OJ Simpson Dead

Terrific football player, but equally terrible human being. I always thought those officers being let off in the R. King beating had influence on the outcome of OJ's criminal case, even if the jurors may not have wanted to admit it. It'll be interesting to see if the courts step in and award any portion of his estate to the Browns and Goldmans. My condolences to his family, other loved ones, and fans.
Except she wasn't his wife anymore. Not that it mattered, the guy was screwing around during the marriage and after.

The key thing is that OJ's trial brought to the fore that white Americans and Black Americans live in two different countries. White people thought it was absurd the police would frame OJ, Black people had absolutely no problem believing it.
Fast forward to covid. Suddenly white people don't trust the government either.

Or this reminds me of 2000. Nothing shady happened. But then the party that stole 2000 is now SURE Democrats did it to them. Suddenly they don't trust elections. Odd huh?
A top class football player and not a bad actor. His oldest son was and is my suspect.
I think Glen Rogers did it. He's the serial killer on the FBI's top 10 most wanted list that Nicole hired to paint her home. Apparently she would party with him too. (And they were probably fucking too).

He fled LA shortly after the murders and they caught him 6 weeks later in Kentucky. He was sentenced to the death penalty in both Florida and California.

Apparently the incompetent and corrupt LAPD was so focused on framing OJ from day 1 that they didn't even investigate the serial killer that Nicole was hanging out with.
OJ was aquitted no matter what me, you, or anyone else thinks.
So what? That makes it even worse. It shows that money, racism and fame can get you out of a murder.

I remember very specifically how hard OJ defenders defended him back then. Notice today they don't argue that he didn't do it? Instead one guy said to me "your ancestors are burning in hell too then"

Which means he admits OJ did it and finding him innocent was payback for all the times whites got away with murdering blacks.
Fast forward to covid. Suddenly white people don't trust the government either.

Or this reminds me of 2000. Nothing shady happened. But then the party that stole 2000 is now SURE Democrats did it to them. Suddenly they don't trust elections. Odd huh?
The real problem is that the then Progs did not cheat enough to win in 2000. They gave Gore's home state to much of a free pass.
So what? That makes it even worse. It shows that money, racism and fame can get you out of a murder.

I remember very specifically how hard OJ defenders defended him back then. Notice today they don't argue that he didn't do it? Instead one guy said to me "your ancestors are burning in hell too then"

Which means he admits OJ did it and finding him innocent was payback for all the times whites got away with murdering blacks.
Three letters... TFB
He sure enough made gold diggers everywhere think twice! :D

I never have been mad at OJ.

She tried to take him for everything he had, and lost everything she had.

Seems fitting to me. :dunno:
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Fast forward to covid. Suddenly white people don't trust the government either.

Or this reminds me of 2000. Nothing shady happened. But then the party that stole 2000 is now SURE Democrats did it to them. Suddenly they don't trust elections. Odd huh?
All you have to do is investigate millions of retirees of employment from the last forty-years or so that are still alive and remove their pensions and properties for screwing with other employees and citizens. And there are people who have gotten paid in lawsuits from their abuses. Only it is a small percentage of the total. Closure will increase in a huge way.
I wonder if “Da Juice” gave any death bed confessions, like maybe he was in love with the waiter instead of Nicole.
Just remember the next time you wanna take all a man's stuff, gold diggers: O.J. Simpson, bitches!
I still remember the Bronco chase on tv. We had come out to Las Vegas to visit some relatives. My aunt took us to the Hoover Dam and when we came back my cousin had told us what happened and we were watching the Bronco chase. Incredible how this man fell from grace.

Many on the left don't believe in God or religion and want to take them out of our lives but, the truth is, there is a God and OJ is the perfect proof of that. While he technically got away with murder, the rest of his life was nothing but pure hell so he really didn't get away with it at all.
So what? That makes it even worse. It shows that money, racism and fame can get you out of a murder.

I remember very specifically how hard OJ defenders defended him back then. Notice today they don't argue that he didn't do it? Instead one guy said to me "your ancestors are burning in hell too then"

Which means he admits OJ did it and finding him innocent was payback for all the times whites got away with murdering blacks.

Amen & hallelujah to that! I like the law, but it's been so corrupted, truly fair & amical decisions are a crapshoot! Look at Trump! The man has been a literal criminal since the 70's, but hasn't sniffed the inside of a jail cell! He supported the overthrow of our Democracy in 2021 and the support is the same in 2024! IDK what to say about such people that makes them seem rational w/ common sense! I've given up on them totally! :stir: :dunno: :meow: :nono: :rolleyes: :mad:
The media report that the victims' families have been unable to collect on a $30 million judgment that they had won.

Hopefully, Mr. Simpson's estate will rectify this matter.

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