OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

Only cost 320 billion dollars 2017 to bail out the financial institutions and over 700 disappeared. Many of you GOP dupes believe there was no depression in 2008 because there was no one selling apples on the corner. That only cost seven or eight or nine trillion dollars in all. In the same way the S&L crisis probably cost 2 trillion dollars in all... IE add unemployment and Welfare 4 victims Etc.

Only cost 320 billion dollars 2017 to bail out the financial institutions and over 700 disappeared.

That's awful!!

It's also not a depression or a recession.
The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989, causing a recession in 1990-91(also fueled by the oil price crisis), whose effects lasted as late as 1994. This downturn is more remembered for its political effects: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had to resign in November 1990 as a result of the socioeconomic debacle caused by her later policies; and while his approval ratings were above 60%, U.S. President George H. W. Bushlost the 1992 election to Bill Clinton because of the domestic malady marked by the depression and increasing urban decay.

From Wikipedia depression. Glad to educate you Dupes, too bad you're brainwashed...

The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989

Prove it. Perhaps link to NBER and show the dates of that "depression".
Show the massive drop in GDP that occurred during that depression of 1989.
That is the same Wikipedia article that you just quoted... Idiot LOL!

Yup. If you have a different definition of depression that actually fits the 1989 data, post it.

Because there was no depression in 1989. Moron.
No material thicker than dupe skull ...
Savings And Loan Crisis (S&L) - Investopedia
Investopedia › terms › sl-crisis

Widespread corruption and other factors led to the insolvency of the FSLIC, the $124 billion bailout of junk bond investments and the liquidation of more than 700 S&Ls by the Resolution Trust Corporation. The S&L Crisis is arguably the most catastrophic collapse of the banking industry since the Great Depression.
Only cost 320 billion dollars 2017 to bail out the financial institutions and over 700 disappeared.

That's awful!!

It's also not a depression or a recession.
The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989, causing a recession in 1990-91(also fueled by the oil price crisis), whose effects lasted as late as 1994. This downturn is more remembered for its political effects: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had to resign in November 1990 as a result of the socioeconomic debacle caused by her later policies; and while his approval ratings were above 60%, U.S. President George H. W. Bushlost the 1992 election to Bill Clinton because of the domestic malady marked by the depression and increasing urban decay.

From Wikipedia depression. Glad to educate you Dupes, too bad you're brainwashed...

The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989

Prove it. Perhaps link to NBER and show the dates of that "depression".
Show the massive drop in GDP that occurred during that depression of 1989.
That is the same Wikipedia article that you just quoted... Idiot LOL!

Yup. If you have a different definition of depression that actually fits the 1989 data, post it.

Because there was no depression in 1989. Moron.
No material thicker than dupe skull ...
Savings And Loan Crisis (S&L) - Investopedia
Investopedia › terms › sl-crisis

Widespread corruption and other factors led to the insolvency of the FSLIC, the $124 billion bailout of junk bond investments and the liquidation of more than 700 S&Ls by the Resolution Trust Corporation. The S&L Crisis is arguably the most catastrophic collapse of the banking industry since the Great Depression.
You want a diagram? Look at the one you gave... By the 4th quarter of 1989 growth was down to 1%. The GOP finally managed to not have a depression that caused an election of a Democrat. Congratulations. By about 3 months. And the Wikipedia article you quoted said it was a severe depression. You're unbelievably ignorant and brainwashed.
The S&L Scandal and bust was the biggest economic meltdown since 1929 and it was based on Republican corruption and stupidity as usual.

The S&L Scandal and bust was the biggest economic meltdown since 1929

That's awful!!

It's also not a depression or a recession.
Only cost 320 billion dollars 2017 to bail out the financial institutions and over 700 disappeared. Many of you GOP dupes believe there was no depression in 2008 because there was no one selling apples on the corner. That only cost seven or eight or nine trillion dollars in all. In the same way the S&L crisis probably cost 2 trillion dollars in all... IE add unemployment and Welfare 4 victims Etc.

