Ohio the Cesspool of the World

good grief

because of that makes them a cesspool

you are so dramatic
From CNN's 'newscrawl' an algae bloom toxin has been found affecting 400k residents in Toledo. No health effect reports but they're issueing a no-use order.

Why I keep all my old water bottles. A)being plastic they wont biodegrade anyway, b) they're holding tap water in case our's ever gets compromised.
Algal bloom leaves 500,000 without drinking water in northeast Ohio | Reuters

Algal bloom leaves 500,000 without drinking water in northeast Ohio

" (Reuters) - Officials in Toledo, Ohio, warned residents of the city and surrounding areas on Saturday not to drink their tap water or try to boil it for purification after samples found dangerously high levels of toxins from an algal bloom.

Toledo's water system, which provides service outside the city to areas in Lucas, Wood and Fulton counties, serves a total of about 500,000 residents, said state emergency operations spokesman Chris Abbruzzese.

Ohio Governor John Kasich declared a state of emergency for the region, freeing up resources for the Ohio National Guard and state workers to truck safe water to people who need it. Those shipments will continue throughout the day, Abbruzzese said."
1: As of about 1000 Saturday AM, the water is safe for bathing, washing dishes and clothes, but not consumption. This has not changed since.
2: The toxin in question is from an algae bloom, common n lake Erie July thru September. Low rainfall, cool temps and a generally light east to west wind has created a unusually high concentration of this algae in the Maumee bay, from which Toledo draws it water. This is the first time this has ever happened to Toledo water.
3: If there is any man-made contribution to this bloom, it comes from nitrogen and phosphates from farm runoff, compounded by the lack of dilution from the afrementiones low rainflall.

Kudos to Mayor Collins (I) and Governor Kasich (R) for handling this as well they have.
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Hey.....when we all saw those shitforbrains running around with the free phones before the election in 2012 yelling for Obama, you knew Ohio was beyond gone. Remember that meathead on the street with the IQ of a small soap dish?:itsok::up::up:

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