OK! What if . . . . . . ?

Karma is bitch if you're one.

You think that posting a video showing IDF randomly pepper spraying Red Crescent workers and press is an example of IDF being the tolerant?

Yes when you realise that under international law they could shoot them when they get in the way of military action. Red crescent does not carry the same weight as Red Cross, or the same protection after they carried weapons, rockets and terrorists around gaza

Which international law would that be Phoney?

Not too sure what "military action" was taking place there....???

Interfering with the police in the execution of their duty. So you did not see the terrorist in the first 30 seconds of footage ?

Trying to assist an injured man is worth pepper spraying Red Crescent AND press??

You fantasy world is seriously fucked up Phoney!

A terrorist if you look who assaulted a police officer. So he was under arrest and they should have obeyed the instructions to stay back. And yes it they are stopping the police from doing their jobs then they deserve more that just pepper spray, they should have been arrested and charged with aiding and abetting terrorism and sent to prison for the maximum term.
Back pedalling again because you cant provide the evidence

Where did I dilute Hitlers part in the holocaust, what I did was place the mufti as an equal

Not according to the evidence, a few murders took place but not on the scale they did after Hitler and the mufti met. read your history

Because no one is, they are giving both mass murderers equal status

Wow, it comes down to something when you have to keep reminding certain people what they actually wrote no more than an hour ago!

Your question... "Where did I dilute Hitlers part in the holocaust"... Is answered by YOUR post stating that the Grand Mufti was "equal" when it comes to the Holocaust...

Equal makes Hitler 50% less accountable for the Holocaust!!

Dilution of fact, changing of history!!

Why is it that you are one of the very few 'historians' who believes in what Netanyahu said?

Virtually every prominent historian, including Jewish historians disagreed with Netanyahu, they are sure as hell going to disagree with you...

The 'Phoney version' of history is just that, phoney!

Though why would I expect a zionut like you to bother reading REAL history!

Only in your fantasy world, in reality it makes the mufti 100% culpable for his part in the holocaust. No dilution of fact or changes of history as this has been the case since 1941. Why is that you are one of the even fewer people that LIE about what was said, is it your Jew hatred consuming your life. Then provide the links supporting your claim, or will this be request 153 ignored.
The rest is just made up disinformation used because you don't have any intelligent answers to the posts.

Clearly not just MY "fantasy world" it's the "fantasy world" of historians worldwide!

What part did the Grand Mufti play in the Holocaust?

Your extreme zionut point of view blinds you to fact an truth!

That Phoney, makes you a fool... You are incapable of accepting facts that are indisputable!

Netanyahu criticized for Hitler, mufti Holocaust remarks - CNN.com

He went round the death camps and thanked the mass murderers personally for the work they were doing. He worked with the Nazis on devising ways to kill the "untermensch". It is you that is incapable of accepting facts and see's everything through islamonazi goggles.

Thats almost a clever deflection there Phoney... Almost...

Thanking the "mass murderers", however vile and disgusting, does NOT make the Grand Mufti equally responsible for the Holocaust!

In what way did he work with the Nazi's devising ways to kill?

Think you might find that Hitler and his henchmen already had that one sewn up!

Read the links given by others, or would that be beyond your intelligence. He was known to have said to Hitler don't send them to Palestine BURN THEM. So Hitler gave the orders to burn the "untermensch"

Not until 1941 after he met with the mufti, again all detailed in the links already provided. before then it was sporadic murders.

The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From 1941 to 1945, Jews were systematically murdered in a genocide, one of the largest in history, and part of a broader aggregate of acts of oppression and killings of various ethnic and political groups in Europe by the Nazi regime.[6] Every arm of Germany's bureaucracy was involved in the logistics and the carrying out of the genocide, turning the Third Reich into "a genocidal state".[7] Other victims of Nazi crimes included Romanis, ethnic Poles and other Slavs, Soviet POWs, communists, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses and the mentally and physically disabled.[8] In total, approximately 11 million people were killed, including approximately one million Jewish children.[9][10] Of the nine million Jews who had resided in Europe before the Holocaust, approximately two-thirds were killed.[11] A network of about 42,500 facilities in Germany and German-occupied territories were used to concentrate, confine, and kill Jews and other victims.[12] Over 200,000 people are estimated to have been Holocaust perpetrators.[13]

See the killings started in 1941 after the meeting between Hitler and the Mufti. You really should research the subject before going of on another of your meltdowns
And that state was British Palestine

Was it?

