OK America, it's time to quit pretending. We all know it's all about race.

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m c
I am a Chicago guy who lives in south Carolina you fucking idiot..

I know what Nikki and crew did

View attachment 162104

Like I said, republicans delivered us millions of lost jobs and a deep recession.



View attachment 162106

Greenville south Carolina

View attachment 162107



So you going to tell us Detroit is a great place to visit you stupid fuck...a 1/3rd of the city is gone...

Their has been reports of black bears in the ghetto of detroit...

View attachment 162114 View attachment 162115 View attachment 162116

I'd damn sure rather visit Detroit than Greenville South cacka lackey. If 1/3rd is gone its still 7 times larger than Greenville meaning it has still more attractions. We know there are bad areas in Detroit so what's your fucking point? Greenville South Carolina has a population of 58,000 and is 1/10th the size of Detroit. Yet you compare them like they are the same. That's stupid and you are a dumb ass for trying to make them the same.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

Black people are by far the largest racial or ethnic population in Detroit, which has the highest percentage of black residents of any American city with a population over 100,000. Eighty-three percent of the city’s 701,000 residents are black. It continues to be an underreported story that a white state legislature and white governor took over the city and forced it to file for bankruptcy against the will of its elected representatives. It is also underreported that white governors and the white state legislature failed to provide Detroit with its fair share of state tax revenues – a significant contributor to the city’s current financial distress.

Detroit’s bankruptcy plan calls for the near-elimination of the retiree health benefits that city workers earned over the years, as well as drastic cuts in the pensions that retired and current workers have earned and counted on. It is telling, I think, that for the first time since the Michigan constitution was adopted 50 years ago, the governor chose in this case to ignore the Michigan constitution’s guarantee that public employee pension benefits will be paid in full, given that Detroit’s public workforce is majority black and represented by unions that opposed the governor’s election.

Whether as cause or effect, the other key factor was the outmigration of manufacturing jobs, a process that began in the late 1940’s as the auto industry disinvested in Detroit in favor of the surrounding suburbs. The Big 3 later stopped investing in Michigan, leaving devastated cities like Flint and Pontiac in favor of the West, the South, Canada, Mexico and, eventually, Asia.

Government was deeply involved in the racial segregation of the Detroit metropolitan area, as it was in the nation. As early as the 1930’s, the Federal Housing Administration’s underwriting manual instructed mortgage lenders to respect racial covenants, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board sponsored the development of residential security maps that made most minority neighborhoods off-limits for lending. After World War II, when the G.I. Bill gave subsidized mortgages to millions of veterans, the government’s mortgage lending restrictions effectively excluded blacks. The new homes in the white suburban communities around Detroit were built with G.I. bill money that was denied to most blacks.

Government was involved at a more micro level as well. I grew up in all-white Grosse Pointe, one block from the Detroit city limit. The “Pointe system,” which awarded points that individuals needed to qualify as buyers based on their race and religion, was enforced by realtors and civic associations, by violence and threats of violence, and by legal covenants against selling to a non-white. The Pointe system kept black people from purchasing homes in any of the five Grosse Pointe municipalities during most of the 20th century. Other suburban communities, including Dearborn, the home of the Ford Motor Co., were populated along racial lines and maintained their racial segregation through notorious whites-only policies, the use of racial covenants, mob violence ignored by the police, and even the participation of the police and fire departments in harassing anyone who tried to break the color line.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

The Detroit Bankruptcy

The City of Detroit’s bankruptcy was driven by a severe decline in revenues (and, importantly, not an increase in obligations to fund pensions). Depopulation and long-term unemployment caused Detroit’s property and income tax revenues to plummet. The state of Michigan exacerbated the problems by slashing revenue it shared with the city. The city’s overall expenses have declined over the last five years, although its financial expenses have increased. In addition, Wall Street sold risky financial instruments to the city, which now threaten the resolution of this crisis. To return Detroit to long-term fiscal health, the city must increase revenue and extract itself from the financial transactions that threaten to drain its budget even further.

The state of Michigan has exacerbated Detroit’s revenue crisis by slashing $67 million in state revenue sharing with the city. About $24 million dollars of these cuts were due to revenues shared pursuant to the Michigan State Constitution, allocated among cities and towns based on population. Detroit’s allocation was reduced because of population loss in the 2010 census. However, the remaining $42.8 million (64 percent of the total state cuts) were due to statutory revenue sharing and were at the discretion of the state Legislature. By cutting revenue sharing with the city, the state effectively reduced its own budget challenges on the backs of the taxpayers of Detroit (and other cities). These cuts account for nearly a third of the city’s revenue losses between FY 2011 and FY 2013, coming on the heels of the revenue losses from the Great Recession and tipping the city into the cash flow crisis that it is now experiencing. Furthermore, the Legislature placed strict limits on the city’s ability to raise revenue itself to offset these losses.