In the United States the National Bureau of Economic Research determines contractions and expansions in the business cycle, but does not declare depressions.[1] Generally, periods labeled depressions are marked by a substantial and sustained shortfall of the ability to purchase goods relative to the amount that could be produced using current resources and technology (potential output).[2] Another proposed definition of depression includes two general rules:[3][4]

  1. a decline in real GDP exceeding 10%, or
  2. a recession lasting 2 or more years.
Depression (economics) - Wikipedia
Wikipedia other depressions... Says 1989 was a depression, dupe.

View attachment 169461

Real Gross Domestic Product

That's so weird, that depression year of 1989 had better GDP growth than any year under Obama. DERP!
Funny how your graph line goes below 1% and God knows where... I do believe you are totally full of s***. Congratulations you are the first person I believe is actually a liar on here.
The S&L Scandal and bust was the biggest economic meltdown since 1929

That's awful!!

It's also not a depression or a recession.
Only cost 320 billion dollars 2017 to bail out the financial institutions and over 700 disappeared. Many of you GOP dupes believe there was no depression in 2008 because there was no one selling apples on the corner. That only cost seven or eight or nine trillion dollars in all. In the same way the S&L crisis probably cost 2 trillion dollars in all... IE add unemployment and Welfare 4 victims Etc.

In the United States the National Bureau of Economic Research determines contractions and expansions in the business cycle, but does not declare depressions.[1] Generally, periods labeled depressions are marked by a substantial and sustained shortfall of the ability to purchase goods relative to the amount that could be produced using current resources and technology (potential output).[2] Another proposed definition of depression includes two general rules:[3][4]

  1. a decline in real GDP exceeding 10%, or
  2. a recession lasting 2 or more years.
Depression (economics) - Wikipedia
Wikipedia other depressions... Says 1989 was a depression, dupe.

View attachment 169461

Real Gross Domestic Product

That's so weird, that depression year of 1989 had better GDP growth than any year under Obama. DERP!
Funny how your graph line goes below 1% and God knows where... I do believe you are totally full of s***. Congratulations you are the first person I believe is actually a liar on here.
Plus number one at asking stupid questions...
Only cost 320 billion dollars 2017 to bail out the financial institutions and over 700 disappeared.

That's awful!!

It's also not a depression or a recession.
The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989, causing a recession in 1990-91(also fueled by the oil price crisis), whose effects lasted as late as 1994. This downturn is more remembered for its political effects: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had to resign in November 1990 as a result of the socioeconomic debacle caused by her later policies; and while his approval ratings were above 60%, U.S. President George H. W. Bushlost the 1992 election to Bill Clinton because of the domestic malady marked by the depression and increasing urban decay.

From Wikipedia depression. Glad to educate you Dupes, too bad you're brainwashed...

The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989

Prove it. Perhaps link to NBER and show the dates of that "depression".
Show the massive drop in GDP that occurred during that depression of 1989.
That is the same Wikipedia article that you just quoted... Idiot LOL!

Yup. If you have a different definition of depression that actually fits the 1989 data, post it.

Because there was no depression in 1989. Moron.
No material thicker than dupe skull ...
Savings And Loan Crisis (S&L) - Investopedia
Investopedia › terms › sl-crisis

Widespread corruption and other factors led to the insolvency of the FSLIC, the $124 billion bailout of junk bond investments and the liquidation of more than 700 S&Ls by the Resolution Trust Corporation. The S&L Crisis is arguably the most catastrophic collapse of the banking industry since the Great Depression.

Yup. Not a depression though.
The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989, causing a recession in 1990-91(also fueled by the oil price crisis), whose effects lasted as late as 1994. This downturn is more remembered for its political effects: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had to resign in November 1990 as a result of the socioeconomic debacle caused by her later policies; and while his approval ratings were above 60%, U.S. President George H. W. Bushlost the 1992 election to Bill Clinton because of the domestic malady marked by the depression and increasing urban decay.

From Wikipedia depression. Glad to educate you Dupes, too bad you're brainwashed...

The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989

Prove it. Perhaps link to NBER and show the dates of that "depression".
Show the massive drop in GDP that occurred during that depression of 1989.
That is the same Wikipedia article that you just quoted... Idiot LOL!

Yup. If you have a different definition of depression that actually fits the 1989 data, post it.

