Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

I guess nothing is knowable in the future, is it? Yet, the Left seems to speak with high confidence of the future when they say that it will all be exported.

If most of the refining capacity on the Gulf is used for product that stays in the US, it is most likely the refined product will stay in the US. Thus, to say with certainty that it will all be exported is bunk.
But! If there is a profit to be made, it will be exported. Or some other product will be exported in its place.

The guy in the Op does not seem credible making the claims he is making.

The claim from the Left is that it will all be exported.

You can make up as many "what if" scenarios as you wish, but Obama's own State Dept disagrees with Obama and agrees with the CEO that the crude will almost certainly not all be exported.
I've never heard the claim that it will all be exported. That's as retarded as Girling's claim that none will be exported and THAT is your contention.

Yes, I agree it is retarded. So why does Obama say it, as he did a few days ago?

Obama 8217 s claim that Keystone XL crude would go 8216 everywhere else 8217 but the United States - The Washington Post

When you say that it "goes to world markets, not to the United States," you are saying that it doesn't go to the United States.

This isn't hard.

My contention is that most of it would stay in the US. That is also Obama's State Department's contention.
I read your link, he didn't say it would all be sold overseas, rather he said it would be sold on the world market and that is absolutely true. If someone is willing to pay more than we are the owners will let them.

On the other hand your guy in the OP made a false statement.

as usual, you're an idiot. The chemically diluted asphalt aka CANADIAN oil belongs to Canada, that shit will go to the refineries who have contracts with TransCanada. The large discovery of US shale will be in direct competition with Canadian shithole fake oil, and sweet light crude... from this COUNTRY.
Obama verbatim; "Understand what this project is. It is providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else.

Obama says Keystone XL is for exporting oil outside the U.S. experts disagree PolitiFact

So, apparently, "not in the United States" and "sold everywhere else" is not Obama saying that it will be sold everywhere else and not in the United States.

Got it.


Thanks. What a dumb thing for him to say. One of out biggest exports now is refined petroleum products.

Approve the pipeline,
The facts:
  • Keystone XL is an export pipeline. The Port Arthur, Texas, refiners at the end of its route are focused on expanding exports to Europe, and Latin America. Much of the fuel refined from the pipeline’s heavy crude oil will never reach U.S. drivers’ tanks.
  • Valero, the key customer for crude oil from Keystone XL, has explicitly detailed an export strategy to its investors. Because Valero’s Port Arthur refinery is in a Foreign Trade Zone, the company can carry out its strategy tax-free.
  • In a shrinking U.S. market, Keystone XL is not needed. Since the project was announced, the oil industry acknowledges that higher fuel economy standards and slow economic growth mean declining U.S. oil demand, even as domestic production is booming. Oil from Keystone XL will therefore displace American crude from new, “unconventional” domestic fields in Texas or North Dakota.
“To issue a presidential permit for the Keystone XL, the Administration must find that the pipeline serves the national interest,” said Stephen Kretzmann, executive director of Oil Change International. “An honest assessment shows that rather than serving U.S. interests, Keystone XL serves only the interests of tar sands producers and shippers, and a few Gulf Coast refiners aiming to export the oil.”
Valero has contracted to take at least 100,000 barrels of tar sands crude a day from Keystone XL until 2030. It’s publicly disclosed business model relies on refining heavy sour crude for export. It is upgrading its Port Arthur refinery to process heavy sour into diesel fuel. Its investor presentations clearly show it plans to ship diesel to Latin America and Europe.
Valero – the Texas independent behind last year’s attempt to overturn California’s clean fuel standards – is the only U.S. company among the six customers who have jointly committed to purchase 76 percent of Keystone XL’s initial capacity. The other refiners are Shell, which is part of Motiva, a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell and the Saudi government, and Total of France, both of which have newly upgraded facilities in Port Arthur tax-free trade zones. There are also two Canadian producers and one international oil-trading firm in the group of six customers.

The other refiners are Shell, which is part of Motiva, a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell and the Saudi government, and Total of France, both of which have newly upgraded facilities in Port Arthur tax-free trade zones. There are also two Canadian producers and one international oil-trading firm in the group of six customers.

get it now?

hell no, of course RW's don't get it, they're dumber than tar sand.
It won't be exported, according to the CEO of TransCanada Pipelines.