The Detroit Bankruptcy

Quit while you still got your manhood.

You really think you can take me on?

Kwame Kilpatrick Sentenced, Former Detroit Mayor Gets 28 Years In Prison On Corruption Charges

Kwame Kilpatrick was sentenced to 28 years in prison Thursday, seven months after he was convicted of public corruption in federal court.

It marks the end to another chapter in the saga of Kilpatrick, who was elected mayor of Detroit at the young age of 31. Once mentioned as a possible candidate for president later in life, Detroit’s “hip-hop mayor,” now 43, is generally credited as one of America’s worst mayoral leaders of the past decade.

The former Detroit mayor’s sentencing recommendation called for at least 28 years to life for Kilpatrick, who prosecutors say robbed the City of Detroit of millions through criminal enterprises when it was at its most desperate. It’s “equal to the longest sentence” for corruption ever handed down to a public official, said U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade after the sentencing was announced.

Judge Nancy Edmunds, who announced the sentence Thursday, said that it was important to look at the entire history of the defendant, noting that Kilpatrick’s numerous convictions regarding criminal enterprise were drawn from crimes committed during his entire six-year tenure as Detroit mayor, and possibly even during his time in the Michigan Legislature. It was also important to consider the enormity of the investigation — Edmunds said 34 other people have been convicted for crimes pertaining to Kilpatrick.

m c
Like I said, republicans delivered us millions of lost jobs and a deep recession.



View attachment 162106

Greenville south Carolina

View attachment 162107



So you going to tell us Detroit is a great place to visit you stupid fuck...a 1/3rd of the city is gone...

Their has been reports of black bears in the ghetto of detroit...

View attachment 162114 View attachment 162115 View attachment 162116

I'd damn sure rather visit Detroit than Greenville South cacka lackey. If 1/3rd is gone its still 7 times larger than Greenville meaning it has still more attractions. We know there are bad areas in Detroit so what's your fucking point? Greenville South Carolina has a population of 58,000 and is 1/10th the size of Detroit. Yet you compare them like they are the same. That's stupid and you are a dumb ass for trying to make them the same.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

Black people are by far the largest racial or ethnic population in Detroit, which has the highest percentage of black residents of any American city with a population over 100,000. Eighty-three percent of the city’s 701,000 residents are black. It continues to be an underreported story that a white state legislature and white governor took over the city and forced it to file for bankruptcy against the will of its elected representatives. It is also underreported that white governors and the white state legislature failed to provide Detroit with its fair share of state tax revenues – a significant contributor to the city’s current financial distress.

Detroit’s bankruptcy plan calls for the near-elimination of the retiree health benefits that city workers earned over the years, as well as drastic cuts in the pensions that retired and current workers have earned and counted on. It is telling, I think, that for the first time since the Michigan constitution was adopted 50 years ago, the governor chose in this case to ignore the Michigan constitution’s guarantee that public employee pension benefits will be paid in full, given that Detroit’s public workforce is majority black and represented by unions that opposed the governor’s election.

Whether as cause or effect, the other key factor was the outmigration of manufacturing jobs, a process that began in the late 1940’s as the auto industry disinvested in Detroit in favor of the surrounding suburbs. The Big 3 later stopped investing in Michigan, leaving devastated cities like Flint and Pontiac in favor of the West, the South, Canada, Mexico and, eventually, Asia.

Government was deeply involved in the racial segregation of the Detroit metropolitan area, as it was in the nation. As early as the 1930’s, the Federal Housing Administration’s underwriting manual instructed mortgage lenders to respect racial covenants, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board sponsored the development of residential security maps that made most minority neighborhoods off-limits for lending. After World War II, when the G.I. Bill gave subsidized mortgages to millions of veterans, the government’s mortgage lending restrictions effectively excluded blacks. The new homes in the white suburban communities around Detroit were built with G.I. bill money that was denied to most blacks.

