ok. I will ask. SunniMan.....


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Do you agree with Sharia law? I asked you once before, a few years ago...if you would be able to stand and watch or participate someone being stoned to death..and you said yes. Do you still stand by that opinion? Also, do you agree with honor killings?

There. It's been asked in a different thread than the one below. I DO appreciate you taking the time to post what other muslims are doing in support of the bombing victims. Now I am asking what your thoughts are on Sharia.

Do all muslims have to abide by sharia in order to be muslim? Or can they be against it and still be muslim?

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Do you agree with Sharia law? I asked you once before, a few years ago...if you would be able to stand and watch or participate someone being stoned to death..and you said yes. Do you still stand by that opinion? Also, do you agree with honor killings?

There. It's been asked in a different thread than the one below. I DO appreciate you taking the time to post what other muslims are doing in support of the bombing victims. Now I am asking what your thoughts are on Sharia.

Do all muslims have to abide by sharia in order to be muslim? Or can they be against it and still be muslim?


Just as a point of accuracy, honor killings have nothing to do with Sharia.
They don't? I had no idea. Which is why I am asking questions. So...where does honor killings come in to play? Is it a muslim thing? Or another religion?
Do you agree with Sharia law? I asked you once before, a few years ago...if you would be able to stand and watch or participate someone being stoned to death..and you said yes. Do you still stand by that opinion? Also, do you agree with honor killings?

There. It's been asked in a different thread than the one below. I DO appreciate you taking the time to post what other muslims are doing in support of the bombing victims. Now I am asking what your thoughts are on Sharia.

Do all muslims have to abide by sharia in order to be muslim? Or can they be against it and still be muslim?


Gracie, why not ask if all Jews have to abide by Talmudic law in order to be Jews? Do all Hindus have to abide by Vedic law? Do all Christians have to abide by Mosiac law?

The answer is not in the least. Those ancient laws have been superceded. Certainly individuals can choose to live by them as long as they do not clash with civil laws. Under the laws of Moses you were allowed to not only own slaves but also to kill them. Do you expect modern Christians to agree with those laws?
Yes, I know. But I want to know what SUNNI thinks. HIS opinion.
1) Honor killings are a cultural practice and have nothing to do with Islam. And are not found in the Quran.

2) What I had said before; was that stoning is the method of execution for criminals who have been sentenced to death by a court of law in some Islamic countries.

In the USA we mainly carry out the death penalty by injection; but we used to use firing squads, electric chair, hanging, gassing.

I personally don't care what method is used for death row inmates. And yes, I would throw a stone, pull the switch, or push the button.

3) Muslims already practice a modified form of Sharia in America and other non muslim countries.
In matters such as marriage, personal finance, divorce, personal disputes, etc

4) For a muslim to be against sharia law. Would be like a Christian saying they are opposed to the Ten Commandments. But you need to remember that sharia law is applied very differently in each muslim country. In some countries it is severe; while in others sharia law is very moderate.
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They don't? I had no idea. Which is why I am asking questions. So...where does honor killings come in to play? Is it a muslim thing? Or another religion?
Actually, honor killing is epidemic among Hindus in India. .. :cool:
In a submission to India's Supreme Court, leaders of caste councils made a plea for greater understanding of those who kill their children for 'honour' but denied encouraging them.

Their submission came amid widespread anger in India over high levels of violence against women following the gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old student on a bus as she travelled home from the cinema with a friend.

According to campaigners there are up to 10,000 'honour killings' in India every year. Most of the victims are young women killed by their fathers and brothers over 'forbidden' relationships or for insisting on marrying a man they love.

Many of those killed were in India's northern states where councils have issued stern warnings against men and women from the same sub-caste marrying each other. Caste elders regard the practice as akin to incest even though the individuals are not related.

Caste leaders have now made a submission to the Supreme Court spelling out demands for new marriage laws banning those in the same sub-castes from marrying one another.

Indian caste councils praise families that carry out 'honour killings' - Telegraph
1) Honor killings are a cultural practice and have nothing to do with Islam. And are not found in the Quran.

