Ohio Methodists Shame the haters.

The bible has some very choice things to say about the so-called churches who choose to go the way of the masses, instead of the way of God.
Just ask Moses. Got pissed at the people, busted up the tablets and had to go back up the mountain for another copy.
And because Moses smote the rock with his staff, instead of just speaking to it, God allowed him to die without stepping foot in the Promised Land. And because God disobeyed God and took a wife from another tribe...God killed her and both of Moses' children with her.

My advice to the Methodists...don't screw around with God. There are no *exceptions* in the Word.

Its not just the Methodists though. I have already shown that Catholicism is accepting and there are many other denominations such as, Anglicans,Lutherans,Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Quakers have also welcomed gay people.

Are they all going to hell ?
Whether we go to hell is a decision Jesus makes.

Here's the thing. It's not real complicated. There are lots of sins. You know, stealing, gluttony, covetousness, bearing false witness and so on. We forgive our brothers and sisters as Jesus taught. We pray for God to lead us not into temptation. We are taught to love each other. We gather together to praise God and learn His ways.

Forgive sins. Avoid sins. Not celebrate sins. That's a rather important distinction. A distinction that has nothing whatsoever to do with hate.
But you are focussing on one aspect of an individuals life and using it to build a whole oppressive structure. It is very selective. For example. Ive watched a lot of these tv evangelists and without exception their focus is on making money. And yet they get to condemn a whole group of people who were, basically, made in Gods image. How does that work ?
Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

The church should invite the homos in to listen to services, and then preach to them the sins of their ways and tell them to repent or burn in hell.

"Whatever in the water does not have fins and scales is abhorrent to you." - Leviticus 11:12

Are you going to Hell?
There are a huge number of passages which could be described as "of their time". Literalistic readings are applied to some passages but others are "interpreted" to suit an agenda.
The bible has some very choice things to say about the so-called churches who choose to go the way of the masses, instead of the way of God.
Just ask Moses. Got pissed at the people, busted up the tablets and had to go back up the mountain for another copy.
And because Moses smote the rock with his staff, instead of just speaking to it, God allowed him to die without stepping foot in the Promised Land. And because God disobeyed God and took a wife from another tribe...God killed her and both of Moses' children with her.

My advice to the Methodists...don't screw around with God. There are no *exceptions* in the Word.

Its not just the Methodists though. I have already shown that Catholicism is accepting and there are many other denominations such as, Anglicans,Lutherans,Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Quakers have also welcomed gay people.

Are they all going to hell ?
Whether we go to hell is a decision Jesus makes.

Here's the thing. It's not real complicated. There are lots of sins. You know, stealing, gluttony, covetousness, bearing false witness and so on. We forgive our brothers and sisters as Jesus taught. We pray for God to lead us not into temptation. We are taught to love each other. We gather together to praise God and learn His ways.

Forgive sins. Avoid sins. Not celebrate sins. That's a rather important distinction. A distinction that has nothing whatsoever to do with hate.
But you are focussing on one aspect of an individuals life and using it to build a whole oppressive structure. It is very selective. For example. Ive watched a lot of these tv evangelists and without exception their focus is on making money. And yet they get to condemn a whole group of people who were, basically, made in Gods image. How does that work ?
You are focusing on one aspect of the individual, not me. Try actually reading what I wrote.

Meanwhile, those preaching heresy can be recognized. This has already been explained at length on this thread. You might go ahead and read the Bible- the entire Bible, then you can answer some of your own questions, ask informed questions, and maybe even stop parroting left wing talking points. Seriously, "oppressive structure"?!
The Bible is clear, numb nuts, it's a mortal sin. Now shush

The Bible was written by men, not supernatural beings.

It's God's word, Christians go by it as God's word and homosexuality is a mortal sin, it is what it is. Any church condoning it is simply fulfilling prophecy, written "by those men" that wrote it...funny how all that "those men" wrote is coming to pass just as the Bible said it would, no? Food for thought
Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

The church should invite the homos in to listen to services, and then preach to them the sins of their ways and tell them to repent or burn in hell.

"Whatever in the water does not have fins and scales is abhorrent to you." - Leviticus 11:12

Are you going to Hell?

^^^Mosaic law applying to Jews not to Gentiles and done away with by the New Covenant, learn what you're talking about before using it

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