Government was involved at a more micro level as well. I grew up in all-white Grosse Pointe, one block from the Detroit city limit. The “Pointe system,” which awarded points that individuals needed to qualify as buyers based on their race and religion, was enforced by realtors and civic associations, by violence and threats of violence, and by legal covenants against selling to a non-white. The Pointe system kept black people from purchasing homes in any of the five Grosse Pointe municipalities during most of the 20th century. Other suburban communities, including Dearborn, the home of the Ford Motor Co., were populated along racial lines and maintained their racial segregation through notorious whites-only policies, the use of racial covenants, mob violence ignored by the police, and even the participation of the police and fire departments in harassing anyone who tried to break the color line.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

The Detroit Bankruptcy

The City of Detroit’s bankruptcy was driven by a severe decline in revenues (and, importantly, not an increase in obligations to fund pensions). Depopulation and long-term unemployment caused Detroit’s property and income tax revenues to plummet. The state of Michigan exacerbated the problems by slashing revenue it shared with the city. The city’s overall expenses have declined over the last five years, although its financial expenses have increased. In addition, Wall Street sold risky financial instruments to the city, which now threaten the resolution of this crisis. To return Detroit to long-term fiscal health, the city must increase revenue and extract itself from the financial transactions that threaten to drain its budget even further.

The state of Michigan has exacerbated Detroit’s revenue crisis by slashing $67 million in state revenue sharing with the city. About $24 million dollars of these cuts were due to revenues shared pursuant to the Michigan State Constitution, allocated among cities and towns based on population. Detroit’s allocation was reduced because of population loss in the 2010 census. However, the remaining $42.8 million (64 percent of the total state cuts) were due to statutory revenue sharing and were at the discretion of the state Legislature. By cutting revenue sharing with the city, the state effectively reduced its own budget challenges on the backs of the taxpayers of Detroit (and other cities). These cuts account for nearly a third of the city’s revenue losses between FY 2011 and FY 2013, coming on the heels of the revenue losses from the Great Recession and tipping the city into the cash flow crisis that it is now experiencing. Furthermore, the Legislature placed strict limits on the city’s ability to raise revenue itself to offset these losses.

The Detroit Bankruptcy

Quit while you still got your manhood.
He cant even face my question without stalling. He bitched out long ago. :laugh:

What was the question?
And we also know that today, it's the Republican Party that's the largest political party in the deep south. We know they are the home of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, White Nationalists and the Alt Right. We know these things.

Dems started the KKK. We know that.

And for the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic party.
Now they are closely aligned with the repubs.

The KKK is not now aligned with any party. It does not exist, at least not in any meaningful form, and hasn't since some time in the 1980s.
Wrong again. There is a reason they made it official they supported Drumpf.

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president
And we also know that today, it's the Republican Party that's the largest political party in the deep south. We know they are the home of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, White Nationalists and the Alt Right. We know these things.

Dems started the KKK. We know that.

And for the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic party.
Now they are closely aligned with the repubs.

The KKK is not now aligned with any party. It does not exist, at least not in any meaningful form, and hasn't since some time in the 1980s.

Tell that to the KKK that supported Trump, Kris Kobach ad other republicans.
And we also know that today, it's the Republican Party that's the largest political party in the deep south. We know they are the home of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, White Nationalists and the Alt Right. We know these things.

Dems started the KKK. We know that.

And for the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic party.
Now they are closely aligned with the repubs.

The KKK is not now aligned with any party. It does not exist, at least not in any meaningful form, and hasn't since some time in the 1980s.
Wrong again. There is a reason they made it official they supported Drumpf.

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

And the grand wizard supported OWS...your point being?

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement
By Erick Hamme | October 27, 2011 | 1:05 PM EDT

(CNSNews.com) -- David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, has joined President Barack Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in expressing support for the Occupy Wall Street movement, whose protests have been marked by anti-Semitism.


In a video about the Occupy Wall Street protests, Duke said: “I cheer the men and women on the streets condemning the international banks that hold America financially hostage. These Wall Street banks are not the product of free enterprise; they are the product of crime.”

“Yes, occupy Wall Street,” Duke also said. “Finally, Americans are rising up and it feels great.”
There are a lot of racists here, and you are among the worst. Denying it changes nothing.

When you can produce the racism you claim about me, then we'll talk.

You produce it with every post, hypocrite.

Then you should be able to post a quote.

I just did.

No you did not. You don't get to make up what racism is just because you don't like what's said about what whites are doing.

You’re doing it again, racist.
And we also know that today, it's the Republican Party that's the largest political party in the deep south. We know they are the home of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, White Nationalists and the Alt Right. We know these things.