2) What I had said before; was that stoning is the method of execution for criminals who have been sentenced to death by a court of law in some Islamic countries.

In the USA we mainly carry out the death penalty by injection; but we used to use firing squads, electric chair, hanging, gassing.

I personally don't care what method is used for death row inmates. And yes, I would throw a stone, pull the switch, or push the button.

3) Muslims already practice a modified form of Sharia in America and other non muslim countries.
In matters such as marriage, personal finance, divorce, personal disputes, etc

4) For a muslim to be against sharia law. Would be like a Christian saying they are opposed to the Ten Commandments. But you need to remember that sharia law is applied very differently in each muslim country. In some countries it is severe; while in others sharia law is very moderate.

Why don't you care about the method of execution used? Personally I think the death penalty is warranted in certain cases. Even if I don't like the poor schmuck,I still want him to die as humanely as possible.

Question: do you believe in the penalties as prescribed by Sharia law? Should a thief have his hand cut off,should adulterers be put to death? Should rape victims have to have three male witnesses to prove rape?
Do you agree with Sharia law? I asked you once before, a few years ago...if you would be able to stand and watch or participate someone being stoned to death..and you said yes. Do you still stand by that opinion? Also, do you agree with honor killings?

There. It's been asked in a different thread than the one below. I DO appreciate you taking the time to post what other muslims are doing in support of the bombing victims. Now I am asking what your thoughts are on Sharia.

Do all muslims have to abide by sharia in order to be muslim? Or can they be against it and still be muslim?


Sometimes women are more fun when they are stoned.

True Story!
Do you agree with Sharia law? I asked you once before, a few years ago...if you would be able to stand and watch or participate someone being stoned to death..and you said yes. Do you still stand by that opinion? Also, do you agree with honor killings?

There. It's been asked in a different thread than the one below. I DO appreciate you taking the time to post what other muslims are doing in support of the bombing victims. Now I am asking what your thoughts are on Sharia.

Do all muslims have to abide by sharia in order to be muslim? Or can they be against it and still be muslim?


Sometimes women are more fun when they are stoned.

True Story!

Why I just stoned my girlfriend the other day!

Oops I meant got stoned with her.

Does that mean we would be stoned under sharia?

4) For a muslim to be against sharia law. Would be like a Christian saying they are opposed to the Ten Commandments. But you need to remember that sharia law is applied very differently in each muslim country. In some countries it is severe; while in others sharia law is very moderate.

Gotcha. I was going in to town today and saw a church I am semi familiar with...in the essence of knowing it was there, but never attending sort of way. But I never noticed the SIGNAGE before...until today. Know what it says in big bold letters?

"We follow Christ. Not Christianity".

Ya know...I am going to have to check that church out more thoroughly I think. I liked what it said. It resonated with me. So...your explanation makes sense as well. BUT...your answer means that yes, indeed, some muslims follow the laws of islam, but not necessarily ALL of them and still consider themselves Muslim? I am not a christian. But I believe in and am a follower or Christ Himself. So yeah...thanks for the response and humoring my questions.

For the record..I would not mind pulling a lever or inserting a needle on someone to cause their death..depending on what they did. And, it would have to be a fast death from the lever and/or the needle. I'm not big on unhuman punishment. But that's me.
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They don't? I had no idea. Which is why I am asking questions. So...where does honor killings come in to play? Is it a muslim thing? Or another religion?

It may be tied to outdated thinking from the Pakistani culture, but not necessarily Muslim.
The same way in India used to burn widows on the funeral pyres of their
husbands, but that is not necessarily tied to Hindu beliefs.

Neither is legal in those countries, but if people get crazy, they will do crazy things.

It is not legal to abuse your wife or children,
but some people who are violent might try abuse Christian religion to justify their beliefs.
4) For a muslim to be against sharia law. Would be like a Christian saying they are opposed to the Ten Commandments. But you need to remember that sharia law is applied very differently in each muslim country. In some countries it is severe; while in others sharia law is very moderate.

