OK, I am Already Sick to Death of the Olympukes

is that why donald adherents are all uneducated? so i'd say you're the a**holes. *shrug*

of course it is. and tough. you live in a diverse country. you white supremacists should probably get over it.
But the Donald has very low support by the least educated and stupidest demographic groups in the US, so how is that possible?

how is it possible?

only stupid people think he isn't an unhinged lunatic
i don't care what you say. what you say is lies and ignorant uninformed assertions. "you guys" outnumber uneducated white supremacist trash like you.

quiet, loon.

go grab one, show it is a lie, so far you have had ample opportunity yet you can't, so all you do is screech and hurl your meaningless ad homs

I hate you guys and your oppressive ways
Today Fox News was talking about the horrid conditions there. They pump sewage directly into the water, crime is very high and criminals are eagerly preying on tourists, and disease is rampant.

Who the fuck thought Rio De Janeiro was a good place to host the Olympics?

It used to be having the Olympics was a reward for having a well run city. Now it's just another scheme for wealth redistribution to poor shitholes.
Several of the athletes have said their stuff has been stolen....even before the games started. Exposed wires in the rooms. No AC. Having to sleep under a mosquito net similar to the one I had to sleep under while I was in Mogadishu Somalia. It was so bad that I had to spray bug spray on the screen to keep the little blood-sucking bastards from working their way through the the screen. This is Brazil. A total shithole of a country.
is that why donald adherents are all uneducated? so i'd say you're the a**holes. *shrug*

of course it is. and tough. you live in a diverse country. you white supremacists should probably get over it.
But the Donald has very low support by the least educated and stupidest demographic groups in the US, so how is that possible?

how is it possible?

only stupid people think he isn't an unhinged lunatic

Only a compete idiot for vote for Hillary and to end their own freedom.
For Fucks sake, cant they just do the real athletics?

The opening 'ceremony' was just a meandering mishmash of libtard/Marxist ideology and bullshit attempt to get oooos and ahs.

And can the nimrods stereotype indigenous people any more than having them come in bowlegged, swaying from left to right, dragging their knuckles like some apes? Hell, that was the most RACIST, really fucking RACIST, portrayal of indigenous people I have ever seen that was not trying to be racist. Indigenous people walk straight and tall just like 'real' people do in the West, for fucks sake.

And if I hear one more ode to the global human race, I will puke on the floor and shoot my TV, so I turned the bilge off. Will have to wait for the swim events and Phelps later..

And couldnt the Brazilians pick a city with a healthy environment and without the contaminated water? The opening show was giving us a hint perhaps of things to come with the body wrap tin foil suits; maybe that is the HazMat suit that Brazilians will have to wear for ever in the near future?

But till then, no, I am not watching that horse shit.
Sorry to hear you were forced to watch it.
For Fucks sake, cant they just do the real athletics?

The opening 'ceremony' was just a meandering mishmash of libtard/Marxist ideology and bullshit attempt to get oooos and ahs.

And can the nimrods stereotype indigenous people any more than having them come in bowlegged, swaying from left to right, dragging their knuckles like some apes? Hell, that was the most RACIST, really fucking RACIST, portrayal of indigenous people I have ever seen that was not trying to be racist. Indigenous people walk straight and tall just like 'real' people do in the West, for fucks sake.

And if I hear one more ode to the global human race, I will puke on the floor and shoot my TV, so I turned the bilge off. Will have to wait for the swim events and Phelps later..

And couldnt the Brazilians pick a city with a healthy environment and without the contaminated water? The opening show was giving us a hint perhaps of things to come with the body wrap tin foil suits; maybe that is the HazMat suit that Brazilians will have to wear for ever in the near future?

But till then, no, I am not watching that horse shit.
So bitter -
Same people who did the happy dance when Rio beat out Chicago because....Obama.
Today Fox News was talking about the horrid conditions there. They pump sewage directly into the water, crime is very high and criminals are eagerly preying on tourists, and disease is rampant.

Who the fuck thought Rio De Janeiro was a good place to host the Olympics?

It used to be having the Olympics was a reward for having a well run city. Now it's just another scheme for wealth redistribution to poor shitholes.
Several of the athletes have said their stuff has been stolen....even before the games started. Exposed wires in the rooms. No AC. Having to sleep under a mosquito net similar to the one I had to sleep under while I was in Mogadishu Somalia. It was so bad that I had to spray bug spray on the screen to keep the little blood-sucking bastards from working their way through the the screen. This is Brazil. A total shithole of a country.

and the democrats are pushing our demographics in the exact same direction
how is it possible?

only stupid people think he isn't an unhinged lunatic
Shillian, all I can say to remedy your affliction, aka ignorance, is to share with you this thought.

Today Fox News was talking about the horrid conditions there. They pump sewage directly into the water, crime is very high and criminals are eagerly preying on tourists, and disease is rampant.