Dems started the KKK. We know that.

And for the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic party.
Now they are closely aligned with the repubs.

The KKK is not now aligned with any party. It does not exist, at least not in any meaningful form, and hasn't since some time in the 1980s.
Wrong again. There is a reason they made it official they supported Drumpf.

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

That's not THE Ku Klux Klan. That's just one of many small, insignificant groups claiming to be the Ku Klux Klan, and claiming some connection to the previous organization. The Ku Klux Klan ceased to exist as a unified, coherent organization some time in the 1980s. I don't know that there's a single point in history where this happened, but a clear indicator that it had happened was when a woman successfully sued the KKK for the wrongful death of her son, and the only asset that could be found belonging to the KKK, to be seized to pay the settlement, was an old abandoned warehouse. There has not been any single Ku Klux Klan organization since after that time.
Dems started the KKK. We know that.

And for the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic party.
Now they are closely aligned with the repubs.

The KKK is not now aligned with any party. It does not exist, at least not in any meaningful form, and hasn't since some time in the 1980s.
Wrong again. There is a reason they made it official they supported Drumpf.

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

And the grand wizard supported OWS...your point being?

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement
By Erick Hamme | October 27, 2011 | 1:05 PM EDT

(CNSNews.com) -- David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, has joined President Barack Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in expressing support for the Occupy Wall Street movement, whose protests have been marked by anti-Semitism.


In a video about the Occupy Wall Street protests, Duke said: “I cheer the men and women on the streets condemning the international banks that hold America financially hostage. These Wall Street banks are not the product of free enterprise; they are the product of crime.”

“Yes, occupy Wall Street,” Duke also said. “Finally, Americans are rising up and it feels great.”
That the KKK supports the repubs. What was your point?
Dems started the KKK. We know that.

And for the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic party.
Now they are closely aligned with the repubs.

The KKK is not now aligned with any party. It does not exist, at least not in any meaningful form, and hasn't since some time in the 1980s.
Wrong again. There is a reason they made it official they supported Drumpf.

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

And the grand wizard supported OWS...your point being?

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement
By Erick Hamme | October 27, 2011 | 1:05 PM EDT

(CNSNews.com) -- David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, has joined President Barack Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in expressing support for the Occupy Wall Street movement, whose protests have been marked by anti-Semitism.


In a video about the Occupy Wall Street protests, Duke said: “I cheer the men and women on the streets condemning the international banks that hold America financially hostage. These Wall Street banks are not the product of free enterprise; they are the product of crime.”

“Yes, occupy Wall Street,” Duke also said. “Finally, Americans are rising up and it feels great.”

You stupid fucks really think you can take me on?
Dems started the KKK. We know that.

And for the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic party.
Now they are closely aligned with the repubs.

The KKK is not now aligned with any party. It does not exist, at least not in any meaningful form, and hasn't since some time in the 1980s.
Wrong again. There is a reason they made it official they supported Drumpf.

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

That's not THE Ku Klux Klan. That's just one of many small, insignificant groups claiming to be the Ku Klux Klan, and claiming some connection to the previous organization. The Ku Klux Klan ceased to exist as a unified, coherent organization some time in the 1980s. I don't know that there's a single point in history where this happened, but a clear indicator that it had happened was when a woman successfully sued the KKK for the wrongful death of her son, and the only asset that could be found belonging to the KKK, to be seized to pay the settlement, was an old abandoned warehouse. There has not been any single Ku Klux Klan organization since after that time.
Thats not THE KKK? Who told you it wasnt THE KKK? Next your going to say the sun isnt the sun? :laugh:
And for the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic party.
Now they are closely aligned with the repubs.

The KKK is not now aligned with any party. It does not exist, at least not in any meaningful form, and hasn't since some time in the 1980s.
Wrong again. There is a reason they made it official they supported Drumpf.

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

And the grand wizard supported OWS...your point being?

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement
By Erick Hamme | October 27, 2011 | 1:05 PM EDT

(CNSNews.com) -- David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, has joined President Barack Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in expressing support for the Occupy Wall Street movement, whose protests have been marked by anti-Semitism.


In a video about the Occupy Wall Street protests, Duke said: “I cheer the men and women on the streets condemning the international banks that hold America financially hostage. These Wall Street banks are not the product of free enterprise; they are the product of crime.”

“Yes, occupy Wall Street,” Duke also said. “Finally, Americans are rising up and it feels great.”
That the KKK supports the repubs. What was your point?