Dear Sunni:
Aren't the Ten Commandments part of the Torah and the Christian Scripture that Jews and Christians (and Muslims) follow as given by God.

So these are NOT on the same level as Shariah Law?

Isn't Shariah Law written and established outside the Quran, similar to how Catholic Theology is written as a separate set of laws outside the Bible?

I understand Shariah Law is BASED on teachings in the Quran.
As the Catholic theology is BASED on teachings in the Bible.

But can't you read and commit to the scriptures in the
Torah, Bible and Quran
and Shariah law would still be distinct from those three?
Do all Christians have to abide by Mosiac law?
Christians are not and never have been under Mosiac Law! Not even the top ten! Those laws were given to the Jews because they said they could handle things without God's forgiving grace. So He gave them over 600 rules to live by and 3,000 of them dropped dead on the spot.
Laws depend on man's ability. Life depends on Christ's ability.

Sunni, Christians are not opposed to the Ten Commandments but we are certainly not under the condemnation of them either. A Jew is, but a Christian is not. Whether or not we keep them has nothing to do with our salvation.
Our salvation is not a reward for good behavior, it is a gift in spite of our bad behavior.

And the catch you missed Gracie was:
What I had said before; was that stoning is the method of execution for criminals...........

Ask him what Muslims consider "a crime".
Wasn't it you that posted the picture of the Muslim girl with no nose at another forum? What was her crime again? Or the little girl whose crime was wanting to go to school. The one they raped and shot in the head on the bus. Or the little girl whose father brought her to America, and then ran her over and killed her, because she started acting American. Or the girl they buried and stoned to death because her brother raped a woman and the woman's family demanded honor.

You can take a Muslim out of Sharia Law, but you can't take Sharia Law out of the Muslim. The Qur'an is a religious, and a governing mechanism. It is always severe. The extent of severity varies.
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Sunni is also a holocaust denier that says it is just the Jews narrative.

His exact quote "so called holocaust, alleged event"

So Sunni...Do you think Israel should be wiped off the map? I would really like to know from the so called "moderate" Muslim.

I don't buy into your deception....NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!
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Aren't the Ten Commandments part of the Torah and the Christian Scripture that Jews and Christians (and Muslims) follow as given by God.

Em, the Laws were given to Moses for the Jews. Christians have "adopted" 10 of them as sound doctrine for anybody to follow. Muslims have nothing to do with the Ten Commandments.

You have Jesus' Father confused with other gods, like Allah.
God and Allah are not the same God.
The God of Abraham has a Son, Jesus.
In great big letters on the dome of the rock, Muslims make this statement:
Allah has no son.
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Christians like Irish Ram use the bait-n-switch tactic when defending their fundamentalist brand of Christianity.

That way they can claim anything that suits their fancy; and then later deny it to win an argument.

She is very disingenuous and deceptive in her convoluted reasoning to defend her bizarre End Times eschatology. .. :cool:
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Do you agree with Sharia law? I asked you once before, a few years ago...if you would be able to stand and watch or participate someone being stoned to death..and you said yes. Do you still stand by that opinion? Also, do you agree with honor killings?

There. It's been asked in a different thread than the one below. I DO appreciate you taking the time to post what other muslims are doing in support of the bombing victims. Now I am asking what your thoughts are on Sharia.

Do all muslims have to abide by sharia in order to be muslim? Or can they be against it and still be muslim?


Gracie, why not ask if all Jews have to abide by Talmudic law in order to be Jews? Do all Hindus have to abide by Vedic law? Do all Christians have to abide by Mosiac law?

The answer is not in the least. Those ancient laws have been superceded. Certainly individuals can choose to live by them as long as they do not clash with civil laws. Under the laws of Moses you were allowed to not only own slaves but also to kill them. Do you expect modern Christians to agree with those laws?

Christians never ever have had to abide by those laws in the OT.

But you lie about the OT

Own slaves and kill them? What law by the Lord was that?

Now having read the good book more than once I know you are a liar or stupid beyond.

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