Because there was no depression in 1989. Moron.
No material thicker than dupe skull ...
Savings And Loan Crisis (S&L) - Investopedia
Investopedia › terms › sl-crisis

Widespread corruption and other factors led to the insolvency of the FSLIC, the $124 billion bailout of junk bond investments and the liquidation of more than 700 S&Ls by the Resolution Trust Corporation. The S&L Crisis is arguably the most catastrophic collapse of the banking industry since the Great Depression.
You want a diagram? Look at the one you gave... By the 4th quarter of 1989 growth was down to 1%. The GOP finally managed to not have a depression that caused an election of a Democrat. Congratulations. By about 3 months. And the Wikipedia article you quoted said it was a severe depression. You're unbelievably ignorant and brainwashed.

Look at the one you gave... By the 4th quarter of 1989 growth was down to 1%.

Yes, growth. Not a depression.

And the Wikipedia article you quoted said it was a severe depression.

Probably a moron like you added that error.
The S&L Scandal and bust was the biggest economic meltdown since 1929

That's awful!!

It's also not a depression or a recession.
Only cost 320 billion dollars 2017 to bail out the financial institutions and over 700 disappeared. Many of you GOP dupes believe there was no depression in 2008 because there was no one selling apples on the corner. That only cost seven or eight or nine trillion dollars in all. In the same way the S&L crisis probably cost 2 trillion dollars in all... IE add unemployment and Welfare 4 victims Etc.

In the United States the National Bureau of Economic Research determines contractions and expansions in the business cycle, but does not declare depressions.[1] Generally, periods labeled depressions are marked by a substantial and sustained shortfall of the ability to purchase goods relative to the amount that could be produced using current resources and technology (potential output).[2] Another proposed definition of depression includes two general rules:[3][4]

  1. a decline in real GDP exceeding 10%, or
  2. a recession lasting 2 or more years.
Depression (economics) - Wikipedia
Wikipedia other depressions... Says 1989 was a depression, dupe.

View attachment 169461

Real Gross Domestic Product

That's so weird, that depression year of 1989 had better GDP growth than any year under Obama. DERP!
Funny how your graph line goes below 1% and God knows where... I do believe you are totally full of s***. Congratulations you are the first person I believe is actually a liar on here.


This is a depression.
Growth of 1% isn't even a recession.

You're an idiot....no lie.
The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989

Prove it. Perhaps link to NBER and show the dates of that "depression".
Show the massive drop in GDP that occurred during that depression of 1989.
That is the same Wikipedia article that you just quoted... Idiot LOL!

Yup. If you have a different definition of depression that actually fits the 1989 data, post it.

Because there was no depression in 1989. Moron.
No material thicker than dupe skull ...
Savings And Loan Crisis (S&L) - Investopedia
Investopedia › terms › sl-crisis

Widespread corruption and other factors led to the insolvency of the FSLIC, the $124 billion bailout of junk bond investments and the liquidation of more than 700 S&Ls by the Resolution Trust Corporation. The S&L Crisis is arguably the most catastrophic collapse of the banking industry since the Great Depression.
You want a diagram? Look at the one you gave... By the 4th quarter of 1989 growth was down to 1%. The GOP finally managed to not have a depression that caused an election of a Democrat. Congratulations. By about 3 months. And the Wikipedia article you quoted said it was a severe depression. You're unbelievably ignorant and brainwashed.

Look at the one you gave... By the 4th quarter of 1989 growth was down to 1%.

Yes, growth. Not a depression.

And the Wikipedia article you quoted said it was a severe depression.

Probably a moron like you added that error.
Where does the graph in 1990 go, liar LOL!
Only cost 320 billion dollars 2017 to bail out the financial institutions and over 700 disappeared. Many of you GOP dupes believe there was no depression in 2008 because there was no one selling apples on the corner. That only cost seven or eight or nine trillion dollars in all. In the same way the S&L crisis probably cost 2 trillion dollars in all... IE add unemployment and Welfare 4 victims Etc.