It certainly seems illogical that an oil pipeline should be elevated to the level of friction now represented by the Keystone XL project. But through one means or another, the project has become a source of real conflict. On Wednesday the CEO of TransCanada Corp. came pretty close to calling the President of the United States a liar. Russ Girling said that “the notion that this oil is going to get exported is pure fabrication by those that are opposed to our project.”

Later, he added: “It’s very highly unlikely that any of this crude leaves North America.”

The timing was important, because Mr. Obama made those very allegations just last week. The pipeline, he said was merely “providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else.” He was parroting the latest line in the war against Keystone mounted by U.S. environmentalists, which portrays Canada as a nefarious purveyor of dirty oil, with plans to send shipments across the pristine U.S. to ships in the Gulf, which will immediately transport it to China.

In reality, TransCanada doesn’t own the oil, it just ships it for the oil companies. It gets sent to a refining hub in Texas, which turns it into gasoline. The refiners say less than 10% of the gasoline they refine gets exported. If the refiners did decide, illogically, to export it all, they would have to ship in other oil from Venezuela or elsewhere to replace it, which makes no sense at all. The U.S. State Department, which has assessed Keystone to death, found that pipelines have no impact on U.S. exports, and that Alberta’s oil is likely to stay in the U.S.

The National Post
i think i'm not alone when I say it's high time we, the people of this world, stopped allowing a few to claim all the money for the precious and limited natural resource of this world whatever they be. you people think it's a good idea to give billions to koch brothers selling the oil or bushs or saudi kings? time to revolt against this stupidity. time to grow up humans. we can't afford to let this continue.

Put down the bong and get a grip about what we are discussing.
But! If there is a profit to be made, it will be exported. Or some other product will be exported in its place.

The guy in the Op does not seem credible making the claims he is making.

The claim from the Left is that it will all be exported.

You can make up as many "what if" scenarios as you wish, but Obama's own State Dept disagrees with Obama and agrees with the CEO that the crude will almost certainly not all be exported.
I've never heard the claim that it will all be exported. That's as retarded as Girling's claim that none will be exported and THAT is your contention.

Yes, I agree it is retarded. So why does Obama say it, as he did a few days ago?

Obama 8217 s claim that Keystone XL crude would go 8216 everywhere else 8217 but the United States - The Washington Post

When you say that it "goes to world markets, not to the United States," you are saying that it doesn't go to the United States.

This isn't hard.

My contention is that most of it would stay in the US. That is also Obama's State Department's contention.
I read your link, he didn't say it would all be sold overseas, rather he said it would be sold on the world market and that is absolutely true. If someone is willing to pay more than we are the owners will let them.

On the other hand your guy in the OP made a false statement.

as usual, you're an idiot. The chemically diluted asphalt aka CANADIAN oil belongs to Canada, that shit will go to the refineries who have contracts with TransCanada. The large discovery of US shale will be in direct competition with Canadian shithole fake oil, and sweet light crude... from this COUNTRY.
Guess you don't understand how a pipeline works. Just as a simple example,there is one pipeline into an area that supplies different companies storage terminals.terminals. Citgo,Mobile BP and some branded traders. Its all delivered out of the same pipe.
You know its a weak argument when you see comments like shit oil.
Obama verbatim; "Understand what this project is. It is providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else.

Obama says Keystone XL is for exporting oil outside the U.S. experts disagree PolitiFact

So, apparently, "not in the United States" and "sold everywhere else" is not Obama saying that it will be sold everywhere else and not in the United States.

Got it.


Thanks. What a dumb thing for him to say. One of out biggest exports now is refined petroleum products.

Approve the pipeline,

Well they could be one of your biggest exports because the Gulf Coast refineries are actually tooled to handle the heavy crude.

And by the way I have paid attention to your posts in the past as you have a genuine concern about bitumen and what is coming out of the tar sands.

In a different thread down the road I'd be happy to share some of the coolest new technology that's been developed so quickly to reduce GHG's.

Pretty amazing. GE has come up with a technique that wipes out huge uses of water which has been a primary concern with me because that's what I'm in to. Water conservation and purity.

