ok is trying to alienate teachers?

We got by just fine when school classes were held in church buildings and public schools did not exist.
'Cause even them thar Jews and Muslims love themselves more in a nice church billin'!

Cheap, comfy, and efficient!
As it is we have a blistering teacher shortage that is only getting worse. It was bad before the pandemic. Now it's just something like I never imagined.

I work in a good district. Say, long about 15 years ago, we had hundreds--no exaggeration--of applications for a single elementary grade level teaching position. It was ridiculous. Now, it's a bidding war. Even before the pandemic, young people were not going into it. Now? Tumbleweeds everywhere.

My fellow conservatives who bash ALL teachers have no idea what they're bringing on. Yes, some of it is deserved. But in 10 years when the teachers we do have are even worse, because they basically must hire high school drop outs to do it, don't say we didn't warn you.

And don't even get me started on Special Ed. Just....don't.
Sweet sue.
You really a teacher? I Believe, but.........
You seem to support ALL conservative issues, but when Education comes up, you get defensive, which you should, as a REAL public School Teacher.
Teachers are just highly paid babysitters, nothing more.
SweetSue92 Your thoughts on IDIOT Toffeenut Baconsmuggler
it doesn't have to be live but it could be.

All you have to do is seat the kids behind the sight line of the cameras so they aren't seen at all.

You could also mic the teacher so the voices of the kids are not prominent on the recordings

I see no reason why any teacher would object to parents knowing exactly what is taught to their kids.
Is Biden going to finance this ^^^^ and even add more to the debt? You support this?
Your simple video solutions are stoooppid. Did I spell that correctly?

You can record my classroom anytime.
Nothing to hide.
You won't find what you are looking for.
Waste of money, this Debt cannot increase even more, or not?
Attack teachers, by all means, spend the money to find NOTHING nefarious. Darn.

This attack on teachers is a RW talking point. Useless.
So, what are these Christian precepts you find missing in our schools? I once taught a class where I was the only "white" person in my class and the only Christian.

How are schools "tearing up families and cursing parents who make moral expectations on their children's behaviors"? Have you ever been in a public school in your existence here on this planet? If you had, where did you see this happening?
With all due respect, none of your business, Sir.
From reading your posts you don't seem to have much respect for the parents, and perhaps that is warranted in some cases, I'm sure you deal with a lot of issues with parents. But most parents only want what is best for their kids, and if they are all parents of the same age group, I'm guessing they're all familiar with the proclivities of that age, like sticking their hands down their pants. lol

I have deep respect for parents' place in a child's life, always. In other words, the place of "authority" is always to be respected. Beyond that, respect is earned.

BTW, I carry that philosophy into my classroom. Students should give me some small measure of respect because I am the adult in the room, but that is a tiny bit. The rest I must earn. I never forget that.
kids lie to their parents all the time.

Are you that naïve?

So here's what you think of kids:

They don't deserve games in school and you got sarcastic when this was brought up

and they lie all the time

Hey, stay away from kids, okay? You don't like teachers. And you clearly do not like children.
You really need to try to have more respect for the parents, it's pretty sad that you think of them this way, and why a lot of parents want access to see what their kids are exposed to every day.

I do not understand how anyone, at all, anyone, can look around in the 21st century at the general population of adults and think, oh yep, hey, these HAVE to be some stellar adults sending their children to school with the very best ideas ever.

Really? No. Really?

Conservatives make parents out to be heroes in capes and liberals make teachers out to be heroes in capes.

Don't do this.

The truth is: most are decent people just doing the best they can. Some are decent people with bad ideas. And the worst of those can make a whole, whole lot of trouble for everyone else. (see: nosy parents).
How so? You have 60 students, three teachers, 42 agree to the video, 18 do not. 18 in one classroom, 21 in the 2nd, and 21 in the 3rd. You'd have to consider scenarios where the numbers may be more skewed to one side, and then come up with other alternatives. You want the entire plan down to the minutest detail handed to you, or it's just an impossible task, but you only demand that because you know that's the only way you can keep arguing against it. You're totally unwilling to have an open mind and consider that there could be options that would work, put together by people that have more experience on the subject than either of us. I know why you're unwilling, it just keeps the argument going in circles, which is has for over 30 pages now.

I have already explained this to you and YOU refuse to see.


But what will really happen is when you folks get your way and you have, say, 18 boys and 6 girls in one class because of your precious videotapes, and the academic needs are all skewed (hey, who cares about THAT), then you will just have more and more teachers quit, retire early, tell everyone they know not to go into the profession.

but hey, let it burn, just like everything else.
Yep, must enjoy hearing himself talk. Ironically, just like Trump... :laughing0301:

No actually. You all would skew very serious academic and behavior needs for the sake of your videotapes. So the whole year will be a hot mess but HEY! You got it on tape. That's the important thing.
How is that incident the parents' fault?

It's the teacher's fault for not being able to control a kid and I think parents should know if a teacher can't control a kid.

The depth of your utter ignorance as you spout off here is legion. It's so deep you don't even know. It's embarrassing, for you. It's clear you are speaking from a 1980s school paradigm, for instance, when the kids with the most needs were kept in separate areas of the school, most often, in separate schools.

Just...really, you just blew everything apart. You don't know.
It's either that or change schooling of children from public to private sources. We got by just fine when school classes were held in church buildings and public schools did not exist. Cramming atheism down the throats of children whose parents believe in God is a travesty that is intolerable. Did a public school system create the incandescent lamp? NOPE! Thomas Edison's ma educated him when a public schoolmarm ran him off. Schools cost taxpayers a trillion dollars a year now just in this country. It's time to end public schools. They're ovens that are baking religion to death. Religion is necessary for peacemaking. Absence of Christian precepts in today's expensive schools has turned society here a dog-eat-dog proposition. And atheists in the school system demand it. Public schools are no longer useful because it is now tearing up famillies and cursing parents who make moral expectations on their children's behaviors.