In the United States the National Bureau of Economic Research determines contractions and expansions in the business cycle, but does not declare depressions.[1] Generally, periods labeled depressions are marked by a substantial and sustained shortfall of the ability to purchase goods relative to the amount that could be produced using current resources and technology (potential output).[2] Another proposed definition of depression includes two general rules:[3][4]

  1. a decline in real GDP exceeding 10%, or
  2. a recession lasting 2 or more years.
Depression (economics) - Wikipedia
Wikipedia other depressions... Says 1989 was a depression, dupe.

View attachment 169461

Real Gross Domestic Product

That's so weird, that depression year of 1989 had better GDP growth than any year under Obama. DERP!
Funny how your graph line goes below 1% and God knows where... I do believe you are totally full of s***. Congratulations you are the first person I believe is actually a liar on here.

View attachment 169475

This is a depression.
Growth of 1% isn't even a recession.

You're an idiot....no lie.
So GDP growth in 1991 was -0.1%... What's your explanation for that lol!
U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2016 | Statista
The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989, causing a recession in 1990-91(also fueled by the oil price crisis), whose effects lasted as late as 1994. This downturn is more remembered for its political effects: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had to resign in November 1990 as a result of the socioeconomic debacle caused by her later policies; and while his approval ratings were above 60%, U.S. President George H. W. Bushlost the 1992 election to Bill Clinton because of the domestic malady marked by the depression and increasing urban decay.

From Wikipedia depression. Glad to educate you Dupes, too bad you're brainwashed...

The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989

Prove it. Perhaps link to NBER and show the dates of that "depression".
Show the massive drop in GDP that occurred during that depression of 1989.
That is the same Wikipedia article that you just quoted... Idiot LOL!

Yup. If you have a different definition of depression that actually fits the 1989 data, post it.

Because there was no depression in 1989. Moron.
No material thicker than dupe skull ...
Savings And Loan Crisis (S&L) - Investopedia
Investopedia › terms › sl-crisis

Widespread corruption and other factors led to the insolvency of the FSLIC, the $124 billion bailout of junk bond investments and the liquidation of more than 700 S&Ls by the Resolution Trust Corporation. The S&L Crisis is arguably the most catastrophic collapse of the banking industry since the Great Depression.

Yup. Not a depression though.
Because we just had to spend 2 trillion dollars, right idiot?
The S&L Scandal and bust was the biggest economic meltdown since 1929

That's awful!!

It's also not a depression or a recession.
Only cost 320 billion dollars 2017 to bail out the financial institutions and over 700 disappeared. Many of you GOP dupes believe there was no depression in 2008 because there was no one selling apples on the corner. That only cost seven or eight or nine trillion dollars in all. In the same way the S&L crisis probably cost 2 trillion dollars in all... IE add unemployment and Welfare 4 victims Etc.

In the United States the National Bureau of Economic Research determines contractions and expansions in the business cycle, but does not declare depressions.[1] Generally, periods labeled depressions are marked by a substantial and sustained shortfall of the ability to purchase goods relative to the amount that could be produced using current resources and technology (potential output).[2] Another proposed definition of depression includes two general rules:[3][4]

  1. a decline in real GDP exceeding 10%, or
  2. a recession lasting 2 or more years.
Depression (economics) - Wikipedia

He is so dishonest, we catch him in lie after lie after lie and he still pretends he is a man of good character. He fits in well with the other liars in the Democratic Party.
Shove it up your ass you stupid dupe. I make mistakes but I'm no liar. I don't believe you're a liar either just ignorant and brainwashed. That makes you a hater dupe. I don't hate you most of my friends are dupes. My area voted 73% Trump.
So Wikipedia and most other non propaganda sources say 1989 was a Depression. Where is my apology?

LOL! Wikipedia is a reliable source? Anyone can add to Wiki, dupe!

The History of Recessions In The United States
A Review Of Past Recessions
13 Of The Worst Recessions / Depressions In US History
11 Recessions Since the Great Depression

All the above articles refer to the 90-91 recession as caused by the S&L Crisis. You know the S&L Crisis that created the Keating Five Hearings of the five Senators that were accused of using their power to help a certain S&L out. Hmmm....four out of the five Senators were Democrats, pretty interesting how you blame Republicans.