But that's for a thread on another day.
The facts:
  • Keystone XL is an export pipeline. The Port Arthur, Texas, refiners at the end of its route are focused on expanding exports to Europe, and Latin America. Much of the fuel refined from the pipeline’s heavy crude oil will never reach U.S. drivers’ tanks.
  • Valero, the key customer for crude oil from Keystone XL, has explicitly detailed an export strategy to its investors. Because Valero’s Port Arthur refinery is in a Foreign Trade Zone, the company can carry out its strategy tax-free.
  • In a shrinking U.S. market, Keystone XL is not needed. Since the project was announced, the oil industry acknowledges that higher fuel economy standards and slow economic growth mean declining U.S. oil demand, even as domestic production is booming. Oil from Keystone XL will therefore displace American crude from new, “unconventional” domestic fields in Texas or North Dakota.
“To issue a presidential permit for the Keystone XL, the Administration must find that the pipeline serves the national interest,” said Stephen Kretzmann, executive director of Oil Change International. “An honest assessment shows that rather than serving U.S. interests, Keystone XL serves only the interests of tar sands producers and shippers, and a few Gulf Coast refiners aiming to export the oil.”
Valero has contracted to take at least 100,000 barrels of tar sands crude a day from Keystone XL until 2030. It’s publicly disclosed business model relies on refining heavy sour crude for export. It is upgrading its Port Arthur refinery to process heavy sour into diesel fuel. Its investor presentations clearly show it plans to ship diesel to Latin America and Europe.
Valero – the Texas independent behind last year’s attempt to overturn California’s clean fuel standards – is the only U.S. company among the six customers who have jointly committed to purchase 76 percent of Keystone XL’s initial capacity. The other refiners are Shell, which is part of Motiva, a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell and the Saudi government, and Total of France, both of which have newly upgraded facilities in Port Arthur tax-free trade zones. There are also two Canadian producers and one international oil-trading firm in the group of six customers.

The other refiners are Shell, which is part of Motiva, a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell and the Saudi government, and Total of France, both of which have newly upgraded facilities in Port Arthur tax-free trade zones. There are also two Canadian producers and one international oil-trading firm in the group of six customers.

get it now?

hell no, of course RW's don't get it, they're dumber than tar sand.

Fucking idiot. Now I know why you and others never go directly to your very own agencies reports on Keystone.

You need the spin.

Here ya go sparky. You want our shit. It's coming to you pipeline or not.

Oh and this is from one of your government's websites.

Almost 97% of Canadian oil exports were directed to the United States in 2013,24 and Canada is the largest supplier of foreign oil to the United States.

Canada accounted for one-third of U.S. crude oil imports in 2013. That year, the United States imported 3.1 million bbl/d of oil and petroleum products from Canada, of which 2.6 million bbl/d were crude oil, including diluents.

While overall U.S. imports of crude oil are declining, Canada is one of the few countries from where U.S. crude oil imports are increasing.

From a decade ago, U.S. imports of Canadian crude have increased 59%, while imports from the other major suppliers have decreased.

Canada - Analysis - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

See this? Not a website that spins on an agenda fool. Stop your bullshit Siete. You are becoming tres boring.

Hell's bells you actually believe that Toro is anti American and only supports the French in Canada.

Hate to break it to you asshole but Alberta is not the province one could consider French.


Not at all.
The facts:
  • Keystone XL is an export pipeline. The Port Arthur, Texas, refiners at the end of its route are focused on expanding exports to Europe, and Latin America. Much of the fuel refined from the pipeline’s heavy crude oil will never reach U.S. drivers’ tanks.
  • Valero, the key customer for crude oil from Keystone XL, has explicitly detailed an export strategy to its investors. Because Valero’s Port Arthur refinery is in a Foreign Trade Zone, the company can carry out its strategy tax-free.
  • In a shrinking U.S. market, Keystone XL is not needed. Since the project was announced, the oil industry acknowledges that higher fuel economy standards and slow economic growth mean declining U.S. oil demand, even as domestic production is booming. Oil from Keystone XL will therefore displace American crude from new, “unconventional” domestic fields in Texas or North Dakota.
“To issue a presidential permit for the Keystone XL, the Administration must find that the pipeline serves the national interest,” said Stephen Kretzmann, executive director of Oil Change International. “An honest assessment shows that rather than serving U.S. interests, Keystone XL serves only the interests of tar sands producers and shippers, and a few Gulf Coast refiners aiming to export the oil.”
Valero has contracted to take at least 100,000 barrels of tar sands crude a day from Keystone XL until 2030. It’s publicly disclosed business model relies on refining heavy sour crude for export. It is upgrading its Port Arthur refinery to process heavy sour into diesel fuel. Its investor presentations clearly show it plans to ship diesel to Latin America and Europe.
Valero – the Texas independent behind last year’s attempt to overturn California’s clean fuel standards – is the only U.S. company among the six customers who have jointly committed to purchase 76 percent of Keystone XL’s initial capacity. The other refiners are Shell, which is part of Motiva, a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell and the Saudi government, and Total of France, both of which have newly upgraded facilities in Port Arthur tax-free trade zones. There are also two Canadian producers and one international oil-trading firm in the group of six customers.