Too generalized by far. True in some places, far from true in others.
Too generalized by far. True in some places, far from true in others.
None of what I said is false. And if I had to do it again, I would definitely homeschool my children rather than send them to a school where a female teacher abused her male students. She was fired 2 years after our family's 'experience' for telling a child whose grandparent died and the instructor marched the little girl up to the front of the class and said these words: "I want all of you to know what a stupid idiot looks like" when the child missed 2 days of school to attend the wake and funeral. The teacher in question didn't bother to ask why. Several other parents whose sons were treated in a different negative way by the hateful teacher had to get counselling for their suicidal depression. The board suspended her for 2 weeks to look into her history of parental complaints before her firing. That was my first experience with something might be wrong with public schooling. I had thought my child's experience was just a clash of personalities, but it wasn't. According to other mothers, the teacher was spiteful to all boys and too accommodating to the girls in her classes. I had no idea how bad the problem was. We loved our son, but that woman crippled 6 years of little boys who left that class distrusting women and girls. I'm done with this thread and its righteous judges.
None of what I said is false. And if I had to do it again, I would definitely homeschool my children rather than send them to a school where a female teacher abused her male students. She was fired 2 years after our family's 'experience' for telling a child whose grandparent died and the instructor marched the little girl up to the front of the class and said these words: "I want all of you to know what a stupid idiot looks like" when the child missed 2 days of school to attend the wake and funeral. The teacher in question didn't bother to ask why. Several other parents whose sons were treated in a different negative way by the hateful teacher had to get counselling for their suicidal depression. The board suspended her for 2 weeks to look into her history of parental complaints before her firing. That was my first experience with something might be wrong with public schooling. I had thought my child's experience was just a clash of personalities, but it wasn't. According to other mothers, the teacher was spiteful to all boys and too accommodating to the girls in her classes. I had no idea how bad the problem was. We loved our son, but that woman crippled 6 years of little boys who left that class distrusting women and girls. I'm done with this thread and its righteous judges.

A pernicious witch who did too much harm. No doubt about that.


Is it right to judge MILLIONS of teachers by your one experience in one school?

Do you do that with police officers, or condone it when the left does it?
None of what I said is false. And if I had to do it again, I would definitely homeschool my children rather than send them to a school where a female teacher abused her male students. She was fired 2 years after our family's 'experience' for telling a child whose grandparent died and the instructor marched the little girl up to the front of the class and said these words: "I want all of you to know what a stupid idiot looks like" when the child missed 2 days of school to attend the wake and funeral. The teacher in question didn't bother to ask why. Several other parents whose sons were treated in a different negative way by the hateful teacher had to get counselling for their suicidal depression. The board suspended her for 2 weeks to look into her history of parental complaints before her firing. That was my first experience with something might be wrong with public schooling. I had thought my child's experience was just a clash of personalities, but it wasn't. According to other mothers, the teacher was spiteful to all boys and too accommodating to the girls in her classes. I had no idea how bad the problem was. We loved our son, but that woman crippled 6 years of little boys who left that class distrusting women and girls. I'm done with this thread and its righteous judges.

By the way, I'm not "judging" your experience, and do not doubt it. I'm sure it's true and every bit as awful as it sounds.

But you are judging mine. You are saying there CANNOT be caring teachers, there CANNOT be good schools because of YOUR experience.

So here's what you think of kids:

They don't deserve games in school and you got sarcastic when this was brought up

and they lie all the time

Hey, stay away from kids, okay? You don't like teachers. And you clearly do not like children.
And he doesn't like parents. Accusing a parent here of being naïve -- not just about children in general, but while arguing supposedly in the interests of one's very own children. If a parent can't tell whether their own kid is lying, hwell then.. They should film their teacher! They should raise hell! Cause talk and suspicion! Hold an exhibition! Find out what it is all a----bout!

It would be funnier if it weren't how many actually respond.
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Keep pushing everyone.

Hey, maybe they can put some of the illegals crossing the border in the classroom to teach. Then you can put the videocameras on them for your live feeds.

None of what I said is false. And if I had to do it again, I would definitely homeschool my children rather than send them to a school where a female teacher abused her male students. She was fired 2 years after our family's 'experience' for telling a child whose grandparent died and the instructor marched the little girl up to the front of the class and said these words: "I want all of you to know what a stupid idiot looks like" when the child missed 2 days of school to attend the wake and funeral. The teacher in question didn't bother to ask why. Several other parents whose sons were treated in a different negative way by the hateful teacher had to get counselling for their suicidal depression. The board suspended her for 2 weeks to look into her history of parental complaints before her firing. That was my first experience with something might be wrong with public schooling. I had thought my child's experience was just a clash of personalities, but it wasn't. According to other mothers, the teacher was spiteful to all boys and too accommodating to the girls in her classes. I had no idea how bad the problem was. We loved our son, but that woman crippled 6 years of little boys who left that class distrusting women and girls. I'm done with this thread and its righteous judges.

Thank goodness we have you as a righteous judge of all teachers and schools everywhere based off the actions on ONE single teacher.

Cannot get much more righteous than that.
It really is sad. My long time best friend is still a teacher. For three decades he remained excited, committed, and fun. A math teacher role model if there ever was one. Now his spirit has been beaten down and he's burned out. Depressed. Can't wait to retire. Says he can't afford to quite yet. Not being a psychiatrist, I can barely maintain a conversation with him anymore. This is just one result from the ongoing war against public schools and teachers. It's not right or left. It's always simply been economic warfare. The genuine Haves don't really want (educated) competition. They see it as a threat to their bottom line and easy gains. Period. Fuck them.

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