So in your mind now you think OWS was a Republican organisation retard?
And for the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic party.
Now they are closely aligned with the repubs.

The KKK is not now aligned with any party. It does not exist, at least not in any meaningful form, and hasn't since some time in the 1980s.
Wrong again. There is a reason they made it official they supported Drumpf.

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

And the grand wizard supported OWS...your point being?

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement
By Erick Hamme | October 27, 2011 | 1:05 PM EDT

(CNSNews.com) -- David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, has joined President Barack Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in expressing support for the Occupy Wall Street movement, whose protests have been marked by anti-Semitism.


In a video about the Occupy Wall Street protests, Duke said: “I cheer the men and women on the streets condemning the international banks that hold America financially hostage. These Wall Street banks are not the product of free enterprise; they are the product of crime.”

“Yes, occupy Wall Street,” Duke also said. “Finally, Americans are rising up and it feels great.”

You stupid fucks really think you can take me on?
Says the genius that just replied to his own post. :laugh:
Now they are closely aligned with the repubs.

The KKK is not now aligned with any party. It does not exist, at least not in any meaningful form, and hasn't since some time in the 1980s.
Wrong again. There is a reason they made it official they supported Drumpf.

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

And the grand wizard supported OWS...your point being?

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement
By Erick Hamme | October 27, 2011 | 1:05 PM EDT

(CNSNews.com) -- David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, has joined President Barack Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in expressing support for the Occupy Wall Street movement, whose protests have been marked by anti-Semitism.


In a video about the Occupy Wall Street protests, Duke said: “I cheer the men and women on the streets condemning the international banks that hold America financially hostage. These Wall Street banks are not the product of free enterprise; they are the product of crime.”

“Yes, occupy Wall Street,” Duke also said. “Finally, Americans are rising up and it feels great.”
That the KKK supports the repubs. What was your point?

So in your mind now you think OWS was a Republican organisation retard?
So in your mind you think Drumpf isnt a republican idiot?
There are a lot of racists here, and you are among the worst. Denying it changes nothing.

When you can produce the racism you claim about me, then we'll talk.

You produce it with every post, hypocrite.

Then you should be able to post a quote.

I just did.

No you did not. You don't get to make up what racism is .....

I don’t have to, because I have a much greater comprehension of the English language than you do. Not because of the color of your skin or some arbitrary group I define you by, but because YOU are a dope. Just you, nobody else who may or may not bear any superficial similarity to you.
Come on. Time to get real.

The GOP is 90% white. And that left over 10% isn't all black. It includes Asian, Native American, Hispanic, Asian Indian, and everyone else who doesn't identify as white.

We know that for a fact. If you are going to talk race in politics, you have to start there.

Why Republicans keep trying to muddy the waters with nonsense? I don't know. Maybe they aren't as proud of their racism as they should be considering their actions.

For instance,
We know that during the Civil War, the Democratic Party was the Confederate Party and the largest political party in the deep south.
We know that during the time the Democratic Party was the majority in the deep south, they started Jim Crowe laws and the KKK. We know their members were involved in lynchings.
We know these things. They are part of history.

And we also know that today, it's the Republican Party that's the largest political party in the deep south. We know they are the home of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, White Nationalists and the Alt Right. We know these things.

Republicans have no significant numbers of gays, atheists, scientists, liberals or people of color.
We know this for a fact.

Republicans elected a man who brought up race again and again. Some Mexicans don't rape. A Mexican can't be a good judge and so on. We know this for a fact. It's on tape. We can watch it.
What does he say in private if that's what he says in public?

So the bottom line is, if America want's to have a "REAL" discussion on race, then we have to start with the truth. And that means the GOP needs to put it all out there right up front. Once that happens, a true dialog can begin.
There's really not much to discuss. We white racists don't want negroes in power because negroes are stupid.
m c
Like I said, republicans delivered us millions of lost jobs and a deep recession.



View attachment 162106

Greenville south Carolina

View attachment 162107



So you going to tell us Detroit is a great place to visit you stupid fuck...a 1/3rd of the city is gone...

Their has been reports of black bears in the ghetto of detroit...