The other refiners are Shell, which is part of Motiva, a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell and the Saudi government, and Total of France, both of which have newly upgraded facilities in Port Arthur tax-free trade zones. There are also two Canadian producers and one international oil-trading firm in the group of six customers.

get it now?

hell no, of course RW's don't get it, they're dumber than tar sand.

None of that disputes the OP.

You should really stop the tap dancing and come clean with exactly why you support the XL project. Completion of the XL would be a great long term plus for the Canadian economy. Keystone oil shippers have invested millions into the construction of Keystone, with the hope of opening up Canadian oil producers to the USGC market, so that they can eliminate the $3 per barrel discount that currently exists in the US mid west on Canadian oil, due to high supply. Opening up to the USGC market will allow that discount to be eliminated, resulting in higher revenues for oil produces, and increased tax revenues. It's would be a great thing for Canada, and it's as simple as that.

That's the reason you support this, and on its face that's a perfectly fine reason. The problem is that while it works out well for Canada, it won't be such a win for the United States. And that's why I oppose it. You seem to think that the United States should agree to a win/lose on our own soil where we are the ones who lose. Which is incredibly disrespectful to our country. If TransCanada, the oil shippers, and the Canadian government were willing to come to an agreement that would offer some real and actual benefit to the United States as well, I would be able to start getting on board. But as it all is now, the only thing you have is "Canada is your number one supplier of foreign oil." Which is not even close to being slightly convincing.

My reasons for supporting pipelines vs other modes of transportation for crude is simple.

I'm a true blue conservationist and have been for decades. I'm an activist who specializes in water purity and water conservation.

I've done my shit since Grassy Narrows and have never let up. I'm a lifer.

I believe pipelines to be the safest way to transport crude and other products. And I've come to that conclusion based on years of research and soul searching as well.

Plain and simple.

Oh and the other reasons I stay into this topic on various boards is because I detest lies and liars.

I have no problem with ignorance or those that are misled.

But liars and there are many regarding Keystone set me clean freaking off.
is that why pipelines have been the worst at dumping millions of crude everywhere? they realize they are leaking after a few million gallons. sounds safe to me. water purity? I think you've been drinking to much crude conservative cool aid. you aren't searching or your souls cause you don't have one.

If you want me to be your dance partner you better back up everything you say.

By all means back up your claims.
But! If there is a profit to be made, it will be exported. Or some other product will be exported in its place.

The guy in the Op does not seem credible making the claims he is making.

The claim from the Left is that it will all be exported.

You can make up as many "what if" scenarios as you wish, but Obama's own State Dept disagrees with Obama and agrees with the CEO that the crude will almost certainly not all be exported.
I've never heard the claim that it will all be exported. That's as retarded as Girling's claim that none will be exported and THAT is your contention.

Yes, I agree it is retarded. So why does Obama say it, as he did a few days ago?

Obama 8217 s claim that Keystone XL crude would go 8216 everywhere else 8217 but the United States - The Washington Post

When you say that it "goes to world markets, not to the United States," you are saying that it doesn't go to the United States.

This isn't hard.

My contention is that most of it would stay in the US. That is also Obama's State Department's contention.
I read your link, he didn't say it would all be sold overseas, rather he said it would be sold on the world market and that is absolutely true. If someone is willing to pay more than we are the owners will let them.

On the other hand your guy in the OP made a false statement.

as usual, you're an idiot. The chemically diluted asphalt aka CANADIAN oil belongs to Canada, that shit will go to the refineries who have contracts with TransCanada. The large discovery of US shale will be in direct competition with Canadian shithole fake oil, and sweet light crude... from this COUNTRY.

