Okay, As A Trump Supporter Myself, I'm Starting To Question His Sanity

I mean, don't get me wrong,.. I see what they're trying to do and I think that it's very important that little kids learn to tell the truth as it is an important life skill and it's also important for them to be observant about the world around them,.. but do they really need to have that lesson be taught through politics? I wasn't even interested in politics in middle school and high school because I found it boring. I say let kids be kids and that means not having to worry about stuff like this at such a young age. (Also, I realize that Trump didn't write this, but he clearly wants it pushed on kids. At least he's more sane than Biden though.)

If there is ANY chance the next President is another Democrat... it will be because Trump is running.
The best chance for a Democrat win - is Donald Trump. There are millions and million of people, right or wrong, who would walk through a desert with no water - to vote against Trump.
We New Yorkers have been questioning His sanity since the ‘70s.
Russian Strategists gotta Russian Strategery
As long as The ChiCom Rusky Globalist Fascist Bitches are in control, all manner of cheating, lying, stealing and espionage is acceptable, right POOOOOTIN?

How else do you think Asterisk Joe got in to office.
If there is ANY chance the next President is another Democrat... it will be because Trump is running.
The best chance for a Democrat win - is Donald Trump. There are millions and million of people, right or wrong, who would walk through a desert with no water - to vote against Trump.
Then we are screwed. So far Trump seems the only interested party in trying to save America from the Dim cretins.
Sorry, don't share even close to your faith that Yahoo is anything but a lefty shill.

Oh, it absolutely is.

But intentionally fabricating a story like that would get them sued back to the stone age.

I'm always fascinated by the willingness of people to dismiss facts just because they don't like who's reporting them. In this case, the fact is that that tweet from Donald Trump exists. Not liking the entity who told you that doesn't change that fact...
Oh, it absolutely is.

But intentionally fabricating a story like that would get them sued back to the stone age.

I'm always fascinated by the willingness of people to dismiss facts just because they don't like who's reporting them. In this case, the fact is that that tweet from Donald Trump exists. Not liking the entity who told you that doesn't change that fact...
Then don't dismiss them....fantasize over them if you like. I say it is an obvious distraction propaganda piece and I know how to deal with it. You?
Then don't dismiss them....fantasize over them if you like. I say it is an obvious distraction propaganda piece and I know how to deal with it. You?

You're missing my point.

I'm commenting on the willingness of people to dismiss the validity of what's being reported for no other reason than they don't like the outlet doing the reporting...
If there is ANY chance the next President is another Democrat... it will be because Trump is running.
The best chance for a Democrat win - is Donald Trump. There are millions and million of people, right or wrong, who would walk through a desert with no water - to vote against Trump.
The only chance The Dirty Don might have is if Hillary the Hag runs against him.

Another epic shit show.
We get the "leaders" we deserve. Our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the hell out of politics.

We need to fix a system that attracts crap like this.

Can't disagree with that.
I mean, don't get me wrong,.. I see what they're trying to do and I think that it's very important that little kids learn to tell the truth as it is an important life skill and it's also important for them to be observant about the world around them,.. but do they really need to have that lesson be taught through politics? I wasn't even interested in politics in middle school and high school because I found it boring. I say let kids be kids and that means not having to worry about stuff like this at such a young age. (Also, I realize that Trump didn't write this, but he clearly wants it pushed on kids. At least he's more sane than Biden though.)

Goof Lord

"King Donald"?????
We get the "leaders" we deserve. Our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the hell out of politics.

We need to fix a system that attracts crap like this.

Last 3 Presidents....
Obama - a Ted Kennedy appointment who was looking for someone to be a front man - Check.
Trump - policies were actually pretty decent, but extremely divisive and was all over the map.
Biden - our first cognitive challenged President in the history of the country. At this point, no one is really in charge in the executive branch and it shows.... severely.

Who's next? Harris?? You would think impossible, but anything is now possible. No clear thinking person would run for President of this country.
Oh, it absolutely is.

But intentionally fabricating a story like that would get them sued back to the stone age.

I'm always fascinated by the willingness of people to dismiss facts just because they don't like who's reporting them. In this case, the fact is that that tweet from Donald Trump exists. Not liking the entity who told you that doesn't change that fact...
When are they going to be sued for Russian Collusion?
We get the "leaders" we deserve. Our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the hell out of politics.

We need to fix a system that attracts crap like this.

Most of the best and brightest that have been neutered are Republicans. Many only stay no more than a few 2 year terms as Congressman. The Repub Party itself quiets them with their ideas.
That could not be more irrelevant to what I said...
Russian Collusion was a Lie. Obama, Clinton, and Biden financed it, planned it, and ordered it. CIA, FBI, and DOJ helped carry out Operation Crossfire Hurricane, and Yahoo knowingly participated in the lie.

Our own government not only tried to rig the 2016 election, they also engaged in Treason, Sedition and a 4 year long siege of The White House in an unsuccessful COUP. Then called in the big guns with The Fauci Flu to rig 2020.

People need to hang for that, but they won't will they Putin Love Child?
Tell Xi we said Hi!
Russian Collusion was a Lie. Obama, Clinton, and Biden financed it, planned it, and ordered it. CIA, FBI, and DOJ helped carry out Operation Crossfire Hurricane, and Yahoo knowingly participated in the lie.

Our own government not only tried to rig the 2016 election, they also engaged in Treason, Sedition and a 4 year long siege of The White House in an unsuccessful COUP. Then called in the big guns with The Fauci Flu to rig 2020.

People need to hang for that, but they won't will they Putin Love Child?
Tell Xi we said Hi!

Um, none of that has anything to do with a children's book.

Did you even bother to read the OP?

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