View attachment 162114 View attachment 162115 View attachment 162116

I'd damn sure rather visit Detroit than Greenville South cacka lackey. If 1/3rd is gone its still 7 times larger than Greenville meaning it has still more attractions. We know there are bad areas in Detroit so what's your fucking point? Greenville South Carolina has a population of 58,000 and is 1/10th the size of Detroit. Yet you compare them like they are the same. That's stupid and you are a dumb ass for trying to make them the same.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

Black people are by far the largest racial or ethnic population in Detroit, which has the highest percentage of black residents of any American city with a population over 100,000. Eighty-three percent of the city’s 701,000 residents are black. It continues to be an underreported story that a white state legislature and white governor took over the city and forced it to file for bankruptcy against the will of its elected representatives. It is also underreported that white governors and the white state legislature failed to provide Detroit with its fair share of state tax revenues – a significant contributor to the city’s current financial distress.

Detroit’s bankruptcy plan calls for the near-elimination of the retiree health benefits that city workers earned over the years, as well as drastic cuts in the pensions that retired and current workers have earned and counted on. It is telling, I think, that for the first time since the Michigan constitution was adopted 50 years ago, the governor chose in this case to ignore the Michigan constitution’s guarantee that public employee pension benefits will be paid in full, given that Detroit’s public workforce is majority black and represented by unions that opposed the governor’s election.

Whether as cause or effect, the other key factor was the outmigration of manufacturing jobs, a process that began in the late 1940’s as the auto industry disinvested in Detroit in favor of the surrounding suburbs. The Big 3 later stopped investing in Michigan, leaving devastated cities like Flint and Pontiac in favor of the West, the South, Canada, Mexico and, eventually, Asia.

Government was deeply involved in the racial segregation of the Detroit metropolitan area, as it was in the nation. As early as the 1930’s, the Federal Housing Administration’s underwriting manual instructed mortgage lenders to respect racial covenants, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board sponsored the development of residential security maps that made most minority neighborhoods off-limits for lending. After World War II, when the G.I. Bill gave subsidized mortgages to millions of veterans, the government’s mortgage lending restrictions effectively excluded blacks. The new homes in the white suburban communities around Detroit were built with G.I. bill money that was denied to most blacks.

Government was involved at a more micro level as well. I grew up in all-white Grosse Pointe, one block from the Detroit city limit. The “Pointe system,” which awarded points that individuals needed to qualify as buyers based on their race and religion, was enforced by realtors and civic associations, by violence and threats of violence, and by legal covenants against selling to a non-white. The Pointe system kept black people from purchasing homes in any of the five Grosse Pointe municipalities during most of the 20th century. Other suburban communities, including Dearborn, the home of the Ford Motor Co., were populated along racial lines and maintained their racial segregation through notorious whites-only policies, the use of racial covenants, mob violence ignored by the police, and even the participation of the police and fire departments in harassing anyone who tried to break the color line.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

The Detroit Bankruptcy

The City of Detroit’s bankruptcy was driven by a severe decline in revenues (and, importantly, not an increase in obligations to fund pensions). Depopulation and long-term unemployment caused Detroit’s property and income tax revenues to plummet. The state of Michigan exacerbated the problems by slashing revenue it shared with the city. The city’s overall expenses have declined over the last five years, although its financial expenses have increased. In addition, Wall Street sold risky financial instruments to the city, which now threaten the resolution of this crisis. To return Detroit to long-term fiscal health, the city must increase revenue and extract itself from the financial transactions that threaten to drain its budget even further.

The state of Michigan has exacerbated Detroit’s revenue crisis by slashing $67 million in state revenue sharing with the city. About $24 million dollars of these cuts were due to revenues shared pursuant to the Michigan State Constitution, allocated among cities and towns based on population. Detroit’s allocation was reduced because of population loss in the 2010 census. However, the remaining $42.8 million (64 percent of the total state cuts) were due to statutory revenue sharing and were at the discretion of the state Legislature. By cutting revenue sharing with the city, the state effectively reduced its own budget challenges on the backs of the taxpayers of Detroit (and other cities). These cuts account for nearly a third of the city’s revenue losses between FY 2011 and FY 2013, coming on the heels of the revenue losses from the Great Recession and tipping the city into the cash flow crisis that it is now experiencing. Furthermore, the Legislature placed strict limits on the city’s ability to raise revenue itself to offset these losses.

The Detroit Bankruptcy

Quit while you still got your manhood.

You really think you can take me on?

Kwame Kilpatrick Sentenced, Former Detroit Mayor Gets 28 Years In Prison On Corruption Charges

Kwame Kilpatrick was sentenced to 28 years in prison Thursday, seven months after he was convicted of public corruption in federal court.