Who the fuck thought Rio De Janeiro was a good place to host the Olympics?

It used to be having the Olympics was a reward for having a well run city. Now it's just another scheme for wealth redistribution to poor shitholes.
Several of the athletes have said their stuff has been stolen....even before the games started. Exposed wires in the rooms. No AC. Having to sleep under a mosquito net similar to the one I had to sleep under while I was in Mogadishu Somalia. It was so bad that I had to spray bug spray on the screen to keep the little blood-sucking bastards from working their way through the the screen. This is Brazil. A total shithole of a country.

and the democrats are pushing our demographics in the exact same direction
BRazils problemis not with demographics, but with political corruption which you have in almost all demographic categories in one form or another.
how is it possible?

only stupid people think he isn't an unhinged lunatic
Shillian, all I can say to remedy your affliction, aka ignorance, is to share with you this thought.


you should probably take that to heart.

poor little uneducated trumpeter

did you take that from what i posted to you or your friends. (you're interchangeable.... *shrug*)
For Fucks sake, cant they just do the real athletics?

The opening 'ceremony' was just a meandering mishmash of libtard/Marxist ideology and bullshit attempt to get oooos and ahs.

And can the nimrods stereotype indigenous people any more than having them come in bowlegged, swaying from left to right, dragging their knuckles like some apes? Hell, that was the most RACIST, really fucking RACIST, portrayal of indigenous people I have ever seen that was not trying to be racist. Indigenous people walk straight and tall just like 'real' people do in the West, for fucks sake.

And if I hear one more ode to the global human race, I will puke on the floor and shoot my TV, so I turned the bilge off. Will have to wait for the swim events and Phelps later..

And couldnt the Brazilians pick a city with a healthy environment and without the contaminated water? The opening show was giving us a hint perhaps of things to come with the body wrap tin foil suits; maybe that is the HazMat suit that Brazilians will have to wear for ever in the near future?

But till then, no, I am not watching that horse shit.

so don't watch.

but remember, each and every one of them has accomplished more than you ever will in your entire life.

it must suck to be white supremacist trash in a diverse world.

It is not about supremacy, it's about being left alone from you assholes

is that why donald adherents are all uneducated?

of course it is. and tough. you live in a diverse country. you white supremacists should probably get over it.

trouble with English? I said it is not about supremacy, it is about being able to live free from you assholes, you are tyrants, that is why I hate you guys
poor little uneducated trumpeter

did you take that from what i posted to you or your friends. (you're interchangeable.... *shrug*)
Lol, what is truly hilarious is that when white Patrician elites try to be sympathetic to Third World ethnics, or 'the generic 'Bronw People' you morons like to go on and on about, they see the stupid ingrained racism of your view of them, despite your best efforts to hide it.

No one has commented on the stereotypical ape-like walk the choreographers gave the entering 'indigenous population' in that whole piece of drek. I was literally cringing at the thought that these idiots that produced this shit was telling the rest of the world, 'This is white what elites think of you.'

I just wish we had some people with real world experience that would know better, not be such blithering fools and NOT CAST US ALL AS RACIST MORONS like you idiots do on a daily basis.
I would expect anyone sufficiently intellectually challenged to even turn on Olympics coverage to be enamored by the pomp and circumstance without seeking deep meaning.
I liked the year they let loose all the white doves. The Russian dancers in the white skirts that did that ballet like thing at the opening of Sochi was awesome, too. It's just a show, for heavens sakes. There is not a single, solitary thing wrong with having an annual event where regular people from all different countries -- rather than their politicians -- get together and compete at athletics rather than shooting each other.
Today Fox News was talking about the horrid conditions there. They pump sewage directly into the water, crime is very high and criminals are eagerly preying on tourists, and disease is rampant.

Who the fuck thought Rio De Janeiro was a good place to host the Olympics?

It used to be having the Olympics was a reward for having a well run city. Now it's just another scheme for wealth redistribution to poor shitholes.
Several of the athletes have said their stuff has been stolen....even before the games started. Exposed wires in the rooms. No AC. Having to sleep under a mosquito net similar to the one I had to sleep under while I was in Mogadishu Somalia. It was so bad that I had to spray bug spray on the screen to keep the little blood-sucking bastards from working their way through the the screen. This is Brazil. A total shithole of a country.

It's part of the ideal I suppose, not everything will be perfect. Even the poorer nations are included. So, the challenge is to stay safe, remain healthy and not be robbed of your possessions all the while visiting the games or trying to win them. The US men's basketball team rented a luxury yacht for their players to stay in. Probably the worst is to be cooped up in an Olympic Village nowadays. People have gotten away from that idea. I won't complain about the pomp and circumstance of the opening ceremonies because the imperfections of politics and how to cheat to win these games will remain. Russia is supposed to win the most medals as they have become a country that knows how to disguise PEDs the best.

exactly why this will not end well eventually, the left are dicks and dismiss those of us who simply want out from under your jackboot

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