OJ Simpson Dead

Some older ladies of a certain background on the jury would never have convicted him in a million years.

The prosecution was severely criticized for not having demanded that the trial be moved from Los Angeles.
The problem was the case SHOULD have been heard in the Beverly Hills Courthouse which was used to dealing with the rich and celebrities. Instead, the DA moved it to the downtown LA Courthouse because it had the press facilities from the Manson Family Trial.
The only thing that doesn’t make sense about the son killing his mother and friend in a fit of rage is why the glove? Was he preparing to kill them in advance? That is not how rage killings go. It was premeditated. Any thoughts?

The glove never made sense.
They were not the property of OJ, and they were not found inside of OJ' house or car, but instead outside, where anyone could have planted them.
Most likely the police, who came off as extremely biased and racist.

OJ Simpson Juror: Not-Guilty Verdict Was ‘Payback’ for Rodney King​


Interviewer: Do you think there are members of the jury that voted to acquit OJ because of Rodney King?Bess: Yes.
Interviewer: You do?
Bess: Yes.
Interviewer: How many of you do you think felt that way?
Bess: Oh, probably 90 percent of them.
Interviewer: 90 percent. Did you feel that way?
Bess: Yes.
Interviewer: That was payback.
Bess: Uh-huh.
Interviewer: Do you think that’s right?
At that question, she holds up her hands.

I can't forget the quote from one juror after the rial "I don't know no DNA, DNA just means OJ gots blood". With jurors of that caliber OJ was never going to be convicted.

The reality is that DNA evidence is never any good for a conviction, and can only be used to defend and prove it belonged to someone else.
That is because all humans have 99.9% identical DNA.
And with contamination, difficulty in breaking the DNA down to analyze it, it is never fair to convict on DNA evidence.
I still remember the Bronco chase on tv. We had come out to Las Vegas to visit some relatives. My aunt took us to the Hoover Dam and when we came back my cousin had told us what happened and we were watching the Bronco chase. Incredible how this man fell from grace.

A club in NYC called Culture Club had a 90's floor, and it had the video playing on continuous loop, all night.
The reality is that DNA evidence is never any good for a conviction, and can only be used to defend and prove it belonged to someone else.
That is because all humans have 99.9% identical DNA.
And with contamination, difficulty in breaking the DNA down to analyze it, it is never fair to convict on DNA evidence.

Umm. no.
OMG I feel like I did when Saddam or someone else horrible died. Holy shit he's burning in hell right now. This is cause for celebration.

I heard the other day his cancer was back and I really hoped it was going to kill him.

I hope he left behind a book. Or I hope his kids tell all.

You're lying!!!
Typical liberal....wishing for someone to die.

OJ Simpson Juror: Not-Guilty Verdict Was ‘Payback’ for Rodney King​

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At that question, she holds up her hands.

Rodney King got the beating he deserved.

Abraham Lincoln said in one of his debates with Stephen A. Douglas that he did not think blacks should be able to serve on jury trials. The OJ trial was an obvious case of jury nullification. The jurors knew OJ was guilty.
I still remember the Bronco chase on tv. We had come out to Las Vegas to visit some relatives. My aunt took us to the Hoover Dam and when we came back my cousin had told us what happened and we were watching the Bronco chase. Incredible how this man fell from grace.

As long as the media thinks he's guilty I have serious reservations.
The glove never made sense.
They were not the property of OJ, and they were not found inside of OJ' house or car, but instead outside, where anyone could have planted them.
Most likely the police, who came off as extremely biased and racist.
Just guesswork. Makes more sense the glove was someone else’s smaller like his son. But, rage doesn’t happen with premeditation.
The other thing about the glove, why did they let OJ try it one with the underlying glove? Of course it wouldn’t fit.
The murder happened only a couple minutes before the car arrived to take OJ to the airport.
There is no way he could have gotten back in time, much less wash up, change, etc.
And how come no one saw him covered in blood?


What happened on the night of Nicole Brown’s murder?​

The West Port Library Guide reported that “on the night of June 12, 1994, Simpson’s ex-wife and her friend Ronald Goldman were stabbed to death outside of her condominium in Los Angeles, and Simpson quickly became the prime suspect.” Simpson was charged with “several crimes, including armed robbery and kidnapping,” according to Britannica.

CNN reported a timeline sequence of what happened on the night of the murders:

  • 6:30 p.m. — “Nicole Brown Simpson, her children and several others go to dinner at the Mezzaluna restaurant.”
  • 8:00 p.m. — “Nicole Brown Simpson and her children leave Mezzaluna, and stop for ice cream on the way home.”
  • 9:15 p.m. — “One of Nicole Brown Simpson’s sisters call Mezzaluna to say that Nicole’s mother had left her glasses at the restaurant. Ronald Goldman volunteers to return the glasses.”
  • 9-9:30 p.m. — “Brian Kaelin, a friend staying in a guest house at O.J. Simpson’s home, and Simpson go to McDonald’s for dinner.”
  • 9:45 p.m. — “Kaelin and Simpson return home.”
  • 9:48-9:50 p.m. — “Goldman leaves the restaurant with a white envelope containing the glasses.”
  • 10:15 p.m. — “While watching television, Pablo Fenjves, a neighbor of Nicole Brown Simpson, hears the cries and constant barking of a dog.”
  • 10:25 p.m. — “Limousine driver Allan Park arrives at Simpson’s home.”
  • 10:40 p.m. — “Kaelin hears three loud thumps on an outside wall of his room.”
  • 10:40-10:50 p.m. — “Park buzzes intercom several times but does not get any response.”
  • 10:55 p.m. — “Park calls his boss and tells him Simpson is not home. He is told to wait until 11:15 since Simpson is always late.”
  • Shortly before 11 p.m. — “Park sees a Black person, 6-feet, 200 pounds, walking across the driveway towards the house.”
  • About 11 p.m. — “Kaelin goes to the front of the house to check on the noise. He sees the limousine driver at the gate. Several seconds later, Park again buzzes the intercom and Simpson answers. He says he had overslept and just gotten out of the shower.”
  • 11 - 11:15 p.m. — “Simpson puts his bags in the limousine.”
  • 11:15 p.m. — “Limousine leaves for Los Angeles Airport.”
  • 11:35 p.m. — “Limousine arrives at airport.”
  • 11:45 p.m. — “Simpson leaves on an American Airlines flight to Chicago.”
  • 12:10 a.m. — “The bodies of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman are discovered outside her townhouse.”
  • “About 5 a.m. — “Detectives Mark Fuhrman and Philip Vannatter arrive at Simpson’s house.”
  • 5:15-5:30 a.m. — “The detectives examine an apparent bloodstain on Simpson’s Ford Bronco.”
  • 5:40-5:50 a.m. — “Detective Fuhrman decided to jump the wall in order for police to get inside the estate. Once on the grounds, the detectives awaken Simpson’s daughter, Arnelle, who is staying in a guest house. She takes the police to the house and telephones Cathy Randa, her father’s longtime assistant.”
  • 7-7:30 a.m. — “Detective Vannatter declared the area a crime scene and goes to get a warrant to search the house.”

You never have to kill when the other person is unarmed.
You can fire a warning shot, wound, or just shoot once.
Rittenhouse was not defending himself, but committing deliberate murder by shooting them so many times.
The only reason the last one lived is that he ran out of bullets.
youre right,,

when kyle opened fire on all those black protesters with his full semi automatic assault rifle in a spray and pray killing spree was a lot worse than cutting a womens head off

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