It's not a competition per se. It's value added from the Bakkens. Totally cool. Everybody is going to benefit from North Dakota rocking on.

You don't get it at all do you? Oh and that Canuck crude that comes up is shared by many multi national companies including American ones.
This has gone far enough!!! Stick to making Crown Royal, hockey fights, & maple Syrup!!! :mad:
The facts:
  • Keystone XL is an export pipeline. The Port Arthur, Texas, refiners at the end of its route are focused on expanding exports to Europe, and Latin America. Much of the fuel refined from the pipeline’s heavy crude oil will never reach U.S. drivers’ tanks.
  • Valero, the key customer for crude oil from Keystone XL, has explicitly detailed an export strategy to its investors. Because Valero’s Port Arthur refinery is in a Foreign Trade Zone, the company can carry out its strategy tax-free.
  • In a shrinking U.S. market, Keystone XL is not needed. Since the project was announced, the oil industry acknowledges that higher fuel economy standards and slow economic growth mean declining U.S. oil demand, even as domestic production is booming. Oil from Keystone XL will therefore displace American crude from new, “unconventional” domestic fields in Texas or North Dakota.
“To issue a presidential permit for the Keystone XL, the Administration must find that the pipeline serves the national interest,” said Stephen Kretzmann, executive director of Oil Change International. “An honest assessment shows that rather than serving U.S. interests, Keystone XL serves only the interests of tar sands producers and shippers, and a few Gulf Coast refiners aiming to export the oil.”
Valero has contracted to take at least 100,000 barrels of tar sands crude a day from Keystone XL until 2030. It’s publicly disclosed business model relies on refining heavy sour crude for export. It is upgrading its Port Arthur refinery to process heavy sour into diesel fuel. Its investor presentations clearly show it plans to ship diesel to Latin America and Europe.
Valero – the Texas independent behind last year’s attempt to overturn California’s clean fuel standards – is the only U.S. company among the six customers who have jointly committed to purchase 76 percent of Keystone XL’s initial capacity. The other refiners are Shell, which is part of Motiva, a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell and the Saudi government, and Total of France, both of which have newly upgraded facilities in Port Arthur tax-free trade zones. There are also two Canadian producers and one international oil-trading firm in the group of six customers.

The other refiners are Shell, which is part of Motiva, a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell and the Saudi government, and Total of France, both of which have newly upgraded facilities in Port Arthur tax-free trade zones. There are also two Canadian producers and one international oil-trading firm in the group of six customers.

get it now?

hell no, of course RW's don't get it, they're dumber than tar sand.
game, set match Toro :boohoo:

But! If there is a profit to be made, it will be exported. Or some other product will be exported in its place.

The guy in the Op does not seem credible making the claims he is making.

The claim from the Left is that it will all be exported.

You can make up as many "what if" scenarios as you wish, but Obama's own State Dept disagrees with Obama and agrees with the CEO that the crude will almost certainly not all be exported.
I've never heard the claim that it will all be exported. That's as retarded as Girling's claim that none will be exported and THAT is your contention.

Yes, I agree it is retarded. So why does Obama say it, as he did a few days ago?

Obama 8217 s claim that Keystone XL crude would go 8216 everywhere else 8217 but the United States - The Washington Post

When you say that it "goes to world markets, not to the United States," you are saying that it doesn't go to the United States.

This isn't hard.

My contention is that most of it would stay in the US. That is also Obama's State Department's contention.
I read your link, he didn't say it would all be sold overseas, rather he said it would be sold on the world market and that is absolutely true. If someone is willing to pay more than we are the owners will let them.

On the other hand your guy in the OP made a false statement.

