OJ Simpson Dead

The reality is that DNA evidence is never any good for a conviction, and can only be used to defend and prove it belonged to someone else.
That is because all humans have 99.9% identical DNA.
And with contamination, difficulty in breaking the DNA down to analyze it, it is never fair to convict on DNA evidence.
That's total bullshot. DNA is one hundred percent reliable at identifying people. No two people on earth have identical DNA.
oopsie. almost said it. narrow escape.

that word you're lookin' for stephanie,...'er'....it's MURD. ER.
What piece of evidence was that?
Shoes. Bruno Magli shoes. The police found a shoe print in blood at the scene identified as being made by Bruno Magli shoes. Not exactly a common item. No such shoes were found among OJ's things. He denied ever having owned a pair. They were ugly. The investigators stopped. The prosecution abandoned the idea of the shoes. Brown's civil attorney was going over the evidence including a stack of pictures, including one of OJ wearing Bruno Magli shoes. This evidence was given to the jury in the civil trial. They came down with a 33,5 million dollar verdict.

Who know what would have happened if the prosecutors had been more diligent.
I still remember the Bronco chase on tv. We had come out to Las Vegas to visit some relatives. My aunt took us to the Hoover Dam and when we came back my cousin had told us what happened and we were watching the Bronco chase. Incredible how this man fell from grace.

I remember that chase. The Rockets were playing, I think, the Knicks in the NBA finals. My spouse was a massive Rockets fan. They kept cutting back and fourth between the chase and the game. Drove us crazy.

that verdict was not justice. Justice was denied to the Goldman and Brown families. These jurors, the judge, the county and state should be sued and have to pay the Goldmans and the Browns for this miscarriage of justice, for the deaths of the victims' family members.
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your side will pay for the lying,thieving, and persecution.
What a depraved WH under this sick Obiden Regime!

White House Expresses Condolences to OJ’s Family, No Mention of Victims​

You mean the gold diggin' whore and her divorce lawyer "lover"?

Fuck them! They deserved everything they got, IMO. Good on OJ! Let that be a lesson to gold diggin' whores everywhere!

You can't spend my money you take if you don't live to.
I remember right around the time he committed the murders, Starburst had an ad campaign that had a jingle/slogan.

The slogan?

"The juice is loose."

Talk about bad timing.

It didn't die; just appropriated & used on T-Shirts satirically portraying "the case" & "the times!" :meow:

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