What other reliable source shows the United States was in a depression in 1989? The articles I read say recession and show that the last United States depression was in 30's. So no apology until you give a reliable source and Wiki is laughable as a reliable source. Nice try hater dupe.
That is the same Wikipedia article that you just quoted... Idiot LOL!

Yup. If you have a different definition of depression that actually fits the 1989 data, post it.

Because there was no depression in 1989. Moron.
No material thicker than dupe skull ...
Savings And Loan Crisis (S&L) - Investopedia
Investopedia › terms › sl-crisis

Widespread corruption and other factors led to the insolvency of the FSLIC, the $124 billion bailout of junk bond investments and the liquidation of more than 700 S&Ls by the Resolution Trust Corporation. The S&L Crisis is arguably the most catastrophic collapse of the banking industry since the Great Depression.
You want a diagram? Look at the one you gave... By the 4th quarter of 1989 growth was down to 1%. The GOP finally managed to not have a depression that caused an election of a Democrat. Congratulations. By about 3 months. And the Wikipedia article you quoted said it was a severe depression. You're unbelievably ignorant and brainwashed.

Look at the one you gave... By the 4th quarter of 1989 growth was down to 1%.

Yes, growth. Not a depression.

And the Wikipedia article you quoted said it was a severe depression.

Probably a moron like you added that error.
Where does the graph in 1990 go, liar LOL!

You need a 1990 graph to prove your 1989 depression? DERP!
In the United States the National Bureau of Economic Research determines contractions and expansions in the business cycle, but does not declare depressions.[1] Generally, periods labeled depressions are marked by a substantial and sustained shortfall of the ability to purchase goods relative to the amount that could be produced using current resources and technology (potential output).[2] Another proposed definition of depression includes two general rules:[3][4]

  1. a decline in real GDP exceeding 10%, or
  2. a recession lasting 2 or more years.
Depression (economics) - Wikipedia
Wikipedia other depressions... Says 1989 was a depression, dupe.

View attachment 169461

Real Gross Domestic Product

That's so weird, that depression year of 1989 had better GDP growth than any year under Obama. DERP!
Funny how your graph line goes below 1% and God knows where... I do believe you are totally full of s***. Congratulations you are the first person I believe is actually a liar on here.

View attachment 169475

This is a depression.
Growth of 1% isn't even a recession.

You're an idiot....no lie.
So GDP growth in 1991 was -0.1%... What's your explanation for that lol!
U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2016 | Statista

So GDP growth in 1991 was -0.1%... What's your explanation for that lol!

My explanation is that 1991 is 2 years after your "1989 Depression" DERP!
And -0.1% is barely even a recession.
The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989

Prove it. Perhaps link to NBER and show the dates of that "depression".
Show the massive drop in GDP that occurred during that depression of 1989.
That is the same Wikipedia article that you just quoted... Idiot LOL!

Yup. If you have a different definition of depression that actually fits the 1989 data, post it.

Because there was no depression in 1989. Moron.
No material thicker than dupe skull ...
Savings And Loan Crisis (S&L) - Investopedia
Investopedia › terms › sl-crisis

Widespread corruption and other factors led to the insolvency of the FSLIC, the $124 billion bailout of junk bond investments and the liquidation of more than 700 S&Ls by the Resolution Trust Corporation. The S&L Crisis is arguably the most catastrophic collapse of the banking industry since the Great Depression.

Yup. Not a depression though.
Because we just had to spend 2 trillion dollars, right idiot?

Who said that?
Only cost 320 billion dollars 2017 to bail out the financial institutions and over 700 disappeared. Many of you GOP dupes believe there was no depression in 2008 because there was no one selling apples on the corner. That only cost seven or eight or nine trillion dollars in all. In the same way the S&L crisis probably cost 2 trillion dollars in all... IE add unemployment and Welfare 4 victims Etc.

