innocent guy in this case? Not ONE word of condemnation. You want to have your cake and eat it too.
The shooter should get the death penalty. Unfortunately, most states pity mentally ill murderers and would prefer to get everybody else to support them for the next 50 or 60 years. There's no excuse for even crazy people murdering people over politics, and with all the recent turning killers out on the street, the guy would do it again. :cranky:
No.... A mentally ill person regardless of his political connections who will go to jail for the rest of his life now. It has nothing to do with politics or identity or even brand name violence.....sooooo....um.


That shooter should never see the light of day again. If you lock him up, someone else will just let him go free. We therefore need to change the law from "life without parole" to "an eye for an eye." To do otherwise under the Democrat way would cause the shooter to repeat his offense when the Demmies let him out of jail for free. These are frightening times due to letting criminals off the hook they placed themselves on and seeing their savagery murder someone else who did nothing wrong.
The moral of the story..........

Democrats can kill, maim, destroy, and murder at will, anyone they want, anywhere they want, any time they want, and it's all legal.

But if someone from another political party does it............it's ILLEGAL AND SPLATTERED ALL OVER THE "MEDIA"!!!!

This is what the NaziKarens want. They want all of US doing THIER dirty work for them.
But, no matter how many from other political parties do what the NaziKarens do........it will all be in low numbers, as the NaziKarens' numbers of humans murdered are in the billions.
The shooter should get the death penalty. Unfortunately, most states pity mentally ill murderers and would prefer to get everybody else to support them for the next 50 or 60 years. There's no excuse for even crazy people murdering people over politics, and with all the recent turning killers out on the street, the guy would do it again. :cranky:

The problem is, the Demonicrats have seen to it that mentally ill is not only the norm, it is continually used in courtrooms by ALL criminals to get out of violent acts of crime. Luckily not all judges accept it as a reason.
Who doesn't?
Not true. What Coyote and other Libs live by is a Double Standard. That INNOCENT 18 year old was killed the middle of Sept, not ONE word about it yet they expect a different response when the reverse happens.
I refuse to abide by their “ rules “
The shooter should get the death penalty. Unfortunately, most states pity mentally ill murderers and would prefer to get everybody else to support them for the next 50 or 60 years. There's no excuse for even crazy people murdering people over politics, and with all the recent turning killers out on the street, the guy would do it again. :cranky:
That should also be applied to those who Deliberately kill someone with their Car; Unless, of course the Victim is a suspected Trump supporter
Not true. What Coyote and other Libs live by is a Double Standard. That INNOCENT 18 year old was killed the middle of Sept, not ONE word about it yet they expect a different response when the reverse happens.
I refuse to abide by their “ rules “
i meant have their cake and eat it to. she tosses that out as if she never does it herself.
That shooter should never see the light of day again. If you lock him up, someone else will just let him go free. We therefore need to change the law from "life without parole" to "an eye for an eye." To do otherwise under the Democrat way would cause the shooter to repeat his offense when the Demmies let him out of jail for free. These are frightening times due to letting criminals off the hook they placed themselves on and seeing their savagery murder someone else who did nothing wrong.
I have to agree with you....

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