OJ Simpson Dead

The media report that the victims' families have been unable to collect on a $30 million judgment that they had won.

Hopefully, Mr. Simpson's estate will rectify this matter.

They can forget it! I don't share crocodile tears for any concerned! It was an ugly situation all around! :dunno:
I still remember the Bronco chase on tv. We had come out to Las Vegas to visit some relatives. My aunt took us to the Hoover Dam and when we came back my cousin had told us what happened and we were watching the Bronco chase. Incredible how this man fell from grace.

Already a thread on this, need to close it down.
That's a nice story and I believe you. What happened to him that caused him to slaughter a woman he supposedly loved?
He was two different people... one for the public consumption and another behind closed doors...

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