Ohio voting for reproductive rights

It's breathing you idiot, the mother breaths for it oxygenating it's blood. God Dems just reached a whole new level of idiocy.

That's not breathing. As long as the baby is not breathing, it is not considered to be "alive”.

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, not a “murder”. 1/3 of all pregnancies end in a “spontaneous abortion”. That’s the medical name for a miscarriage.

Your stupid abortion bans are causing pregnant women to die when they have a miscarriage, unless they are at risk of dying themselves.

It is not the Republicans it is the people that want to control everything. They are in both parties and since Covid took many of our rights away they see no point in stopping now. Get a clue.

The Democrats want women and their doctors to make their own health care decisions. And parents and their doctors to make decisions about their children’s health, not politicians.
Because the Republican Party doesn't care what the people want, they want to control women. They are looking for ways to get around the public votes for freedom of choice, by every means possible, including holding special elections in summer to change the way the state constitution is amended.

That means they're now looking for ways to keep abortion off the ballot.

No, it's not alive. To be alive, is to breathe. The "breathe of life" isn't just an expression.

they want to control women

No, they don’t. This is a lie the left repeats to gin up hatred amongst the left. Republicans could not care less what a woman does to her own body. They only care when it’s the life of a baby involved. They are trying to protect the baby, nothing more

No, it's not alive. To be alive, is to breathe

So, it’s dead then? It IS life, it’s just that while in the womb it gets all its life sustaining from the mother, but it is a fact that it is a life.
This is a lie. Every state has an exception for the life of the mother.
Nope! Not life and health of the mother. Being forced to carry an unviable fetus to term is unconscionable.... mental abuse....
and possible sepsis from carrying your unviable child to term, is unconscionable.

Forcing a raped 10 year old to give birth is unconscionable.... forcing 11, 12, 13, 14 year olds too....is wrong and unhealthy for most of them....
The people have spoken again...this is a losing battle for the GOP in the ballot box.

So many agendas. We can see the destructive ways of the Progressive Socialist Party. The problem is you are dragging everyone else down with you. Many Republican voters are jaded from the lies from their own party. And we know damn well they know what is needed to be competitive and even win races. Common sense abortion agendas after the Supreme Court ruling and promoting them was a prudent agenda not taken. It is going to take time for women to change their sexual choices enough to work with common sense abortion options. Of course, medical and pharmaceutical technology is improving also.
Hey Tommy Tainant looks loke the UK has very restrictive "I can kill my baby" laws.

Abortion in the United Kingdom is de facto available under the terms of the Abortion Act 1967 in Great Britain and the Abortion (Northern Ireland) (No.2) Regulations 2020 in Northern Ireland. The procurement of an abortion remains a criminal offence in Great Britain under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861, although the Abortion Act provides a legal defence for both the pregnant woman and her doctor in certain cases. Although a number of abortions did take place before the 1967 Act, there have been around 10 million abortions in the United Kingdom.[1] Around 200,000 abortions are carried out in England and Wales each year and just under 14,000 in Scotland; the most common reason cited under the ICD-10 classification system for around 98% of all abortions is "risk to woman's mental health."[2]

Across the United Kingdom, abortion is permitted on the grounds of:

  • risk to the life of the pregnant woman;
  • preventing grave permanent injury to her physical or mental health;
  • risk of injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman or any existing children of her family (up to a term limit of 24 weeks of gestation); or
  • substantial risk that, if the child were born, they would "suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped".[3]

Because the Republican Party doesn't care what the people want, they want to control women. They are looking for ways to get around the public votes for freedom of choice, by every means possible, including holding special elections in summer to change the way the state constitution is amended.

That means they're now looking for ways to keep abortion off the ballot.

No, it's not alive. To be alive, is to breathe. The "breathe of life" isn't just an expression.
Abortions are hard to get in most of KKKanada.

Those who live in rural areas, especially those living on reserves, have almost no access. Abortion clinics in Canada are concentrated along the U.S. border and only one-in-six hospitals provides abortion care.

That's not breathing. As long as the baby is not breathing, it is not considered to be "alive”.

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, not a “murder”. 1/3 of all pregnancies end in a “spontaneous abortion”. That’s the medical name for a miscarriage.

Your stupid abortion bans are causing pregnant women to die when they have a miscarriage, unless they are at risk of dying themselves.


The Democrats want women and their doctors to make their own health care decisions. And parents and their doctors to make decisions about their children’s health, not politicians.
Life begins at conception, science denier.
That's not breathing. As long as the baby is not breathing, it is not considered to be "alive”.

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, not a “murder”. 1/3 of all pregnancies end in a “spontaneous abortion”. That’s the medical name for a miscarriage.

Your stupid abortion bans are causing pregnant women to die when they have a miscarriage, unless they are at risk of dying themselves.


The Democrats want women and their doctors to make their own health care decisions. And parents and their doctors to make decisions about their children’s health, not politicians.
1/3 of pregnancies end in miscarriage? Must be KKKanadian numbers, cuz it’s about 10% in the US.
I find it highly amusing that you use the term 'reproductive rights', why candy coat it? You have most people in the US onboard with killing their children for their own convenience, so no need to hide behind the 'reproductive rights' banner. Women (if you know what that is) who have abortions have already 'reproduced', apparently because they're too damn stupid to learn how to not allow that to happen in the first place. No one is against reproductive rights, you can reproduce whenever you want to, what people are against is outright murder of a living human being. Do you continue to lie about what it is because you're just liars and can't help yourselves? Or do you think you're fooling those stupid enough to believe your lies?

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