OJ Simpson Dead


The Player that replaced OJ when he gained his 2000th yard was none other than my cusin
who unlike OJ
Had 2 brothers go on missions
Had a sister that is a Temple worker
and another sister who married a seminary teacher
I don't know anything about OJ's upbringing and his early history. I'm guessing his dad was abusive or something as well. Was OJ beaten, molested and stuff like that. As far as who replaced him, not a name that rolls off the tip of my tongue. As far as OJ's eternal fate, that's up to God. But, because of our understanding of the hereafter, I don't give up on people. I just do as the Lord commands and teach.
I agree. I thought so in the very beginning as did the presiding judge from what I remember.

Jason Simpson’s Mental Health Struggles​

The former NFL star’s son struggled greatly with his mental health. He was a troubled child with numerous outbursts and run-ins with the law from age 14.

According to reports, Jason was diagnosed with Jekyll and Hyde disease, also known as “intermittent rage disorder,” which caused him to have recurrent seizures and difficulty controlling his rage. He was prescribed medication for his condition but mostly abused his prescriptions.

He had also been arrested for assault, driving under the influence, and attempted murder of his girlfriend in a fit of rage. Four doctors confirmed that Jason was “psychologically disturbed” and needed urgent help and intervention.

In a letter found after an incident, Jason referred to himself as three people: Jekyll, Hyde, and Himself. He also described in the letter his willingness to harm anyone who threatened his family and loved ones physically.

Did Jason Simpson, O.J. Simpson’s Son, Kill Nicole Brown?​

Jason was never an official suspect in the Brown and Goldman murders. However, in March 2012, Private Investigator and author William Dear published “O.J. I.S. Innocent, And I Can Prove It,” which contained his solid opinions and suspicions supporting his argument.

The book contained information pointing to Jason as the real murderer of Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman on June 12, 1994.

The book cites Jason’s rage and mental illness as the real cause of the killings and declares O.J. innocent. However, Jason was never formally tried for the murders in a court of law. Some people believed what they read in Dear’s book, while some still believe that O.J. was responsible for both killings.
wow....I wonder when he meets again, this time in Heaven with Nicole's spirit..... I imagine it will mean a lot of suffering for OJ's soul.

I don't know if he will rest in peace but anyway.... RIP

Jason Simpson’s Mental Health Struggles​

The former NFL star’s son struggled greatly with his mental health. He was a troubled child with numerous outbursts and run-ins with the law from age 14.

According to reports, Jason was diagnosed with Jekyll and Hyde disease, also known as “intermittent rage disorder,” which caused him to have recurrent seizures and difficulty controlling his rage. He was prescribed medication for his condition but mostly abused his prescriptions.

He had also been arrested for assault, driving under the influence, and attempted murder of his girlfriend in a fit of rage. Four doctors confirmed that Jason was “psychologically disturbed” and needed urgent help and intervention.

In a letter found after an incident, Jason referred to himself as three people: Jekyll, Hyde, and Himself. He also described in the letter his willingness to harm anyone who threatened his family and loved ones physically.

Did Jason Simpson, O.J. Simpson’s Son, Kill Nicole Brown?​

Jason was never an official suspect in the Brown and Goldman murders. However, in March 2012, Private Investigator and author William Dear published “O.J. I.S. Innocent, And I Can Prove It,” which contained his solid opinions and suspicions supporting his argument.

The book contained information pointing to Jason as the real murderer of Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman on June 12, 1994.

The book cites Jason’s rage and mental illness as the real cause of the killings and declares O.J. innocent. However, Jason was never formally tried for the murders in a court of law. Some people believed what they read in Dear’s book, while some still believe that O.J. was responsible for both killings.
The only thing that doesn’t make sense about the son killing his mother and friend in a fit of rage is why the glove? Was he preparing to kill them in advance? That is not how rage killings go. It was premeditated. Any thoughts?
The only thing that doesn’t make sense about the son killing his mother and friend in a fit of rage is why the glove? Was he preparing to kill them in advance? That is not how rage killings go. It was premeditated. Any thoughts?
We need to know what he was doing that evening with gloves on, maybe riding a motorcycle or bicycle and passed by and spotted them. But that is just speculation.
I don't know anything about OJ's upbringing and his early history. I'm guessing his dad was abusive or something as well. Was OJ beaten, molested and stuff like that. As far as who replaced him, not a name that rolls off the tip of my tongue. As far as OJ's eternal fate, that's up to God. But, because of our understanding of the hereafter, I don't give up on people. I just do as the Lord commands and teach.
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Many on the left don't believe in God or religion and want to take them out of our lives but, the truth is, there is a God and OJ is the perfect proof of that. While he technically got away with murder, the rest of his life was nothing but pure hell so he really didn't get away with it at all.
Was he really not justified in doing what he did? :dunno:
Listened to a former girlfriend of OJ's today. She said behind closed doors he was a different person, who was violent and had assaulted her numerous times. I didn't catch if this was before or after the murders.
Just to finish the point in a different thread.

OJ Simpson literally got away with murder.

I’m happy to report that he’s still dead.
I ain't mad at him ary a bit for that. That gold diggin' bitch got what she had comin'.

She tried to take him for all he had, and lost all she had. Sucks to be her. Maybe she shouldn't have done that.
OMG I feel like I did when Saddam or someone else horrible died. Holy shit he's burning in hell right now. This is cause for celebration.

I heard the other day his cancer was back and I really hoped it was going to kill him.

I hope he left behind a book. Or I hope his kids tell all.

You're lying!!!

That is nasty.
The defense in the original trial proved that OJ could NOT have done the murders.
He would never have made his flight.
There was not enough time.
Just to finish the point in a different thread.

OJ Simpson literally got away with murder.

I’m happy to report that he’s still dead.

That is not what all the expert witnesses said.
They all said there simply was not enough time, so OJ could not possibly have done the murders.
I just saw an interview with the attorney that won the civil trial. The prosecution overlooked a critical key piece of evidence that would have given them a conviction.

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