Well, I didn't know that!

When was Palestine called "British Palestine"?

When it started issuing these


That is NO proof of Palestine being called "British Palestine"

So, when was Palestine called "British Palestine"?

Let me help you....


So who issued the passports, currency and stamps for "Palestine" from 1925 until 1948 it was the British Palestine mandate

Talk about tripping over your own lies time and time again...

Even in your attempt to find an exit you prove your own lies complete lies!

Your claim that the state was called "British Palestine" is a lie... Clearly proven by your latest post!

"passports, currency and stamps for "Palestine"" That's not a stated called "British Palestine" as you said earlier...

Another Phoney Fail, another Phoney lie!

When will it end Phoney? You look like a complete ass time and time again!

Then what state was it and what was it called. In all official records it is the British mandate of Palestine, never the nation or state of Palestine. And the British were the ones to issue passports, currency and stamps all bearing the name British ******* Palestine. As the picture of the passport shows.

Keep it up and everyone will see you for what you are an illiterate POS that cant bear to be proven wrong time and time again so goes into melt down when you are.
You think that posting a video showing IDF randomly pepper spraying Red Crescent workers and press is an example of IDF being the tolerant?

Yes when you realise that under international law they could shoot them when they get in the way of military action. Red crescent does not carry the same weight as Red Cross, or the same protection after they carried weapons, rockets and terrorists around gaza

Which international law would that be Phoney?

Not too sure what "military action" was taking place there....???

Interfering with the police in the execution of their duty. So you did not see the terrorist in the first 30 seconds of footage ?

Trying to assist an injured man is worth pepper spraying Red Crescent AND press??

You fantasy world is seriously fucked up Phoney!

A terrorist if you look who assaulted a police officer. So he was under arrest and they should have obeyed the instructions to stay back. And yes it they are stopping the police from doing their jobs then they deserve more that just pepper spray, they should have been arrested and charged with aiding and abetting terrorism and sent to prison for the maximum term.

Oh dear Phoney...

I just love the way your zionut interpretation of facts makes you look like a complete fucktard!

Who was under arrest?

Who announce that ANYONE was under arrest?

Certainly not Red Crescent!

Certainly not the press!

So... Let me ask you....

Who was the aggresor in this situation?

You Phoney are a extremist zionut....

Your views/comments are as interesting as watching pain dry cream and then you would still argue that the pant was green!

Worthless wanker springs to mind when thinking about Phoney!
Mentions removed by Moderation. Makes sure it's not a "call-out" thread. OPs in this forum should not involve particular members. The rest is just fine.. ---- FlaCalTenn

Tell me honestly. If Israel were to totally leave the West Bank, evict and demolish their 'settlements' (but what about Hevron?), split Jerusalem (the old city) giving 'Palestine' the muslum and (eek) Christian quarters, retain the Jewish and Armernian ones and the Wall, the new city along the 'seam line', stop the border checkpoints all over Israel controlled borders of the Gaza strip and let 'Palestine' declare their independence; would their finally be peace?
Going back to the beginning, I’m always amazed at how Arab/muhammedan nations have allowed themselves to be seen as victims of Israel. Here is a tiny nation surrounded politically, physically and ideologically by larger nations and those larger nations are the victims?

Just this once, let’s all considers this scenario for a moment. Let’s suppose that tomorrow morning; we discovered that Israel didn’t exist, that Israel was magically gone. How would this event change the muhammedan world? Would the conditions which foster ignorance, poverty and corrupt rulers suddenly resolve themselves? No. Would the religious perspectives which foster grinding oppression of women suddenly cease? No. Would the disappearance of Israel suddenly cause corrupt religious leaders to close their schools of hate and intolerance?, would the muhammedans suddenly embrace plurality and tolerance of those who believe differently (or not at all)? Again, The answer is no.

