Ohio School District Bans Cellphones

They don't.

With numbers prior to mainstream calculators it was good to become a quick thinker. Like 97*0.23. Uh if it was 100*25 it would be 2500 (divided by 100 or time 0.01) so you know the answer has to less than 25. Call it a quick “smell test”.

Learn to play tricks.
97*0.2 = 97/5 = ~19 + 97*0.03 ugh….3% of 97? 10% is 9.7….gimme calculator, games on.
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Or at least their use during class. Which I'm all for that but I'm glad that they're still allowed to have them at school just in case of an emergency.

Cell phones should be labeled with the student's name and placed in a portable bag when entering the classroom. The students can reclaim their phones when the class is over. In the event of weather emergency, lock down, or whatever the teacher should be trained to take the bag with her as she ushers her students to shelter where the students can reclaim their phones to assure parents they are okay or whatever.

I have attended training seminars, spiritual retreats, etc. in which everybody was required to turn in their cell phones, wrist watches, any and all communication devices with the outside world unless medically necessary. It was always a bit traumatic not having those things for awhile, but after awhile you get used it and rather enjoy the liberty of being free of time restraints/expectations etc. I'm sure students would too.

Sometimes I wish underage persons were restricted to the old style mobile phones that ALL you could do with them is make or receive calls and wrist watches that did nothing but tell time. Then you would have kids that actually make eye contact and converse with people again and that have to do some intellectual work to learn the subject matter so they are actually educated.
1. Great idea!

2. But in many cities, the students would just defy the ban.

3. And since the Obama Administration, students may no longer be suspended for defiance.

4. That Administration had agreed with activists that suspension for defiance was used unfairly against African American and Hispanic students.

Total BS. I taught when Obama was President and after. Defiance is probably the most common offense. Where did you dig up this stupid idea? In LA or NYC maybe, but nowhere in red states.
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Cell phones should be labeled with the student's name and placed in a portable bag when entering the classroom. The students can reclaim their phones when the class is over. In the event of weather emergency, lock down, or whatever the teacher should be trained to take the bag with her as she ushers her students to shelter where the students can reclaim their phones to assure parents they are okay or whatever.

I have attended training seminars, spiritual retreats, etc. in which everybody was required to turn in their cell phones, wrist watches, any and all communication devices with the outside world unless medically necessary. It was always a bit traumatic not having those things for awhile, but after awhile you get used it and rather enjoy the liberty of being free of time restraints/expectations etc. I'm sure students would too.

Sometimes I wish underage persons were restricted to the old style mobile phones that ALL you could do with them is make or receive calls and wrist watches that did nothing but tell time. Then you would have kids that actually make eye contact and converse with people again and that have to do some intellectual work to learn the subject matter so they are actually educated.

Pardon me, but your sexism is showing! Not all teachers are women.

Other than that, your idea shows you are completely out of touch with reality.
Pardon me, but your sexism is showing! Not all teachers are women.

Other than that, your idea shows you are completely out of touch with reality.
I can quite easily translate mankind or him to also include woman and her. I figure men are as smart as I am. Women teachers outnumber men more the 3 to 1 in the public schools so 'she/her' is just simpler to say.

It gets tedious having to include both pronounces or genders when making a point. So if a guy is too fragile to be able to understand that the 'her' means the teacher who could also be a guy, he probably shouldn't be teaching anyway.

And since when I teach I collect the kids' telephones--with adults I tell them to please turn them off--I don't think I'm out of touch with reality.
I can quite easily translate mankind or him to also include woman and her. I figure men are as smart as I am. Women teachers outnumber men more the 3 to 1 in the public schools so 'she/her' is just simpler to say.

It gets tedious having to include both pronounces or genders when making a point. So if a guy is too fragile to be able to understand that the 'her' means the teacher who could also be a guy, he probably shouldn't be teaching anyway.

And since when I teach I collect the kids' telephones--with adults I tell them to please turn them off--I don't think I'm out of touch with reality.
Wow! The lack of logic you displayed is astounding! You just explained it backwards! If you said the teacher was male, it could be excused like you explained. However, the converse is simply not true.

Want to know the reason most teachers are female? Low pay.

Want to know why almost 99% of elementary teachers are female? Parent fear of child molesters.

Before becoming a teacher, I was a substitute at all levels. I was one of the only males who would substitute in elementary schools because I was older (35) and had 3 kids of my own, 2 in school already. At one school, I quickly became a legend because I was the only male above the age of 12 in the whole building. The principal asked her teachers to always request my services after I covered a teacher out for knee surgery, teaching 2nd grade for two weeks. The kids in other classes took notice of me and asked if I could teach them. They were all starved for male attention from an adult I can only imagine they were Navy dependents and Dad was gone, just like I left my kids behind only a few years before.
Wow! The lack of logic you displayed is astounding! You just explained it backwards! If you said the teacher was male, it could be excused like you explained. However, the converse is simply not true.

Want to know the reason most teachers are female? Low pay.

Want to know why almost 99% of elementary teachers are female? Parent fear of child molesters.

Before becoming a teacher, I was a substitute at all levels. I was one of the only males who would substitute in elementary schools because I was older (35) and had 3 kids of my own, 2 in school already. At one school, I quickly became a legend because I was the only male above the age of 12 in the whole building. The principal asked her teachers to always request my services after I covered a teacher out for knee surgery, teaching 2nd grade for two weeks. The kids in other classes took notice of me and asked if I could teach them. They were all starved for male attention from an adult I can only imagine they were Navy dependents and Dad was gone, just like I left my kids behind only a few years before.
I have more faith in people being able to interpret without having to be PC. PC annoys me but oh well. Have a good one.
With books and the internet do we even need schools?. Once a kid can read, he can teach himself anything.
You sir are a complete moron. A very tiny number of kids can do that. Virtual learning has its limits.

My son took an on-line math class in high school, despite having already completed higher level classes because he needed the credit. He struggled with the way questions were asked because he already knew the correct answer, and having a dad, who was a math teacher to assist him, was the only way he passed a lower-level course. The instruction was stilted and archaic. I reported it to the state for review because of the crappy content.

I once was tasked by my school district along with other subject teachers to evaluate an on-line program that was possibly being adopted for student remediation. My team recommended not adopting the curriculum because it was a mile-wide and an inch deep in terms of instructional value. Such is still the criticism today for most virtual instruction over 20 years later.
More and more and more districts should follow suit.
My MS had ALWAYS had a policy of no cell phones OUT in class.

1). Student Enters the school, student puts the phone in your backpack, keep it there all day.
It's pretty easy.

If you have an emergency, teacher will allow you to go to the office and use the school phone.
If the parent has an emergency, they call the office and the message is delivered.

It's pretty easy.

2). If they break the rule, teacher immediately takes the phone and the student can ask for it back at the end of the period.
3). If they break the rule again, the teacher immediately takes the phone, and sometime during the day, the teacher takes the phone to the office, and the office calls the parents and the parents are the ONLY ones that can pick up the phone after school.

Make sure the students know the rules, and they mostly follow the rules.

It's pretty easy.
I started in this MS in 2005. NOT many MS'ers had cell phones, but we had rules.
Same rules apply today.

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