Ohio State Senator Fired for Axing the Wrong Question

So what does the colored population want?

"People of color" = good
"Colored population" = bad

It's EXACTLY the same damn thing!

No, it's not.
"coloreds" goes back to Jim Crow
"people of color" includes Blacks, Hispanics and Asians (who used to be called Orientals)
It's the same thing to you because you're white.
You need to inform the NAACP lest y’all be hypocrites and devoid of credibility.
You stupid double talking white liberal racist.
I keep saying it, the enemy is not minorities but the white liberals who use minorities as a buffer between themselves and whatever spitstorm they are stiring up...the democratic party should never have another white person represent it since it is minorities who do all the heavy lifting for them.
Maybe he should have used Negro instead? As in the United Negro College Fund; MLK was big on using the term Negro
So what does the colored population want?

"People of color" = good
"Colored population" = bad

It's EXACTLY the same damn thing!

I hate that word, "axing." It shows ignorance of a simple three letter word....ask. The "s" comes before the "k."
No it doesnt show any ignorance. All it shows is a different pronunciation of the word. I use both depending on who I am talking to.
Black was deemed offensive when Jesse Jackson demanded they be called African Americans. That lasted a couple decades until they decided it was a pain in the ass so they went back to Black. I wonder what the new politically correct name for Blacks will be?
You should ask. Personally I go with Black, African, African american, Pan African.
Black was deemed offensive when Jesse Jackson demanded they be called African Americans. That lasted a couple decades until they decided it was a pain in the ass so they went back to Black. I wonder what the new politically correct name for Blacks will be?
You should ask. Personally I go with Black, African, African american, Pan African.
Hey Asclepias do you play Neverwinter Online? I ask because I saw someone with that name, I know it is probably someone else but curious.
Black was deemed offensive when Jesse Jackson demanded they be called African Americans. That lasted a couple decades until they decided it was a pain in the ass so they went back to Black. I wonder what the new politically correct name for Blacks will be?
You should ask. Personally I go with Black, African, African american, Pan African.
Hey Asclepias do you play Neverwinter Online? I ask because I saw someone with that name, I know it is probably someone else but curious.
Nope. I dont even know what a neverwinter is.
Negroes > Colored People > Black > African American > People of Color
Black was deemed offensive when Jesse Jackson demanded they be called African Americans. That lasted a couple decades until they decided it was a pain in the ass so they went back to Black. I wonder what the new politically correct name for Blacks will be?
You should ask. Personally I go with Black, African, African american, Pan African.
Hey Asclepias do you play Neverwinter Online? I ask because I saw someone with that name, I know it is probably someone else but curious.
Nope. I dont even know what a neverwinter is.
Just a MMORPG I play.
No matter what a person thinks about the ethnic situation in 2020 America, there is simply no excuse for anyone to use the term that state senator used.

I am assuming that he is an older gentleman, but he cannot claim that he is not up on the latest terms to use. I bet he knows better than to use the N-word or the Spanish word for the color "black."

In my opinion, there is only one word to describe him: Stupid.
So what does the colored population want?

"People of color" = good
"Colored population" = bad

It's EXACTLY the same damn thing!

I hate that word, "axing." It shows ignorance of a simple three letter word....ask. The "s" comes before the "k."
Four letters brings its own set of problems. One such being the possessive pronoun: they

After knocking off the liquor store Rabshenka and Ke’Adre hid out in they house.
Black was deemed offensive when Jesse Jackson demanded they be called African Americans. That lasted a couple decades until they decided it was a pain in the ass so they went back to Black. I wonder what the new politically correct name for Blacks will be?
You should ask. Personally I go with Black, African, African american, Pan African.
Hey Asclepias do you play Neverwinter Online? I ask because I saw someone with that name, I know it is probably someone else but curious.
Nope. I dont even know what a neverwinter is.
Just a MMORPG I play.
What is a MMORPG ?
Black was deemed offensive when Jesse Jackson demanded they be called African Americans. That lasted a couple decades until they decided it was a pain in the ass so they went back to Black. I wonder what the new politically correct name for Blacks will be?
You should ask. Personally I go with Black, African, African american, Pan African.
Hey Asclepias do you play Neverwinter Online? I ask because I saw someone with that name, I know it is probably someone else but curious.
Nope. I dont even know what a neverwinter is.
Just a MMORPG I play.
What is a MMORPG ?
Massive online role playing game, Not mush role playing happens though, basically most of them and sword and magic fantasy worlds ala Dungeons and Dragons type, a few and future stuff and there even some that are WW2 or current war stuff, Lots o people paying a character to have fun.

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