CDZ Ohio Town's Board of Education Wouldn't Back Up Pro-Heterosexuality Speech

Got any documentation of get? You must if you did research. What about subsequent additions of the DSM?
Liberals are obsessed with documentation (from liberal sources of course) as if it had a shred of credibility. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association, is what currently talks about the concocted term "gender dysphoria".

Oh boy. So, as I said, the APA is worse than even back in the 70s, but they are consistently run by homosexuals (in anything having to do with homosexuality), and they have the credibility of a sick alligator.
NO, the OP does NOT discuss the Bible. Within the OP, it is mentioned that an alumnus of River Valley High School in Caledonia, Ohio, Jim McGuire, speaking at a commencement ceremony, mentioned "male with a female and female with a male"
and that having also been a biblical principle. That does not qualify as me discussing the Bible, as I am only discussing homosexuality vs heterosexuality.

The only reason why you claim that I discuss the Bible, is because you don't like the messages I'm conveying, and your preference to fight back at that, is to change the subject to the Bible, thereby putting the discussion in a framework you're more comfortable with.

No, I see the dichotomy between homosexuality and heterosexuality as one purely in mental health terms. Having said that (repeatedly now), after this, if you continue to yammer on about the bible, it will only affirm more what I've said here. 😐
From YOUR OP.....

This is how far we have sunk, folks. An alumnus of River Valley High School in Caledonia, Ohio, Jim McGuire, spoke at a commencement ceremony, and said >> "“Choose a spouse, I suggest,” I also strongly suggest to make sure to choose biblical principles, you know a male with a female and female with a male.”
FALSE! "nature" has not produced homosexuality or translunacy. These are things that mentally aberrated people produce themselves, irrationally and psychotically.
Xenophobia is a mental illness
While xenophobia can be expressed in different ways, typical signs include:
  • Feeling uncomfortable around people who fall into a different group
  • Going to great lengths to avoid particular areas
  • Refusing to be friends with people solely due to their skin color, mode of dress, or other external factors
More items...

Xenophobia: Definition, Symptoms, Traits, Causes, Treatment

As is bigitry

Not's biblical which is a key aspect of what the OP's topic is.
It is NOT a key aspect at all. It just happens to be within the McGuire quote, but not of any consequence, other than to those who read the Bible a lot, which I dont. My emphasis here is on mental health, and just being NORMAL, despite efforts to change the subject and derail the thread.
That would be a matter of opinion, not fact. I currently have no opinion regarding your transparent “gotcha” trap.
How is that a gotcha? You presented that heterosex is the only acceptable because it propagates the species......what say you about heterosex that does NOT propagate the species? Perversion and wrong or not?
3. Of course the straight lifestyle is the only alternative, because there IS NO "alternative". That's because sexuality comes from nature, and that is heterosexual sex, period. (not what somebody just decides he wants to be)

2. The only way any people can have children biologically, is through heterosexual sex.
What about people who have children biologically thru other means like in vitro? It's still biological. And what about those who adopt? Are they con-demned in the Right-wing "biblical" world?
It is NOT a key aspect at all. It just happens to be within the McGuire quote, but not of any consequence, other than to those who read the Bible a lot, which I dont. My emphasis here is on mental health, and just being NORMAL, despite efforts to change the subject and derail the thread.
The McGuire quote YOU produced in YOUR OP. It's the basis of you starting this thread.
Solomon is biblical....or are we seeing the christian right pick and choose like in a cafeteria.................again?
The Solomon DEFLECTION ATTEMPT has already been extinguished, late bloomer. SOLOMON is OFF TOPIC. Please post on topic, or get out of the thread.
Xenophobia is a mental illness

As is bigitry

Which is another reason why CRT needs to be stopped.

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