In the United States the National Bureau of Economic Research determines contractions and expansions in the business cycle, but does not declare depressions.[1] Generally, periods labeled depressions are marked by a substantial and sustained shortfall of the ability to purchase goods relative to the amount that could be produced using current resources and technology (potential output).[2] Another proposed definition of depression includes two general rules:[3][4]

  1. a decline in real GDP exceeding 10%, or
  2. a recession lasting 2 or more years.
Depression (economics) - Wikipedia

He is so dishonest, we catch him in lie after lie after lie and he still pretends he is a man of good character. He fits in well with the other liars in the Democratic Party.
Shove it up your ass you stupid dupe. I make mistakes but I'm no liar. I don't believe you're a liar either just ignorant and brainwashed. That makes you a hater dupe. I don't hate you most of my friends are dupes. My area voted 73% Trump.
So Wikipedia and most other non propaganda sources say 1989 was a Depression. Where is my apology?

LOL! Wikipedia is a reliable source? Anyone can add to Wiki, dupe!

The History of Recessions In The United States
A Review Of Past Recessions
13 Of The Worst Recessions / Depressions In US History
11 Recessions Since the Great Depression

All the above articles refer to the 90-91 recession as caused by the S&L Crisis. You know the S&L Crisis that created the Keating Five Hearings of the five Senators that were accused of using their power to help a certain S&L out. Hmmm....four out of the five Senators were Democrats, pretty interesting how you blame Republicans.

What other reliable source shows the United States was in a depression in 1989? The articles I read say recession and show that the last United States depression was in 30's. So no apology until you give a reliable source and Wiki is laughable as a reliable source. Nice try hater dupe.
Yes only bought off High School grad GOP pundits are reliable LOL... So when the GDP was at -0.1 % for all of 1991, how do you explain that? does that make it a depression. You're damn straight it does Super dupe.
U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2016 | Statista
That is the same Wikipedia article that you just quoted... Idiot LOL!

Yup. If you have a different definition of depression that actually fits the 1989 data, post it.

Because there was no depression in 1989. Moron.
No material thicker than dupe skull ...
Savings And Loan Crisis (S&L) - Investopedia
Investopedia › terms › sl-crisis

Widespread corruption and other factors led to the insolvency of the FSLIC, the $124 billion bailout of junk bond investments and the liquidation of more than 700 S&Ls by the Resolution Trust Corporation. The S&L Crisis is arguably the most catastrophic collapse of the banking industry since the Great Depression.

Yup. Not a depression though.
Because we just had to spend 2 trillion dollars, right idiot?

Who said that?
I did, because I'm smart enough to realize that in 2008 we spent 2 trillion on bailouts and later 6 trillion on other crap like welfare and unemployment. So if we spent 300 billion in bailouts just in 1989, I'm betting we blew 2 trillion on UE and Welfare. Also I got laid off in 1991 and unemployment lasted 72 weeks, the longest ever by far until 2008. And considering that the economy just went downhill for 3 years even with that bailout, it was worse than the GOP thought.... But that would take a brain to figure out what you jackasses don't have LOL

You guys are f****** morons if you haven't figured out yet that the GOP is run by greedy assholes and you are their dupes.
Last edited:
In the United States the National Bureau of Economic Research determines contractions and expansions in the business cycle, but does not declare depressions.[1] Generally, periods labeled depressions are marked by a substantial and sustained shortfall of the ability to purchase goods relative to the amount that could be produced using current resources and technology (potential output).[2] Another proposed definition of depression includes two general rules:[3][4]

  1. a decline in real GDP exceeding 10%, or
  2. a recession lasting 2 or more years.
Depression (economics) - Wikipedia

He is so dishonest, we catch him in lie after lie after lie and he still pretends he is a man of good character. He fits in well with the other liars in the Democratic Party.
Shove it up your ass you stupid dupe. I make mistakes but I'm no liar. I don't believe you're a liar either just ignorant and brainwashed. That makes you a hater dupe. I don't hate you most of my friends are dupes. My area voted 73% Trump.
So Wikipedia and most other non propaganda sources say 1989 was a Depression. Where is my apology?

LOL! Wikipedia is a reliable source? Anyone can add to Wiki, dupe!

The History of Recessions In The United States
A Review Of Past Recessions
13 Of The Worst Recessions / Depressions In US History
11 Recessions Since the Great Depression

All the above articles refer to the 90-91 recession as caused by the S&L Crisis. You know the S&L Crisis that created the Keating Five Hearings of the five Senators that were accused of using their power to help a certain S&L out. Hmmm....four out of the five Senators were Democrats, pretty interesting how you blame Republicans.