The point is, nothing at all would change for the so-called Pal'istanians.
Christian Palestinians were 30% of the population of Palestine before the Zionist invasion. They were the wealthiest and the most politically influential group in Palestine. Everything would have changed had the Zionists not invaded. Being wealthy, most of the Christian Palestinians left when they saw that the Jews would take over. No Christian wants to be ruled by Jews, let's be honest. Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is central to our faith. At least the Muslims believe him to be a major prophet.
Christian Palestinians were 30% of the population of Palestine before the Zionist invasion. They were the wealthiest and the most politically influential group in Palestine. Everything would have changed had the Zionists not invaded. Being wealthy, most of the Christian Palestinians left when they saw that the Jews would take over. No Christian wants to be ruled by Jews, let's be honest. Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is central to our faith. At least the Muslims believe him to be a major prophet.
Yes. It is characteristic for muhammedan invaders to purge their conquered territory of competing religions. As you noted, the Christian population in the Pal'istanian territories was subject to the same mistreatment that accompanies muhammedan hoards wherever they gain strength of numbers.

We see that dynamic taking place in Syria where the Muhammedans of ISIS are currently purging non-Muhammedans as well as the "wrong kind" of Muhammedans.

Would you care to give us the relevant verses from the Koran studies at your mosque which address this aspect of islamo-fascism?

The First Palestinian Delegation to the United Kingdom in working session in London, 1921. Two of the six-man delegation (first and fourth left) were Christian Palestinians. The delegation was elected by the Fourth Palestinian National Congress (see 83). Third left is Musa Kazim Pasha al-Husseini (see 78); fourth left is Shibli Jamal (see 62). This was the first of four Palestinian delegations to London undertaken during the period 1921-30 to explain Arab fears of the consequences of Zionist policies in Palestine.
Christian Palestinians were 30% of the population of Palestine before the Zionist invasion. They were the wealthiest and the most politically influential group in Palestine. Everything would have changed had the Zionists not invaded. Being wealthy, most of the Christian Palestinians left when they saw that the Jews would take over. No Christian wants to be ruled by Jews, let's be honest. Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is central to our faith. At least the Muslims believe him to be a major prophet.

So the Jews, comprising a fraction of the world's population, were able to buy out land from under the noses of the Christians.
It seems to me that at the time this was all occurring, no Christians or Muslims outside this particular area gave a shit about their "brethren".
Maybe it's time you started evaluating the performance of your coreligionists.
Yes when you realise that under international law they could shoot them when they get in the way of military action. Red crescent does not carry the same weight as Red Cross, or the same protection after they carried weapons, rockets and terrorists around gaza

Which international law would that be Phoney?

Not too sure what "military action" was taking place there....???

Interfering with the police in the execution of their duty. So you did not see the terrorist in the first 30 seconds of footage ?

Trying to assist an injured man is worth pepper spraying Red Crescent AND press??

You fantasy world is seriously fucked up Phoney!

A terrorist if you look who assaulted a police officer. So he was under arrest and they should have obeyed the instructions to stay back. And yes it they are stopping the police from doing their jobs then they deserve more that just pepper spray, they should have been arrested and charged with aiding and abetting terrorism and sent to prison for the maximum term.

Oh dear Phoney...

I just love the way your zionut interpretation of facts makes you look like a complete fucktard!

Who was under arrest?

Who announce that ANYONE was under arrest?

Certainly not Red Crescent!

Certainly not the press!

So... Let me ask you....

Who was the aggresor in this situation?

You Phoney are a extremist zionut....

Your views/comments are as interesting as watching pain dry cream and then you would still argue that the pant was green!

Worthless wanker springs to mind when thinking about Phoney!