It marks the end to another chapter in the saga of Kilpatrick, who was elected mayor of Detroit at the young age of 31. Once mentioned as a possible candidate for president later in life, Detroit’s “hip-hop mayor,” now 43, is generally credited as one of America’s worst mayoral leaders of the past decade.

The former Detroit mayor’s sentencing recommendation called for at least 28 years to life for Kilpatrick, who prosecutors say robbed the City of Detroit of millions through criminal enterprises when it was at its most desperate. It’s “equal to the longest sentence” for corruption ever handed down to a public official, said U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade after the sentencing was announced.

Judge Nancy Edmunds, who announced the sentence Thursday, said that it was important to look at the entire history of the defendant, noting that Kilpatrick’s numerous convictions regarding criminal enterprise were drawn from crimes committed during his entire six-year tenure as Detroit mayor, and possibly even during his time in the Michigan Legislature. It was also important to consider the enormity of the investigation — Edmunds said 34 other people have been convicted for crimes pertaining to Kilpatrick.

.Very weak stuff dude. You can't win this one. You've already lost. Kwame Kilpatrick is not the reason Detroit is where it is today and you've been shown tat. You got knocked out in round one son.
Come on. Time to get real.

The GOP is 90% white. And that left over 10% isn't all black. It includes Asian, Native American, Hispanic, Asian Indian, and everyone else who doesn't identify as white.

We know that for a fact. If you are going to talk race in politics, you have to start there.

Why Republicans keep trying to muddy the waters with nonsense? I don't know. Maybe they aren't as proud of their racism as they should be considering their actions.

For instance,
We know that during the Civil War, the Democratic Party was the Confederate Party and the largest political party in the deep south.
We know that during the time the Democratic Party was the majority in the deep south, they started Jim Crowe laws and the KKK. We know their members were involved in lynchings.
We know these things. They are part of history.

And we also know that today, it's the Republican Party that's the largest political party in the deep south. We know they are the home of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, White Nationalists and the Alt Right. We know these things.

Republicans have no significant numbers of gays, atheists, scientists, liberals or people of color.
We know this for a fact.

Republicans elected a man who brought up race again and again. Some Mexicans don't rape. A Mexican can't be a good judge and so on. We know this for a fact. It's on tape. We can watch it.
What does he say in private if that's what he says in public?

So the bottom line is, if America want's to have a "REAL" discussion on race, then we have to start with the truth. And that means the GOP needs to put it all out there right up front. Once that happens, a true dialog can begin.
There's really not much to discuss. We white racists don't want negroes in power because negroes are stupid.

Dude lay off the meth pipe
m c


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Greenville south Carolina

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So you going to tell us Detroit is a great place to visit you stupid fuck...a 1/3rd of the city is gone...

Their has been reports of black bears in the ghetto of detroit...

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I'd damn sure rather visit Detroit than Greenville South cacka lackey. If 1/3rd is gone its still 7 times larger than Greenville meaning it has still more attractions. We know there are bad areas in Detroit so what's your fucking point? Greenville South Carolina has a population of 58,000 and is 1/10th the size of Detroit. Yet you compare them like they are the same. That's stupid and you are a dumb ass for trying to make them the same.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

Black people are by far the largest racial or ethnic population in Detroit, which has the highest percentage of black residents of any American city with a population over 100,000. Eighty-three percent of the city’s 701,000 residents are black. It continues to be an underreported story that a white state legislature and white governor took over the city and forced it to file for bankruptcy against the will of its elected representatives. It is also underreported that white governors and the white state legislature failed to provide Detroit with its fair share of state tax revenues – a significant contributor to the city’s current financial distress.

Detroit’s bankruptcy plan calls for the near-elimination of the retiree health benefits that city workers earned over the years, as well as drastic cuts in the pensions that retired and current workers have earned and counted on. It is telling, I think, that for the first time since the Michigan constitution was adopted 50 years ago, the governor chose in this case to ignore the Michigan constitution’s guarantee that public employee pension benefits will be paid in full, given that Detroit’s public workforce is majority black and represented by unions that opposed the governor’s election.

Whether as cause or effect, the other key factor was the outmigration of manufacturing jobs, a process that began in the late 1940’s as the auto industry disinvested in Detroit in favor of the surrounding suburbs. The Big 3 later stopped investing in Michigan, leaving devastated cities like Flint and Pontiac in favor of the West, the South, Canada, Mexico and, eventually, Asia.

