Ohio State Employs 88 Diversity Staffers at $7.3M a Year

7.3 million of our hard earned tax dollars??

What are the salaries of those 88 people. Good Lord.
Math is hard right? There's probably a hand full of experienced or tenured leaders over 100k heading the department. Then the rest probably check in at numbers between 50 and 80k.

Before people complain about over 100k salary at a state funded school, you have to realize that even in this realm there is competition for good candidates. Just because it's a quasi government position doesnt mean we can pay them 50k and barely attract the average Elmer fudd to run a university department. The salary is still probably lower than what they could get in the private sector.

As for whether a diversity department is necessary, there's still significant inequality out there and getting a useful college degree can go a long way to rectifying that. Diversity is far more than the narrow view the right has of it.
So you think Ohio State is such a cesspool of racism they need a huge staff to combat the crap their staff and those who they allowed into the university.

Interesting belief.

So why should anyone pay a small fortune to attend there?

I mean on top of that rampant racism 3 out 4 female students there will be sexually assaulted according to Obama.
7.3 million of our hard earned tax dollars??

What are the salaries of those 88 people. Good Lord.
Math is hard right? There's probably a hand full of experienced or tenured leaders over 100k heading the department. Then the rest probably check in at numbers between 50 and 80k.

Before people complain about over 100k salary at a state funded school, you have to realize that even in this realm there is competition for good candidates. Just because it's a quasi government position doesnt mean we can pay them 50k and barely attract the average Elmer fudd to run a university department. The salary is still probably lower than what they could get in the private sector.

As for whether a diversity department is necessary, there's still significant inequality out there and getting a useful college degree can go a long way to rectifying that. Diversity is far more than the narrow view the right has of it.

It adds nothing to the quality of education and it’s one more reason why the price of tuition is skyrocketing. This is the result of federal student loans been handed out like candy

Totally agree. However if they stopped paying Urban Meyer et. al. $10M per year they could reduce tuition by doing that as well

How much does their football team bring in in revenue each year?
7.3 million of our hard earned tax dollars??

What are the salaries of those 88 people. Good Lord.
Math is hard right? There's probably a hand full of experienced or tenured leaders over 100k heading the department. Then the rest probably check in at numbers between 50 and 80k.

Before people complain about over 100k salary at a state funded school, you have to realize that even in this realm there is competition for good candidates. Just because it's a quasi government position doesnt mean we can pay them 50k and barely attract the average Elmer fudd to run a university department. The salary is still probably lower than what they could get in the private sector.

As for whether a diversity department is necessary, there's still significant inequality out there and getting a useful college degree can go a long way to rectifying that. Diversity is far more than the narrow view the right has of it.

It adds nothing to the quality of education and it’s one more reason why the price of tuition is skyrocketing. This is the result of federal student loans been handed out like candy

Totally agree. However if they stopped paying Urban Meyer et. al. $10M per year they could reduce tuition by doing that as well

How much does their football team bring in in revenue each year?

Quite a bit. But large schools in power conferences are the exception not the rule. Very few teams make money.

Football is forever: The money-losing drug these schools can't quit

However, a lot of that is from the TV deal that the various networks have with the NCAA and the Big 10 Conference. Ohio State would get it's cut whether or not they pay their coach $48,000,000 over the length of his contract or pay John Doe $300K. So lets get rid of that non-issue.
Urban Meyer contract at Ohio State

There is a bonus for going to bowl games that they likely would not get if they had a less talented coach so that is an issue I guess but the pay out for bowl games is not all that much. Ohio State got $4M to go to the Cotton Bowl which didn't begin to pay Meyer's ludicrous contract.
College Football Playoff Payouts By Conference For 2017-18

How much does it costs to operate the stadium? How much does it costs in terms of game day staffing? How much does it costs for the weight rooms, recruiting trips--the assistant coach's side trips to strip clubs on those trips?

Tom Herman went to strip club with former Urban Meyer assistant, Ohio State confirms

State universities have zero business being in the athletics business in it's current format. Private schools? Play to your heart's content. Nobody is stopping you.
Ohio State probably makes money on it's football team. I would even say it is likely. But it would make almost as much money with a coach making much less than Meyer.
7.3 million of our hard earned tax dollars??