If you're going to take up bandwidth a bit of wit would be appreciated.
Christian Palestinians were 30% of the population of Palestine before the Zionist invasion. They were the wealthiest and the most politically influential group in Palestine. Everything would have changed had the Zionists not invaded. Being wealthy, most of the Christian Palestinians left when they saw that the Jews would take over. No Christian wants to be ruled by Jews, let's be honest. Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is central to our faith. At least the Muslims believe him to be a major prophet.

So the Jews, comprising a fraction of the world's population, were able to buy out land from under the noses of the Christians.
It seems to me that at the time this was all occurring, no Christians or Muslims outside this particular area gave a shit about their "brethren".
Maybe it's time you started evaluating the performance of your coreligionists.

The Jews did not buy out anyone. The Christians and Muslims owned over 95% of the land in 1946.
Christian Palestinians were 30% of the population of Palestine before the Zionist invasion. They were the wealthiest and the most politically influential group in Palestine. Everything would have changed had the Zionists not invaded. Being wealthy, most of the Christian Palestinians left when they saw that the Jews would take over. No Christian wants to be ruled by Jews, let's be honest. Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is central to our faith. At least the Muslims believe him to be a major prophet.

So the Jews, comprising a fraction of the world's population, were able to buy out land from under the noses of the Christians.
It seems to me that at the time this was all occurring, no Christians or Muslims outside this particular area gave a shit about their "brethren".
Maybe it's time you started evaluating the performance of your coreligionists.

The Jews did not buy out anyone. The Christians and Muslims owned over 95% of the land in 1946.

I'm sure you have an official record of their wealth.
Correction 1943. From the Survey of Palestine Volume 2 available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner

View attachment 53785

Your homework assignment is to post the table showing land ownership prior to the muhammedan hordes stealing the land from the earlier owners.

...and your homework assignment is to look up "Dynatos and or "Penetos"(pl. -oi)" and I'll expect a 500 word essay on my desk explaining Romano-Byzantine land ownership in the 7th century C.E. in the morning. Off you go.
Correction 1943. From the Survey of Palestine Volume 2 available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner

View attachment 53785

Your homework assignment is to post the table showing land ownership prior to the muhammedan hordes stealing the land from the earlier owners.

The Christians owned the land before and after most of the Christians converted to Islam. You certainly are an ignorant little cow.
Correction 1943. From the Survey of Palestine Volume 2 available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner

View attachment 53785

Your homework assignment is to post the table showing land ownership prior to the muhammedan hordes stealing the land from the earlier owners.

The Christians owned the land before and after most of the Christians converted to Islam. You certainly are an ignorant little cow.
You convert wannabes need to review your islamo- history and that history of war, conquest and rapine. Forced conversion, dhimmitude or death defines that history.

This is precisely what we are seeing currently across Syria.
Correction 1943. From the Survey of Palestine Volume 2 available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner

View attachment 53785

Your homework assignment is to post the table showing land ownership prior to the muhammedan hordes stealing the land from the earlier owners.

...and your homework assignment is to look up "Dynatos and or "Penetos"(pl. -oi)" and I'll expect a 500 word essay on my desk explaining Romano-Byzantine land ownership in the 7th century C.E. in the morning. Off you go.
Your assignment is to read my response to your convert co-religionist.

Ignorance of history and islamo-taqiyya will not save you from your self-imposed ignorance.
Correction 1943. From the Survey of Palestine Volume 2 available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner

View attachment 53785

Your homework assignment is to post the table showing land ownership prior to the muhammedan hordes stealing the land from the earlier owners.

...and your homework assignment is to look up "Dynatos and or "Penetos"(pl. -oi)" and I'll expect a 500 word essay on my desk explaining Romano-Byzantine land ownership in the 7th century C.E. in the morning. Off you go.
Your assignment is to read my response to your convert co-religionist.

Ignorance of history and islamo-taqiyya will not save you from your self-imposed ignorance.

Your assignment is to read my response to your convert co-religionist.

I did, that's why my post is just as relevant as yours was.

And as far as I know, montelatici is a Roman Catholic, whereas I'm a Humanist...and your worst nightmare, someone who has studied history as opposed to the Zionut Hasbara version, "muhammedan hordes" oh please...:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

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