Ohio Man Shoots His Neighbor Because He Thought He Was A Democrat

"A Morgan Twp. man charged with murder admitted to shooting and killing his neighbor in Okeana on Saturday, according to court documents. Austin Gene Combs, 26, was booked into the Butler County Jail on Saturday night and charged with murder. Family members called 911 after hearing shots and finding King in the backyard unresponsive and bleeding. The family member told the dispatcher a neighbor had confronted King before about perceived political affiliation. The victim’s wife then tells the dispatcher they were cutting grass and working in the yard when she came inside to let the dog out. That’s when she heard gunshots, she said.

“I look in the backyard and that man is walking away from my husband, and my husband is on the ground,” the woman says “He has come over like four times confronting my husband because he thought he was a Democrat. Why, why … Please, I don’t understand.”

There is definitely more to this story than what the police and media is reporting. Are we supposed to believe this was over someone thinking just because a guy is a Democrat, another guy shoots him? There is more to it than that. Possibly could have been a gay lover's quarrel like most of these types of shootings are.

Or, it is very possible that if the guy who was killed is a Democrat -- this could be a justifiable shooting. Since we all know that Democrats are pedophiles, child murderers and Satan worshippers -- any God fearing American is well within their right to fear for their safety and shoot anyone they perceive to be a Democrat, dead....Hopefully, some heroic patriot will bond this guy out before it is too late.
This is a post that would get wide approval from the Trumpists on this board.
I look in the backyard and that man is walking away from my husband and my husband is on the ground,” the woman told dispatchers. “He has come over like four times confronting my husband because he thought he was a Democrat, Why, why … Please, I don’t understand.”

The 26-year-old Gibbs was arrested a short time later while driving away from the shooting scene with his father.

Republican terrorism by very definite
I look in the backyard and that man is walking away from my husband and my husband is on the ground,” the woman told dispatchers. “He has come over like four times confronting my husband because he thought he was a Democrat, Why, why … Please, I don’t understand.”

The 26-year-old Gibbs was arrested a short time later while driving away from the shooting scene with his father.

Republican terrorism by very definition
Remember that TEEN who was killed by a BRANDON MANIAC because he thought his Victim was a “ Republican Extremist?” Of course you don’t
Remember that TEEN who was killed by a BRANDON MANIAC because he thought his Victim was a “ Republican Extremist?” Of course you don’t
Everyone remembers that, you guys posted dozens of threads on it.

Everyone remembers that, you guys posted dozens of threads on it.
MAYBE “ you guys” should “ remember “ before you start posting about those Republican Trumpsters. It’s funny that NOBODY from your side condemned it. Please tell us what BRANDON said about it
Mental illness is a real thing folks.

Ted Kennedy put them all on the streets, and they even dominate the Democratic Party now. I quit caring about their self-inflicted problems when they sent their hired street thugs to run around assaulting elderly men and women wearing Trump hats back in 2016 and still promoting political violence to this day, including railroading innocent people into prison hoping they get murdered and encouraging hate crimes against white people.

Obama's AG encouraged Black Panther vermin to linger outside polling places trying to intimidate white voters, and it has escalated to Democrat pedoes chasing teenagers down and trying to murder them in the streets, with Democrats screaming about their victims defending themselves. They riot over thugs Od'ing on their own drugs he peddled.

Screw Democrats, their violent nutjobs are turning on them and now they want sympathy. lol no way.
I look in the backyard and that man is walking away from my husband and my husband is on the ground,” the woman told dispatchers. “He has come over like four times confronting my husband because he thought he was a Democrat, Why, why … Please, I don’t understand.”

The 26-year-old Gibbs was arrested a short time later while driving away from the shooting scene with his father.

Republican terrorism by very definition
This is what extremism does. It radicalizes people so they don't even know right from wrong anymore. Their sense of reality is totally warped. They believe anything that fits their agenda. Unfortunately it is very hard to correct these types of people. It's worse than curing drug addiction or alcoholism or smoking tobacco.
This is what extremism does. It radicalizes people so they don't even know right from wrong anymore. Their sense of reality is totally warped. They believe anything that fits their agenda. Unfortunately it is very hard to correct these types of people. It's worse than curing drug addiction or alcoholism or smoking tobacco.

The Left relies on that, it's what they dream about doing, and then they send Useful Idiots around to message boards pretending its 'right wingers' and 'Trump'.

lol you're all ridiculous lying vermin faking 'outrage'. Mentally ill people are on the streets because Democrats put them there.
MAYBE “ you guys” should “ remember “ before you start posting about those Republican Trumpsters. It’s funny that NOBODY from your side condemned it. Please tell us what BRANDON said about it
Hmmmm….do you apply to those who post about Democrat “libtards”?
Remember that TEEN who was killed by a BRANDON MANIAC because he thought his Victim was a “ Republican Extremist?” Of course you don’t
I remember not a single Democrat praising the guy who did it, urging he be bailed out as a patriot, etc, etc, etc.....so shut yo goofy ass up
I remember not a single Democrat praising the guy who did it, urging he be bailed out as a patriot, etc, etc, etc.....so shut yo goofy ass up
Please name ONE Democrat who condemned the action and called that MANIAC a VIOLENT EXTREMIST. Please tell us what Joe Biden said and what he said to his patient? Until you can Andrew; SHUT THE F ..K UP
I look in the backyard and that man is walking away from my husband and my husband is on the ground,” the woman told dispatchers. “He has come over like four times confronting my husband because he thought he was a Democrat, Why, why … Please, I don’t understand.”

The 26-year-old Gibbs was arrested a short time later while driving away from the shooting scene with his father.

Republican terrorism by very definition
No.... A mentally ill person regardless of his political connections who will go to jail for the rest of his life now. It has nothing to do with politics or identity or even brand name violence.....sooooo....um.


Please name ONE Democrat who condemned the action and called that MANIAC a VIOLENT EXTREMIST. Please tell us what Joe Biden said and what he said to his patient? Until you can Andrew; SHUT THE F ..K UP
Meant PARENTS. I’m a 👩‍⚕️ Nurse. Sorry!
Notice how DEMOCRATS always deflect?? A INNOCENT Teenager was killed by a Pro BRANDON psycho and not ONE word about it
And how about the innocent guy in this case? Not ONE word of condemnation. You want to have your cake and eat it too.
Me and my neighbor have argued over whose lawnmower is better. If he shoots me 2 months later, does that mean its over a ZTR?
And how about the innocent guy in this case? Not ONE word of condemnation. You want to have your cake and eat it too.
Deflection as usual. How long ago was that INNOCENT TEENAGER KilLED and not ONE ☝️ Word? Hypocrisy 101 You should teach the class

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