What other reliable source shows the United States was in a depression in 1989? The articles I read say recession and show that the last United States depression was in 30's. So no apology until you give a reliable source and Wiki is laughable as a reliable source. Nice try hater dupe.
Yes only bought off High School grad GOP pundits are reliable LOL... So when the GDP was at -0.1 % for all of 1991, how do you explain that? does that make it a depression. You're damn straight it does Super dupe.
U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2016 | Statista

So when the GDP was at -0.1 % for all of 1991, how do you explain that? does that make it a depression. You're damn straight it does


You're a moron.
Yup. If you have a different definition of depression that actually fits the 1989 data, post it.

Because there was no depression in 1989. Moron.
No material thicker than dupe skull ...
Savings And Loan Crisis (S&L) - Investopedia
Investopedia › terms › sl-crisis

Widespread corruption and other factors led to the insolvency of the FSLIC, the $124 billion bailout of junk bond investments and the liquidation of more than 700 S&Ls by the Resolution Trust Corporation. The S&L Crisis is arguably the most catastrophic collapse of the banking industry since the Great Depression.

Yup. Not a depression though.
Because we just had to spend 2 trillion dollars, right idiot?

Who said that?
I did, because I'm smart enough to realize that in 2008 we spent 2 trillion on bailouts and later 6 trillion on other crap like welfare and unemployment. So if we spent 300 billion in bailouts just in 1989, I'm betting we blew 2 trillion on UE and Welfare. Also I got laid off in 1991 and unemployment lasted 72 weeks, the longest ever by far until 2008. And considering that the economy just went downhill for 3 years even with that bailout, it was bigger than the GOP thought.... But that would take a brain to figure out what you jackasses don't have LOL

You guys are f****** morons if you haven't figured out yet that the GOP is run by greedy assholes and you are their dupes.

So if we spent 300 billion in bailouts just in 1989, I'm betting we blew 2 trillion on UE and Welfare.

You'd lose that bet.
Wikipedia other depressions... Says 1989 was a depression, dupe.

View attachment 169461

Real Gross Domestic Product

That's so weird, that depression year of 1989 had better GDP growth than any year under Obama. DERP!
Funny how your graph line goes below 1% and God knows where... I do believe you are totally full of s***. Congratulations you are the first person I believe is actually a liar on here.

View attachment 169475

This is a depression.
Growth of 1% isn't even a recession.

You're an idiot....no lie.
So GDP growth in 1991 was -0.1%... What's your explanation for that lol!
U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2016 | Statista

So GDP growth in 1991 was -0.1%... What's your explanation for that lol!

My explanation is that 1991 is 2 years after your "1989 Depression" DERP!
And -0.1% is barely even a recession.
To go from 4% bubble to 1% in a year and then 2 - 0.1% the next year is it depression jackass, as defined in the article you quoted which also said it was a severe depression. God you are so thick
View attachment 169461

Real Gross Domestic Product

That's so weird, that depression year of 1989 had better GDP growth than any year under Obama. DERP!
Funny how your graph line goes below 1% and God knows where... I do believe you are totally full of s***. Congratulations you are the first person I believe is actually a liar on here.

View attachment 169475

This is a depression.
Growth of 1% isn't even a recession.

You're an idiot....no lie.
So GDP growth in 1991 was -0.1%... What's your explanation for that lol!
U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2016 | Statista

So GDP growth in 1991 was -0.1%... What's your explanation for that lol!

My explanation is that 1991 is 2 years after your "1989 Depression" DERP!
And -0.1% is barely even a recession.
To go from 4% bubble to 1% in a year and then 2 - 0.1% the next year is it depression jackass, as defined in the article you quoted which also said it was a severe depression. God you are so thick
Ie,The savings & loans and the leveraged buyoutcrises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989, causing a recession in 1990-91(also fueled by the oil price crisis), whose effects lasted as late as 1994. This downturn is more remembered for its political effects: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had to resign in November 1990 as a result of the socioeconomic debacle caused by her later policies; and while his approval ratings were above 60%, U.S. President George H. W. Bushlost the 1992 election to Bill Clinton because of the domestic malady marked by the depression and increasing urban decay.

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