What are the salaries of those 88 people. Good Lord.
Math is hard right? There's probably a hand full of experienced or tenured leaders over 100k heading the department. Then the rest probably check in at numbers between 50 and 80k.

Before people complain about over 100k salary at a state funded school, you have to realize that even in this realm there is competition for good candidates. Just because it's a quasi government position doesnt mean we can pay them 50k and barely attract the average Elmer fudd to run a university department. The salary is still probably lower than what they could get in the private sector.

As for whether a diversity department is necessary, there's still significant inequality out there and getting a useful college degree can go a long way to rectifying that. Diversity is far more than the narrow view the right has of it.
So you think Ohio State is such a cesspool of racism they need a huge staff to combat the crap their staff and those who they allowed into the university.

Interesting belief.

So why should anyone pay a small fortune to attend there?

I mean on top of that rampant racism 3 out 4 female students there will be sexually assaulted according to Obama.
^Lol is this you trying to take me down? Diversity is much more than overcoming racial exclusion. Maybe go look it up on the internet.
7.3 million of our hard earned tax dollars??

What are the salaries of those 88 people. Good Lord.
Math is hard right? There's probably a hand full of experienced or tenured leaders over 100k heading the department. Then the rest probably check in at numbers between 50 and 80k.

Before people complain about over 100k salary at a state funded school, you have to realize that even in this realm there is competition for good candidates. Just because it's a quasi government position doesnt mean we can pay them 50k and barely attract the average Elmer fudd to run a university department. The salary is still probably lower than what they could get in the private sector.

As for whether a diversity department is necessary, there's still significant inequality out there and getting a useful college degree can go a long way to rectifying that. Diversity is far more than the narrow view the right has of it.

It adds nothing to the quality of education and it’s one more reason why the price of tuition is skyrocketing. This is the result of federal student loans been handed out like candy

Totally agree. However if they stopped paying Urban Meyer et. al. $10M per year they could reduce tuition by doing that as well

How much does their football team bring in in revenue each year?
That's almost slave labor. The athletes should be paid. They are putting their health and careers in the line.
7.3 million of our hard earned tax dollars??

What are the salaries of those 88 people. Good Lord.
Math is hard right? There's probably a hand full of experienced or tenured leaders over 100k heading the department. Then the rest probably check in at numbers between 50 and 80k.

Before people complain about over 100k salary at a state funded school, you have to realize that even in this realm there is competition for good candidates. Just because it's a quasi government position doesnt mean we can pay them 50k and barely attract the average Elmer fudd to run a university department. The salary is still probably lower than what they could get in the private sector.

As for whether a diversity department is necessary, there's still significant inequality out there and getting a useful college degree can go a long way to rectifying that. Diversity is far more than the narrow view the right has of it.

It adds nothing to the quality of education and it’s one more reason why the price of tuition is skyrocketing. This is the result of federal student loans been handed out like candy
Tough luck. I'm sick of listening to people bitch about a sliver of cost that they dont want to pay for because they refuse to try understand it.
7.3 million of our hard earned tax dollars??

What are the salaries of those 88 people. Good Lord.
Math is hard right? There's probably a hand full of experienced or tenured leaders over 100k heading the department. Then the rest probably check in at numbers between 50 and 80k.

Before people complain about over 100k salary at a state funded school, you have to realize that even in this realm there is competition for good candidates. Just because it's a quasi government position doesnt mean we can pay them 50k and barely attract the average Elmer fudd to run a university department. The salary is still probably lower than what they could get in the private sector.

As for whether a diversity department is necessary, there's still significant inequality out there and getting a useful college degree can go a long way to rectifying that. Diversity is far more than the narrow view the right has of it.

It adds nothing to the quality of education and it’s one more reason why the price of tuition is skyrocketing. This is the result of federal student loans been handed out like candy

Totally agree. However if they stopped paying Urban Meyer et. al. $10M per year they could reduce tuition by doing that as well

How much does their football team bring in in revenue each year?

Additionally...the TV and revenues for Ohio State in particular have grown with each successive network contract, bowl game appearance, and ticket price increase; shouldn't the costs of tuition be going down then if the athletic department brings in revenue?

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