OJ Simpson Dead

Yes, and Kim won NK.

Republicans prove what hypocritical liars they are when they say 2020 was stolen but 2000 was not. For example, look at Dominion Voting Machine Company. They were awarded millions in court for the slander Trump/Rudy and their gang spewed on Fox News. All lies. Yet Republicans still to this day think the election was rigged when clearly they have no evidence. Even Sidney Powell, Trump;s lawyer broke into a Dominion voting machine in the middle of the night and found nothing. Well, she found one thing. A felony for doing what she did, for Trump. Just like Michael Cohen and Trump's CFO and everyone else who goes to jail for Trump.

And Republicans never acknowledge how shady Diebold Voting Machine Company was in 2000.

I suspect Trump thinks Dominion cheated because like me he knows Diebold cheated for Bush

Republicans prove what hypocritical liars they are when they say 2020 was stolen but 2000 was not. For example, look at Dominion Voting Machine Company. They were awarded millions in court for the slander Trump/Rudy and their gang spewed on Fox News. All lies. Yet Republicans still to this day think the election was rigged when clearly they have no evidence. Even Sidney Powell, Trump;s lawyer broke into a Dominion voting machine in the middle of the night and found nothing. Well, she found one thing. A felony for doing what she did, for Trump. Just like Michael Cohen and Trump's CFO and everyone else who goes to jail for Trump.

And Republicans never acknowledge how shady Diebold Voting Machine Company was in 2000.

I suspect Trump thinks Dominion cheated because like me he knows Diebold cheated for Bush

What republicans don’t do is try to jail the dems for saying 2000 was stolen
Republicans prove what hypocritical liars they are when they say 2020 was stolen but 2000 was not. For example, look at Dominion Voting Machine Company. They were awarded millions in court for the slander Trump/Rudy and their gang spewed on Fox News. All lies. Yet Republicans still to this day think the election was rigged when clearly they have no evidence. Even Sidney Powell, Trump;s lawyer broke into a Dominion voting machine in the middle of the night and found nothing. Well, she found one thing. A felony for doing what she did, for Trump. Just like Michael Cohen and Trump's CFO and everyone else who goes to jail for Trump.

And Republicans never acknowledge how shady Diebold Voting Machine Company was in 2000.

I suspect Trump thinks Dominion cheated because like me he knows Diebold cheated for Bush

I don't play Republican vs. Democrat. I only play truth vs. bull shit.
What republicans don’t do is try to jail the dems for saying 2000 was stolen
Trump didn't just say 2020 was stolen he tried to steal it himself. He's either a paranoid conspiracy theorist who shouldn't be president or an evil liar who shouldn't be POTUS.

WTF is wrong with you people?

God gave us the AZ abortion law. Thanks God. Or Republicans in AZ. How stupid can they be?
This is what's crazy. Robert Kardashian defended OJ. And his young daughters ONLY date black men. Talk about not learning a lesson. Didn't daddy tell them OJ really did it before he died of cancer? Or Johnny Cockring?
Wow! What a racist statement, seriously wtf?
Trump didn't just say 2020 was stolen he tried to steal it himself. He's either a paranoid conspiracy theorist who shouldn't be president or an evil liar who shouldn't be POTUS.

WTF is wrong with you people?

God gave us the AZ abortion law. Thanks God. Or Republicans in AZ. How stupid can they be?
Haha no he didnt…you all literally. Did in 2000, and again in 2016
The trial proved there was not enough time for OJ to have done the murders, and Rittenhouse deserved to be attacked for bringing an assault rifle to a protest.
Wrong on both

You are simplty a proven liar. Ther was more than enough time for OJ to have done that.

Thjhere was no protest it was a riot based on a lie and Rittenhouse had the right to be there armed and to deend himself
I hardly remember it anymore, but they did a full second by second simulation, and there is no way OJ could have gotten back in time to make the pickup for the airport.
yes there was and that is proven YOU are a liar
You never have to kill when the other person is unarmed.
You can fire a warning shot, wound, or just shoot once.
Rittenhouse was not defending himself, but committing deliberate murder by shooting them so many times.
The only reason the last one lived is that he ran out of bullets.
Wrong sometimes it is justified to shoot an unarmed person

Warning shots are never fired and never should be

Ruttenhouse was defending himself'

He did not run out of bullets and you always fire until the threat is neutralized

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