Ohio's Issue 1 Soundly Rejected By Voters In Major Win For Abortion Rights

I wish you the worst of luck in that endeavor.
Because the the EC allows repubs the opportunity to rule with a minority. And with the vast majority of Gen Z running away from the repub party, the GOP, particularly under Donald trump, is going to have a rough go of things.
I'm sure you think you're making a point here.
I made many points. For awhile there I thought you might be willing to acknowledge most of them, and that you might care about Trump’s uniquely disgusting conduct and self-serving demagogy. Clearly I was wrong to think so much of you.
This is wrong on several levels.
You really have a strange sense of right and wrong. Face it, repubs are losing voters in record numbers. So you think if the EC was eliminated, repubs would still have a change to win the presidency? Really?
Ballot initiatives just slow down the voting lines. Add in electing all the pointless office elections, and they are why people in Florida and California need three years to fill in the ballots.
I love them! The citizens of Maine love them!
I made many points. For awhile there I thought you might be willing to acknowledge most of them, and that you might care about Trump’s uniquely disgusting conduct and self-serving demagogy. Clearly I was wrong to think so much of you.
You started off with "Trump apologists," of which I am not. Never voted for the man and don't care that he lost. You attributed positions to me that I never took and ignored my actual points. So no need to address anything you said.
You really have a strange sense of right and wrong. Face it, repubs are losing voters in record numbers. So you think if the EC was eliminated, repubs would still have a change to win the presidency? Really?
That's not what my reply was referencing at all for that post.
The problem with electors imo, is winner takes all. Maine and Nebraska assign electors proportionately to the people's vote.

Winner takes all prevents any third party candidate from getting electors...
You really have a strange sense of right and wrong. Face it, repubs are losing voters in record numbers. So you think if the EC was eliminated, repubs would still have a change to win the presidency? Really?
Never say never. Many despicable authoritarians at critical moments have managed to maneuver their way into power, or simply stole it via coups and conspiracies, and then ended up running “popular” authoritarian or even fascist regimes.

The American people are not immune to the appeal of a “strong man” like Trump promising to “drain the swamp” and bring back “order and American values.” Maybe not in 2024. Maybe never. But it could happen.

Where do libs come up with such childish monikers?

This is 3rd grade level
You mean like poopypants, dementia joe, quid pro Joe, pedo Joe, let's go Brandon substutute?

Yeah, it is all silly nonsense!!!
You mean like poopypants, dementia joe, quid pro Joe, pedo Joe, let's go Brandon substutute?

Yeah, it is all silly nonsense!!!
So copycat libs learned it from republicans?

Thats typical

The left are imaginative when it comes to inventing ways to corrupt children, but not much else
The American people are not immune to the appeal of a “strong man” like Trump promising to “drain the swamp” and bring back “order and American values.” Maybe not in 2024. Maybe never. But it could happen.
Or a born fool like biden promising to destroy the greatest discovery since fire itself

And I mean oil for those who dont know
So copycat libs learned it from republicans?

Thats typical

The left are imaginative when it comes to inventing ways to corrupt children, but not much else
You're a sicko if you believe that about democrats! You paint with a brush too broad!

and I never made claim of democrats getting it from republicans... Just said it is wrong for both sides to do it.
The problem with electors imo, is winner takes all. Maine and Nebraska assign electors proportionately to the people's vote.

Winner takes all prevents any third party candidate from getting electors...
I might be open to the idea of electors being assigned proportionally, but not abolishing the electoral college. Regardless, I’m not sure that would really help third parties. As someone who would like to see a more competitive Libertarian Party, in general, they’ve certainly never gotten an elector from Maine or Nebraska. I’m curious why you think this might help a third party?
You're a sicko if you believe that about democrats!
Democrats obviously support grooming children into deviant lifestyles

They use the excuse that they are just teaching tolerance

Which some libs might even actually believe

But you are corrupting the 99% for the sake of the mutant 1%
You started off with "Trump apologists," of which I am not. Never voted for the man and don't care that he lost. You attributed positions to me that I never took and ignored my actual points. So no need to address anything you said.
Good to know you never voted for him and don’t care that he lost. I agree that Democrats are very far from perfect or blameless. I did not vote for Hillary in 2016, but voted for Democrats in 2020 and will probably do so again and again until the authoritarian “Trump Party” is dead and buried. As the old Dylan song goes, “I will stand over its grave until I know that it’s dead.”

I absolutely disagree with your seeming “equally bad” arguments equating Democrats with Trumpsters on election fraud, protesting election skulduggery, and Trumpster Republican “Big Lies.” Traditional Republicans who supported the “Big Lie” are in fact apologists for him and all he represents. I hope you are not one of them.
And it will lose...that was the point of them trying to what they did......

Republicans are on the wrong side of the issue -- AGAIN

Dude, you're on the wrong side of your own race. It's a fact that abortion murders more unborn Black babies than Hispanic or white. That was the whole purpose the founder of Planned Parenthood had in mind.

I swear, sometimes you don't have a fucking clue. If you aren't aren't shooting each other in Democrat-controlled shitholes while those Democrats watch from the sidelines and sit on their thumbs, you're letting them conduct genocide against you from abortion.

You need to wake the fuck up, Cuz.
Ohio voters rejected an effort that would have made it harder to pass citizen-led ballot initiatives, in a rebuke of Republican efforts to block an expansion of abortion rights that’s on the ballot in November.

Issue 1, which would have raised the threshold to pass citizen-led ballot measures from a simple majority to a 60 percent threshold failed, Decision Desk HQ projected. With about 24 percent of the votes in, “no” led by an almost 40-point margin.

No Friday middle of the night abortion laws for you Ohio Republicans

See you at the polls next year.

The 10th amendment at work.

How refreshing to see that the PEOPLE OF OHIO get to chose instead of that idiot Harry Blackmunn.

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