Ok!! What did ya get for xmas? TELL!

My hub and I got a gas grill, and an outdoor gas heater - have been using the gas grill like crazy....I'm not sure the gas heater is going to tempt me to go outside when it's cold, for too long....
I got cat cakes in mah stocking...

While you were wearing them?

Well, no...Santa would have had to slip me a roofie for that to happen...no, instead he decided I was too naughty this year and left me a present in my stocking, the same as my cats used to leave me their presents...:(
I got an official Red Ryder 200 shot carbine range rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time

Photography is my new/old hobby. I received a 150-500mm zoom lense , a new tripod, and a set of themed backdrops for the Nikon Camera I got for Christmas last year. Besides that, some clothes, cologne, and some gift cards to some of my favorite stores and restaraunts. Besides that, being around the family for the day was the best present of all.
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i got pot butter....it was damned good.....a frying pan *i swear i married an idiot* there is a difference between needs and wants....lol...who wants a frying pan for solstice? and then i got a tshirt...now follow this closely....i open the box and everyone is ohhin and ahinn ...i am thinking okay its a tshirt...then they point out it is an exact copy of my favorite tshirt that i have worn to pieces....*well no.....my favorite is long sleeve, this is short sleeve and my favorite is very much alive and well but its the thought, right?* but i will give them credit...its a hard to find tye dye....

i got myself red ph flyers...i had forgotten how uncomfie they are
I got cat cakes in mah stocking...

While you were wearing them?

Well, no...Santa would have had to slip me a roofie for that to happen...no, instead he decided I was too naughty this year and left me a present in my stocking, the same as my cats used to leave me their presents...:(

Our cats leave those for us "year round" - they don't wait until Christmas...I guess they are very generous cats......:lol::lol:
While you were wearing them?

Well, no...Santa would have had to slip me a roofie for that to happen...no, instead he decided I was too naughty this year and left me a present in my stocking, the same as my cats used to leave me their presents...:(

Our cats leave those for us "year round" - they don't wait until Christmas...I guess they are very generous cats......:lol::lol:

Yesss...daily reminders of what we give to them...:lol:

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