ok is trying to alienate teachers?

I can't wait til the Special Ed kids come into classes, have an incident, and sue the heck out of the nosy parents who insist on this. It will happen.

You really need to try to have more respect for the parents, it's pretty sad that you think of them this way, and why a lot of parents want access to see what their kids are exposed to every day.
This from the guy that invented the super secure room parents would make an appointment to go watch the videos in...but now they have to do within a week or they are SOL
It was an exaggeration for problem solving purposes.

The same effect can be had with a secure server, a VPN and a single use time limited access code.

And so what if only a limited time frame of videos are kept?

I never once said every class that every kid is ever in had to have a video record kept for fucking eternity. That's you making shit up

This is just another way a parent can sit in on a class and it's better than doing it in person because the mere presence of a parent in the class changes the behavior of the teachers and the students.
I can't wait til the Special Ed kids come into classes, have an incident, and sue the heck out of the nosy parents who insist on this. It will happen.
How is that incident the parents' fault?

It's the teacher's fault for not being able to control a kid and I think parents should know if a teacher can't control a kid.
These camera crazed people have driven me to this: If this ever happens in my classroom, instead of just making this face at students (below), I will turn to the camera and say, "You catch that Mrs. Smith? That's the kid you tell me never, ever acts up at home. See that? I hope you got it. And OH LOOK, Mrs. Brown. Your darling has his hands down his pants...again. Maybe you can address that with him?"

Heaven help you if your kid is the one going through the hands down the pants phase. Because now so many people can see it. What a world.

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Yeah you strike me as petty and unprofessional

I specifically said that a parent can be required to request a viewing after showing ID, signing an agreement, and be given a single use time limited pass code to watch the video from a secure server
The same parents who don't have time to go visit their children's classes have time for all that nonsense? Just admit it's a stupid idea and cut your losses.
If one is so worried about things that they want cameras in classrooms why aren't they themself a teacher?
Wrong! You're talking to someone who is steeped in the pertinent case law along this line of decidendi going back to Everson v. The Board of Education. The issue pertains to the use of public funds, the collected revenue of direct taxation and/or the redirected revenue of incentives, by private schools.

You don't know what you're talking about.
We have already established that you cannot read. Everson dealt with transportation of parochial students and did not directly benefit the parochial schools. Please explain how this applies,, because it simply does not.
The families of my students know that they don't need any appointment to come sit in on any of my classes any time they want. They know that they can email or text me any time of the day or night. I talk to many of them regularly by phone outside of their working hours. Yes, they all have my personal phone/text number. It's rare that I don't spend at least an hour after school giving extra help to students who need it/ask for it. Some kids come to my room after school because I save my lunch and give it to kids I know are hungry. I then go to another school where I coach kids from all over the city for another 2-3 hours. Parents often come to watch practice. Some just come by to shoot the shit. No secret cameras needed.
Yes, and that is exactly what makes the private sector more efficient, less bloated, and more successful, all three good things. The private sector never will take us to the moon since it accomplishes nothing worth while, when or if that changes then they will.
Providing all with a basic education is generally being more efficient, less bloated, and more successful. The private sector will take some to the moon because those having too much are axiomatically self-centered and wasteful.

If the rich had better things to do, they would be working to improve public education instead of continually plotting its demise. Then more could perhaps appreciate the efficiency of writing worthwhile correctly and the success of using periods instead of confusingly separating thoughts with commas. They best get their priorities straight soon. I hope they will.

The proposed act, named the “Students’ Religious Belief Protection Act” mean parents can demand the removal of any book with perceived anti-religious content from school. Subjects like LGBTQ issues, evolution, the big bang theory and even birth control could be off the table.

Teachers could be sued a minimum of $10,000 “per incident, per individual” and the fines would be paid “from personal resources” not from school funds or from individuals or groups. If the teacher is unable to pay, they will be fired, under the legislation.

i simply cannot believe the absolute stupidity of trying to fine teachers...in the age of everyone is offended by something
It's either that or change schooling of children from public to private sources. We got by just fine when school classes were held in church buildings and public schools did not exist. Cramming atheism down the throats of children whose parents believe in God is a travesty that is intolerable. Did a public school system create the incandescent lamp? NOPE! Thomas Edison's ma educated him when a public schoolmarm ran him off. Schools cost taxpayers a trillion dollars a year now just in this country. It's time to end public schools. They're ovens that are baking religion to death. Religion is necessary for peacemaking. Absence of Christian precepts in today's expensive schools has turned society here a dog-eat-dog proposition. And atheists in the school system demand it. Public schools are no longer useful because it is now tearing up famillies and cursing parents who make moral expectations on their children's behaviors.
It's either that or change schooling of children from public to private sources. We got by just fine when school classes were held in church buildings and public schools did not exist. Cramming atheism down the throats of children whose parents believe in God is a travesty that is intolerable. Did a public school system create the incandescent lamp? NOPE! Thomas Edison's ma educated him when a public schoolmarm ran him off. Schools cost taxpayers a trillion dollars a year now just in this country. It's time to end public schools. They're ovens that are baking religion to death. Religion is necessary for peacemaking. Absence of Christian precepts in today's expensive schools has turned society here a dog-eat-dog proposition. And atheists in the school system demand it. Public schools are no longer useful because it is now tearing up famillies and cursing parents who make moral expectations on their children's behaviors
So, what are these Christian precepts you find missing in our schools? I once taught a class where I was the only "white" person in my class and the only Christian.

How are schools "tearing up families and cursing parents who make moral expectations on their children's behaviors"? Have you ever been in a public school in your existence here on this planet? If you had, where did you see this happening?

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