What does "not in the United States" mean?
Selling on the world market.
This has gone far enough!!! Stick to making Crown Royal, hockey fights, & maple Syrup!!! :mad:
The facts:
  • Keystone XL is an export pipeline. The Port Arthur, Texas, refiners at the end of its route are focused on expanding exports to Europe, and Latin America. Much of the fuel refined from the pipeline’s heavy crude oil will never reach U.S. drivers’ tanks.
  • Valero, the key customer for crude oil from Keystone XL, has explicitly detailed an export strategy to its investors. Because Valero’s Port Arthur refinery is in a Foreign Trade Zone, the company can carry out its strategy tax-free.
  • In a shrinking U.S. market, Keystone XL is not needed. Since the project was announced, the oil industry acknowledges that higher fuel economy standards and slow economic growth mean declining U.S. oil demand, even as domestic production is booming. Oil from Keystone XL will therefore displace American crude from new, “unconventional” domestic fields in Texas or North Dakota.
“To issue a presidential permit for the Keystone XL, the Administration must find that the pipeline serves the national interest,” said Stephen Kretzmann, executive director of Oil Change International. “An honest assessment shows that rather than serving U.S. interests, Keystone XL serves only the interests of tar sands producers and shippers, and a few Gulf Coast refiners aiming to export the oil.”
Valero has contracted to take at least 100,000 barrels of tar sands crude a day from Keystone XL until 2030. It’s publicly disclosed business model relies on refining heavy sour crude for export. It is upgrading its Port Arthur refinery to process heavy sour into diesel fuel. Its investor presentations clearly show it plans to ship diesel to Latin America and Europe.
Valero – the Texas independent behind last year’s attempt to overturn California’s clean fuel standards – is the only U.S. company among the six customers who have jointly committed to purchase 76 percent of Keystone XL’s initial capacity. The other refiners are Shell, which is part of Motiva, a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell and the Saudi government, and Total of France, both of which have newly upgraded facilities in Port Arthur tax-free trade zones. There are also two Canadian producers and one international oil-trading firm in the group of six customers.

The other refiners are Shell, which is part of Motiva, a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell and the Saudi government, and Total of France, both of which have newly upgraded facilities in Port Arthur tax-free trade zones. There are also two Canadian producers and one international oil-trading firm in the group of six customers.

get it now?

hell no, of course RW's don't get it, they're dumber than tar sand.
game, set match Toro :boohoo:

American maple syrup is better.
American maple syrup is better.
I know, I was just trying to let him bow-out w/ a shred of dignity left :eusa_shhh: :p


It's posts like these that confirm for true that you are sitting there smoking a fattie eta: nothing wrapped in bacon, listening to After the Gold Rush and replaying your copy of Splash over and over.

Come on fess up Dot Com..... I figure your favorite songs are Only love can break your heart and Southern Man. I hate his politcs but for me its When you dance I can really love and Cinnamon Girl from another classic album.

I did like Hannah before she screwed over Jackson Brown. Really liked her in Steel Magnolias.

But alas they have chosen the wrong path against the Keystone. So now I have to toast them.

American maple syrup is better.
I know, I was just trying to let him bow-out w/ a shred of dignity left :eusa_shhh: :p


It's posts like these that confirm for true that you are sitting there smoking a fattie, listening to After the Gold Rush and replaying your copy of Splash over and over.

Come on fess up Dot Com..... I figure your favorite songs are Only love can break your heart and Southern Man. I hate his politcs but for me its When you dance I can really love and Cinnamon Girl from another classic album.

I did like Hannah before she screwed over Jackson Brown. Really liked her in Steel Magnolias.

But alas they have chosen the wrong path against the Keystone. So now I have to toast them.

I liked Old Man as well ;)

Oh piss off. I gave you the links. Go read them. I'm not into dancing with you.

I deal with facts and not bullshit.


So angry. :D Don't like having to actually support your claims, eh? Too bad. Red herrings are not sufficient. :lol:
American maple syrup is better.
I know, I was just trying to let him bow-out w/ a shred of dignity left :eusa_shhh: :p


It's posts like these that confirm for true that you are sitting there smoking a fattie, listening to After the Gold Rush and replaying your copy of Splash over and over.

Come on fess up Dot Com..... I figure your favorite songs are Only love can break your heart and Southern Man. I hate his politcs but for me its When you dance I can really love and Cinnamon Girl from another classic album.

I did like Hannah before she screwed over Jackson Brown. Really liked her in Steel Magnolias.

But alas they have chosen the wrong path against the Keystone. So now I have to toast them.

I liked Old Man as well ;)

Good one. He's a home town hero around my parts. Politics aside he's always been a favorite especially his years with CSN&Y.I've seen him in many a venue.

Oh yeah. Rockin in the free world. Live he kills it.

But I digress.

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