Government was deeply involved in the racial segregation of the Detroit metropolitan area, as it was in the nation. As early as the 1930’s, the Federal Housing Administration’s underwriting manual instructed mortgage lenders to respect racial covenants, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board sponsored the development of residential security maps that made most minority neighborhoods off-limits for lending. After World War II, when the G.I. Bill gave subsidized mortgages to millions of veterans, the government’s mortgage lending restrictions effectively excluded blacks. The new homes in the white suburban communities around Detroit were built with G.I. bill money that was denied to most blacks.

Government was involved at a more micro level as well. I grew up in all-white Grosse Pointe, one block from the Detroit city limit. The “Pointe system,” which awarded points that individuals needed to qualify as buyers based on their race and religion, was enforced by realtors and civic associations, by violence and threats of violence, and by legal covenants against selling to a non-white. The Pointe system kept black people from purchasing homes in any of the five Grosse Pointe municipalities during most of the 20th century. Other suburban communities, including Dearborn, the home of the Ford Motor Co., were populated along racial lines and maintained their racial segregation through notorious whites-only policies, the use of racial covenants, mob violence ignored by the police, and even the participation of the police and fire departments in harassing anyone who tried to break the color line.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

The Detroit Bankruptcy

The City of Detroit’s bankruptcy was driven by a severe decline in revenues (and, importantly, not an increase in obligations to fund pensions). Depopulation and long-term unemployment caused Detroit’s property and income tax revenues to plummet. The state of Michigan exacerbated the problems by slashing revenue it shared with the city. The city’s overall expenses have declined over the last five years, although its financial expenses have increased. In addition, Wall Street sold risky financial instruments to the city, which now threaten the resolution of this crisis. To return Detroit to long-term fiscal health, the city must increase revenue and extract itself from the financial transactions that threaten to drain its budget even further.

The state of Michigan has exacerbated Detroit’s revenue crisis by slashing $67 million in state revenue sharing with the city. About $24 million dollars of these cuts were due to revenues shared pursuant to the Michigan State Constitution, allocated among cities and towns based on population. Detroit’s allocation was reduced because of population loss in the 2010 census. However, the remaining $42.8 million (64 percent of the total state cuts) were due to statutory revenue sharing and were at the discretion of the state Legislature. By cutting revenue sharing with the city, the state effectively reduced its own budget challenges on the backs of the taxpayers of Detroit (and other cities). These cuts account for nearly a third of the city’s revenue losses between FY 2011 and FY 2013, coming on the heels of the revenue losses from the Great Recession and tipping the city into the cash flow crisis that it is now experiencing. Furthermore, the Legislature placed strict limits on the city’s ability to raise revenue itself to offset these losses.

The Detroit Bankruptcy

Quit while you still got your manhood.

You really think you can take me on?

Kwame Kilpatrick Sentenced, Former Detroit Mayor Gets 28 Years In Prison On Corruption Charges

Kwame Kilpatrick was sentenced to 28 years in prison Thursday, seven months after he was convicted of public corruption in federal court.

It marks the end to another chapter in the saga of Kilpatrick, who was elected mayor of Detroit at the young age of 31. Once mentioned as a possible candidate for president later in life, Detroit’s “hip-hop mayor,” now 43, is generally credited as one of America’s worst mayoral leaders of the past decade.

The former Detroit mayor’s sentencing recommendation called for at least 28 years to life for Kilpatrick, who prosecutors say robbed the City of Detroit of millions through criminal enterprises when it was at its most desperate. It’s “equal to the longest sentence” for corruption ever handed down to a public official, said U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade after the sentencing was announced.

Judge Nancy Edmunds, who announced the sentence Thursday, said that it was important to look at the entire history of the defendant, noting that Kilpatrick’s numerous convictions regarding criminal enterprise were drawn from crimes committed during his entire six-year tenure as Detroit mayor, and possibly even during his time in the Michigan Legislature. It was also important to consider the enormity of the investigation — Edmunds said 34 other people have been convicted for crimes pertaining to Kilpatrick.

.Very weak stuff dude. You can't win this one. You've already lost. Kwame Kilpatrick is not the reason Detroit is where it is today and you've been shown tat. You got knocked out in round one son.
It's actually the negroes that are the reason. The more the demographics shifted to black, the shittier the city became.
When you can produce the racism you claim about me, then we'll talk.

You produce it with every post, hypocrite.

Then you should be able to post a quote.

I just did.

No you did not. You don't get to make up what racism is just because you don't like what's said about what whites are doing.

You’re doing it again, racist.

I've done nothing. Saying that whites are doing it again when they are is not racist.
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