OJ Simpson Dead

I think it's interesting that the most well-known lawyers on his "Dream Team" all ended up dying from things like cancer, brain tumor, etc. And one of the ones who died was also disbarred for his actions regarding another case.

Whether that's some sort of divine reaping, or what... I don't think it's a coincidence.
What if OJ ddn't kill her?

I don't know one way or the other. I wasn't a fan when he played. I liked Walter Payton better. O.J. was a sellout until he got caught up .So he's gone and now all the racists will have rude things to say about him.
So when you criticize and say rude things about white people, that's your racism?
With modern coffins, crypts, etc, I don't think the worms will get their chance at OJ. If still feeling vindictive, even after his death, your best hope is St. Peter at the gate and Satan in Hell. I hold no animosity past his parting the mortal coil.

Good for you. Apply for sainthood, why don't you?
I still remember the Bronco chase on tv. We had come out to Las Vegas to visit some relatives. My aunt took us to the Hoover Dam and when we came back my cousin had told us what happened and we were watching the Bronco chase. Incredible how this man fell from grace.

May he rot in hell.
May he rot in hell.

In the end, he died by lethal injection anyway.

That's interesting, never heard that come up at his trial.
Remember during the trial, the walkthrough at OJ's house? One of the things that the defense did prior was redecorate OJ's house to give it a different look. Some of the new items were West African warrior figurines. Some that (in reality) depicted/represented a young man who, upon becoming a man, cut the testicles off of a rival tribesman. That was written about by an archaeologist.

The reason for redecorating was supposed to show OJ in a different light. The prosecution noticed and I believe it was going to be used against OJ.
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I still remember the Bronco chase on tv. We had come out to Las Vegas to visit some relatives. My aunt took us to the Hoover Dam and when we came back my cousin had told us what happened and we were watching the Bronco chase. Incredible how this man fell from grace.

Football is no longer played the way it was, but he was possibly the best at breaking off a play involving a run outside his own offensive tackle, and reversing field to take the ball all the way back outside the other offensive tackle. It was a thing of beauty. He wasn't, as it turned out.
What I remember about OJ is that the murder of those two happened when I started my old job that I retired from last year, and I also remember that the verdict from the trial happened at exactly noon and the entire place was in the carfeteria watching the verdict read, and everyone walked out of there shaking their head.

Seems like yesterday.
So all white people were in the room?
Same here. He was more of a bat and fist guy than a knife guy, while his son was a chef, i.e. a knife guy.

Years of steroids drives a lot of athletes nuts.

For sure they are going to autopsy his brain and make the results public. And they'll say he had brain trauma from football. Black people will use that as justification for why he did what he did.

I just say it's bullshit that a woman like Nicole can divorce you and continue to live in your mansion while you pay the bills and she can have sleep overs with young men.

Notice she went for a rich old man, divorced him and started getting into young broke guys with big hard cocks. Not cocks that have no prostate.
Went from most admired athlete to most hated man in America

lol LA residents cheered the nutjob, lined the roads cheering for the loon; he was a Hero in California, and with Democrats, especially blacks. Murdering white people is widely approved of in the dominant black culture.
Seriously? We've been waiting for this day so long. I hope it was painful. Remember what he did. He attacked Nicole and Ron and almost decapitated both of them. It was very obviously a murder of passion. Then he was seen running home by the limo driver. Kato heard thud thud where he jumped over the wall. Those gloves fit. No way the cops framed OJ. That's just silly.

But I get it. I can see how some guys might not think it's that big of a deal because deep down if your wives left you and slept with another man, you'd want to kill them too. Especially in the mansion you paid for that she got the divorce. And alamony.

He saw how Ron and Nicole looked at each other at the restaurant. So to be spying on her and see Ron "bring her the glasses she left at the restaurant" was too much for him to bare. I get it. Should he spend the rest of his life in jail?

I mean think about you walking in on your wife. Should a jury convict you if you kill the man and your wife? Certainly not Murder 1.
Except she wasn't his wife anymore. Not that it mattered, the guy was screwing around during the marriage and after.

The key thing is that OJ's trial brought to the fore that white Americans and Black Americans live in two different countries. White people thought it was absurd the police would frame OJ, Black people had absolutely no problem believing it.
I must be one of the few white Jews that feels he was not guilty. What was in the courtroom were vials or test tubes with blood, not the Bronco and not the Simpson home. The vials could have said that the contents came from Timbuktu. Also, OJ would be a remarkably poor planner to count on getting to the airport in 40 minutes for his flight to Chicago. I've driven that route. Trust me, California freeways are not reliable in terms of time.
I tought OJ how to ride a Motorbike when I was a 13 Year old Expert Desert Racer, it was during filming of his first TVShow Acting gig . ( He Played an Art Forger on “ Cade’s County “ starring Glen Ford

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